Crystal Banks 2 ~Sequel to Cr...

By JulyWinterrs

2.4K 112 7

it's 6 years later and all hell has broken in Beacon Hills. Crystal has finally decided to return. How will t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 20

69 1 0
By JulyWinterrs

    I paced the room, "I don't understand, does he have a death wish or something." "Crystal he's just pushing your buttons so you can give in," Derek says sitting on our bed.

  "How can you be so calm about this Hale? That's our son and Finnick just brings these. . . strangers into his life calling them his real parents like he has no right to do that. And if they were really looking for Dylan for 8 and a half years then they would've found him. Dylan is my son I'm not letting anyone take him away from me."

Derek gets off the bed and walks up to me. And I notice my hair was up in flames and my eyes were glowing brightly. "Of course I'm mad at this. Crystal he's our son and I'm not gonna let anything break this family apart. But-" "But what." "Maybe we should let them get to know Dylan I mean they are his birth parents and it would be nice for Dylan to know where he really came from," he says looking away from me.

   Tears prick my eyes, "what if he chooses them?" Derek pulls me into his arms and I begin to cry. Dylan was my son and I never wanted to lose him. Just kill Finnick and all these damn problems will be gone. I need to figure out a way to at least try to take his power without killing him first and I knew the perfect person to help me with that... Scott.

I pulled away from Derek, "maybe I'm overeating. Let's just go to sleep." He frowned before nodding. He turns off the lights and I get into the bed. Derek pulls me close and I burry my head in his chest wanting to cry more. "You know its ok to cry?" "No Derek its not." He sighs and  kisses my head.

"Crystal?" Derek whispers. It was an hour after we had laid down and we both couldn't sleep. "Yeah." "I don't wanna lose our son," Derek growls. Then pulls me into his arms tighter than I was. I lift my head from his chest and kiss his cheek, "we'll work this out."

  "I'm not going anywhere," Dylan says as he walks into our room. He makes his way to the bed and gets between us. "I never thought I would spend the night here again." He says confusing Derek and I. "What?" "I mean I'm almost 9, I should be sleeping in my own bed." "Then why aren't you?" Derek asked. "Because I'm scared they're gonna take me away," Dylan admits before clingy onto me like he used to. I remember how he used to hate when I let other people hold him. I frowned and kissed his hair," no ones taking you anywhere baby." "Your moms right Dil your safe." Derek says grabbing my hand making me relax. Then the door opens again, "mommy, daddy?" Dakota whispers. "Yeah," Derek answered. Dakota looked over a Cole who was holding her hand, "we're scared." Lie, they obviously heard us talking to Dylan. Well at least the bed was a California king. "Come on join the party." They both climbed onto the bed and Dakota laid next to Derek, while Cole made himself comfortable next to me. Taking Dylan's spot. Dylan frowned, "baby come here on this side." I said feeling bad. He climbed over Cole and I and cuddled up on my side before falling asleep. I was drifting off before I felt a warm hand grab onto mines. Derek.

~No ones P.O.V~

  "Ugh Autumn what do you want it's early and I'm tired," Dustin said rubbing his eyes and leaning on Kol. Kol pushed Dustin off him, "its 4 in the morning and you almost woke up Maddie." "And Dylan and the twins," Crystal says laying her head on Dustin's shoulder. Autumn rolls her eyes, " we have a problem." "Do you really think we can talk about our "problems" around Kol... No offense Kol." Dustin said frowning. "Its fine, he's right its not safe with me around." "We need to find a way to get Finnick out of your head," Autumn says before tossing their mother's book towards Crystal. "Read up princess." Crystal rolled her eyes and opened the book before closing it. "Wow, your a fast reader." Dustin says looking at her. She lifted her head and looked sadly at her siblings, "I have to tell you guys something." "What?" They all asked.  "Well, Finnick might possibly be Dustin and I's father." "What?!"

  Then Finnick appeared with his arms crossed. "I've been waiting for you to tell them." "No, your lying." "Dustin you know its the truth, ever since you met me." Dustin stood up, "you told me Jason was my father." "Oops," Finnick said shrugging. "You bastard you made me kill innocent people." Dustin yelled as his eyes turned black and his hair turned electric blue. "I didn't make you do anything Dustin. You listened to me and became a king just like me. You know what they say, like father like son." "I am not like you," Dustin said before grabbing onto Finnick and punching him. "So you wanna fight? Fine."  He said before grabbing Dustin and throwing him. He landed in the living room breaking the couch and lifting the floor boards. He gets up and decided to take the fight outside. He ran out the front door and jumped to the tree tops before blocking his scent off.

     "Dustin, come out come out where ever you are. I might've taught you too well. How bout we play a game son. You come out and we'll have a little chat or your gorgeous mate and I have a little chat." Finnick says snapping his fingers and causing Katana to appear. "Finnick why am I not surprised," she said glaring at him. "Well I see your beginning to be civilized," he says nodding towards her straightened hair. She frowned at him, "I'm doing this for Dustin." "As his mate or second in command?" She looked away from Finnick and Dustin saw a flash of hurt in her eyes. "Come on Katana you know what he thinks of you. You're one of his strong soldiers." Dustin jumped down from the tree, "Kat you know you're more than that and you know how I feel about you." "Actually no I don't," she answered truthfully. Dustin turned towards Finnick, "you needed to talk to me." Katana went to walk away but Dustin grabbed her arm, "we'll talk about this later Kat. I promise." She simply nodded her head before walking towards the woods. Dustin wanted to follow her but he knew he couldn't. "Why go after her," he asked glaring at Finnick. "Because son, she's your heart."

~Kol's P.O.V~

"Daddy!" Madison yelled holding her arms out to me. "Hey princess, where's mommy?" I asked picking her up. She smiled and pointed to our room door. I put her down, "go play with your cousins ok?" I told her while putting her down. "Ok daddy." She said before running off, I waited until she was out of sight to go into the room.

  "Anna can we talk?" I asked looking at her sit on our bed. "If your asking for us to leave again Kol I-" "No, not that. Anna I need you and Madison, here safe with me." I say pulling her into my arms. "Are you ok?" I shook my head, "after everything... All these years of trying to protect you and keep you safe and you have no idea why I was doing that." "Well that's because you told me that you were doing it for a good reason." "The reason was me," I admit looking away from her. "Kol what are you talking about." I look down at the floor, "you were never safe with me Anna." "Kol I-" "No Anna you need to hear this, I haven't been honest with you... or anyone... or myself. I've tried to be the good guy, but I'm not..."

~No one's P.O.V~

   "Katana! Kat where the hell are you?!" Dustin yelled walking aimlessly around the woods. "Up here," Katana said making Dustin look up at her. She was sitting on a tree branch examining the life less body resting on a tree. "Kat, we've had this talk. You can't eat your feelings. Especially when you've gone so long without blood." She rolled her eyes at him and dropped the body from the tree. "I can feed if I want Dustin, you can't stop me." "You can stop yourself Kat." "I don't wanna Dustin. Afraid your little soldier might go off the rails again? I started off as a vampire anyways." "You don't have to feed anymore Kat. You're not a vampire anymore." "I don't care," she said jumping down from the tree.


  "Dustin, nephew I have a present for you." Finnick said walking into the living room in their palace. "Unless I can kill you and have the crown leave me alone Uncle." Dustin says frowning at him. "Actually I got you your own crown." Dustin stood from the couch, "what?" "Dustin your the only one of your kind. You're alone." Dustin glares at him, "I don't care." "Yes you do," he says before snapping his fingers. Then there was a girl standing there. She had crazy, kinky curly, light skin, and had blood all over her. She looked wild as she stood there and hissed at them. "This is a girl I found from the Amazon." "You found a vampire uncle." "Exactly. She's wild and untamed. I've figured out a way where you can make people like you, Cursers. You can rule them... be their king, all you have to do is bite her." Finnick explained smirking at him. Dustin wasted no time to run and bite into the girls neck.

   The girl sat on the couch shaking. Dustin approached her with no remorse, "what's your name?" She looked up at him with widened Carmel eyes causing him to feel guilty. "So you're from the Amazon... do you even understand what I'm saying." The girl remained quite and Dustin began to get aggravated. "Answer me damn it!" He yell pulling her up from the couch. She hissed, pushed him away from her, and ran. Her eyes widened she didn't know what to do. "You little Bitch I'll kill you!" Dustin said chasing after her. She hissed again and jumped on a tree. "What is this girl part monkey?" He said before jumping up on the tree. She bounced from free top to free top and Dustin wasn't able to keep up with her tree climbing/jumping was not his thing.

   Finally he got too frustrated with her and started to push trees down and caught her. "Hey I'm your leader you listen to me stop running and start talking! What's your name?!" She sighed and looked at him, "Katana." "Katana.... nice." "So I have a question... leader-," she started but he cut get of, "It's Dustin... Call me Dustin." She raised an eyebrow at him. His eyes were wide and the weirdest color she ever saw, his hair was wild and blue, he looked as if he was from the amazon not her. "Well Dustin, how long have you been crazy?" "What?" "How long have you been-," "I heard you the first time Katana. Why do you think I'm crazy?" He asks stepping closer to her. She frowns and steps back, "because you didn't let me go. You turned me into something else." She said before jumping up in a tree, "your friend that took me from my home said I was wild and untamed." Dustin looked at her, "will you teach me how to do that?" "Will you let me go if I teach you?" "Katana come down here." "No, let me go." "No." "Ugh nephew that's not how to handle her," Finnick said appearing next to Katana in the tree. He pushed her off of it and she landed right in front of Dustin. "If she won't obey then simply kill her. You didn't need people like this while you're growing your kingdom. Think of it as me giving you fatherly advice." Katana looked up at him and her eyes flashed a dark red color. "Finnick I want to kill my father. She's the only one like me so leave her alone, I can handle her." Finnick glared at her realizing that she wasn't just Dustin's first Curser but she was his mate. He put his hands up in surrender, "fine nephew have it your way. But if she tries to leave she will die."

  After Finnick disappears Dustin helped Katana up from the ground. "Why aren't you gonna kill me?" She asked. He smiled at her, "I maybe crazy but I don't hurt what's mines. You and I are a team now Kat." Katana looks up at him then hugs him. Dustin freezes at the sudden contact, "what are you doing?" He asks as she pulls away from him. "Hugging you... I'm sorry I just never really had anyone... or a team," She admits stepping away from him. He gave her a confused look, Dustin had never been hugged before but he liked how it felt. "You're not scared of the way I look?" "No." "Why not?" " I don't know. Everyone is beautiful in their own way I guess, and I like your look ... it's different. I should get some sleep, will you should me my room?" Dustin was speechless: she likes my look. He thought to himself while nodding his head. "Uh this is your room. If you need me for anything I'm right next door." He said before walking away from her. "Dustin," Katana said grabbing his attention. "You're not as crazy as I thought," she says giving him a smile. He walked up to her and pulled her in his arms before whispering, "I never really had anyone either." Then he let go of her. "Goodnight Katana."

*6 Months later*

   Dustin smirked as Katana slammed another one of his newly turned Cursers to the ground. "You have horrible fighting skills. I suggest that you stop being so cocky before I have to rip off a body part," She hissed at the girl before getting up and walking away. "Training is over for today," she commented before leaving the room. He followed her curious to know where she was going. He tried to make his presence unknown to her as he did quickly and quietly.

   Katana smiled as she approached Ethan's room. Ethan wasn't new but her was as old as Katana, and she was only 6 months a Curser. But sometime during her halfway mark Dustin had turned him into a Curser and Katana and him had a small romance brewing. At first Dustin thought he wouldn't mind Katana's relationship with Ethan but over the months he became annoyed with them and wanted Ethan out of the picture, but the only way to probably kill him which Dustin didn't want to do.

"Going somewhere?" Dustin asked making Katana jump. "Dustin I was just- nothing. I should probably-." "Nephew! Come quick I have a surprise for you." Finnick called. Both Katana and Dustin looked at each other before going downstairs. "Uncle what is it?" Dustin asked annoyed by Finnick. Finnick's eyes met Katana's, "Katana darling, so glad your here as well." He said while smirking at them. "What do you want Finn?" Dustin had enough of him and was done with this side of his "family", he wanted to meet his older brother Kolton and Crystal his little sister that he had already swore to protect even though he didn't know her yet. "Well this here is Katie, your mate." Then Finnick snapped her neck. Dustin glared at him before slamming him by his throat against a wall, "what the hell us wrong with you." "Dustin!" Autumn says appearing causing Katana to jump. Dustin's head snapped towards them. "What the hell are you doing here Autumn? You should be in bed." Dustin says dropping Finnick to the ground and going to the 10 year old girl. "Is that girl dead, what are you doing to uncle Finnick?" She asked with wide confused eyes. Dustin frowned before picking her up. "Kat, can you take care of the body for me while I put her to bed. We'll talk when I'm done." Katana nodded her head not wanting to upset him more than he already was.

   "Dustin." Autumn said before he could leave her room. He turned around to look at her, "yes?" "Do you love Katana?" "What," he asked sitting on the edge of her bed. "Do you love Kat because I like her a lot." "I don't think I love her Fall, but I like her a lot too. I can't though." Autumn sat up giving him a worried look, "why not?" "That girl that was dead was my mate Autumn. Finnick always says that having a mate is a sign of weakness. I can't be weak and I don't want Kat to get hurt. So please keep this between us ok?" She smiled up at him, "I pinky promise," she said while wrapping her small finger around his. "Now go to sleep you have training with Finnick in the morning."

     "I knew I'd find you up here," Katana says making her presences known as she sat next to him on a high tree branch. Dustin looked over at her but kept silence, he'd came to conclusion that he wasn't just annoyed by Ethan he was jealous. "Are you still mad at me for sneaking off the Ethan's room after practice?" Dustin still remained silent. "Look I'm sorry D, it's just I'm 16, boys are apart of my life. I feel like he actually cares about me." Dustin stood up and looked down at her, "you think I don't care about you Katana?" "I'm just one of your soldiers, second in command. I don't really matter-" "Katana I- you know what forget it. I'd rather be a king then have a friend away, Katana you're no longer second in command or my soldiers. You can take your little boyfriend and be a 16 year old girl. You have never been just a normal 16 year old princess and sooner or later you'll start killing again ... so have fun with that."

   Katana stood up as well, "he's not my boyfriend and I'm not leaving. It's just... don't you ever want to be normal? Dustin you're 17 and I'm 16, all we do is fight and kill so let's just say I never stopped. We both deserve a chance to be normal Dustin." "Look at me Katana! Do I look normal to you?" She looked at his angered golden red eyes, his sharpened teeth, and his blue hair. He looked almost as wild as when they first met. Her eyes teared up, "yes! You look like how you're supposed to look and I love the way you look. I don't want to leave and I never will leave you Dustin. It's just I have wants, I've never been kissed, I'm a virgin. I just wanted something more normal than being a soldier and a killer." Dustin pulled her into a hug, "you and I are supposed to be a team Katana." "And we still are." "Not with Ethan around," he said aloud. She froze and looked at him, "are you jealous of Ethan?" Dustin rolled his eyes, "I've slept with half of the city's population of teenage girls. He can't even manage to get you in his pants." "When's the last time you had sex?" "About 3 months ago." "What are you waiting for?" "Why must you ask these questions Katana." "I only flirt with Ethan because I know the affect it has on you. I should go get some rest goodnight Dustin." Katana gave him one last glance before jumping down from the tree and going back to the palace.

  "Katana back so soon, I thought that Dustin would've wanted comfort after the tragedy that happened to his mate," Finnick said look at the girl as she walked through the front doors. Katana stopped walking as she caught the scent of blood... human blood. "I brought you a peace offering, for my hostility towards you," he said smirking as he tossed the body of Dustin's mate to her. "What do you want from me Finnick," she asked not catching the corpse. "You and I both know you haven't had blood in a while Katana." She hissed as him and her eyes turned a deep dark red, "I don't need blood." "Oh but you want it. You want it badly," in the blink of an eye he stood in front of her with the lifeless body of Dustin's mate, "she hasn't gone rotten yet."

  *Bang Bang Bang*

  Katana heard at her door before it opened up, "damn it I should've known you were asleep." Dustin says as he watched her sit up and stretch. He was up all night thinking about what she said to him. "It's fine Dustin," she gives him a small smile but he refused to return it. "Can I come in? We need to talk about something's." She looked up at him with slightly widened eyes as he walked in and closed the door behind him, "look I understand what you said last night was an order as leader and king, and I know last night I ignored your word but I'm still standing my ground... even if death is my punishment for doing so." He raised his eyebrows at her, "you were right last night and you have no punishment for standing your ground Katana. But I have news.. I am meeting my father for the first time today." "What? That's great-." "No Katana it isn't great. This man, Jason Banks... I hate him. He forced my mother to give me away. I never knew why, but today I get answers. I came in here to ask if you'd accompany me." She stood from her bed and Dustin avoided his eyes meeting hers. "D, are you ok?" "Do you want to come or not?" He snapped at her as the blue streak in his hair reappeared. "Of course Dustin but-." "But nothing Katana. I'll see you downstairs I don't expect you to dress up for the man... so don't." He ordered before leaving. Katana sighed still wondering if he was ok.

  Katana snapped out of her thoughts and looked at Dustin, "I didn't need to feed... but I wanted to, like just how I want to know who I am to you D." He looked down at her frowning, "Katana you're my mate and I love you." Her eyes widened. "You- you love me?" "Of course I do Kat." "I love you too Dustin."


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