Our golden years (ThorinxDwal...

By Nathalie_95

16.5K 647 424

This story began as a drabble I had in my mind. Soon, it turned out that there was way more in my head that n... More

Chapter 2. 'Not to mention our motives...'
Chapter 3. 'Proving a point'
Chapter 4. 'The feelings in our heart'
Chapter 5. 'Love is only one book away'
Chapter 6. 'Brownies and frozen yoghurt'
Chapter 7. 'Our little puppy'
Chapter 8. 'Stranger, stranger at the door'
Chapter 9. 'The secrets we keep'
Chapter 10. 'The first step'
Chapter 11. 'I was right'
Chapter 12. 'Friends and enemies'
Chapter 13. 'A beating heart'
Chapter 14. 'Not a dream'
Chapter 15. 'Feelings and thoughts'
Chapter 16. 'A text with roses'
Chapter 17. 'To know what is to come'
Chapter 18. "Tick tock"
Chapter 19. 'Mending relationships'
Chapter 20. 'Long awaited words'
A sneak peek
Chapter 21. 'The last dance' - Part 1
Chapter 22. 'The last dance' - Part 2

Chapter 1. 'We didn't know another way'

2.1K 32 11
By Nathalie_95

Warning? Of course there are warnings when an imagine is based on my imagination! Warning for mentions of sex, a lot of bodily fluids and just general naked hairy men!

Seriously though, don't read if you are under age. In Holland that would mean you are 18 years or older. You are warned my dear readers!

What a stupid week it had been. That boss of yours was just unbearable and you didn't even have a chance to get started on your co-workers! This night out was something you seriously needed. If only another friend had been willing to come along with you.

Katie was nice and all but she did... Nah, no use to put it in other words; she could be a bit of a slut. She even said so herself so it didn't matter if you said it too. She was already hanging at the bar with two or three men who could just eat her up like that.

You sat some seats away from her with your cola in your hand. You couldn't hold your alcohol and besides, you didn't come here to get drunk. Sometimes you just came here to study all the people around you. You liked to imagine where they were going and what they were up to.

It wasn't that hard to tell when you looked at most men. Your eyes darted over several men who were dry-humping a woman who didn't seem to mind all the attention. You rolled your eyes. You were so glad you weren't like that.

There had been two occassions where you had a relationship with a boy but it never really lasted. Katie even told you that you couldn't call it a relationship. Practically seen, you had only been dating them. In your mind, however, it counted as a relationship.

Maybe she was right though. You hadn't even kissed one of them. Let alone anything else... It was something you weren't willing to give away to any drunk boy who would come your way. You needed a man to swipe you off your feet and show you what lay beyond the starry sky.

Your eyes moved on from the woman who would surely get laid tonight. For some time now, you had the feeling like someone was looking at you. It was irritating to you that you couldn't find the source. You kept looking around but never even caught a glimpse of someone who was staring at you. Was there really no one out there for you?

An arm wrapped itself around your shoulders and Katie leaned in. You could smell the alcohol. 'You honestly drank too much again' you said as you tried to protect your nose from the smell.

She waved your comment away. 'Are you seriously going to complain to me about alcohol when there are two gorgeous men looking at you all evening?' she said, her voice only slightly slirring. It would get worse over the night.

And, wait, what? Katie nudged her head in the other direction and you finally found the source. Two men were leaning against the wall, clearly unable to get their eyes off of you.

One of them was bald with tattooos on his head. You couldn't see what kind of tattoo it was. Though you still thought it was bad ass to have a tattoo on your head. He had a longer beard which he obviously combed everyday. It was fitting on him.

He wore a green T-shirt with a leather jacket. The sleeves were rolled up so you could see his lower arms. They were covered in dark hair.

The men next to him had piercing blue eyes and long, dark locks. His beard was smaller but you could clearly see it running all the way down to his chest... You definitely had a soft spot for men with bodyhair. But you had never been so lucky as to run into one.

'So, what are you going to do?' Katie asked.

You almost dropped your drink. 'Excuse me? I am not going to do anything' you said at her confused expression.

'Are you serious? Those guys look exactly as the type of guy you are looking for. I never thought they would exist, but there they are. Two beautiful specimens at that!' she said out loud. You pushed her down on her chair, hoping that she would quit shouting.

'Shhh! Not so loud! They might hear you' you warned her with a glare.

She shrugged. 'I don't think they would mind seeing as they stared at you all ni- Oh, now, did that really happen?' she said. Katie was clearly caught up in something. When you followed her eyes you could see why.

The bald men had taken a hold of the other men's hand. 'Are they a thing then?' Katie wondered out loud. She shrugged again and clapped you on your shoulders. 'That only means more fun in the bedroom. They can show you the ropes before you have to do anything' she said happily.

You let your head fall down on the bar. What had made you choose Katie as a friend? 'I am going home' you announced, leaving Katie there with an open mouth. She grabbed another shot from the bartender before she followed you outside.

'(Y/N)! You can't do that when this may be your only chance of losing your virginity in like... ever!' Katie said. Her eyes were clearly unfocused but she meant well. She often confessed to you that she was truly worried for that to happen.

'I am 20 Katie, I am sure I will be fine. And otherwise I can already see myself as a 96 year old lying on my death bed. And then, when a beautiful male nurse comes up to me and he wants to claim me,' you stopped for dramatical effect 'my heart monitor suddenly produces only one tone and I will die as a virgin. Case closed.'

You smiled at your friend and continued your way to her car. Katie sighed heavily and ran after you. 'I can't believe that you would be satisfied with that.' She dropped her keys on the ground in shock. 'That means that you will never know what an orgasm is!' She grabbed you by your shoulders. 'Let me help you!'

You pushed her away. 'You clearly drank too much, give me those keys' you ordered. She reluctantly handed them to you.

Katie stayed behind as you walked to the driver's side of the car and opened the door. '(Y/N)! I told you!' she suddenly cried. You looked behind to see what she was so excited about and your heart stopped beating for a moment.

The two men form the bar came walking your way. 'Katie, don't be silly. Maybe they just want to go home as well. Just get in the car' you said. Of course she wouldn't listen to you. She was waving at them instead. They didn't respond but still came closer.

Those poor men probably only wanted to go home after a long day. 'Katie, come on' you said, grabbing her arm and trying to push her towards the car. She could be so stubborn sometimes. 'Good night ladies' someone said in a low, baritone voice. It send shivers down your spine.

You turned your head to find the two men standing behind you. They didn't continue on their way, they just stood there and looked at you. The dark haired men stood closer then the bald one. 'Hello! I am Katie and this is my fried (y/n)! Have you met her before? No! Let's shake hands then!' Katie said excitedly.

Honestly, your friend register desperately needed an upgrade. The dark haired on offered you his hand, you shook it. He was strong but was clearly trying not to squeeze your hand with his. 'Thorin. This is Dwalin' he said, looking back at the bold men.

Why was his voice doing that to you? If he could just say one more thing you could die a happy woman. 'Aye, we were wondering how you are doing tonight' Dwalin stated more then he asked.

You were taken aback by this. Were they really talking to you? Those drop-dead-beautiful men. No word left your mouth.

'We are doing wonderfully! You know what could really brighten my night? If one of you would take me home' Katie suggested seductively. At least she tried to be. It was hard to be seductive when you have had too many shots for one night.

Dwalin raised his eyebrow at her. 'I am sorry lass, we are not interested in taking you home tonight.' His eyes fell on you. 'Your friend, on the other hand' he said thoughtfully. Had Thorin come even closer when you were too busy not paying attention?

Nervously you tucked a lost strand of hair behind your ear and looked down at your feet. 'I think Katie here would be a better option for you' you said. You didn't want to say it but it was probably true.

'And why is that?' Thorin's deep voice caught you off guard again. His face had turned more serious, his eyes looking in every nook and cranny of your soul.

'Sh-she is more experienced then me' you stammered. More experienced was one way you could call it, you thought. The two men exchanged a knowing look, a small smile appeared on Dwalin' lips. 'In what way is she more experienced?' Dwalin asked. You would swear he was amused.

Katie answered that question rather rapidly. 'Well, I have had something between my legs before. I know what to do with it, if you know what I mean. (Y/N) is, how could you say it nicely?' Katie thought for a moment. 'She is unused.'

Really? That is what her drunk mind came up with?

Never before had you actually praid to be swallowed whole by the ground beneath your feet.

Thorin nor Dwalin seemed to mind it one bit, though. You could actually swear that Dwalin licked his lips when Katie said that. The frown had also disappeared from Thorin's face.

'We would still like to take you with us lass. If you would want that' Thorin offered. You had never thought it would all happen like this but it didn't feel strange or weird to you. There was a voice inside your head telling you that they would be gentle with you. Truly caring about how you felt... was this only physical attraction you felt?

'Aye, lass, we have a nice hotel room at the other side of town. We can go there together and take things slow. Whenever you feel like quiting, just tell us and we will drop you off at your house' Dwalin added. Thorin nodded in agreement.

'Are you sure I can't come?' Katie whined.

It didn't escape your attention that Thorin was obviously getting annoyed with her. 'The guys you have been dry-humping all night at the bar were asking for you. Maybe they will take you home tonight' he said in a gruff voice. It was so different from his voice only a few seconds ago.

Katie hugged you tightly before she ran back inside. With her keys. 'Good luck!' she yelled before disappearing behind the bar doors.

Thorin and Dwalin were looking expectantly at you. 'Well lass? What do you say?' Dwalin asked.

'Isn't this a bit weird? I mean, I don't normally do this. Clearly. And I just...' you were unable to finish your sentence. Even you weren't sure where your sentence was going.

Thorin smiled, somehow it made you feel at ease. 'What do you say about dinner at our hotel? Not in our room, just in the dining area. We can get to know each other a little. Maybe that would help?' he suggested.

Dwalin nodded frantically.

It was the first time tonight you thought of the lack of food you had had today. Eating wouldn't be a bad idea... 'Alright, I could use some food' you agreed.


Thorin drove a black Audi A6. Never before had you been in a car like that. You were sitting in the passenger's side while Dwalin was sitting behind you.

They weren't at all like the horny men Katie was always following around. You were able to have a conversation with them that wasn't about videogames or how much beer they had to drink already. They were telling you about their jobs and their hobby's. It almost felt like you were on a date instead of a one night stand.

Thorin had subtly laid his hand on yours when you were busy talking to Dwalin about cookie recipes. You hadn't even noticed until the waiter came to take your order and Thorin softly squeezed your hand to let you know.

Not that you minded his hand. If it was all going according to plan, then this was the most innocent thing that would happen tonight. It was also the first time that it accured to you how this must look to the people around you.

A young girl, being accompanied by two handsom men. What would everyone think?

Dinner went smoothly. You laughed and talked some more. They really made you feel at ease. You couldn't help but wonder how many times they had done this before. Picking up a girl and...

Just don't think about it. They were kind enough to take you out to dinner. And like Dwalin said, they wouldn't pressure you to continue when you didn't want to anymore.

You had grown quiet at the end of dinner. It hadn't escaped their attention.

'Do you like white wine lass?' Dwalin asked.

You nodded. Yes, you liked that very much.

'Let's order a bottle then and take it upstairs.' Thorin nodded in agreement.

'If you still want to, of course' he added.

Together you walked towards the elevator and made your way to the seventh floor. It was huge.

The furniture was all white with some black decorations here and there. There was a grand window which gave you a beautiful view over the park behind the hotel. It was late at night so the stars and lights of the city created a beautiful sight together.

Thorin came walking up behind you. He gathered your hair and draped it over one shoulder. The feeling of his fingers against your skin send shivers down your spine. 'Do you like the room?' he asked. You nodded. 'Very much.'

One of his hands moved down. He traced small circles on your thigh with his middle finger. Thorin gently placed his head on your bare shoulder and subtly moved his beard against your jaw. 'I am glad you came with us' he said in a whisper.

'Me too' you convinced.

'Thorin, (y/n), I forgot something. I am going to run to the store for a moment. Be right back' he said and ran out of the room. Now it was just you and Thorin.

You turned around in his arms and was met with a warm smile. 'May I ask if there is something you have experience with?' he asked, not in a joking way.

You blushed. 'I have touched myself before. But I have never done anything with a men. Not ev... I haven't kissed either' you confessed. You swore their appeared a smile on his lips for only a second.

'There is no need for you to be ashamed. Dwalin and I surely don't mind' he said, still rubbing circles on your thighs.

He came a little closer. You could smell his deodorant clearly now. Your noses were touching when he halted. 'May I kiss you?' he asked. He was staring straight into your eyes. 'Please kiss me' you pleaded.

Thorin obliged and pressed his lips against yours. You weren't nervous like you thought you would be. He was taking control over the kiss, showing you that he knew what he was doing. You tried to kiss him back to the best of your abilities.

His lips were so soft and his kiss so gentle yet still hungry. You could taste the chicked he had eaten not so long ago. It was a nice extra to his taste. His hands moved to your lower back and held you close against him. You could feel the bulge in his pants pressed against your leg.

The kiss was taking longer then you thought it would take. You would never complain but you had heard that it didn't last that long the first time. But of course Thorin had some experience. And it tasted so good...

He didn't stop until the point where he just had to pull back for air. There was a mix of lust and love in his eyes that made you swoon. You knew you were mistaking about the love that you saw in there but you didn't give it another thought. These men wanted you and even made the effort of paying food for you tonight.

You let out a squeak as Thorin suddenly pulled you up and carried you towards the bed. You wrapped your legs around his waist, without realising that it would cause you to rub against his bulge.

It did and it felt so good. The heat in Thorin's eyes increased. He didn't take the time to take off his shoes. He climbed on the bed, carefully laid you down and pressed himself harder against you. You inhaled sharply. How big was he exactly?

Thorin let out a small moan as he finally got the friction he was looking for. 'You don't know how badly I want this' he spoke in your ear.

You let your hands roam his body as much as you can. He let you, guiding your hand to all his sensitive places. You tried to keep track of it and made a map in your mind.

You undressed each other. The awkwardness you had expected didn't happen. It was only there for a moment when Thorin was staring at your naked form. You didn't have the time to feel shy though, because he immediately claimed your lips for another heated kiss.

His member was alsof freed now. It was pretty big and long. When you reached down to stroke him, he grabbed your hand and brought it back up. Had you done something wrong?

'We can do that later, if you don't mind. I need to feel you. May I prepare you for me?' he asked, his voice thick with lust.

You nodded without fully knowing what he meant. It couldn't be that bad. Could it?

He admired your lower regions for a moment before he placed a first kiss on your sensitive part. It was the first of many to come. He started with one finger and made the pain less by kissing and licking you down there. Soon, there were three fingers moving and scissoring inside of you.

You were moaning loudly, not caring about anything else that happened around you. Let the whole building now what this men was doing to you. It was so incredible.

'Your body is ready, are you too love?' Thorin asked from between your legs.

Did he really expect you to answer? How could he think that your voice was still working?

Apparently he took your content sighs as a yes. He moved himself up and positioned himself infront of your entrance.

'If you want me to stop at any point then you must tell me so immediately. Are you sure you want this?' he asked again. Even through your lust you could hear the concern in his voice. He was so sweet.

'Please fill me' you said.

'You will never have to beg my love' he said.

Carefully, he first entered his tip to let you get used to the sensation. It was weird to feel something entering you that you didn't control on your own.

He moved forward, filling you more and letting out a content sigh he pushed further. 'This is going to sting' he breathed.

And it did sting. He tried to hold still as you got used to the new feeling. 'It is alright love, it will be better when I start moving. I will fill you with all of me like you asked me to' he said. His thumb was tracing circles on your thigh again.

It did ease some of the pain away.

'Can you move?' you said. You looked at him, hoping that he would oblige and make it feel good like he promised.

He pressed in a little further before he moved out completely and back in. It took a little time before it also started to feel good for you. Thorin was gentle, still caressing your thigh and whispering sweet-nothings as the pain slowly went away.

At some point you even told him to get faster. He was still gentle with you though. It was nothing like you thought it would be. Katie had shown you some videos before but it was nothing like that. The way he moved and how this felt... It didn't feel like sex, more like making love. That's how you would describe it.

One of his arms was laying close to your head, sometimes he stroked some hair out of your face to see you better. Your bodies were sweaty, obscure noises could be heard if either one of you had paid attention to it.

You had your first orgasm with him as he started rubbing your sensitive spot instead of your hip. You tightened around him and it wasn't long until he came too.

He collapsed next to you, keeping one protective arm around you to pull you close. You were both panting as a new sensation hit you.

Was that actually normal?

Thorin noticed your distressed look and probbed himself up on one arm. 'Is there something wrong?' he asked concerned.

You didn't dare to tell him what you were feeling. What if it wasn't normal? You looked down to where it was all happening. Thorin followed your eyes and realized what was bothering you.

He grabbed something from the nightstand on his side, a piece of cloth, and cleaned you. 'That is normal. Nothing to be afraid of' he spoke gently. He put the cloth away and wrapped himself back around you. 'How was it for you?' he asked, playing with your hair.

'So much better then I had ever hoped' you said without thinking. You blushed, but Thorin just leaned in to kiss you.

'I am glad to hear that. You shouldn't have worried about it, you were great' he assured you. He was staring deep into your eyes again, like he had done before. They were truly a brilliant shade of blue.

You reached up to stroke his beard. He leaned in to your touch. Something hit you.

'Are you and Dwalin friends or...' you didn't finish your question.

'We have a relationship' Thorin answered, closing his eyes as you caressed his beard.

You dropped your hand, causing Thorin to open his eyes and frown at you.

'Do you do this more often?' you asked. You knew you shouldn't ask it or at least not feel jealous if the answer was yes. But it did make you feel uncomfortable.

Thorin sat down, his face changing into a more serious frown. 'We-'

'There I am again! Sorry it took so long' Dwalin said, unceremoniously throwing the door open and dropping in. You quickly sat up too and looked at the two bags Dwalin had carried with him. 'You already started? Couldn't you wait for me Thorin?' he said jokingly.


'Are we really doing this?' Thorin sighed, putting his dark blue sweater on.

Dwalin came up behind him to kiss his neck. 'I just want to know if there is a third one for us out there. You said you wanted that too. We talked about this, didn't we?' he reminded his boyfriend.

'It is just... what if we find someone but that person doesn't want the both of us?' Thorin asked. He turned around to lean his forehead against Dwalin'.

'On what rules did we agree when we discussed this?' Dwalin asked.

'Both of us need to have feelings for our third. We don't offer to spend the night with them the first time, we would come across as desperate' Thorin started.

Dwalin nodded. 'Aye, it would scare them away. We also agreed that our third needs to want us both. I don't want to loose you.'

They shared a loving kiss.

'What if it does happen the first time?' Thorin asked.

Dwalin reached for his black, leather jacket and put it on. 'If we do end up making love to our third then don't make them feel like we do this all the time. We may lose them if that happens.'

Together they set out for the bar to find their third.

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