Flip the Switch

By fts_official

156 6 7

Linsey is a shy girl with not too many friends. She isn't very smart nor socially active. However, she comes... More

It Was Just A Yolk
International Besties (And Sisters)

Smells Like Old Library Books

60 3 2
By fts_official

"Ew!" A brunette sprayed fragrance everywhere in the halls, when she encountered Linsey Girard. "She has B.O.," the girl whispered to one of her friends, who immediately covered her nose with her glittering polished nails.

Linsey was used to it all -- the bullying, the whispering -- but it all still hurt. The girls in her school attacked her behind her back perpetually. Linsey hated it. She wishes she were as glamorous as the other girls in her school. She spent most of her time at the library built into her house, to read, study, and do homework. It wasn't like her parents ever cared about where she was. They didn't even bother to tell her she smells like old library books, and has greasy, bouncy ginger hair.

Linsey's parents, Danae Girard and Lance Girard paid more attention to sophisticated Joanna, than Linsey. Joanna was Linsey's hot sister. People would use Linsey, just to get a chance to actually see Joanna in person. She was the definition of perfect.

Joanna Girard was a supermodel. That's why the Girards are rich. Linsey, however, was considered a disgrace to her family. She wasn't as stunning as Joanna; nor was she as social or perfect or whatever it is everyone loves. But her parents weren't the nicest to her. They never let her buy anything she wanted; she never got to wear new clothes, just hand-me-downs, and wasn't allowed to use her mom's or Joanna's beauty products. Linsey's family was like the evil stepfamily from Cinderella.

"WATCH IT!" A girl yelled at Linsey, and spilled coffee all over poor Linsey.

A drenched Linsey stepped up from the ground. "Oh, you poor thing! I'm so sorry! I'm so clumsy! I should've watched myself!" She began apologizing. "I know how I can get you to forgive me." She smiled, and before Linsey had a chance to speak, dragged her into the bathroom.

"Your hair! It's so soggy! No worries! I always bring some equipment! I'm Aria, by the way. Aria Keenan." Aria stuck out her hand. "Are you are?"

Linsey shivered. "I...I...I..." But words couldn't come out. Who exactly was she? But she attempted to stammer the first thing she thought of. "I'M A GOOFY GOOBER!" Linsey singsonged, from a SpongeBob SquarePants episode she watched last night. "I mean...Linsey." Linsey quietly said.

At first, Linsey thought this Aria chick would hate her after chanting a song from a kids' show, but instead... "You watched that too? I thought I was the only one!" Aria grinned, and even giggled, with her beautiful face. She began to play with Linsey's hair. "This is a unique shade. I wish I could dye my hair this color but Mom can't afford!" Aria whined. Aria, then, brought out her curling iron and makeup products. "I have an idea." She smiled.

Aria began to give Linsey a makeover. "Almost done." She said after only five minutes. Linsey felt uncomfortable. She didn't like makeovers; she just liked to look shaggy, and smell like old library books. She didn't want to become a ginger-colored Barbie doll.

Linsey peeked in the mirror. She looked...beautiful. But this couldn't be real, where's the prank? Where's the I-used-you-for-Joanna? This girl's gotta be onto something. She didn't want to deal with more bullying. "All done." Aria smiled, and packed her beauty utensils. "Look at you!" Aria said, like a proud mother.

Linsey gave her reflection an incredulous glare. Something's fishy. And without thinking, as Aria pursued her lips, about to speak, Linsey shoved past her, and walked out. She couldn't bear any more drama with these conceited popular girls.

In class, Linsey sat next to Chester, her best friend. Chester wasn't cute either. He had ruffled brown hair under a cap with a robot on it, and eyeglasses. "Linsey?" Chester asked.

"Yes. It's me." Linsey quietly said. "Some girl gave me a makeover. She obviously used me. I hate those popular girls."

"She gave you a makeover? That's nice, ain't it?" Chester asked.

"No! It's another attempt for her to befriend Joanna!" Linsey told Chester, so aggravated, tears began sliding down her face.

"Did the girl mention Joanna?" Chester asked.

"None of them did. But I still got used." Linsey told Chester.

"There was difference. This girl gave you a makeover. She actually did something for you out of kindness." Chester pointed out. "Maybe you should give her a chance."

"Whatever. Let's just not talk about it. And can I come to your house tonight. I have no plans." Linsey asked Chester.

"Of course. My mom is making homemade pizza!" Chester told Linsey.

"Yay! I love your mother!" Linsey told Chester.

"And I'm sure she'll love your makeover." Chester's cheeks flushed. "It's...stylish. And...different."

Linsey laughed. "Thanks." She told Chester.

"LINSEY GIRARD! DETENTION!" The teacher, Ms. Jones screamed.

Suddenly, Linsey's eyes started tearing up, and she began to cry. An emotional Linsey raced out of the classroom, crying. She knew everyone was laughing at her. But everyone hated her. She didn't know why she deserved all this.

Luckily, Ms. Jones' class was last, so Linsey walked outside with Chester. "What happened in there?" He asked. "I don't want to talk about it." Linsey told him. It was none of his business, anyway.

"Ms. Jones is a bitch, anyways." Chester told Linsey.

"Chester, you cursed!" Linsey called.

"Are you seriously making a fit about this?" Chester told Linsey in a snobbish tone.

"Chester?" Linsey asked, and tapped on his shoulder. "What's wrong?" She asked.

"QUIT IT, HARRY!" Chester screamed.

Linsey's face turned red. Harry. Harry was Chester's dad. He abandoned Chester's family on Chester's birthday last year. Chester never knew why, but he did. Sometimes Chester got emotional over his dad, and usually snapped out of nowhere because of it.

Chester started to feel better, though, and walked with Linsey to his house.

Chester's mom, Amy, started cooking some pizza. "LINSEY! LOOK AT YOU! I LOVE THE NEW LOOK! CHESTER, WHY AREN'T YOU TWO MARRIED YET?"

Chester narrowed his eyebrows. "MOM!" He yelled.

Amy sighed. "How are you, Linsey?" She asked.

"I'm well." Linsey quietly told Amy.

"We're going upstairs now!" Chester yelled, and dragged Linsey upstairs, too.

"I hate my mom!" Chester yelled.

Linsey didn't say anything. She loved Chester's mom. Then, she thought of her own mom. Her mom never really noticed her. She was too wrapped up in Joanna to even remember she had a second daughter. As for fathers, Chester and Linsey both had it bad. Linsey's dad is constantly working, and doesn't really care about her, just like her mom. No wonder they were happily married.

"And um, there's something I've been meaning to tell you." Chester confessed. "I wanted to be abstinent, but after that makeover, I think I've changed my mind." He told Linsey.

Linsey stared at Chester. "Uh...la?" She quickly responded.

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