Unseen Undead

By SincerelyDisaster

120 3 0

Life as Doug knew it is no longer how it should be. The feeling is getting stronger. They are coming and he k... More

Unseen Undead: 2
Unseen Undead: 3

Unseen Undead

53 2 0
By SincerelyDisaster

Damn tv. Can't ever get no signal way out here." I mumbled as I threw the old remote at the opposite wall. The heavy rain pounded down on the old worn tin roof. The trees surrounding my old cabin could only hold so much protection from the weather.

The lights were dim and my supper sat untouched on the rusty tv tray beside my armchair. The feeling was growing within me. They were getting closer; I could feel it. I had known for decades that the time would come. The feeling of them brought a churning feeling to my stomach.

I rose as the feeling of bile gather in my throat. Vomit projected across the room in a toxic spew. Wiping my mouth with the back of my hand I trudged across the room to the small dingy kitchen.

"Can't even fucking function with this sick feeling." I said in a low tone chugging back a glass of water. My clammy hands made it harder to grip the counter to keep my balance. The sweat beaded down my temple in small drops. I was getting too weak to deal with this now.

Trying to ignore the consuming dread, I placed the glass on the counter and began searching through shelves for my old photo book. Pulling out the tattered album and flipping from page to page the memories of my distant childhood came flooding back. The old photo of my 8th birthday, I played happily on the wooden swing outside. Memory after memory swam in and out of my mind with each photo. It wasn't until I got to my 24th year where the mood of the photos began to change.

I was no longer the newly married man like before. The smiles were no longer present in the photos. Each one was upsetting to an even farther degree. That was when the feelings first started. I could never bring myself to tell anyone. They began as a mere thought. A silly, fool minded question crossing my mind. Could they be real?

After that there was no escaping the feeling. It attacked my very soul like a leech, sucking the happiness and life from my very being. The thoughts turned into day dreams. Progressing to nightmares. I used to get these visions. Soon I became obsessed with the feeling. I loved the feeling; the wonder.

And then one day, almost exactly ten years ago, the feeling changed. It felt as if there was a new presence to the feeling. It wasn't just wonder anymore, it was irrefutable. I knew then the day would come. It grew; the feelings. Always growing more each day. No matter how hard I tried to destroy the thoughts, no matter how hard I tried to revoke my sanity, I couldn't escape.

Terror, and fear always filled my life, abandoned streets, people being hurt. No life. Nothing, just nothing. No one being there for me, but I guess thats my fault. Thats why I'm here, on the outskirts of this small village. All alone and ready for the worst.

Angry and upset the warm tears filled the surface of my eyes. I slammed the old album shut and threw it across the room not thinking twice. I needed to get a grip. I needed to regain my sanity. It was all in my head, everything. My entire life, wasted on the thoughts and the feeling. The made up possibility.

"I'm being stupid." I mumbled under my breath.

I always knew this time would come. I got myself into this. I started everything. This was my fault, and I now must suffer what is about to happen. Because I am the cause. Of everything.

The tears leaked through my tightly shut eyes as I screamed into the night. The insanity within my mind not letting me think about anything. I sat with my head in my hands at the sturdy wooden table hearing nothing but my weeping and the pitter-patter of the dying rain.

After what seemed like hours of clearing my head, I dragged my feet to the damp, cold basement. Flicking on the light illuminating my way. I scanned the area making sure everything was where it should still be.

The old axe, passed down from my father, lay on my bedside table. Sharpened everyday, it was ready if ever needed. The thick wool blanket lay messy on my small makeshift bed in the corner and the bare bulb hung still in the center of the ceiling.

Crawling into bed I let the thoughts come soaring back into my mind. The visions and images of their attacks played though my head steady late into the night. As I stared out the small dirty window above, the night stars were all that kept me grounded to reality. Finally taking another deep breath and letting my eyes shut, I drifted into a horrifying sleep.

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