Amelie Leveridge and Severus...

By Adele015

384K 8.9K 2.7K

Amelie Leveridge was orphaned at 3 years old. After spending the next 8 years of her life going from orphanag... More

Amelie Leveridge and Severus Snape Chapter 1
Amelie Leveridge and Severus Snape Chapter 2
Amelie Leveridge and Severus Snape Chapter 3
Amelie Leveridge and Severus Snape Chapter 4
Amelie Leveridge and Severus Snape Chapter 5
Amelie Leveridge and Severus Snape Chapter 7
Amelie Leveridge and Severus Snape Chapter 8
Amelie Leveridge and Severus Snape Chapter 9
Amelie Leveridge and Severus Snape Chapter 10
Amelie Leveridge and Severus Snape Chapter 11
Amelie Leveridge and Severus Snape Chapter 12
Amelie Leveridge and Severus Snape Chapter 13
Amelie Leveridge and Severus Snape Chapter 14
Amelie Leveridge and Severus Snape Chapter 15
Amelie Leveridge and Severus Snape Chapter 16
Amelie Leveridge and Severus Snape Chapter 17
Amelie Leveridge and Severus Snape Chapter 18
Amelie Leveridge and Severus Snape Chapter 19
Amelie Leveridge and Severus Snape Chapter 20
Amelie Leveridge and Severus Snape Chapter 21
Amelie Leveridge and Severus Snape Chapter 22
Amelie Leveridge and Severus Snape Chapter 23
Amelie Leveridge and Severus Snape Chapter 24
Amelie Leveridge and Severus Snape Chapter 25
Amelie Leveridge and Severus Snape Chapter 26
Amelie Leveridge and Severus Snape Chapter 27
Amelie Leveridge and Severus Snape Chapter 28
Amelie Leveridge and Severus Snape Chapter 29
Amelie Leveridge and Severus Snape Chapter 30
Amelie Leveridge and Severus Snape Chapter 31
Amelie Leveridge and Severus Snape Chapter 32
Amelie Leveridge and Severus Snape Epilogue

Amelie Leveridge and Severus Snape Chapter 6

14.5K 359 107
By Adele015


I was fuming now. How dare she?! But through all my anger, I didn't see how I had hurt her. After she has been tossed from orphanage to orphanage most of her life, she had just started to think that she was wanted. That hogwarts wanted her. But now, she knew that was stupid. Afterall, I had just said that I didn't want her. The one person who was supossed to want her.

Tears brimmed in her onyx coloured eyes as she stomped into her quarters and slammed her door.

"Stupid overdramatic muggle" I grumbled, as I retreated into my quarters, and settled into a disturbed and fitful sleep.


Amelie's P.O.V

I stormed into my room, slamming the door in that hateful man's face. I managed to make it to my bed before the tears came streaming out. Once again, I wasn't wanted. This place was just like the orphanages I had stayed in. No one wanted me. Professor Snape made that quite clear. I lay on my bed, sobbing, until I finally fell asleep.

When morning came, I was woken with the noise of rough banging on my door.

"Time to get up" Severus shouted gruffly.

I groggilly shuffled to the bathroom, showered, and changed into a pair of light denim jeans, some purple vans and a black t-shirt. When I'd decided that I looked acceptable, I shuffled through into the living room, where I saw Professor snape had laid a small wooden table, with two plates of freshly made pancakes. The delicious smell hit me, and a gasped, causing Professor snape, who had been sitting at the table, to lower his newspaper and raise an eyebrow.

I gracefully sat down at the table, and quitely dug in to my plate of pancakes. They really tasted as good as they smellled! When I had finished, Professor Snape folded up his newspaper, and placed it down on the table. I'd noticed that he'd barely eaten anything, which made me feel like a pig. I looked down at my empty plate as he began to speak.

"Now, child-"

"Amelie." I butt in, with an unimpressed tone of voice.

"Sorry?!" He said, slightly rasing his voice.

"Amelie. My. Name. Is. Amelie." I said though gritted teeth, trying to stop myself from getting too angry. No matter how much I disliked this man, I didn't really want him to be mysteriously hurt by my anger. He grumbled something incoherent and began speaking again.

"Now...Amelie" I smirked at him for having to use my name.

" It has been decided that I am to be your adoptive parent or guardian during your time at hogwarts."

He spoke so formally, and with such un-expression, that it was blatently obvious that he didn't care much about me.

"And I would like to make some things clear. You are to stay out of my way, stay out of my belongings, and address me as Professor Snape, for as long as you are here." He paused, waiting for some acknowledgement. I was bored of being angry so I just nodded, going along with it.

"I am also to teach you about wizarding life, and all of the magical skills you should have learnt during first, second, third and fourth years at hogwarts. You are to listen to everything I say, and do everything I ask. This way, someone wont end up getting...hurt." As he said this, he was staring at me, trying to see my response. I just nodded.

"I am glad that you understand." I almost snorted with laughter, his voice was anything but glad. More blank and un-emotional. He gave me an akward look, the continued his rant-like speech.

"For the next 2 weeks, I will be teaching you everything you must know in order to pass fifth year. After two weeks, you will go and catch the train to hogwarts, with everyone else, in order to make some..friends."

"But first, I must inform you about the housing system. Hogwarts is split up into 4 houses. Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, Slytherin" He perked up when he said that house name, " and, Gryffindor." He snarled the last one, making obvious his hatred towards that house."On your first day, you will be sorted into the house that you suit best, which, for your sake, I hope is slytherin." I smirked at this, already wanting to be placed in gryffindor just to spite him. "You will live in the dormintories of whichever house you are sorted in, and will come back to live with me during the holidays."

Again, I nodded. But this seemed to irritate Snape. The professor stood up from his seat and roughly pulled a pile of books off a dusty bookshelf. He strode over to the table, his black cloak swishing behind him, and slammed them down in front of me.

"Read these by the end of the day. I will expect a 2 page essay on each book by tomorrow morning." And with that, he stomped out of the living quarters and down some spiral stairs.

I looked at the 4 books that lay infront of me and laughed. Easy. I would read at least 3 books every day when I was in the orphanages, and had always managed to get top marks on the homework the other orphans had forced me to do for them.

12 hours and a large lunch later, I had finished reading all of the books, and was onto the last essay.

Professor Snape finally emerged up the spiral staircase, and strode over to where I was finishing my last paragraph. He looked shocked as he saw the pile of essays that lay infront of me. His expression was priceless. I laughed, causing him to glare at me. I quickly stopped laughing, and watched him pick up the essays and begin to skim through them.

"Impressive...impressive" He muttered to himself.

"Uh...well done, Miss Leveridge. It's..better than I expected." I smirked at the confused expression on his face, and he place the pile of essays down, and began preparing dinner.

When I finally went into my room, I was exhausted. That reading was so much harder than I thought, but I couldn't let Snape see that. I collapsed on my bed, and fell into an exhausted but content sleep.

The rest of the two weeks continued pretty much like this, with Professor Snape piling on the work, until I knew all there was to know about first, second, third and fourth year magic. Our relationship has fractionally thawed.

Eventually, it was the evening before the beginning term, and when I retired into my room, I found an ornate bird cage sitting on my bed, with a gorgeous snowy white owl sitting in it. The note next to it said:

"For all your hard work"


Snape's P.O.V.

Severus stood in the doorway, watching the teenager fussing over the bird. His lips twitched slightly, as if they were thinking about smiling, until they turned back into a frown, as Amelie spoke:

"I'll call you...Albus"

He wouldn't admit it, but he had grown closer to Amelie in the last 2 weeks. He wouldn't show it, but he had even begun to care about her. It had shocked him to see just how similar they were to each other. They both had those dark, onyx coloured eyes, were eager and quick to learn, and short-tempered.

It was obvious that she thought that the owl was from Dumbledore, and it hurt him to think that Amelie wouldn't even consider him as the one who had given her the owl. The first, openly nice thing he had done for that child, and she didn't even think that it was him. The fact that she didn't think that he could have been nice enough to give her that owl made him angry, with himself.

He watched her fussing with the owl, until she eventually fell asleep, and sighed. Turning round, he walked to his room and collapsed onto his bed, falling into a dreamless sleep.

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