Transformers Wolves

By ToriPrime

6.4K 138 20

(Currently being looked over) All was lost the humans had destroyed themselves after thinking the worlds end... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
There will be a rewrite

Chapter 4

743 15 4
By ToriPrime

"Wakie wakie, love birds." A smug voice said, Waking Blacklunar and Soundwave up. 

Black lunar remembered what happened last night and looked back a Soundwave.

"Thank you Soundwave." She thanked him, giving him a lick on the cheek.

"Awwwww." Breakdown and Knockout exclaimed.

Blacklunar blushed looking away from Soundwave. She could still feel his body next hers still keeping her warm from the early morning chill. Wait? Early?

"Wait why are you up so early?" She asked getting up and shaking of the morning dew off of her fur.

"Well I'm the medic, I have to prepare early because there's always someone to get hurt," Knockout started, "and the herbs are stay fresh longer in the morning."

"Oh that makes sense." She stated.

"Oh speaking of morning, you should probably go back to the den before Megatron wakes up, Soundwave." Breakdown told Soundwave.

Soundwave nodded and head back into the den. Blacklunar got up and walked with them until there was a yell from the entrance of the camp.

"Autowolves are attacking!" Steve yelled, running into the main den and yelling.

Megatron, Shockwave, Starscream, Dreadwing, and Soundwave came running out of the den.

"Deceptivewolves! Prepare to attack!" Megatron yelled out, before running to the entrance.

Most of the pack followed behind except for Soundwave. He walked over to Blacklunar's side giving it a gentle nudge.

"Be careful out there." He stated, looking straight into her magnificent eyes.

"You too." She said, giving him a quick lick on the cheek.

They ran through the entrance and was met by Megatron and Optimus growling at each other.

"Leave my territory Optimus before I kill you!" Megatron growled.

"This is not your and we were just passing by!" Optimus growled back.

"This is stupid!" Lunar grumbled under her breath, as she walked in front of Optimus.

"What do you think you're doing?!" Megatron asked angrily.

"This is idiotic!-" She started but before she could finish the was the sound of powerful wing beats.

"The female is correct!" A booming, powerful voice growled.

"Dragons!!!" Steve yelled running.

"For someone I've never hear talked, you sure love to scream!" She exclaimed, giving him a weird look.

"I will take that as a complement." He stated, then screamed and ran away.

Megatron and Optimus moved away from the middle of the battle field, but Lunar stayed right where she was. Three dragons landed with a thud, they all circled around Blacklunar looking straight at her.

The one to her left had a bird like mouth, feathers and wings. He was blue, gray, gold, black, and navy blue. His beak was gray and the his fore head and horns were a gold color. His underside was covered with scales and it went to the bottom of his chin, to the end of his tail. Behind his golden colored horns where bigger Gray horns. His main body color was navy blue with blue and gray lines running down his body. His wings were lined with black and were gray. He had bright amber eyes.

The one to her right was a white, black, and blue furred dragon. He also had a black scaled underside. The edges of his white fur were blue, so it looked like he had frost on the edges of his fur. His face was black but the area around his eyes was blue. The Horns on his head were long, pointy, and black. Around his wings was black and the main color was white. His amber eyes seemed to be trying to burn into the back out her head. His teeth were fully shown and on his upper jaw there were two teeth that stood out and were bigger than the others.

Lastly the one who seamed to be the leader. He had thick red and black scales making them look like armor. A line of scales that went down his body were gray. On his head there were three pairs of horns. The first pair of horns were short but sharp and were black with a red tint. The biggest pair were gray, long, and very sharp looking. The last pair were behind the biggest, the half the size and were also black with a red tint. The area around his eyes were gray and armored. On his face were mandibles that covered her sharp teeth. At the end of his mandibles were talon like teeth. He was very bulky and strong looking. He had the brightest ember eyes of all three of them. He had a long neck so he seemed very tall and his wings were bat like, the main part was a bright reddish orange with black around the edge.

"What is your name female?" The leader asked, lowering his head so he wouldn't seem so intimidating and so he could get a better look at her.

"My name is Blacklunar. What are your names?" She asked back, not showing any fear at all.

"My name is Predaking and the dark blue one two your left is Darkscale." Predaking introduced, "And the one to your right is Skylynx."

"It is a pleasure to meet you all." Lunar exclaimed, bowing down to Predaking showing him respect.

"It is nice to know at least one of you wolves know respect." Predaking spoke so everyone could hear.

"If I may asked but why are you here?" Blacklunar asked, standing up and looking straight into his bright eyes.

"You show courage and power, I like that. You could stop this war and we want to help." Predaking stated making Lunar smile.

"I liked that to happen. They don't even know about the great evil that's been rising over the years that they've been fighting." Lunar explained.

"Wait what great evil?" Optimus asked stepping up.

"The same great evil that killed the females parents. Isn't that right "little Lunar"?" A mysterious voice stated.

'Wait, I remember that voice!' Lunar thought, getting very angry.

"Leave before I come and kill you Shadow!" Lunar growled, sharply turning her body towards the trees were two demon purple eyes glowed.

"Why Blacklunar how you've grown. You are so mature and beautiful. To bad my master wants us to kill you." Shadow spoke, walking out of the shadows of the trees.

He had black fur that was covered with scars. He had so many scars that he looked like he could be a zombie. His purple eyes shined darkly, you could tell that he was not good news. A part of his ear was missing and a huge claw mark was on his chest.

"I hope you die!" Blacklunar yelled, getting ready to kick some tail.

"Blacklunar, who is this fool?" Predaking asked, glaring at Shadow wolf.

"That is Shadowheart, .....he is the one who killed my parents and he is the beta of the Shadowdeath pack." Blacklunar explained, still growling.

"Wait! I thought that pack was just a myth!" A red and white old looking wolf exclaimed.

"No. We are very real." Shadowheart smugly said, puffing out his chest.

"Wait then that means that Unicron is real!" A black and yellow wolf exclaimed, slightly frightened.

There was a chatter from both packs and then was silenced by a chuckle from Shadowheart.

"Oh how your fear make laugh! This is the almighty pack that going to stop Unicron! Ha!" Shadow laughed.

"You know what Shadowbutt! They might seem like complete idiots, no offence, but they are great fighters!" Blacklunar growled, stomping her paws as she walked over to Shadow.

Before Shadow could protest there was a glow coming from Blacklunar's back.

"What the?!" Blacklunar exclaimed.

The glowing stopped and on Lunar's back were black angel wings.

"Wow." Lunar spoke, amazed by the sight.

All eyes were now on Lunar's wings. Predaking walked over to her and nudged her wings to make sure they were real and... they were. Lunar opened them and closed them to get a good feeling of them.

"A gift from us, our child." her parents voices spoke in her head.

'Thank you.' She thought.

She looked back at Shadow and growled.

"Go to Unicron and tell him that we're coming and we will be stronger than ever! Now go!" Lunar growled, standing tall with her wings spread wide to look intimidating.

"We will meet again soon Lunar." Shadow whispered, and then just disappeared.

Blacklunar looked back at Predaking and then her wings.

" do you think you could teach me how to fly?" Blacklunar asked.

"Of course, it would be a pleasure but you have to stay with us for a few days." Predaking explained.

"Hold on a second!" Blackout exclaimed, as he, Knockout, Breakdown, and Soundwave ran up to Blacklunar.

"You're going to leave?" Knockout asked sadly.

"Yes I am but I do ask one thing of you two packs. End this useless war and make a trues." Lunar spoke for everyone to hear.

"Never! Why should we listen to you! Your just a female!" Megatron growled as he and Optimus walked over to them.

Before anyone could say anything Soundwave got in front of Lunar and growled. Megatron looked surprised then smirked.

"So the silent wolf is in love, how cute is that." Megatron teased.

"You know what Megatron, I been following your orders for years now and you know what I learned? I learned that your nothing but a selfish leader!" Soundwave growled.

Everyone gasped, except for Blacklunar.

"You can talk?!" Megatron asked, surprised.

"What do you think! Also did you not just hear the conversation that Blacklunar just had?! Unicron is out there and is growing stronger each day while we're just playing a game of war!" Soundwave stated. "Let Blacklunar lead us. She's the one of the legend and she needs our help."

"Then let's help her!" Yelled the black and yellow wolf.

He had baby blue eyes and his ears were folded. He looked to be a little younger than Blacklunar. He had two lines on each side of his bright yellow body. The tips of his ears, paws, and the tip of his tail was black.

"Yes I agree with Bumblebee, we should help the young female for our safety and the animals of this world." The old red and white wolf explained.

He had red paws and a red tipped tail. His eyes were dark blue and he had a couple scars here and there.

"I don't care what you chose Optimus but I'm going with my niece." Ironhide started, walking over to Lunar's side.

"Yeah me two." Blackout started, walking over and sat next to Ironhide.

Bumblebee ran over and joined them. So did Knockout, Breakdown, Dreadwing, Shockwave, and Steve. They all sat behind them waiting for Megatron, Optimus and Starscream to answer. Blacklunar noticed the wolf that she had tried to help when she first had came.

"Hey I never got your name." Lunar spoke, getting his attention.

"Jazz, my name is Jazz. The old red one is Ratchet. Also the twins over there, the red and gray is Sideswipe and the yellow and gray one is Sunstreaker." Jazz explained, pointing his paw towards the twins.

They both had the same colored eyes which was a dark blue eyes. They had patches of gray fur on their backs and tails. Their legs, ears, and snouts were also gray.

"You know what Deathscar, I am getting sick of having to fight an old friend of mine and I don't want to any more. So what do you say?" Optimus asked turning to Megatron holding a paw.

Before Megatron could answer, Starscream stepped up to Optimus and said, "We don't need your pity, right my liege?"

"No Starscream, you are wrong. There was no reason to this war and there is now a very power thirsty wolf out there who is getting all of that power! So Starscream do us all a favor and shut your mouth before you do any more damage!" Megatron growled, "and I agree with you my old friend."

They shook paws making everyone cheer. Blacklunar looked at Soundwave and noticed that he was smiling at her. She blushed and looked away. He walked over to her and sat down putting his head on top of hers.

"I love you Blacklunar and I always will." Soundwave whispered to her.

Right at that moment Blacklunar felt like her whole world had been blown away. What was this feeling and why was she feeling it? It felt like she had a bunch of butterflies in her stomach. She felt like she wanted to cry.

"I couldn't help but fall in love with you the first time that I had saw you. You were beautiful the way your fur shined in the sunlight and how unique your eyes were. I felt like it was meant to be." He again whispered.

Blacklunar felt the tears run down her face and her legs felt like jelly. Soundwave noticed her crying and started to like away her tears.

"I love you two Soundwave." She whimpered, giving him one big like on the cheek.

"Blacklunar you have my promise that we will stay by your side through this great adventure of your." Predaking spoke for Skylynx, Darkscale and himself.

"Us too." Optimus and Megatron exclaimed.

Blacklunar looked at the two alphas and explained, "I need you to train your packs together, teach them how to work with each other. Use each of their skills well."

"Got it." They spoke, nodding their heads.

Blacklunar looked at the sky and took notice that the sun was setting.

"Shall we leave?" Predaking asked.

"Yes, goodbye fellow wolves and do me a favor and at least try to work together." Lunar spoke for everyone to hear, worriedly.

"Ok." They all spoke at once.

Blacklunar gave Soundwave one last kiss and then got onto Predaking's back.

They took flight and Lunar had her wings wrapped around herself and her claw were clung onto Predaking's neck.

Predaking chuckled and asked sarcastically, "How it going Blacklunar?"

"This is amazing!" she yelled so they could hear her over the wind and the sound of wings flapping.

"Hey Blacklunar look at the horizon." Skylynx suggested to her.

She looked at horizon and saw the sun and a beautiful sunset.

"Wow." She breathed out, as she gasped at the sight.

"Amazing isn't it?" Darkscale asked, flying to the left of Predaking.

"Yeah the most amazing thing I have ever seen!" She yelled, excited to start flying.

They flew to a cave not to far away from the Deceptivewolves camp. They flew inside and landed. They cave was lit by sticks that were on fire and hung on the walls of the cave.

"We shall begin your flying lessons now." Predaking stated, getting Blacklunar attention.

"Oh ok. So we're just going to start right away?" She asked.

"Yes as soon as us dragons grow to be old enough our parents would just throw us into the air and we would know how to fly." Darkscale explained, laying down.

"I it really that simple?" She asked, starting to get nervous.

"Don't let your fears get in the way. Just follow your instinct and spread your wings." Predaking explained, pushing her towards the caves entrance.

She looked down and noticed how high it was from the ground. She looked back at Predaking who nodded and gave her a little nudge. Lunar closed her eyes and jumped. She spreads her wings and waits for her instinct.

Predaking, Skylynx and Darkscale waited from her to pull up but noticed that it had been a while.

"Um.....Predaking do you think that she-" But Darkscale was interrupted by someone shouting happily.

"Wooo hooo!" Lunar yelled happily.

The was a white flash going up into the sky, until they noticed that it was a happy twirling Blacklunar.

"She did it!" Skylynx exclaimed, happy for the female wolf and taking off into the sky after her.

"You go girl!" Darkscale yelled getting up and also taking off into the sky.

"Great job Lunar!" Predaking congratulated her, taking off to join his friends.

By now the stars were shining brightly in the sky alongside the full moon. Blacklunar laughed as she flew, doing spirals and flips. Her heart fluttered at the feeling of the wind in her fur and the feathers on her wings. Her wings felt like they were meant to be with the sky like she was meant to be with Soundwave.

"Alright Lunar let's get back to the cave it's getting late." Predaking explained, as they all turned back to the cave.

They flew back to the cave and landed, well except for Lunar. Blacklunar tried to land but ended up face planting into the dirt. She got up and shook the most of the dirt out of her fur.

Predaking walked over to a pile of logs and spit out a bit of fire breath to start a warm fire. That night was a bit chilly.

'I hope Soundwave is warm and save.' Lunar thought.

Predaking noticed that Blacklunar was shivering, so he wrapped a wing around her and pulled her so she laying next to him. He laid down and kept his wing wrapped around her. Skylynx and Darkscale laid down close to the fire and their king.

"Goodnight everyone." Blacklunar whispered, but just enough for everyone to hear.

"Goodnight girly." Darkscale spoke quietly before falling asleep.

"Sweet dreams Blacklunar." Skylynx whispered, before falling asleep.

"Sleep well Lunar." She heard Predaking speak softly pulling her closer before they all were asleep.

In an unknown area.

"My master i have returned with special news. The female called Blacklunar has tolled me to pass on a message to you!" Shadowheart exclaimed, bowing down not daring to looked into his master's deadly glare.

"Well then, what is the message?!" The dark voice asked, obviously annoyed.

"She said that she is coming for you and that she will be stronger than ever and also my lord today when I saw her she was talking to the three legendary dragons! She also had wings grow out of her back!" Shadowheart explained to his master.

"What?!" The dark voice yelled, making Shadowheart yelp in fear.

"Yeah she had wings and dragons siding with her!" Shadowheart explained.

"She is not the only one that has dragons." The dark voice growled.

In the background there was the roar of dragons. 

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