don't // afi & lrh

By cutesycalum

12.1K 763 131

don't play with her, don't be dishonest still not understanding this logic aye, i'm back and i'm better i wan... More

groupie's holy grail
part II


522 40 8
By cutesycalum

a r i e l

"the pizza is here wake up," he giggled childishly as he tickled me forcing me to wake up. "i'm up okay, i'm up," i laugh slapping his hands away. "what should we watch?" he laughed plopping down beside me.

"supernatural?" i yelped giddily. "fuck no because after every episode and sometimes even during all i hear from you is 'yaaaaaas' or 'omg' or 'fuck it up bae yes' 'yes that's my baby' so, no!" he scoffed making me laugh. "attack on titans?"

"what the fuck is that?" he laughed. i shake my head and turn to netflix scrolling through my list. "ohhh yeah! anything you want today... just not supernatural... oh my god or criminal minds and please," i smile cuddling up next to him. "here!" he smiled. "i'm not hungry right now," i simply state pushing the plate away. "no don't give me that crap, here! you probably haven't eaten in days and won't if i put this slice back. plus i ordered your favorite so here. you gotta eat baby girl." he smiles handing me the plate again. i take it giving him a tired smile. he places the laptop on his lap allowing me to cuddle next to him. hitting play.


"this should be our thing," he smiled. "what?"

"this cuddled up eating takeout every friday night, and watch something together," he smiles. "but what happens when you get a girlfriend?" i mumbled childishly. "nothing will change? what happens when you get a boyfriend?" he smiled nudging my arm. "nothing because that'd never happen," i slightly laughed. "don't be like that ariel,"

"like what?"

"like this always putting yourself down and mistreating yourself like you deserve it because you don't. i don't want to hear anymore of this tonight understand?" taking my chin between his index finger and thumb caressing every curve. "i said do you understand?" he lowly growled his lips now even closer to mine. "y- yes," i stumbled. his lips slowly moving toward me making goosebumps rise. only for the doorbell to ring. "i'll get it," he sighed pushing his self off of the bed. i wanted to say so much but i couldn't form and words. which might've been a good thing i probably would have made myself look like an idiot. i waited for a while upstairs only to hear arguing from downstairs. making out the sound of luke's voice. i slowly made my way down the staircase making the angry and frustrated words more clear.

"i just want to talk to her 5 minutes!"

"no, go home!"

"please man just a few minutes,"

"no! go home ashton," he sighed making me peak my head for a view only to see a soaking wet ashton his gaze quickly found mine smiling as soon as he did. luke turned to find where he was looking making me quickly hide. "ariel honestly you're the only one in the house besides me, so i already know it's you." he softly laughed. i made my way down the last few steps smiling at the both of them as i tugged at the sleeves of luke's sweater he's forgotten that he left. "you wanted to talk to her here she is! talk!" luke scoffed. "can i at least come in?" he sighed. "no-"

"yes-" luke immediately turned to face me. "luke it's raining..." he said nothing else throwing his hands up in surrender backing away from the door. i ran to get a few towel and handed them off to ashton. everyone silently seated on the living room couches not daring to say a word. "i... i'm sorry," he finally spoke up breaking the deafening silence. "you've already said that twenty one times before," i muttered. "i know but..."

"but what... you made me the talk of the entire school and probably fucking town... and you're sorry? thanks! it's not even like i'm one of the others who were just a quick fuck and checked off your hit list. i'm the one who made ashton's weekend wild." scoffed a sudden anger washing over me. "i know but it's stupid i told everyone the truth. i'm sorry the only reason i'm here is because i'm genuinely sorry and... there's something about you, i don't know but i want to-"

"is that the same line you told your friends. 'i'm different'."

"is it that she doesn't want to have sex with you?" luke scoffs a smirk forming upon his lips. "no... she's just amazing. from the moment i started noticing her... it's weird ... i-i...." but then he just stopped talking never finishing his sentence. i couldn't think of the words to say. "i think i should just go-"

"great idea!" luke smiled his annoyed expression unknowingly peeking through. he held the door open for ash as he walked away but stopped and started turning around to speak. only for luke to slam the door shut in his face. "arie you don't believe him do you? please don't tell me that you do..."

"i don't k-know m-maybe," i said unsurely tugging at my... his sleeves. i sighed making my way up the stairs.

l u k e

i felt like i lost her the moment he showed up at her doorstep. but what could i expect he always gets his way. i hope i'm wrong he's going to kill her she's already broken. i want to tell her to stay away from him but who am i to tell her that? we all know he doesn't love her she's just a toy... an experiment in this case. wanting to see if he can get the shyest, hottest person in school to suck him off in a few weeks tops. i simply shake my head walking up the stairs. walking into her room to see her laying on her side facing away from her door. i make way over to the bed without a word climbing under the covers. "goodnight ashely," i mumbled into the pillow pulling her closer. "goodnight lucas," she mumbled.

"i know you don't want to talk about it right now so we can wait till tomorrow or whenever," i smiled. "thanks,"

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