Our Kiss So Long Ago (Charlot...

By breadstick-otaku

7.7K 248 105

Aki is a girl from Japan but has lived her life in America since she escaped that hellhole. That hellhole whe... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Four

Chapter Three

1.5K 57 24
By breadstick-otaku


I'm selfish,
And a little insecure.
I make mistakes,
I am out of control sometimes
And at hard times hard to handle
But if you can't
Handle me at my worst,
Then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.

~Marilyn Monroe


3rd Person POV:

She was just too shocked to answer. It's him. It's him. I've found him. "U-um..." She hung up. Her nervousness was too great for her to handle. She put her face in her hands and stood up walking to the door with the letter and her phone in her hands.

When she got into the hall she sat by the vending machines with her head on her knees. "M-M-M-Ms. Aki?!" A cute female voice screeched.

Aki nodded her head without lifting her eyes from her knees. "Help me, Naomi-san..." She said the girls name. Since she was headmaster, she had to remember everyone's names.

"Wh-What is it, Ms. Aki?" Naomi sat beside her.

"Okay... Call me Aki though." Aki brought her head up and looked forward. "So there's this guy... I haven't seen him since I was little and ice always love him...I found his number, called him, but...I couldn't talk so I hung up. What do I do?" She began to cry.

Naomi looked taken aback, Ms. Aki looks so sad. I have to help her! I'll get my friends! "Ms. Aki! Let's go see my friends!" Naomi said and pulled her senpai up off the ground and running to her classroom, that was having break. She stopped at the door and opened it. "MINNA! WE HAVE TI HELP MS. AKI!" She said and all the girls came running out of classroom 1B.

Aki was submerged in questions. Naomi saved her from the girls by saying, "MINNA! She is having guy problems so let's go to her office and help!"

"YOSH!" Everyone said and puller their headmaster back into her office.

(Best students ever)


In the room everyone sat on the u shaped couch as they all examined the letter. Aki sat at her desk sulking.

"Ms. Aki, sulking won't solve this. I'll call him on speaker and you tell me what to say, okay?" Sakura, one of Naomi's friends, offered.

"No, I can do this." She said and stiffly sat beside Sakura and Naomi.

"Are you sure?"

Aki nodded.

"We should leave then, right? We'll all be in the classroom if you need us." Naomi said and all the girls left.

Aki stared at her phone before taking a deep breath and redialing the number.





"Hello?" Shunsuke's voice rang into her ear.

"U-Um, hello...?" Aki whispered.



"Yes, this is Shunsuke Otosaka. What can I do for you?"

"This is..." She trailed off.


Aki took a deep breath and regained her composure. "My brother said you were looking for me."

There was no sound that came out of his line. Only light breathing. Suddenly, he spoke, "Aki...?"

"No it's Doctor Who." She joked. "Yes it's Aki."

"No way..."


"I finally found you..."

"Well, you found my phone number." She mumbled. "Um--"

"MS. AKI!" A voice cut through from her office door. "I DON'T UNDERSTAND THIS MATH!"

"Okay, okay. Come in." She said ad put the phone up to her ear. "Shunsuke, stay in the line. I'll be a sec."

The male student looked to be 12 (the school takes in children of all ages who have powers btw) "I don't understand how to multiply these fractions."

"Isn't Ms. Yamasaki there? Please tell me she didn't ditch me again."

"Afraid so...she said she wanted something to eat."

"UGH! Why is she so stubborn! I've t led her again and again." She sighed and helped him with his work. "We'll have a nice day, Jin."

"You too Ms. Aki." He bowed and left.

She picked the phone back up and quickly said, "I'll see you at the cafe at the corner of Syuichi and Kazuhiro at 6." She said and hung up.

"What. Did. I. Just. Do?" She asked herself, yet, she didn't regret it.


~Shunsuke's Place~

The phone was hung up in the other line. Shunsuke stood in shock. He couldn't move a muscle in his body. She didn't forget me... She asked me to meet her... She's alive... He thought and smiled as his best friend walked in.

"Who was that?" He asked.

"That-That was Aki..." Shunsuke managed to get out.

"Aki? Like that Aki? The one you, so to say, fell in love with?" He asked in shock.

Shunsuke nodded his head. "She asked me to meet her at 6....SHE ASKED ME TO MEET HER AT 6, POOH!" She shouted in amazement and hugged his friend.

"Okay, okay. We should get you ready though."


Sorry for any mistakes!

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