POTC Book 1: A Pirates Love F...

By PirateGirl3

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A girl who falls for a pirate, and not just any pirate either! More

Chapter 1: A real Pirate!
Chapter 2: The Meeting
Chapter 3: I'm Still Here
Chapter 5: Lifting the Curse
Chapter 6: Together Forever
Chapter 7: If It's The Last Thing
Chapter 8: Escape

Chapter 4: My Sweet

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By PirateGirl3

I had worn my pirate clothes all day and I was about to get ready for bed when I heard cannonfire, I looked out the window and saw a ship in the harbor.

The ship had black sails and I cried with delight, "It's the Pearl!"

Without a second thought a grabbed my sword and climbed out the window (my favorite exit), when I got on firm ground I started running down to the docks and I cried with happiness all the way.

I'm going to see Barbossa agian!

I dived off the dock and swam out to the ship, thinking of nothing but my lover, I climbed up the back of the ship and over the railing of the captain's cabin, I opened the doors but no one was inside so I just sat on the bed and waited.  After awhile I thought I heard Elizabeth's voice, I could also hear footsteps and for some reason I hid. I could tell there were people moving around, so I didn't dare peek out.

And then I heard a familiar voice, "There be no need to stand on ceremony, no call to impress anyone.  You must be hungry."

I had to stop myself from screaming, I had waited ten years to hear that voice again and I wanted to see his face too, so I peered out from my hiding spot behind a cabinet and saw Elizabeth stuffing her face and my beloved Barbossa sitting there watching her, he poured something in a goblet and handed it to Elizabeth.

"Try the wine." he said simply.

I watched as she gulped down the drink and as Barbossa held out an apple.  I smiled, he had told me that his favorite thing to do with his mother when he was little was to help her bake apple pies.

"And the apples, one of those next?" he smiled.

I felt so jealous of Elizabeth at that moment.

"It's poisoned." Elizabeth sounded scared.

"Ther'd be no sense to be killin ya Miss Turner." Barbossa chuckled.

Aww he's so cute when he laughs like that.  Wait a minute!  Miss Turner?  What's he talking about?

"Then release me, you have your trinket I'm of no further value to you!" Elizabeth pleaded.

Barbossa held up the medallion, "Ye don't know what this is do ya?"

"It's a pirate medallion." Elizabeth was confused.

"This is aztec gold, one of eight hundred and eighty-two identical pieces they delivered in a stone chest to Cortez himself!  Blood money paid to stem the slaughter he reeked upon them with his armies.  But the greed of Cortez was insatiable ans so the heathen gods placed upon the gold... a terrible curse.  Any mortal that removes but a single piece is to be cursed for eternity!" Barbossa told the story with such feeling that I found myself lost in those blue eyes of his.

"I hardly believe in ghost stories anymore Captain Barbossa." Elizabeth sounded superior.

"Aye!  That's exactly what I thought when we were first told the tale," he got up and walked right past my hiding place and I breathed in the familiar smell of rum, "Buried on an island what cannot be found, except for those who already know where it is."

He leaned down next to Elizabeth, "But find it we did!  There be the chest, inside be the gold and we took 'em all!"

He walked back over to his chair but continued to stand, "So we traded 'em and spent 'em and friddled 'em away on drink and food and pleasurable company!"

My blood boiled at the last thing, he better not have done anything like that!

"But the more we gave 'em away, the more we came to realize that drink would not satisfy, food turned to ash in our mouths and all the pleasurable company in the world could not slake our lust!" Barbossa continued to explain and I continued to get angry when he talked about pleasurable company.

"We are cursed men Miss Turner.  Driven by greed we were, but now... we are consumed by it!" Barbossa took a step back and a monkey started screeching.

He has a monkey?  And what's this Miss Turner business?

"There's but one way we can lift the curse," he walked over to pet the monkey and it climbed onto his shoulder, then he walked back over to Elizabeth, "All the scattered pieces of the aztec gold must be restored and the blood repayed."

The monkey jumped off his shoulder and ran off, "And now thanks to ye, we have the final piece."

"And the blood to be repaid?" Elizabeth sounded unsure.

"That's why there's no sense to be killin' ya... yet." Barbossa smiled.

Elizabeth looked horrified and Barbossa held out the apple, "Apple?"

Elizabeth knocked it out of his hand grabbed a knife off the table and tried to run but Barbossa went around the other side of the pole and she stabbed him in the heart.


He looked down at the knife, then he pulled it out and asked, "I'm curious, after killin' me, what was it ye were plannin' on doin' next?"

Elizabeth gasped and ran out onto the deck, I could hear lots of screaming, Barbossa just stood there watching.  He was wearing a dark blue knee length coat over a white shirt, a greenish brown vest, the same yellow sash tied around his waist and dark blue pants, he also had on black boots, his blue bandana and a wide brimmed black hat with an ostrich feather and a pheasant feather stuck in itFinally Elizabeth rushed back into Barbossa's arms, I was very jealous at this point.

"Look!  The moon light shows us for what we really are, we are not among the living so we cannot die, but niether are we dead!" he spun her around and she started backing up but he followed her, "For to long I've been parched of thirst and unable to quench it, too long I've been starvin' ta death and haven't died!  I feel nothin', not the wind on my face nor the spray of the sea, nor the warmth of a woman's flesh," he reached toward Elizabeth and she got a horrified look on her face, he continued to walk forward, "Ye best start believin' in ghost stories Miss Turner.  Yer in one!"

At this he took the bottle of wine and drank from it, for some reason Elizabeth screamed and ran back inside.  Then Barbossa turned around, I saw that he had become a skeleton!

What has happened to him?

Barbossa threw his bottle to the deck and slamed the doors shut, I could hear him laughing.  I walked over to wear Elizabeth was huddled underneath a desk.

"Elizabeth, are you all right?" I asked quietly.

She gasped, "Sylvia, did they capture you too?"

"No, I came on my own." I replied.

"But why?" Elizabeth was really confused.

"I wanted to see Barbossa." I confessed.

She stared at me like my hair was on fire, "You wanted to see that monster!"

What she said really hurt but I kept it to myself, "He didn't used to be a monster."

"Sylvia I'm sorry, I can see you really love him." Elizabeth gave me a hug.

"It's alright.  I'm going to go talk to him." I smiled bravely.

I turned and went out the door the skeletal crew didn't pay any attention to me as I walked to the other cabin.  I went in and saw Barbossa sitting on the bed with his back to me.

"My sweet." I said, trying not to cry as I walked up to him.

"Sylvia?" he sounded surprised and happy at the same time as he turned to look at me.

He was definitely older, there were more lines in his face and his hair was turning gray, he also had a mustache and a short scraggly beard,  but he was still handsome, I smiled and said, "It's me alright."



I don't believe she's actually here, in the candlelight I could see that she had a few lines in her face but otherwise she was still as beautiful as ever. 

I wish I could kiss her, but I wouldn't be able to feel it!

"You didn't come back." I flinched at the reproach in her voice.

"I couldn't, not like this!" I explained.

"I don't care!  I only want to be with you, no matter what!" she tried to smile but her lips were trembling.

I'm being selfish, she needs comforting!  It doesn''t matter that I can't feel it, she can!

I grabbed her and held her close, she started sobbing.

"I've missed you so much Barbossa!" she sniffed.

"And I you." I whispered in her ear.



I opened my eyes, it was dark but I realized that my head was on Barbossa's chest and his arms were around me.

I must've passed out from crying so hard.  It was nice of him to hold me even though he can't feel it.

I looked at Barbossa face, as much as I could see of it anyway, I stroked his cheek and gave him a little kiss, "Good night my precious pirate."

I put my head back on his chest and fell asleep.


Please realize that I do not actually feel this way about Barbossa, that would be extremely wierd!

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