Who's Laughing Now

By steelxheart

49.6K 1.7K 277

"I like you and admit it, you like me too because good girls always fall for the bad boy." He inched closer... More

Chapter One: Screw Hello Kity Undies
Chapter Two: Working for Poopy-face Axford
Chapter Four: My Dead Bed is a Smelly Closet
Chapter Five: Un-pop the Cherry
Chapter Six: The Role of a Pathetic Girl
Chapter Seven: My Lollipop and his Cupcake
Chapter Eight: Affluent People's Superhero
Chapter Nine: Like a Ninja

Chapter Three: Escaping Death Like a Pro

4.5K 175 16
By steelxheart

After hearing consecutive gunshots and high pitched shrieking, there was a direful silence. Like the ones you see in horror movies before long slick fingers starts creeping on your shoulder blades.

I bit my lower lips. Maybe they are gone. Maybe they've missed me. I heard sirens. The police are here, I better get out now. I unlocked the deadbolt door just before it blasted on my face. Revealing an unattractive guy between 25- 27 covered in tattoos with longish muddy brown hair and green eyes.

"Fuck." We both say simultaneously, I was face to face with a criminal. Oh goody...

"Dude what the hell!" Two more showed up removing their ski masks, just in time as I started screaming.

"Let's get the hell out of here." The one with blue eyes snapped.

"She saw our faces. You can't let her go. Take her, Aden!" The guy with a monkey face contorted just when I decided to take my chances and run.

I screamed and ran out of the back entrance I could hear them dashing behind me. I was only a track and field runner for like a month, how can I outrun three muscular guys?

After a few minutes they were out of sight and I was left hyperventilating and heaving like crazy. Did I just escape my death? I've never been more relieve and thankful in my life.


I looked down; I'm stepping on dog poop. I must have left my brand new stilettos somewhere when I was running for my life. I walked out of the dark alley, cursing under my breath. I spent one month of my salary to buy that. But before I got far, a large warm hand landed on my shoulder, making me stumble backwards.

"Going somewhere?" One of the robbers laughs maniacally, spitting on the dirty cement. His voice sent chills down my spine. I spun to my heels and tried throwing a punch at his face. Unfortunately, he twisted my arms and bent me backwards before I even got a chance to bruise his face. I fell backwards and before I was able to regain control, he hurled me towards the wall. Blood trickled down my face, staining my shirt. He must have dented my head or popped open my skull, whatever it is I was paralyzed with pain. All those self-defense I learned in karate disappeared in the brink of disaster.

His hand clutched the front of my shirt and drew me closer to him. He was breathing on my face. His putrid breath only makes me want to rub alcohol in my mouth. I can taste the sour bile scorching its way inside my mouth. He reached for his pocket and took out a knife.

"Let's rearrange that cute little face of yours." He chucked the knife, tracing the square of my jaw with knife. I frantically elbowed him on the groin and quickly scampered to my feet.

I tried to run but everything seems to be spinning, the next thing I know I was being pulled backwards.

"You clever little rat!" He cursed sitting on top of me and jabbed my leg. I screamed in pain hoping any by-passers would hear me and save me from this soulless bastard. He was about to jab me on my stomach when another guy showed up and pulled him off me. I was still scared despite the knife was no longer close to my skin.

"Eavon is in the van. Let's go." I was dragged out of the alley and thrown into the back of the van. My body was no longer collaborating with me and my brain wasn't functioning well either. I closed my eyes, falling into complete and utterly consuming darkness.

A/N The next chapter will be longer, hopefully.

I miss Meebo it's like the best feature of Wattpad. :((

Vote and comment! :)) *wink *wink

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