Phillip's Deal ~ Coliver

By cnm007

11.8K 255 28

(takes place after s2e07) this is my first attempt at fanfiction so fingers crossed! this isn't actually what... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5 (final)

Chapter 1

3K 59 1
By cnm007

Connor looked over the files for the hundredth time in 2 hours. He needed to learn everything he could about Phillip Jessup to try and save the one important thing in his life, Oliver.

Oliver has been missing for 24 hours now and since then, Connor hasn't slept, eaten, or talked to barley anyone except yell at Anneliese about how this was her fault. He hadn't left Frank, Laurel, or Michaela out of his ranting about how if they hadn't let Oliver in the house then this would've never happened. He even went as far as blaming Wes, saying if he never met Rebecca then they wouldn't have needed Oliver's hacking skills to try to find her.

Connor blamed everyone for this, but mostly himself. If he never met Oliver then he would still be safe, working at I.T. and being the dorky little guy that Connor loved. He should've been able to see that Oliver was being sucked into the black hole that is working for Anneliese. If he'd seen that sooner then maybe Oliver would still be here.

"Damn it!" Connor yelled as he flung the files off the coffee table in a fit of rage. Blaming people wasn't going to make him feel better and it sure as hell wasn't going to get Ollie back.

He'd found absolutely nothing on Phillip other than his relationship to Anneliese's clients and that he was adopted into a seemingly normal family. Mother, Father, and an older sister. He worked at a grocery store to pay rent for his small apartment where he lived alone. He seemed normal enough.

For a sociopathic kidnapper/serial killer.

After 24 hours of absolutely nothing, no phone calls no ransom demands no threats, Connor heard Oliver's laptop make a notification sound and light up. He was getting a request for a face to face chat. He clicked on the request and saw the ID was blocked. He pressed the chat button and the screen opened to blackness on the other side.

"Hello?" Connor asked, "who's there?"

A light flicked on in front of the other screen to reveal a figure sitting in a chair to the far left of the screen, a bag over the persons head. The figure was bound by the hands to the arms of the chair, making it impossible to move. The next thing to appear in the screen made Connors blood boil.

Propping a chair next to the tied up figure, Phillip Jessup looked right into Connors eyes and smiled a toothy smile.

"Hi Connor, I'm Phillip"

Connor was opening his mouth to scream at the man on the screen, but was stopped.

"Now Connor, you wouldn't want to be vulgar around your boyfriend would you?" Phillip said as he pulled the bag off of the figures head to reveal a scared, shaking, and gagged Oliver.

"Ollie!" Connor was sure now that he was going to kill Phillip and he didn't care if he went to jail at this point.

"Relax, Ollie here is OK. He hasn't been mistreated in any way.... Yet"

"What do you want Phillip?!"

"What I want, my dear Connor, is something only you can get me"

"What makes you think I'd give you anything?"

"Well, unless you want Oliver sent to your apartment in pieces, I suggest you cooperate" Phillip threatened while caressing Oliver's hand.

Connor was on the verge of cussing the bastard out but kept his cool for Oliver's sake. "What do you want"

"So glad we see eye to eye now. What I want, is currently in possession of Anneliese Keating. I want the video of what really happened at Trotter Lake involving your friend, Asher Millstone"

Connor glared at the man in front of him in confusion. "The video is on YouTube. If you want it then find it there"

Phillip let out a childish laugh that turned into a sympathetic sigh

"You really think that what's on that part of the video is everything that happened that night? Maybe you aren't as smart as I thought. That video isn't complete my dear Connor, that's only half the video. I want the other half"

"What does this video mean to you anyways? What does Asher have to do with any of this? With Oliver?"

"I'd be happy to explain everything, as soon as I have the other part of the video. When you have it, I'll send you coordinates to a meeting place where I'll give you your sweet Oliver back and I get my video. Do we have a deal?"

Connor hesitated with confusion. What does Asher or Trotter Lake have to do with any of this? Why does Phillip want it? He thought of backing down, but one look at Olivers worry filled face changed his mind.

"We have a deal. Where is the video?"

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