
By jseddy2015

215 9 4

When Jake and Delia were young they created a world between them. Sithron was born and with it were people, p... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 1

41 2 0
By jseddy2015

It was cool day. The breeze ruffles the leaves on the trees. The grass was still wet from the nighttime rain. Jake slowly walked up the street, dragging his feet. He was in a bad mood. He thought back to the morning when his mother asked him to go to Delia's house.

"Jake! I need you to head over to the Smith's house. You need to invite them to our camp."

"Your inviting them to our camp? Are you serious? You promised me I could invite my friends!"

"Delia is your friend!"

"Not anymore!"

"I don't understand why you had this fallout with Delia. She is such a sweet girl. Anyways, you can invite your friends later on in the summer. We've know the Smith's forever and they are very good friends with us."

"Not with me." Jake muttered.

"What was that?" His mother asked.



"Why do I have to go over and ask? Why don't you since you are such good friends with them?"


"Fine. Do I have to talk to Delia?"


"Okay, okay, I'm going!" Jake walked out and slammed the door in disgust. He heard his mother inside let out an annoyed sigh.

He was approaching the Smith's house. As he walked up their driveway he steeled himself for the inevitable confrontation with Delia and her parents. He took a deep breath and knocked on the door. The door opened and Mrs. Smith answered. When she saw him she beamed and gestured for him to come inside.

"Jake, come inside. It's so good to see you!"

"Hey Mrs. S!"

"Now, what brought you over here? Wait, I'll bring something to eat!"

"You don't have--"

"Nonsense Jake. You just wait here." She walked out of the room and he heard her clattering around in the kitchen. Jake groaned softly and rubbed his temples. He had planned this to be a quick stop, but now he was going to have to stay and visit. The chances of having to see Delia was growing. Mrs. Smith came back in bearing a tray with some lemonade and her signature dip and crackers. Jake brightened up slightly at the sight of the dip. 

"So, what brings you over here?" She said smiling.

"My mom wanted to ask you guys over to our camp." Jake answered.

"That would be wonderful! I'll call your mother later for the details. So your mother sent you all the way here to ask us. How sweet of your dear." Mrs. Smith smiled fondly at Jake. She talked a little more with him. After a while Mrs. Smith got up and cleared the dishes.

"Mrs. S., I think I'll be heading out."

"Oh Jake, thank you for visiting! Wait, you haven't gotten a chance to see Delia. She's out in back, why don't you go see her." Jake couldn't refuse the kindly woman.

"Sure Mrs. S." He walked out the back door, internally groaning. He looked around and Delia was no where in sight. He turned around prepared to sneak back home but Mrs. Smith was watching him in the window. She smiled at him and pointed to the woods. He couldn't go back, he had to see Delia. He smiled back at her and trudged off into the woods.

He hadn't been there in years. Not since 5th grade. He was a junior now, it had been seven years since then. Seven years after he had a fight with Delia. Seven years since he left here crying at Amor cliff. He stopped walking. Where was she? Where was he? Jake kicked a rock in frustration. He was lost. He quietly cursed himself for his stupidity. He cast about for familiar landmarks but found none. It had been so long since he played in these woods that he forgot most places. Jake started off in direction that would hopefully lead him to the Smith's house. Screw Delia, he wasn't going to be looking for her now.

He had been walking for a while when he heard something. It sounded like someone yelling. He heard it again. Curious he started heading toward the noise. As he got closer he could discern that whoever was shouting, was a girl. The shouting was really close now and he could tell it was coming from the clearing ahead. He quietly walked over and peered through the leaves. He was shocked at what he saw.

It was Delia. He didn't believe it was her at first. She was wearing cut shorts with a tank top. Her long dark hair was pulled back into a ponytail at the back of her head. Dirt streaked her face and she was shiny with persperation. He had to admit to himself that she did look stunning, and nothing like the Delia he saw at school. She was holding a long pole and fencing something.

"Delia!" he shouted. Her head snapped around and her eyes met his. She quickly turned back and she scanned the clearing. Apparently whatever she had been "fighting" was gone. He couldn't help but snigger.

"Having fun fighting air?" He asked. Delia looked back at him. Her eyes narrowed.

"I guess I hadn't realized how far you had gone." She sneered. Suddenly she froze and cocked her head. Jake listened but heard nothing. He was about to make another snide comment but just as he was going to open his mouth Delia darted over and covered her mouth with her hand. She brought her face close to him.

"Don't you dare open that stupid mouth again unless you want to be caught." She hissed. She so furious that he swallowed nervously and nodded. "Come on, we have to hurry before he gets here." He was about to ask her who it was they were running from but she was gone, running swiftly and quietly farther into the woods. He groaned and sprinted after her. She was incredibly fast and as she ran he could see her muscles rippleing underneath her skin. He was soon panting and cursing the roots and other things that were tripping him up. Finally his foot caught on a rock and he fell headlong into a pile of dirt. He looked up and Delia had come back to him. Her gaze was frosty as she helped him up. Silently she signaled him to come over to a large boulder. He walked over trying to clean some of the dirt off his face. He watched in amazement as Delia reached under the boulder and he heard something click. With no effort she pushed the boulder out of the way to reveal a passage leading into the earth. He could only gawk at Delia. She rolled her eyes and pushed him before her into the passage. She walked in and pulled the boulder back over the entrance. Just in time. He heard awful grating voices above the ground. He looked at Delia in confusion but she only looked grimly back and led him farther underground.

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