Sorry, I Don't date.

By peace_love_dream

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so, im not good at these things, but here goes.. how would you feel, if the one you loved cheated on you? hor... More

Sorry, I Don't date.
chapter 1
chapter 2

chapter 3

117 9 1
By peace_love_dream

Chapter 3

Jogging up my drive way I grabbed out my key and unlocked the door, walking inside and closing it behind me. I threw my bag onto the table by the door and kicked my shoes off. I went into the kitchen and grabbed an apple.

“Mum, I’m home!” I shout out, no reply. As usual, mum works late on weekdays. Ever since dad left she likes to work to keep her mind off things. It was hard on her, well hard on all of us. We didn’t even get a goodbye. He just up and left while we were sleeping about 3 years ago. It was really hard on ella, my little sister, she was only 3 at the time. she kept asking for daddy, we never knew what to say and it broke my heart seeing her have to grow up with no dad, I mean I had to as well but she was so little.

 Sighing I shake my head getting clear of those thoughts. I check the time, 3:30, better go pick ella up  from pre school. I grabbed my bag, pulling my Ipod out and put my earphones in, while locking the door and started walking.


I walked through the doors at the preschool and headed to the desk, I searched the pick up sheet for Ella’s name, I found it and signed her off. walking through the glass doors and to the play area I looked around trying to spot her.

“sophieeeeeeeeee!” I hear a little voice yell, looking down I see ella just in time as she launches off the ground and into my arms.
“hey sweetie, how was your day?” I ask as I shift her onto my hip more before picking up her bag and walking out. 

“great! Mandy, read my favourite book to me before nap time and I played with annie, and we were being princesses and we had to save the castle from the witch oh and……” she rambled on while playing with my hair. I laughed at her cuteness, nodding my head whenever she looked up to make sure I was listening.

After a few more minutes we were home. Ella jumped down from my arms and ran into her toy room.  I took her bag into the kitchen and went through it, I pulled out a pink note that had something about a picnic day. I walked into the room with it in my hands

“hey ella, do you want to go to this?” I ask holding up the note. She turns around putting her teddy down, her eyes light up when she looks the note which puts a smile on  my face instantly.

“yes! Me and annie are partners for it!” he squeals happily.

“okay, so its going to be me, you , annie and whos coming with annie?” I ask curiously, she just shrugs her shoulders before getting distracted by her toys again. I chuckle before walking out of the room and up to mine, I grab my bag and pull out my homework and start on it. it’s about 15 minutes later when I get a notification on facebook, I unlock my phone and have a look.

Reece chestcott has added you as a friend

i roll my eyes before accepting, I get back to doing my homework before my phone beeps again I pull it out and see I have a message, I open it to see its from reece saying hey, I ignore it and finish off my homework. I walk down stairs quickly checking on ella before heading into the kitchen making dinner. Once ive finished I give it to ella and we eat while I listen to her telling me stories. I clean up before putting ella to bed and going to my room and falling to sleep soon after. Knowing mum won’t be home for a few hours.

I can feel someone shaking me, as I slowly open my eyes. As my eyes adjust to light, I scream in fright at the face that’s millimetres away from mine, I throw the closest thing I can reach, which unfortunately for me it was my pillow. After I throw it, I see it just in time to watch it make contact with the persons face, what makes it even funnier is that face is none other than reece’s. I burst out into laughter, clutching my stomach as my sides start to hurt. I abruptly stop laughing when a thought passes through my mind.

“why are you in my house, better yet, why are you in my room?”  I question while raising my eyebrow. His frown turns into a smirk, before he answers

“your lovely mum sent me up to wake you, I think she’s taken a liking to me” after he speaks a mischievous grin appears on his face. 
“what happened?” I asked in a panicked voice

“well she couldn’t get over that fact a boy came to pick you, especially someone as handsome as me” he says with a wink which causes me to scoff, before he continues “she was that happy she’s even letting me take you out tonight” he said with a massive smirk, which made me want to slap him.
“no” is all I said

“no, im not going with you tonight” I stated

“to bad, your mum was overjoyed, wouldn’t want to let her down now would we?” he smirks, knowing he got me. I couldn’t let my mum down, if this made her as happy as he says it did. That would be the happiest she has been in a while.
I let out a loud sigh before getting out of bed and heading into my conjoint bathroom. I locked the door and strip down before having a quick shower, I jump out and wrap a towel around my waist before walking out of the bathroom and to my room, I quickly walk into my walk in closet. I bend down to pick up some shorts when I hear a wolf whistle, I quickly whirl around my face going bright red as I see reece sitting on my bed as his eyes run over my body.

“get out!” I screech as I throw shoes at him, he quickly jumps off the bed, hands up in surrender as he runs out of the room laughing. I let out an aggravated sigh before before quickly putting on high wasted shorts, my converses and a nice top tucked into them. I grab my school bag putting my needed books, wallet and phone I quickly brush my teeth and run down stairs, I pass the kitchen and stop in my tracks as, I do a double take to make sure I’m not seeing things, there standing in my kitchen is the badboy himself, and my little sister doing a secret hand shake.

I clear my throat and to get their attention, both their heads snap my way, before ella’s face erupts into a smile.

“sophieee! Reece, is my new bestfriend! “ she says in a cute voice, I force a smile, the devils already brain washing my family.

“that’s great sweety! Mums gonna drop you too pre-school, because I’m running late okay?” I say softly kissing her cheek. “okay “ she says back before running off into her room.

I turn and head towards the front door and turn to see reece just standing there. “you coming?” I ask him expectantly

“your actually not putting up a fight ?” he asks me shock written all over his face. “im already running late to school and I don’t want to walk, so hurry up before I change my mind would you?” I ask getting slightly irritated. “coming” he says before quickly following me out to his car. I get in and he runs around his side and jumps in, I can’t help but notice his car smells exactly like him, and it smells so good, and I also can’t help but take in a deep breath, before I can realise what I’m doing, a light blush covers my face, and I let my hair fall down to block him from seeing my now tomato coloured face. After a few minutes I look up and see we aren’t anywhere I know.

 Im about to ask before we slowly stop infront of an apartment building. Confusion rushes threw me and I look at reece expectantly. He just laughs before getting out and walking around to my side and opening the door, signalling me to step out, I do so. He closes the door behind me and rest his hand on my lower back, leading me inside and up the elevator. I couldn’t help the tingles his hand made as it rested on my lower back. We walked out of the elevator and he dropped his hand to reach for something in his pocket.

I instantly missed his hand on my back, but as soon as that thought came into my mind I scolded myself.  He pulled out a key and unlocked the door. He turned to me as he went to go in.

“you didn’t actually think we were going to school did you?”


A/N hey im back!

Sorry for not updating and I didn’t proof read this so sorry for the mistakes! I hope you enjoy!

her outfit on the side>>>>>>>

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