
By sojusakeandbeer

9.8K 249 34

20-year old Stephanie Chapman is just like any other girl - except for her uncanny ability to morph into any... More

Morph. Chapter 1
Chapter 1.5
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 7.5
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 9.5
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 16.5
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 20.5
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 14

303 7 0
By sojusakeandbeer

Before I knew it, the week is almost over and Friday has come. Essay completed and submitted. Chris is still acting weird in front of all of us - he hasn't even bothered to finish his assignments. Whatever, it's his life.

"So, we're all gonna' meet up for dinner at Stephs' diner, right?", Rachel suggests as we stroll out of the lecture hall.

"Yeah, I'm good with that.". "Same here.". "Game on.", as everyone echoes and nods in agreement.

"Alright, I'm gonna' head home first and wash up and get ready. See you guys at......7.30pm?", Christine says.

Everyone agrees in unison again and makes their separate ways across campus.

"I guess I'm meeting your Dad tonight.", Tobias says as he grabs my hand in his, sending a small horde of butterflies fluttering across my insides.

"Well, you have sort of met my family, right?".

"Yeah, but as a friend of Stephanie and not your boyfriend.".

"Nervous?", I tease as I grip his hand just a little bit tighter.

"Please, they already love me as a friend.", he boasts playfully.

I dig my nails into his hands and he responds by gripping mine way too tight. Before we know it, we're playing with each others' hands as we made our way to his car, smiling and laughing.

"Hey, on a more serious note, do you think Chris is alright?", I questioned as he starts his car.

"What do you mean by...alright?".

"I mean, he's been a bit odd these past few days. Even Christine has noticed it. And Daniel, and Thomas, and Rachel. Everyone.".

"Hmm. Well, I'm sure he has his reasons for it. Is he coming tonight?".

"Absolutely no idea. He hasn't showed up for class in...two, three days?", I reply.

"Hmm. It's alright. Chris is a big boy. I'm sure he can manage his life. We'll check up on him next week, alright? You, me, the whole group. Tonight, though, we party. We deserved it. That essay really took its toll on me.".

I smile and nod in agreement. "Sounds nice.".


It's 7.10pm when Tobias rings the bell to my house. Lisa answers and welcomes him in while I'm upstairs completing the last of my outfit for tonight. I don't always bother with fashion and looking good but tonight is a night out for all of us and I'm going to look the part as well. Dressed in an all-black ensemble consisting of a simple black dress and light grey heels, followed by a necklace and a bracelet. All topped off with a red clutch.

Tobias is, as expected, speechless as I meet him downstairs. My Mum and Lisa both shoot me a nod of approval and wink in Tobias' direction. I blush slightly as well. He's dressed in a simple but effective outfit consisting of a white V-neck T-shirt underneath a grey casual blazer with one button. Dark blue slacks and black loafers. This guy does clean up well.

We exchange awkward pleasantries as Lisa and Mum retreat to a corner in the kitchen and do their best to eavesdrop. We're both equally stunned by how well we both look, I guess.

The drive was quieter than usual as we're both still in awe. Alright, I'll admit. He's looking really sexy right now and he smells wonderful. I'm a 22-year old girl with hormones. Not just girl hormones, mind you. I can only hope my animal side stays calm. Judging from the amount of pheromones that I'm secreting, that's probably harder to do than it is.

Another reason why I barely date. Not because I'm frightful of losing my virginity to the wrong guy or whatever. It's the possibility that I could lose myself and the unlucky guy might be committing bestiality before he knows it.

It's 7.35pm when we park right in front of the diner. Seeing as how this is a Friday night, Dad keeps the place open later.

"Oh my God! Steph! You look wonderful!", Rachel cries out as we both make our way to the table. Everyone is there already, looking good. The girls exchange hugs as the boys bump their fists with one another. Chris is missing.

"Hey everyone! What can I get you guys?", my Dad beams as he stands over our table. I'm thankful he's in his professional persona right now and not his real self.

Before anyone orders, I introduce them to him. Tobias included. His smile broadens.

"You know what, then? Order anything, absolutely anything on the menu. It's on the house tonight.", my Dad exclaims.

Cheers erupt across the table as Thomas and Daniel put on their best foodgasm faces and begin to scan the menu. Soon enough, orders are placed and the food is served. As the party will go on into the night, we take our time chatting over dinner.

The conversation turns to Chris soon enough and I'm glad everyone shares my concern for him.

"Maybe we should bring him out for drinks or lunch on Sunday.", Daniel suggests as he takes a bite out of his pork belly.

"I don't know, man. Couldn't get him on the phone today. Tried a million times but no answer,", pipes Thomas.

"I don't know, guys. Maybe it's something personal that's bugging him and he doesn't wanna' trouble us with his whining.", adds Rachel.

She has got a point.

"Well, whatever it is. I'm sure Chris can handle it. He knows he can always come to us if things get out of control.", Tobias says. Christine nods in silent agreement in his direction.

"Well, guys. I don't wanna' sound mean or anything but I think we should forget about Chris for tonight and just enjoy ourselves. It's his lost for not joining anyway.", I added.

Everyone stops and looks at me for awhile before breaking in smiles. The warm atmosphere comes back to our table.

"Yeah, we better get a move on. It's already 9.", Rachel says.

We begin to leave as Dad comes out to send us off, everyone thanking him profusely for dinner.

"It's not a big deal,", he adds as he pats me on the back. "Be careful, alright?".

"I will, Dad. Love you. And thank you.", I said as I step into Tobias' car and the convoy leaves for the city centre.


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