Black Silk Wings

By Nallely99

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The story is about this girl that is named Alice and has to live with her boss Natsume. But she always felt l... More

Black Silk Wings
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 13

51 6 4
By Nallely99

(Alice point of view)

I opened my mouth in shocked.

What is Alison doing here. And how can she last a long time under water!!

All this water came in my mouth. Yuck. I had totally forgotten that I was under water. I immediately closed my mouth and swam toward her.

Alison clearly had no intention of giving me to dog. I forcefully took the dog from her and kicked her on the stomach. Oh that's got to hurt. Once I had the dog, we went up top.

When I reached the surface I gasped for air. I could see Ethan, Natsume and Kazuma relived to see me. I was swimming to the edge when I felt that Alison was circulating me. Since I didn't want to worry about the dog I threw Lightning and Kazuma caught him.

"What! Forget about the stupid dog and get out of the water!" Natsume yelled. Some one was blowing up with anger. When you put a volcano and Natsume on a measuring scale we ALL know who is angrier. Natsume wins by a long shot.

"Okay I'm coming, I'm coming. Gess don't get mad." I said.

Alison came up behind, grabbed my head and took me under water again. I didn't even get a chance to get air.

Alison had me by the arm and she kept going deeper and deeper into the water. The pressure was really high. I got free but she didn't let me get any closer to the surface.

"Where do you thing your going missy." She opened her mouth and sucked in a lot of water. Alison faced one of her palms to me the other one was facing up. Then a water dragon took form. It rushed to me and took to last bit of air I had. While the other one headed up.

"You're giving up that easily. What a sham. You were weak after all." Alison said as she turned away from me.

I opened my eyes and some how I did the same thing she did with the water dragon. Alison didn't see that coming. But I want aiming for her. When all had calmed down I looked for Alison but she was no where to be see. That is when every thing went black.


(Natsume's point of view)

All I saw was when Alice came up was the dog in her arms. Some thing in her eyes told me that there was something going on. That is when she threw the dog.

"What! Forget about the dog stupid dog and get out of the water!" Kazuma got the dog. Ethan was on the floor and he was crying. I wasn't going to tell him to shut up at a time like this. He is an eleven year old after all.

That is when I saw some one pull Alice under water. But the bad thing is that I couldn't see the face of the person who did it.

"Wait Kazuma you saw what I saw too right! What was that thing? Did you get to see how it looked like?" I said turning to look at my brother. He really isn't my brother. He is my brothers clone. But I treat him like he was another family member.

"No I didn't get to see its face. I thought you did. And it came up behind Alice so I drought she saw its face ether." Kasuma responded still holding the dog. He let the dog go and it was running in circles. And he was barking at the water.

Ethan grabbed the dog and hugged him tightly.

Oh poor dog. What is taking Alice so long to come up. Maybe she's in trouble.

"Maybe she's in trouble. I'll go and get her." Kazuma was walking to the water when I stopped him.

"Nah. Don't bother. This is Alice we're talking about. She's a strong person even if I don't like to admit it. Lets give her a few more minutes." I said. Kazuma still wasn't sure of what to do. But he gave in and went over to were Ethan was.

Some time passed and Alice still didn't come up. But the water was suturing up. The water some how hit something and came up in like an arrow towards us. Kazuma moved away. I saw Ethan and he didn't seam to see the arrow. I was going to move him way when another arrow came from the water.

I closed my eyes. I was waiting to be hit but nothing happened. When I opened my eyes there was a barrier between me and the first arrow. It didn't go throw. They stayed like that for a split second then turned into water.

"Hey! Are you alright?" Kazuma asked me. I felt weird.

"I'm fine. Were is Alice?" I said as I got up.

"There is no sign of her coming up." He responded.

"I'll go look for her." I offered going to the water. But Kazuma stopped me from going any closer.

"No. I'll go. I can hold my breath longer than you can. Plus I need you to stay with Ethan." Kazuma said. And even if I wanted to go I had to realize that he was right. He is not a normal human. But nether am I.

"Okay. But please be quick." I told him. He smiles and went in. I went over to Ethan. "Hey now, don't cry. Alice will be fine. I promise." I looked at the water hoping I was right.


(Kazuma's point of view)

I wonder what is going on. Why did she want us to get out of the water. What is going on here?

Even if I wanted to know what was going on I did as Alice said. But Alice was still in the water. Natsume yelled at her to get out but she went in any ways.

I wonder why Natsume treats Alice so harshly when all he wants for her is her safety. I can't tell him what to do. I'm not his real brother but he still treats me like one. I am, or was a part of the enemy.

Alice eventually comes out of the water. Instead of getting out of the water she trows the dog at me. I didn't see that coming but I caught Lightning anyways. The dog was wet and shivering. And my guess was that he had swallowed a lot of water.

On her way to shore some one comes up from behind her and drags her down. I turned to look at Natsume. I wonder if we saw what I saw. I couldn't see the face of the individual that dragged her.

Maybe Natsume was him.

"Wait Kazuma you saw what I saw too right! What was that thing! Did you get to see how it looked like?" Natsume told me.

Well it was clear that he didn't see it ether '-_-

"No I didn't get to see its face. I thought you did. And it came up behind Alice so I drought she saw its face ether." I said to him. He looked extremely worried.

I let the dog down because he was fidgety. There was something in the water that Lightning didn't like.

I wonder if Alice needs help. It's better to make sure than to be sorry later.

"Maybe she's in trouble. I'll go get her." I didn't want to waist any more time waiting if she came up. But Natsume said she would be all right.

I was mad at first. How could he say some thing so slightly. But then again, Natsume has been with Alice for seven years. So he knows her more than any one else. I relaxed a little and went over to were Ethan was. I tried to make him feel better but nothing seamed to make him feel better.

The water was slowly moving. Out of no where an arrow came out shooting up. I moved way in an instant. The arrow went strait but then it was headed towards Ethan. I was too far away from him that was unable to do anything. But Natsume covered Ethan. The arrow was going to hit Natsume.

Then another arrow much bigger, stronger and faster went ahead of the first one. It barely passed it and it turned into a shield. It stayed like that but it turned to water again.

It can't be! What...

"Hey! Are you alright?" I told him. But I was a little more worried for Alice. Natsume was going to go look for her but he couldn't last long underwater. So I went instead. I hope I was able to find her soon.


Nallely99: I don't know if you guys have noticed that the chapters are getting longer and that there are more than one point of view. Well what do you guys think about the changes. Please comment. Thanks again •_•

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