What Is My Name

By writingdreamer15

600 16 3

Hi, Tiger Hohnsen, I'm back for another year at Hogwarts but things are getting off weird. First,a criminal e... More

Chapter One: Discovery and New People
Chapter Two: Birthday Party
Chapter Three: Supplies and More
Chapter Four: What Hunger Does to You
Chapter Five: Questions and Awareness
Chapter Six: Snake And a Trick
Chapter Seven: Annoying Cousins and Strange Wolfs
Chapter Eight: My New Friend is a Murderer
Chapter Nine: Quidditch and Predictions
Chapter Ten: Harassment and Surprises
Chapter Eleven: Suspension and Penalties
Chapter Twelve: Road to Recovery
Chapter Fourteen:The Moronteers Reunite
Chapter Fifteen: Saving Lives and Mysteries Behold
Chapter Sixteen: Leaving with a Special Note

Chapter Thirteen: Old and New Wounds

44 1 0
By writingdreamer15


It was February, I was walking to the library hoping to find Hermione since I was the only one speaking to her when heard something about Sirius coming from Professor Lupin's classroom so I stopped to listen."...Yes they conformed it." Conformed what? I wondered to myself then I heard, ...."The kiss of death will be used when Sirius Black is captured." I then ran as fast as I could to find him when I came to our spot I whistled. No one came. My eyes stared to tear up then I heard, "Tiger? Are you alright?" I turned around to see him behind me I ran hugging him while saying, "I thought you gone. I overheard Professor Lupin talking telling someone that if they find you that they are going to use the kiss of death on you. He just laughed telling me, "Don't worry Tiger they will never find me as long as I keep fighting." I smile then I asked him, "Sirius, What is the kiss of death?" He sighed then told me, "The kiss of death is preformed by a dementor and by doing so the dementor eats the soul by performing the kiss. It's also known to be unbearable to watch." I frowned asking him, "Are you scared?" "To be honest? Yes but I believe the outcome will turn out good." As he told me this I then made I silent promise, that I would save Sirius from that kiss no matter what. While Griffindor and Ravenclaw had their quidditch match I hung out Jorden. We were in Jorden's room playing a board game he would glance out window once in a while I then looked out there to see what he was doing. His room had perfect view of the Quidditch field, "What are you up to?" I asked him while sitting down, "Nothing. He told me, "Jorden." I said warningly. "Fine, I made a bet that Griffindor will win this season." I sighed then asked, "How do you know that?" "Trust me, baby cousin. I know." I then sat on his bed reading while he was watching the game through his window. All of a suddenly I head him laugh, "What's so funny?" I asked looking up. "Some of the Slytherins got in trouble for dressing like demoters and freaking out Potter." He told me while laughing. I got up to see he scooted over so that I could have a better look and sure enough, Draco, his friends and their quidditch captain were all getting reprehended by Professor Mcgonagall. "Does that count as cheating?" I asked looking at him. "Nah, only if they did it on they field during their match it does." He told me while looking at the scene. I nodded then he asked me, "Hey you wanna crash their victory party?" I frowned but there was a knock at the door, "It's open!" He shouted, it was the Wesley twins. They snached me from the room suddenly but my cousin was chasing after them yelling and spiting out curses as they went into Griffindor common room a few minutes later he came inside. "H-How did you get in here?" Ron asked flabbergasted. "Three thing in life you need to be to survive,Charming,Cunning and able to kill." He told us while listing them off with his fingers while Hermione gave him a dirty look but he didn't care instead he continued by saying, "So are you guys having a victory party or what?" "You mean you're not mad at us?" Ask the twins. (At the same time) "Oh no. I'm still going to get you two for that but in a appropriate school manner." He told them adding quotations to the end. I just sighed telling them, "This is one of the reasons I wonder why my parents let you be my legal guardian." "Because I can guard." He said in a duh tone I just sighed again then asked, "Do you think we could party with you guys?" They looked at each other then said, "Why not." After the party we crashed-well I crashed on one of the sofa's while Jorden collapsed in a bathtub. He told me that he used to do this all the time at Hogwarts then processed to tell the whole Griffindor common room about one time he and Professor Snape crashed a party with fire whisky then got so drunk he asked out a teacher then they went to their common room to got to bed but my cousin was, so drunk off his ass as he put it, that he passed out in bathtub when awoke that morning Professor Snape was on top of him shirtless. It turned out that Professor Snape went into the wrong room during the night. Everyone laughed. "Well story times over, kids. Time for bed." "Aww." Said the twins. "My only question is, why was he shirtless in the first place?" Asked Hermione. "You only focused on that!?!" Ron yelled at her. "Hey now, don't yell at a lady." "But, he said with his grin looking sheepishly, I'm kinda sworn to secrecy. Sorry guys. Anyways time for bed." I was soon awoken by talking, It was the portrait,Sir Cadogan and Sirius? Why was he here? I wondered as I got up. He started walking towards the boys dormitory I walked behind worried on what he was doing then I saw it, he had a knife with him. I gasp while running over there to stop him. Sirius then turned around then stabbed my forearm. I clutch it pain holding to my shirt he looked shocked then he grabbed me taking me behind a bookshelf covering my mouth as teachers passed then he grabbed a book as a trapdoor opened taking us outside. He picked me up and before I realized it we were in a small little house. He took into a room telling how sorry he was and that he didn't knew it was me until it was to late but I just sat there in silence while he cleaned up my wound.

Jorden's POV

I got up as fast as I can when I heard screaming as I got up from the bathtub I hit my head on the drain with all the commotion I ran into Mcgonagall. I grinned telling her, "Nice robe,Professor." "Well Mr.Hohnsen, maybe you'll like to enlighten me as to tell where were you these past minutes?" "I was asleep in a bathtub. Like old times, right Severus?" He glared while blushing telling me to shut up. I just grinned laughing a little like usual at his reaction while the other Professors searched the castle I was in the great hall watching the kids with the head boys and girls suddenly one of the Weasleys came up to me, "Can I help you, kid?" I ask confused he seem pissed about the "kid" comment but brushed it aside telling one of the worst new in my life. Tiger was missing. I then said to him, "Go get me Severus Snape." He looked at me quizzically then with rage I told him, "Did I stutter, boy? I said now!" As he ran off I sat down hoping to control my anger when Severus came I told him what the kid told me by that time the boy looked like he was about to wet himself in fear. he nodded telling me that we will find her I told him the next time Black comes around here I going to turn him black and blue. I notice Lupin looking at me oddly I then yelled at him, "What are you looking at, you little fuck?" He then backed off. I sighed then apologized to him sitting where I was alone. I don't want to become that again. I thought to myself as I felt a tear slid down my cheek.

Sirius's POV

As I finished cleaning her wound with things that I stolen from the hospital wing awhile back I wonder to myself, Why was she so silent? I was worried now, Did she hate me? Once I finished she spoke to me one word, "Why?" She said it as if she was about to cry I told her the same thing I told her when I took her here, "I didn't know it was you." She then said something that made me want to punch a wall while hugging her at the same time, "I don't care about me i'm only worried about you,Sirius. Why were you in the Griffindor common room? Why did you have a knife? Why did you try to kill my friend?" She asked sadly I tried answered all her questions. "I was there to kill Peter Pettigrew." He was one of my friends that I told you about she nodded saying to me, "The one that killed James and Lily?" I notice that she said Lilly's name with alot of distaste, I wanted to ask her about that but thought that we should continue this conversation I decided that I would ask her about it later I then said with a small smile, "Yes, that's them." "Sirius, I don't want you to get that kiss." She told me her words were soft with worry, looking down afraid. "I'm scared too,Tiger. I told her, but I know that friends would have done the same for me if.." I trailed off remembering.

Jorden's POV

I'm pretty sure Severus, Lupin and maybe even Finch had to hold me back from burning that stupid ass painting when Dumbledore told me that Sir dumbass let Black into the common room with my baby cousin in there. Now I wasn't a mathematic's Professor back when I taught muggle kids but I know if you stick someone like Black with a pretty girl bad things happen. Now I was pinned to a wall, "I'm going to kill him!" I yelled. "You can not do much of anything now, so stop! Severus said to me annoyed. "That's what you think." I muttered. "What was that?" He asked, "Oh nothing." I told them but really I was planning on finding Black, kicking/killing his ass and rescuing Tiger. I sighed, Why was it always me?

Tiger's POV

"Sirius?" I called worriedly he snapped out of it quickly, "Yes Tiger?" "Are you alright?" He sighed then said, "I am much better now that I'm out of Azkaban." I smiled then frowned remembering the kiss I then asked him, "Sirius, Please Promise me that you will tell me before you do things like this?" He looked at me for a minute then hugged me saying, "I promise." "Thank you." "Now, lets get some sleep alright?" I nodded my head then asked confused, "Um, Sirius, Is it safe for me to go back to the castle?" "I don't think so. Everyone is probably still looking for me. So it would best if you stayed here tonight." Patting the bed that we were was sitting on. "But where will you sleep?" I asked uncomfortable not wanting to take his bed. He answered my question by transforming into his dog form. I smiled while patting his head. "Good idea." I told him He jumped onto the bed while I was turning off the lamp. "Goodnight Sirius." I muttered sleepily to him he then licked my hand in response. In the morning I awoken without Sirius by my side, worried I looked for him around the whole house I was about to cry when I saw him, he was in a kitchen of some sorts. I then hugged him, "Tiger,What's wrong?" He said while turning his head. "I couldn't find you I-I thought that you were given the kiss of-" I couldn't finished the last word without crying. He held me telling me with a smile, "I was only getting us some breakfast." I looked behind him to see a handkerchief filled with all type of food. "How di- "It's best if you don't know." I frowned looking at asking, "You didn't hurt anyone to get any of this right?" "No. I not that kind of person,Tiger." I smiled a bit telling him, "I know that,I just wanted to make sure nobody got hurt." He took a long glance at me, "What's a matter?" I asked him he only shooked his head saying, "Nothing. Hey, what do you what from in here?" I smiled then said, "Here, let me help." "No, you probably shouldn't that cut on your arm might open again." He said looking guiltily I just hugged him saying, "It's alright, Sirius I forgive you." He hugged me back telling me, "Thank you." Then we ate happily.

Jorden's POV

I had woken up that morning hoping it was all a horrible dream I was proven wrong when one on the Weasley kids had a bunch of other kids surrounding while he was telling of what happened I then asked, "Yo superstar! Have any guys seen Tiger?" He and the crowd looked depressed then one of Tigers friends came up to me telling that the teachers were thinking of calling her missing. I then screamed out loud, "I'm going to kill Black!" That made everyone within a 20 mile radius scatter. I later heard about some dumbass wrote down the passwords I then asked to the closest kid, "Where's Longbottom?" Shaking she pointed toward the end of the Griffindor table, "Thank you, I muttered then went off. "Yo,Dumbass." He look up while shaking, "Y-Yes sir?" He squeaked pathetically as I asked him, "What gave you the bright idea to write the passwords down? If Tiger has even one piece of hair gone from her head, I leaned in closer while grinning, I'll be hunting for your head." He gulped. Then I notice his mail, a howler. I frowned looks like Granny Longbottom heard about what happened. I then snached it telling him, "Do me a favor and tell your Granny that she could go bit the dust." I then handed him back his letter. He looked at me in shock, grinning while I left I told him, "By the way she doesn't like me that much and I want to keep it that way." I finished turning around winking at him. He then got it nodding saying, "Y-Yes sir." Once Saturday came, the kids were at hogsmead while Severus and I were in his office chatting about our days in Hogwarts suddenly that Malfoy kid came running like he owned the fucking place. "Well, there goes my good mood." I muttered to myself then asked him, "What do want kid? We were talking about something important." "Well I had some news now I not going to tell you." I rolled my eyes, "Sorry little boy, that routine will only work on your house elves and probably your mommy. So either tell me now or get lost." He huffed then told us that he saw Harry Potters head around the shrieking shack. Severus then called Potter to his office as we were waiting I told him, "I bet you twenty sickles that Potter worms his way out of this one." He scoffed at me telling me, "There is no possible way that Potter can get out this alive." We then shooked on it just before Potter came into the room Severus interrogated him while I watched sitting on top of his desk. Laughing every time he squirmed then the best thing ever happened Severus just got insulted by the moronteers. I was having a field day until I had to get Lupin once he showed up Severus bitched at him about the map then one of the Wesley's came running in he claimed that it was a Zukos product then they were Lupins problem. After all that, i'm laughing my ass off. "Shut up!" An angry voice says to me. I looked up telling him, "I can't help it. You were literally insulted by the moronteers from be on the grave." I said the last a spooky voice just to mess with him he just frowned more if that's even possible asking me, "Do you ever think it get on peoples nerves when you act this childish?" "And that's why I do it." I told him grinning. "Anyways you owe me money." He sighed, "I know, don't remind me." "I'll see you at the game or something Severus." Then I left as I turned the corner I overheard those three talking about Hagrid and his hippogriff, Buckbeak. I frown knowing that Tiger liked him I sighed then stepped out once there were gone,What am I going to do now? Later that week I saw the girl, Hermione smack Malfoy across the face I then called her once we were out of sight I grinned telling her, "If you want to knock a guy out cold you need to work on your form." She looked surprised and that was weird considering my standards. "Y-You're not lecturing me?" I then asked her, "What the fuck do you think i'm doing? I just told you that you needed some work. What do you call that in your little world?" "No. I mean lecturing me about hitting Malfoy?" "Kid,I've been wanting to do that since I had the first class with the little basturd." I told her grinning as she smiled, I looked at my watch, "Okay when we get back in there act like you were getting lecture, okay? You should cry. It would believable." She laughed then said,Yes sir. Now, I was walking to the game when I saw a grim I thought, "I'm too late, again." I thought I heard a whistle, It looked at me for a minute longer then was gone. I felt a hand on my shoulder I turn around then sighed in relief,It was Severus. "There you are,I saved you a seat let's go." I thought about asking him but said nothing. Griffindor won but I wasn't watching my thoughts were clouded by Tiger. Where was she? Is she alright? And the most important, Is she even still alive? 

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