Locked With Vincent

By groovypineapple

1K 55 13

Kanin knew getting involved with her older brothers's shenanigans was a horrid idea. Because it landed her wi... More

Chapter 1 | The Sentencing
Chapter 3 | Day 1
Chapter 4 | Dinner with the spawn of Satan
Chapter 5 | High
Chapter 6 | Secrets
Chapter 7| Touch
Chapter 8| Truth
Chapter 9| Escape

Chapter 2 | Welcome to Juvy

158 6 0
By groovypineapple

I was extremely hot and tired. I wanted to sleep but the bus kept lurching and jumping over bumps and ditches in the road. There was no air condition and it didn't feel safe to sleep while there were other people who were convicted to the same Juvenile Detention Center as I. I licked my lips and swallowed. I was dying for something to drink.

"Hey," I felt my body tense up. I looked to my side and saw a girl with emerald eyes staring at me. She looked hispanic or latino. Her hair was a dark brown with lighter streaks and it was braided into two french braids. Her face was dotted with freckles across her nose and she seemed to make the grey-blue jumpsuit work for herself. All in all, she was very pretty.

"Me?" I asked, pointing one finger at myself. She rolled her eyes. "Duh. Why are you here?" she asked me. I furrowed my eyebrows. "Uh, to go to the the JDC center?" I said unsurely. Why else would I be here? The girl sighed and shook her head. "No, idiot. Why are you going to JDC?" she clarified. My lips formed an o shape, understanding what she really meant.

"Assault and breaking and entering." I told her. She lifted her eyebrows in surprise. "Huh, didn't think you were really a criminal." she said in a relaxed voice. It bothered me how she talked about one year of my life not being important. How she judged me for not being a criminal. I tried to act tough. "What about you?" I asked her. Her eyes flicked over me.

"Grand Theft Auto and beating my parole officer." she shrugged. I couldn't stop the look of disbelief from flooding my face. She noticed. "What? Your assaulted and broke into someone's house. I only stole my bastard of a dad's car and beat my parole officer. Your just as bad." she told me. "But-" I didn't finish my sentence. But, I had wanted to say, but I didn't even hurt Isabella. The rest of the ride was silent. I avoided eye contact with everybody till the buss stumbled to a stop.

It was just like you would imagine. A tall, brick building with a fence surrounding the entire perimeter of the building. There was barbed wire wrapped around the tops of the fence and there was only a double door beneath a large sign that read:

Georgia County Juvenile Delinquent Center

I was herded off the bus with the other people. As each person stepped to the doors of the bus, a guard would slap a pair of handcuffs into their wrists. They weren't being strict, I guess, because they let out hands dangle in front of us instead of pinned behind our backs. I was the second to last person off the bus, the latino girl after me. My hair was left down and I instantly wished it wasn't. The heat was unbearable and you could see if coming off the ground in waves.

Strands were falling into my eyes as I moved in a line. I couldn't even brush them back due to my hands being chained. I had to deal with it for a good half hour as we waited for our assigned cells. We were sat in a square room which had 10 chair lined up against the creme colored walls and a cherry wood desk across from the door. We were told to sit and not move. No one really talked at first.

But the latino girl spoke first. "Well, this sucks." she said in a bored tone. The boy next to me scoffed. "Shut the hell up, Naomi." he growled. I glanced at him. He was attractive, I suppose. He was built up with thick muscles that budged in his arms and biceps. The upper half of his jumpsuit was tied around his waist, showing the white tank top he wore beneath. His hair was cropped closely into a buzz cut. Naomi glared at him.

"I'm sorry, Tucker, did I hurt your poor baby feelings?" she asked in a condescending tone. I was shocked. How could they talk so freely and nonchalantly? They were going to be stuck her for the next 3 months or more. Down the row of people, a blonde haired girl spoke. "Stop being a bitch." she said in a high pitched voice. Naomi scowled at her. "Stop butting into my conversations, Claire." they both broke into a heated argument. I felt squished between Tucker and Naomi.

"Relax, they always argue." I glance to see Tucker smiling at me. I raised my brows. "How do you all know each other?" I whispered. I felt as if Naomi would kick me if she heard me talking about her. "Claire and her were cell mates when they were both fifteen. I know Naomi from when she was still here at sixteen. We dated before Claire and I got released." he explained. "What happened then?" I asked in a slightly eager tone.

"Naomi got out and she didn't want me anymore. I am back here for getting in the car she stole with her. Claire, I don't really know." he told me. I nodded my head slowly. Well damn, these people are real criminals. I was like that little pig and these people were freaking mountain lions compared to me. "Claire Adams?" everyone shut up to see a man with a clip board in hand standing in front of us.

Claire got up smoothly from her seat. "That's me." she said in a sweet tone. Was she trying to flirt with the guy. I heard Naomi scoff and mutter something beneath her breath. "Your paired with Lizzy Reynolds." he said to her. Claire smiled at the small red head who stood from her seat. Her hair was wild, jumping all over the place. Her pale skin was a startling contrast with jumpsuit. I watched as one lady officer came to take them to their cell.

A boy named Spencer was called next, paired with some other boy named Greg. Spencer was thin, his jumpsuit far to big for him. He had curly hair that framed his head, making his green eyes stand out. Greg was thick and built, like Tucker, but had such a bay like face. His wire framed glasses kept slipping down his nose and he would lift his arms to shove them back up.

The left the room and Namoi was called next, paired with a small brown haired girl. I was upset now. I had hoped I would or could be paired with Naomi. At least I knew her. As I looked around the room, I saw only three people left. Two guys and me. I didn't have a person to be my cell mate. Tucker and the other boy left a few short seconds later.

"Hmm," the man flipped the pages of his clipboard. "Were missing the last one." he murmured. "Wait here." he went behind the counter of the desk and into some door. I was stunned. What the hell?

. . . . .

Time went by awfully slow. At least an hour had gone by. There had to be some kind of clock somewhere, but I couldn't find it. I was afraid to move ad try to go behind the counter. There were several cameras watching my every move. I had dozed off a couple of time, unable to help myself. Is this was jail was like? I imagined gang fights and arguments that lead to dead bodies. Instead, it was utterly plain.

Suddenly I heard a loud crash. I jumped up, snapped from my drowsy state. It was quiet for a second or two, and I almost convinced myself I had made the sound up. But then a muffled yell came form the door I had entered. It sounded like someone was in pain. I found myself shaking in my chair. A second later, the busted open.

An officer stumbled in with another guy following after. He looked beautiful. His hair was jet black, like charcoal. He shoved the officer who had jumped on his back off of him. The first guard was still on the floor, talking into the small radio walkie talkie thing. "This is officer Williams, I need back up in the reception room, stat." he spoke. The other guard had gotten the beautiful man pinned to the ground. He was struggling underneath his grip. "Vincent, stop! I will use my taser." he threatened.

The boy, Vincent, kept thrashing. "Go ahead, you bastard." he spat. Two more guards came though the door everyone else had left in and bustled over to Vincent. One guard didn't hesitate to pull out his taser and shoot it at him. His body jerked for a few seconds as the electricity pumped though his body. A cry of pain slipped though his lips before he lay still.

I, throughout this whole fiasco, stayed in my seat. I didn't move at all. I had seen people been tasered before. Tyrone had when he refused to comply to an officer's orders. But Tyrone had almost passed out instantly. Vincent, however, was still struggling and panting underneath the officer's weight. His sharp grey-green eyes locked on mine. And somehow in the process, he winked. The boy winked while being tasered.

My mouth dropped in a gasp. So much was happening. "Where is Charlie?" the one who had used the taser asked. They clipped a pair off cuffs on Vincent as the man who had assigned the cells came back in from the back door. "Here I am." Charlie said promptly. His plain brown eyes bored into me.

"Ms. Kanin Baker, meet Vincent D'Amore, your cell mate." he said with some sick smile. I frowned. No, girls and boys were not allowed to share a cell. Were they? I glanced at the one officer who stood behind Charlie. He seems to find this funny as he chuckled. "What the hell?" I finally managed to say. Vincent let out a throaty laugh.

"Welcome to Juvy sweetheart."

. . . . . .

I was horribly horrified. This place was insane. There were people who had shot cops in here. I did not belong here. I was sitting in the corner of my small bed inside the cell. It wasn't a cell really. I had expected barred walls and it to be dank and musty. I guess juvy was cleaner. The floor was a white tile, clean and not filthy as I thought it would be. There wasn't and windows but they did have a small sink between the two beds and a nightstand, holding a small lamp.

It looked like a sick version of a dorm room. Vincent was sitting on his bed across from me, eyes trained on me. His blue eyes didn't even shift when I caught him staring. They simply focussed in on my face. I was still starving and was uncomfortable on the paper thin mattress. His gaze felt like a insect crawling up my back. Each second was another step. I twitched, scratching my back.

"Can you stop?" I finally asked, exasperated. Vincent's reaction was so casual, I wanted to scream. He simply rested his head in heads. "Stop what exactly?" he hummed. His voice was deep and melodious. I bet he could sing beautifully. "You keep staring at me - it's creepy." I said in a small voice. Vincent smirked and let out a low chuckle.

"It's creepy?" he asked me. "Yes!" I said in a huff. He nodded. "Dully noted." he said. I frowned at his nonchalance. "You just got tasered." I told him. "I remember." he said with a sardonic tone. "Why aren't you even slightly hurt?" I said in a shocked tone. Vincent shrugged. "I have got tasered before, doesn't hurt so much." he explains.

"You know," he adds as a sidetone. "I don't know your name." I furrowed my brow. "The guard named Charlie said it." I say, hinting. It was not that long ago. He didn't really forget. For some reason, it made me feel insignificant. "Oh yeah. I just didn't really think remembering it would be important." he leaned back, resting his body on the wall. I glared.

"It's Kanin." I said, annoyed. "Ass." I muttered to myself. "Excuse me?" he asked. His eyes seemed to darken a little. His jaw ticked. "Listen, Kanin," he hisses my name like it was some disease. "I don't really appreciate you calling me an ass. Let's get something straight, yeah?" he paused, as if I would speak. He seemed ready to throttle me.

"I have been here before. Actually, I never left. I simply had another court date. I could crush your head against the wall and I wouldn't even feel slightly guilty, got it? So watch your mouth." he finished with a crack of his knuckles. He shoots a quick smile before standing up. I follow his body with my eyes, confused. Was he just leaving?

As if on cue, metal door slid open. That was the one thing I had expected. They can't have us escaping. Vincent stood still at the open door. I could see from my corner that he held his wrist out to no one in particular. Several seconds later, a guard came to the door. He was tall with a greying mustache and beard. "Your back already?" he asked Vincent. He grinned devilishly.

"Awe, you missed me Frank?" he asked in a fake child voice. Frank rolled his eyes and slid a pair of cuffs on Vincent. "Is she new?" Frank asked him. Vincent look at me with his eyes holding no emotion. "Yep." he told him. "Well, new kid, it's lunch. Get up." he commanded. I scrambled off the bed and walked to the door. Frank slapped a pair of chains on my wrists and he led us out the room. It was six steps later I realized I wasn't wearing any shoes.

The had given me some no name brand boots with the jumpsuit but I had taken the off when I sat on my bed. "Uh, sir? I forgot my shoes." I said meekly. I heard Vincent snort. I wish I could say he snorted like a pig but even his snort was perfect. "Oh, well." Frank shrugged and continued walking. I gaped at the back of his blading head.

"But I need shoes." I protested. Frank let out a booming laugh. "You should have thought of that." I wanted to yell at him and demand to go get my shoes. But the taser along with the small lump of a gun in his holster prevented me from doing so. Vincent may be Mr. Tough Guy, but I wasn't. So we waked together to wherever lunch was held. My feet slapped against the the floor in our silence. I saw a couple of other people being led to lunch. I saw Claire's blonde hair a few groups ahead of us.

She seemed to be perfectly content and not even slightly worried. We made a left with the other's and there stood the opened doors to which I suppose was the lunch room. Frank turned and unlocked our handcuffs. "One hour in Mess Hall. Eat. Then it's recess." he said in a quick and brief presentation. Vincent strode in with no pause. I was hesitant and didn't move till Frank pushed me inside.

I spun, wanting to make a break for the doors. But they had thought ahead and guards were already guarding the exits. I saw the last group come inside and they shut the doors. I frowned and turned back to the multiple tables. They were long and rectangular, people scattered across them. I nodded.

You got this Kanin.

I tried to be convincing, but let's be real. I had nothing. I attempted to look strong by walking into the line of people. I held myself up straight and waited patiently. "Hey kiddo." I peeked over my shoulder and saw Tucker. I smiled slightly. At least I knew him.

"Kiddo?" I asked, referring to the nickname. "Yeah. You look like you could pass as a 12 year old." he snickered. I shot him a glare. He smiled kindly to show he was only messing around. "Whatever," I said in a playful voice. "So, who's your cell mate?" he asked as the line slowly moved up. I stepped out to the side, looking for Vincent.

I didn't seem him the line. I frowned and looked around the room. "I can't seem to find him." I mumbled dejectedly. "Him? Your cell mate is a dude?" Tucker asked. "Yeah." I nodded, still looking form him. I finally spotted him sitting next to . . . Naomi? I squinted at the pair who were talking animatedly. They knew each other?

"Right there." I pointed. Tucker followed my finger's direction and saw them sitting next to each other. A small smirk read on his lips. "You got Vincent D'Amore?" he laughed as if it was some joke. "Your kidding, right?" I sighed and shook my head. "You know him?" I asked. Tucker nodded. "Yeah we were mates before I was released. He never got released, though." Tucker said seriously when he figured I wasn't joking.

"Why hasn't he been let out?" I was curious on he had done to stay here for long. Did he sell drugs? Steal a car like Namoi? "He was found guilty at attempt of murder and kidnapping." Tucker said solemnly. My eyes doubled.

"Are you serious?" I gasped. Tucker nodded. "What the hell." I shook my head. I was in the same room as a freaking psychopath. He could freaking kill me! He already threatened to. "Look, Kanin, don't talk about it. He get's super mad and -" he paused. "Just don't alright?"

I couldn't really make a promise to that. I knew me and my big mouth would blurt it out at some point. I grabbed one of the plastic trays and moved down the row of food. There were three options to eat. A salad which looked like the picked the grass and leaves off the ground and added some sauce which looked like cream cheese, it was so chunky.

There was a chicken noodle soup which didn't look half bad so I asked for a small cup. The lady ladled some into a styrofoam carton and handed it to me. I set it on my tray and keep moving. There was the option of friend chicken as well, which Tucker got six pieces of. I started at him.

"What? Big Tuck has gotta eat, you know." he said. I laughed. "Big Tuck?" It felt good to smile. He nodded, ripping into the chicken leg. I grabbed one of the bottles of water and left the line. Tucker was besides me and I had no idea where I should go.

I have never been really good with making friends. Tucker noticed my shyness and nudged me with his elbow. "Sit with Naomi and everyone." he offered. I followed him as he walked to the table where the freaking kidnapper sat. Vincent, I mean.

"Hey," Naomi greeted with her soft smile. She had changed her hair into a detailed braid of cornrows. Vince looked up from his plate which consisted of a grilled cheese. How the hell did he get that? It actually looked good and edible. His eyes zeroed in on my face and glared. "You know, I should really learn your name. I was about to call you 'The theft and assault girl'. I didn't know what else to call you." Naomi babbled.

"I didn't steal anything." I corrected. She shook her head, "You said you broke and entered." I nodded and took a seat beside Tucker. "I was caught before I could get what I needed." Vincent's eyes were watching me intently and I squirmed under his stare. Naomi nodded and cut her fried chicken into small pieces, unlike Big Tuck over here.

Just then Claire arrived at the table. Naomi groaned loudly. "Ew, she's back." she mumbled. I saw Vincent look at Claire. "Vincent!" she squealed. She scurried over, her hair whipping behind her. Even as she sprinted towards us, she didn't even look out of shape. The jump suit hugged her curves while mine seemed to droop down.

Her's was tied around her waist, like Tucker's, flashing a tan colored camisole. The black straps of her bra were mixed with those of the tank top and she made it look great. I felt myself blush under her presence. She was to pretty. Vincent didn't acknowledge her at all, instead biting into the sandwich. Claire had reached us, and took a seat besides Vincent.

"Your back already?" she smiled at him. He swallowed quickly and glanced at me. I was obviously pouting for some reason and it made him twitch his lips ever so slightly. "Never left, Claire." he said in a flat voice. I turned my attention to Tucker he was finishing up the last piece of his meal. "Man, I am still hungry." he muttered unsatisfied.

I glanced down at my still, steamy cup of untouched soup. "Here," I offered. I pushed the chicken noodle soup to Tucker. "Really? Are you sure?" he seemed doubtful. "Dinner isn't till after showers and that's in a while, Kanin." I gave him a weak smile. "Not that hungry right now." I told him, giving the soup another push to him. "Just eat it, okay?"

Tucker glanced at my soup before giving me a sheepish grin and slurping it up. I laughed at how he ate the soup, not bothering to use a spoon. "Yo," Naomi snapped her fingers at me. "You never said your name." I nodded my head, remembering she had asked earlier.

"I'm Kanin." I waved my hand, unsure what else to do. I hear a scoff mixed with a snort of some kind. Claire was rolling her eyes and had her arms crossed. "Like anyone cares." she said in a snobby voice. Vincent crack a small smile and let out a whisper of a laugh. Claire seemed proud to make him laugh. "Well, newsflash Claire, nobody cares about you either. So why don't you shut the hell up, eh?" Naomi fired back.

I peeked at her through my lashes and give her a thankful smile. No problem she mouthed to me. "Just like your dad or mom don't care about you?" Claire said snidely. Naomi's face fell for a moment before anger wiped her sadness away. She planted her hands on the table, gripping the edge. "You always were such a bitch." she sneered at her.

Vincent seemed to not be even slightly effected by the two girls throwing insults right next to him. Tucker let out a groan. "And you were always second choice." she said with a fake smile. "What does that mean?" Naomi snapped back. "You know exactly what it means." Claire hissed.

"Quit it!" Tucker said loudly. Naomi didn't even flinch at his booming voice while Claire flicker her eyes to him. She folded herself back into a straight poster stance. She took a deep breath and continued speaking with Vincent as if it had never happened. Naomi was still gripping the table. "Mimi," Tucker whispered quietly. "Calm down."

"I hate her, Tuck, I do." she said fiercely. I felt like I was interrupting some special moment between them. I silently slipped out of their way and extracted myself from the group. Vincent's pale green eyes followed me as I walked up to Frank.

"Uh, excuse me?" I asked. My feet felt cold against the icy, grey tiled. He looked down at me, eyes filled with authority. "What?" he said. "What are we doing next?" Frank squinted down at me. "Didn't I already  explain this?" he sighed. "You got time on the courtyard after." 

I swallowed and nodded. "Thank you." I told him. Frank just grunted and I turned back around to leave

I didn't nor could sit with Vincent and his gang of misfits; they were far too much for me too handle. I saw an empty, smaller table. It only had three plastic chairs placed around it and was vacant of any other people. I scrambled over, wanting no attention on me.

I plopped down, my body tired. I was actually very hungry, but I couldn't find the appetite to eat. I missed my brother and my home. I misses watching movies with Tyrone and asking Barry for rides to the mall with my friends. I missed being able to eat real food. And it was only my first day here. I heard the screech of a chair being pulled out against the tile.

There standing before me, was a young man, around my age. He hand wavy brown hair that was tinted with gold and chocolate brown eyes. He was tall and created a looming shadow over me. He dropped into the seat and glowered at me. "Your not allowed to sit here." he said in an eerily calm voice.

I snapped.

Everything that had happened to me boiled up into pure anger. Isabella's fake story of what happened that night, my brothers not stoping it from happening. How everyone thought I was a criminal, how rude Claire and Vincent were. Everything.

"Too bad I don't care." I remarked. The boy lifted his eyebrows and nodded. "Well, I do. So kindly move before I break your wrist." he threatened. His large hand was tied around my wrist in a second, bending it back to the point where I felt tears prick my eyes.

"Make," I panted out, struggling to breathe. "Me." The boy seemed to take my words literally and pushed my hand back even further. I wanted to let out a yelp of pain and nearly did, but I but my lip to hold it in. I refused to be walked on. "Wrong answer." he said. His jaw was clenched tightly, making is jawline even more prominent.

"Jake, stop."

My eyes were squeezed shut and I couldn't see whomever order him to stop. But the man's, Jake's, hold on my wrist loosened. My breath came out in a rush and I didn't notice I had held it in. "Why is that Tucker?" Jake asked. I yanked my hand away and opened my eyes. Tucker was standing beside me and quickly brought me away from Jake.

"Vincent will kill you if you hurt her." Tucker told him. I knew for a fact that Tucker was lying to save my stupid ass. Jake nodded. "Then tell the pretty girl to stay away from my table." he said before turning his back to us. Tucker dragged me back to his table, my bare feet stumbling. "Tucker - Tucker that hurts." I whined in pain.

My left hand was throbbing and I felt woozy. He instantly dropped my hand. "Sorry." he apologized. I held my wrist to my chest. "Wh-Why did you lie for me?" I stuttered.

Tucker didn't answer me. "You need to know two things if you want to make it here, alright?" His eyes were serious as he gripped my shoulders. I blinked. 

"One, try not to piss Vincent or Jake off. You know what, just don't piss anyone off. Two, stay the hell away from Jake." 

I pulled away from Tucker. "Why?" I asked, confused. "Well you just saw what Jake did first hand for not getting out of a seat. Just ignore him and you'll be good. Jake is screwed up, just as bad a Vincent. Just Vincent isn't a nuts."

I didn't undertand. How were the two different? "What did Jake do?" I asked, afraid of the answer. "He shot his dad. His, uh, dad didn't make it." Tucker glanced away, looking back and Vincent's table. 

Vincent was studying us, like we were causing trouble. 

"Look, we gotta go sit. But please try to avoid Jake." Tucker begged one last time. I managed a weak nod before he dragged me back over to the table. 

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