the Unpredictable

elizabeth4life által

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the Unpredictable
chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
chapter 11
chapter 12
Chapter 13

chapter 10

11 0 0
elizabeth4life által

   One Direction Fan-fiction          Chapter 10

    “Is she sleeping?” Zayn asked as he walked by me to sit on a chair.

    “I think so,” I said, playing with her hair. She was breathing heavily.

    “So, is she everything you hoped she would be?”

    “And more,” I replied looking down at her, sleeping in my lap. I was still playing with her long, blonde and soft hair.

    “Have you told her?” Zayn asked looking at me, playing with her hair.

    “No –when do you think I’d got the time?”

    “Just before, then we all went to call someone, or after dinner when you guys cleaned up,” Zayn replied as he moved his eyes from me to the campfire.

    “Guess you have a point there, but no. I just feel like I should get to know her for real first, know what I mean?”

    “Yea … but you did kiss after all,” Zayn said smiling at me.

    “I know, I was there,” I smirked at him.


    “So what?”

    “How was it?”

    “That’s none of your business, Zayn,” I said with a smile looking at him.

    “What’s not his business?” Liam walked out on the terrace followed by Niall.

    “I asked him about the kiss and he won’t answer!” Zayn said giving Liam sign to sit down on the chair beside him.

    “Is she sleeping?” Niall asked as he sat down on one of the other chairs.

    “Yea she is,” I said smiling at her sweet and peaceful face.

    “Why won’t you answer him?” Liam asked as he sat down.

    “Because … I don’t quit know how I fell about it,” I replied as I looked down, blushing.

    “Bullshit! You loved it! Your eyes were screaming for more!” Zayn said, making Niall laugh.

    “What? No, they didn’t,” I blushed even more.

    “They did, Harry, you can’t deny it,” Liam said in a kind of serious voice.

    “Can we please switch topic? Talk about Niall and Emma or something,” I said looking at again to see Niall red in the face.

    “Oh, yea, that’s an interesting idea. So, Niall – how was your kiss?” Liam asked teasing him a bit.

    “I- no, I don’t wanna talk about it-“ Niall started but we cut him off.

    “Of course you do, you fancy her!” I said smiling at his blushing face.

    “Yea, you were staring at the whole time!” Zayn said with a little laugh.

    “Come on guys! Stop it, I said I-“

    “We are not to stop before you admit it,” a new voice said standing in the doorway, Louis and Jenny were standing there smiling.

    “Louis! When did you guys return?” I asked looking at him surprised – then I saw their hands, holding each other tight. What was he doing?

    “Just in time to hear you talk about Emma,” Jenny said as she let go of Louis to sit down on an empty chair. “She is rather sweet isn’t she?”

    Niall blushed as the words left Jenny’s lips.

    “I told you, he fancies her,” I said as I noticed his red face.

    “Aw, Niall – that’s so cute,” Jenny said putting a hand on his shoulder. Niall smiled shyly as she did.

    “Well, guess I’ll go to bed now, see you guys in the morning,” Jenny said as she got up from the chair. As she passed Louis she lent in, whispering in his ear very discreet, I don’t think the other lads noticed it.

    “Yea, I think I be off too,” Louis said when Jenny had disappeared.

    “Wait Louis,” I said as I got up and took Cassie with me up in my arms, holding her legs with one arm and the other behind her back for support. Louis stopped in the kitchen and I walked towards him, carrying Cassie in my arms.

    “What are you doing?” I asked him as I hold Cassie tight. She wasn’t heavy at all. I nearly didn’t fell her weight.

    “What do you mean?” Louis said as he walked with me towards Cassie’s bedroom. I hadn’t been inside it yet. It was nice and big. She had a poster of us all on her wall and some postcards from Liam.

    “You know what I –mean,” I said as I put Cassie down on her bed. “Jenny? What’s going on?”

    “I don’t know man. I mean, she’s amazing, she’s funny, beautiful and-“

    “I don’t need to hear that, just – what about Eleanor?” I said looking him in the eyes.

    “Eleanor … Fuck, Harry I totally-“

    “Don’t tell me you forgot about her, Louis. You’ve been dating like forever. She doesn’t deserve this. You have to make up your mind before people stars noticing.”

    “I know but-“

    “No buts. Sleep on it, besides we’ve got five weeks. Just—for gods shake, chose the right one.” Louis walked out of the room as I finished. He couldn’t cheat on Eleanor, she didn’t deserve it. If he liked Jenny, he would have to choose: Eleanor or Jenny. 

    “Harry?” I got back to reality as I heard Cassie’s sleeping voice.

    “Yea, Cassie, what is it?” I said as I bent down to hear what she was saying.

    “I-I can’t open the –button,” she said still half-sleeping as she fumbled with her shorts. I bit my lip as I wondered whether to help her or not. I then open he button and pulled her shorts off, revealing her pink panties. I took a deep breath as I look up at her face. She had still closed eyes. I took the shorts and put then on her desk-chair.

    “Thank you, can you please help me with this too,” she whispered sleepy as she began to pull up her t-shirt. I looked up the celling, biting me lower lip as she revealed her beautiful tan stomach and yellow bra.

    “Um, of course,” I said as I went to pull the t-shirt over her head. Wearing only bra and panties she turned around on her side with her face against me.

    “There’s a night shirt … over there, by the desk,” she said almost impossible for me to hear. I took it and gave it to her. She pulled it over her head and down so it was at its right place. She then took of her bra under the shirt and handed it to me. I folded it and put it down on the desk-chair with the rest of her clothes.

    “Thanks,” she said still kind of sleeping.

   “Um, you’re welcome,” I said still red in the face. I was about to leave as she stopped me by holding my pants.

    “Don’t go … please stay till I’m sleeping again,” she said as she opened her eyes to look at me. I didn’t have to heart to say no, so I sat down on her bed. She pulled back so there was room for me. I laid down on my back, staring up the celling. I pulled up beside me, resting her head on my chest. I put my arm around her holding her tight. She smiled as I did.

   “Night,” she whispered just before she began to sleep, breathing peacefully. It didn’t take long before she was gone: Far, far away in her dreams. I waited you a bit longer to make sure she really was sleeping. Then I carefully got up, without waking her up, and what opened the door without a sound. The others were still sitting around the fire.

    “There you are,“ Liam said as he saw me. “Where’ve you been?”

    “Um … I just help Cassie in to her bed,” I said as I put my hands in my pockets.

    “Buddy, that was like … an hour ago or something,” Niall said looking at his watch.

    “Really?” I sat down looking into the fire.

    “What is it, Harry?” Zayn asked looking at me.

    “Huh? Oh, nothing – just tired,” I said still staring into the fire.

    “You okay there mate? You don’t look fine,” Liam said as he walked closer to me, stilling beside me.

    “Yea, I am, I just really tired,” I tried to smile. I made a fake gap and got up again. “I’m going to bed; see you guys in the morning.” I got up and walked past Cassie’s room, I had forgotten to close the door after me. I walked in and took the door by the handle. She looked so beautiful as she laid there, breathing peacefully, sleeping.

    “Night love,” I whispered as I closed the door. I then walked to the room me and Zayn were sharing. I got out of my clothes and walked to the bathroom in nothing but my boxers. I brushed my teeth and went into the bedroom again, throwing myself on the bed, pulling the duvet over me. It didn’t take long before I too was far way, sleeping, dreaming.

*Niall’s POV*

Louis, Jenny, Cassie and Harry had all gone to bed, so now Liam, Zayn and I were the only ones who were still awake.

    “Well guys, I think I’ll be off too boys, night,” Zayn said as he got up from his seat and went to his and Harrys room.

    “Well, guess there’s no point in staying down here,” Liam said as we both got up. He killed the fire and we went upstairs. Or room was nice, big enough for both of us. There were only a one bed, but Liam and I were used to share a bed by now.

    “You really don’t want to talk about it?” Liam asked as he sat down on the bed, getting out of his socks.

    “Talk about what?” I asked as I pull my t-shirt over my head.


    “Oh, um – I don’t know I just didn’t feel like telling the others …” I said feeling my cheeks get warm.

    “Okay, that’s fair enough. Wanna tell me?”

    “It’s just so strange for me. I mean, I don’t remember ever feeling this way before and it’s crazy, I’ve one know her for like … five hours and now I’m practically in lo-“ I cut myself off before saying the word but in vain. Liam had already heard it and by the look at his face, I could tell that I wasn’t getting out of this before admitting it.

    “Niall, it may be crazy, but she’s a sweet girl and I can tell she’s into you, even if you can’t.”

    “I don’t know, I mean … God, this is strange.” I sat down on the bed resting my elbows on my knees. “Maybe I should just … no, never mind.”

    “What? What were you going to say?” Liam sat down beside me, putting a hand on my shoulder. I turned my face to face him and opened my mouth to say something but the words were stocked in my throat. I closed my mouth without letting out a single word.

    “Niall, come on – I won’t tell,” Liam begged as he smiled at me. I shook my head, turning it away from him.

     “No, never mind. I’ll see her again tomorrow, and then we’ll see. Maybe you’re right maybe not.” I got up from the bed and went to the little guest bathroom, getting ready for bed. As I brushed my teeth I looked into the little mirror over the sink. A cute-looking boy stared back at me, with his mouth full of a mixture of saliva, Colgate toothpaste and the green toothbrush. His eyes were blue and his hair blond. “I can’t believe this … it is all so strange. I’ve never felt this way before. I’m too scared to tell anyone but on the other hand I wish I could just scream it out the he whole world,” I thought as I spit. I rinsed my mouth in water and walked back into the bedroom. Liam was already sleeping. I smiled at him. I crawled under the duvet and closed my eyes. It didn’t take long though before I too was sleeping.

*Cassie’s POV*

I woke up by the smell of bacon and toast. I got up and walked to the mirror. I looked awful. Hey, wait... When did I change clothes? I look around. I was in my own room. How did I get here? All my clothes was folded and put on my desk-chair. Did I do that? I blinked twice. Strange … really strange… I couldn’t remember any of this. I went to my little bathroom to brush my teeth and take a shower. As I was finished I grabbed a towel for my body and a towel for my hair. I went back to my room, opening my draw to find an outfit, when my door knocked.

    “Come in,” I said too busy with finding a proper outfit so noticed Harry walk in.

    “Oh, god – sorry, I-“ he said and I jumped by surprised as I heard who it was.

    “Harry! What are you-“ I almost screamed, embarrassed to be wearing only a towel.

    “I’m so sorry, I just-“ he turned red in the face, looking down, not to face me. “I just wanted to say that breakfast’s ready.”

    “Oh okay – I’ll be out in a minute … or two,” I said almost as red in the face as Harry. He quickly walked out again, closing the door behind him. I sat down on my bed, closing my eyes. What just happened?

    I got into my clothes; a bit loose top and a high waist-skirt with flower print. I put on some makeup going for a natural look. When I was finished I took a deep breath before opening the door. I went to the kitchen here everyone already was, sitting around the table, eating. I looked at Harry. As our eyes met I felt the heat run up my cheeks, making me blush – as did Harry. He quickly looked away, continued eating.

    “Mm, it smells lovely, what are we eating?” I asked as I sat down between Louis and Liam.

    “French toast, bacon … all the good things,” Zayn replied as he handed me a toast. We ate and talked for half an hour before we were all satisfied.

    “So, what’s the plan for today?” I asked looking around the table.

    “Well, I’ve just been watching the news and they said that it would be up to 86 ºF today,” Liam said as he lent back in his chair.

    “Finally, I could need some sun,” I said as I looked at me bear arms.

    “You’re kidding me? You’re skin’s black,” Jenny said looked at my arms, comparing them to her owns.

    “Ha-ha, I’m not that tan … but really I could use some sun. But begin sunbathing in the backyard will be too hot.”

    “We could all go to the beach?” Zayn suggested looking around the table, smiling.

    “YES! The beach! That’s an excellent idea, Zayn. Who’s with us?” Louis said sounding happier than ever. Niall and Jenny raised their hands. So did I and Harry.

    “I guess we’re off to the beach then,” Liam said looked at us all with our hands up in the air.

    “Great! I just have to get ready,” I said and got up taking my plate to the dishwasher.

    “Me too,” Jenny said as she followed me to the sink.

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