Let The Tears Fall -- part 2...

By ThisSideOfSuicide

490 17 9


Let The Tears Fall -- part 2 <3

490 17 9
By ThisSideOfSuicide

I grabbed my bag and walked to the school, eyeing my sisters silver BMW in the driveway. I knew my dad spoilt my sister, but a BMW? It was sleek and slender... and when my sister drove it, it was almost as if she was screaming "notice me!". No matter whether she was driving or not, getting noticed seemed to be her main goal. That's why she got that "totally needed" surgery to supposedly "enhance" her breasts. To me, it went perfectly with her fake tan, fake nails... and fake personality.

With my old reliable rucksack on my shoulder I started the half-hour walk to get to a place of torture. My rucksack moved from my shoulder and fell onto my arm, right on my bruise. I winced, remembering last night as the memories... and the pain came flooding back.


I sat in my room, music blaring out of my speakers. My mom had come home drunk again, another man latched around her waist. I had watched as my dad punched the guy, not something I wasn't used to. It was a shame... he was probably the best looking guy my mom had dated. I heard a snap as his nose broke, and he ran out, nursing his new wound.

But what happened next shocked me. He turned to my mom and shouted, "You ungrateful little-"

"Don't you dare curse at me in front of my kids." Her words her slurred, and she poked him in the chest as if to tell him to back off. But he didn't. Instead he slapped her. She turned back to face him, and I saw her lip bleeding. He had hurt me before, but I hated to see my mom get hurt. If he wasn't such a bad husband, maybe she wouldn't get drunk each week and get a new guy.

I ran into my room, sick of hearing the same fighting. But I could still hear their raised voices. I felt the tears rolling down my cheeks and put my iPod into the docking station. I put on my favourite song, Tears Don't Fall by Bullet For My Valentine, and sat on my bed, hugging my knees to my chest. That's where I was now, sitting there, waiting for what I knew would happen next. As I thought, my bedroom door swung open, and my head shot up, fearing what would happen now.

"Poor baby... sitting there listening to your precious music..." He took out my iPod from the docking station and threw it to the floor, smashing it and all the songs on it to pieces.

"No! Leave me alone... please..." He grabbed my hair and forced me to look at him. I did, a mix of fear and anger in my eyes. He laughed menacingly as I whimpered. He grabbed the top of my arm, bruising it again. He dragged me downstairs, and I saw Lyndsay smiling in the frame of her door.

"Go to sleep honey, I shouldn't have to bother you because of this wreck of a kid," He said softly to her. I swear, he was a completely different person around her. I hated it. "Now for you." He opened the front door and threw me out, and I landed on the floor with a crash. "And don't think I'm gonna let you in this time."

I sat there for two hours, crying my eyes out. I heard footsteps coming from down the road and turned to see Jacoby coming towards my house. What was he doing here? I hid round the corner of my house, out of sight. He stopped outside my house. 'What was he doing?' I had thought. He looked up to the top left window, MY window, and whispered something. I also thought I saw the glimmer of a tear in his eye.

No, I told myself. I must have hit my head and started to hallucinate. We hadn't talked in years. There was no way he would waste his time outside my house, unless waiting for the slag. Oh I'm sorry, I meant Lyndsay.


I felt the tears falling down again, as I fell to my knees, cradling my arm. I felt a hand on my shoulder, and a deep voice saying, "Hey... are you alright?" I looked up through my tear-streaked eyes to see who it was who had talked to me. But I saw the last person I had expected. Jacoby. My jaw dropped, and as soon as he saw me his eyes widened. I was sure I saw sadness flutter across his face, but then he looked disgusted.

"Oh. It's you. Get a life and get out of my way." And he pushed me out of the way, strutting away to Nate, who looked at me with sad eyes. He said something to Jacoby, who looked back at me. Our eyes met for a second, and I could swear I felt a connection, but maybe that was just the longing I had felt for years. He looked away, shrugged and went over to a girl I hadn't seen before.


The first day back at Warren High School... every girl drooling over me, getting invited to the hottest parties, everyone following my every move. But with all that came the taunting of Roxanne... Roxy... My face dropped at the sight of seeing her face when I hurt her like that... But it was better that way, I was sure of it.

I went to her house last night. It was becoming almost regular now. At least that way I could be close to her. I almost started to throw rocks at her window... but I thought that was a bit cliché. So this morning I just stared in the mirror at my now flawless skin and never-out-of-place hair. It had been that way ever since eighth grade. I'd worked my butt off to earn my abs as well. They were now perfectly toned, and that came in handy when trying to pick up girls on the beach.

Ugh... I hated how popularity had made me think of girls in that way. They were so much more than that. Especially... no I can't think of her that way.

I pulled on a black t-shirt that hugged my body, some faded skinny jeans and two studded belts. I wore one to keep my trousers up so they weren't around my ankles like some guys wore them, and the other was just for show. I pulled my vans onto my feet, tucking the laces in instead of tying them up, grabbed my bag and skateboard and set off for school.

I had my music blaring in my ears from my iPod, and I just nodded at anyone who tried to talk to me on the way. But then I saw a girl on the floor crying. She reminded me of Roxy, so I went to ask what was wrong. "Hey... are you alright?" She looked up at me and I saw it was Roxy... Why was she crying? I hated seeing her like this. She must have seen the sadness on my face, because she looked surprised. I didn't want to get too close to her, because I knew I would just hurt her more that way, so I said, "Oh. It's you. Get a life and get out of my way."

I just pushed past her, putting my headphones back in my ears and walking over to Nate. I decided to turn off my iPod, since he seemed to want to talk to me.

"What was that, dude? You just blew her off! As if the past few years haven't been hell for her." I looked back at her, and she was looking up at me, her beyond beautiful blue eyes meeting mine. I felt a jolt of electricity rush through me, but before I let myself surrender to my longing to go over there and kiss her, I turned away. Then I saw someone that seemed to be new around here. I used this as an excuse and replied, "Hey dude, see you later, fresh meat." I winked.

I strutted over to where she was putting her things into her locker, waited until she closed it, then swung her around so I was leaning over her, staring down into her eyes. "Hey... I'm... Jacoby..." I said, tracing her jaw-line with my thumb in the seductive manner that girls always seemed to love.

"And I'm the girl you're about to hate." I cocked my head, not sure what she was saying, until she kneed me right where it hurts and pushed me off of her. What the hell was that?

Okay, thanks to everyone who's commented and voted! xD

Sorry I haven't uploaded this one in like forever... but I've had writers block, so today I made myself just sit down until I got an idea, then they all came flooding lol

love you guys! x

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