The caged bird. (A Young Just...

By Dragonart19

243K 8.5K 3.9K

What will happen when the team's Robin gets caught on a mission? Will their intelligent and brave Robin have... More

Where's Robin?
Sing for me.
The Tape
A Breif... Escape?!
Coming to you live. From the Joker.
Why so serious?
Questions, questions, questions. Answers? Maybe.
What is he planning?
Let the game begin.
Interrogation part 1
Now the games truley begin.
Before I do Something stupid.
Let's go!
Now how do we get inside?
Great, this is just what we needed.
Mirror Maze
Robin's letter.

Alternate ending.

11K 405 289
By Dragonart19

~Robin's POV~

I lay there.

I couldn't move.

All I could do was wait.

My blood was slowly and painfully draining from my body.

It was becoming very hot in the large metal bird cage. I heard an echo of slamming doors. Which was odd. It was like someone was looking for something. I couldn't really comprehend much at the moment, as my head was feeling light and fuzzy from blood loss. I heard multiple footsteps approaching from outside and to the far left of the cage. I knew it wasn't the Joker or Bane, as the footsteps were too cautious and by the sounds of it there were multiple footsteps. They couldn't be Harley and her hyenas either because I'm fairly sure Batman and the others put her in prison.


Batman and the team.

Of course.

Is it them?

Are they looking for me?

I need to make a sound.

But to do that, I would need to move or speak. Both being incredibly painful options at the moment.

I heard the footsteps getting louder. Bringing me out of my thoughts. The footsteps came to an abrupt stop. It looks like I didn't have to make a sound. They seem to have found me.

"Robin? Is that really you?" I heard the sound of Wally's voice.

Ah never mind I do need to speak.

"Hey..." Was all I could manage to say through my gritted teeth. It had hurt so much just to say that. I knew that they could hear the pain in my voice, it was pretty obvious. I could tell they were worried.

I heard the sound of something small playing around with the metal lock, it was most likely Batman picking the lock. Just as this thought went through my mind I heard the creaking of the metal hinges, as they were forced open at an impressive speed. This was followed by a resounding crash as the metal cage door hit the metal bars of the cage itself. I heard quick footsteps approaching where I was and could feel the movement of the cage. I saw the slightly blurry, masked face of Batman, quickly followed by about five other faces that I recognised as my team.

"Wow dude, you look horrible." Wally said, trying to lighten the mood.

"Wally, stop being an ass!" Artemis said, lightly punching Wally in the arm.

"Hey!" Wally shouted.

I felt a smile tug at my face as I watched the scene play out before me. I had thought about the team over and over again while being held captive, I had thought about all of our missions and when Wally and I would stuff around and pull pranks on people. I had missed all of them greatly and had wished to be saved by them multiple times.

While I thought about the team my smile faded slightly as I thought back to the endless nightmares, that haunted my sleep. I remember watching helplessly as the team had turned their backs on me and walked away, seeing Bruce carry on with work like I never existed, and being told that I was useless and couldn't accomplish anything. I know that these were only nightmares, but they all felt so real. I remember doubting that the team would ever come to find me, that I would be left here to suffer under the Joker for the rest of my life.

I was brought out of my thoughts by a clinking sound and strong arms wrapping around me. this action caused me to flinch involuntarily as I was unused to the contact and the fact that Where the arms touched my open wounds, it burned with an agonisingly familiar pain and I let out a small whimper. I looked up at the person who was holding me and discovered that it was Batman, he looked down at me with concern filled eyes. It was the first time in months that I had seen that mask, the mask of my father. Bruce.

I stared at Bruce for a little longer before painfully rolling my head to to the side to stare up at the worried faces of my team. I felt my body leave the ground and felt the arms digging slightly deeper into my wounds. I tried not to make a sound or show any signs of weakness, but once again, I let out a small and almost inaudible whimper. I was now lying in Batman's arms and was at around chest height to everybody. I continued to watch my team and gave them a forced grin. I could tell that they new it was fake, but it was the best that I could do.

"We should get out of here, the temperature is rising and we only have thirty minutes to reach the ship before this place explodes." Informed Kaldur.

I looked up at batman and saw him nod, before he turned around and started walking, me in his arms. While he walked it jostled my wounds and I could tell that my blood stained his uniform. I looked over at Wally who was right beside us, as we quickly walked through some passageways. I saw the dark circles under his eyes and the red tear marks on his face. I noticed that pretty much everybody in this room was in the same condition.

I didn't want to worry them further, but before Batman had picked me up I had only just been managing to some what block off and reduce the amount of blood coming from the stab wound in my side. I had been using the heating metal ground to cover the back of my wound while using my hand to cover the top and apply pressure. Now that the only thing stopping me from bleeding to death had been taken away, I was starting to feel a bit light headed and I could now see patches of black.

"Batman. Robin doesn't look so good." I heard Artemis say.

"I agree. He looks really pale."Megan had added.

"Um guys, there is a lot of blood!" Wally stated, I could hear anxiety in his voice.

I felt, rather than saw batman look down at me. It was hard to distinguish things now. I felt the wind and heard the rustle of clothing. I assume we must be running, yet I couldn't feel anything. It was like I had become completely numb, in a matter of seconds. Sounds started to fade a bit and my sight had become blurry. I briefly saw a fuzzy outline of a ship before the world around me went black.




I could hear a beeping noise.


It was rather annoying really.


I really wish someone could turn it off.


I tried to open my eyes. Nothing happened.

I tried again.

The same result.

Once more.

This time I managed to crack open my eyes slightly. I was greeted by white. It briefly hurt my eyes before they adjusted. I fully opened my eyes and could pick out features of the room I was in. It had white walls and a White ceiling and floors. I was in a hospital.


I looked around to see flowers and gifts scattered all over the dresser and I could see an IV and heart monitor attached to my arm. I looked down at my attire and could see that I had on a hospital gown. Looking to the other side of the room, there was a window. It was dark outside and there was a tree right outside the window. Looking to the far wall of the room I could see seven occupied chairs. I saw my sleeping team members, as well as Batman and Alfred. Looking at them I couldn't help but smile.

They had come for me.

They had really come for me.

I reached up to my face quickly after realising my team was in the room, luckily Batman had replaced the almost shredded mask with a new one. I slowly sat up in the bed and waited for my guests to wake up. I waited for a couple of hours before they woke up. It was around six in the morning and when they first woke up they had all been in shock. Wally had actually fallen out of his chair as soon as he saw me sitting up in the bed. I had been bombarded with hugs and apologies all morning and even more after the Justice league had arrived. I had been unconscious in the hospital for about three days and the doctor had said that I shouldn't do any strenuous activities for the next three weeks to a month. This is going to be a very long month...

After a week in hospital I was released. On the way back to the manor, Bruce had turned to me and pulled me into a gentle hug. He whispered.

"I'm so sorry Dick. I'm so so sorry. I'm so glad that your back and that your safe. I promise that the Joker will pay."

"It's fine Bruce. Thank you for saving me."

Disclaimer: I do not own young justice or any videos or photos that have been used in this story.

Hi everyone I'm sorry this was sooooooo late. Assignments have been overloading me and I have so much homework it's not funny. I have been so stressed lately and I just didn't have time to write this. I'm sorry if it isn't what you all wanted or if it isn't very good. I honestly have tried and I'm sorry if anyone doesn't like it. This wasn't really how my original idea went but this is how it is so... This was the last chapter and I wanted to thank everybody for sticking with me till the end.

Thank you all so much and I think every single one of you is amazing.

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