Here's To Never Growing Up (s...

By VampireDiariesGirl

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She's back!!!! Rosalie Gilbert has been through up and downs, but now she faces a challenge like no other.In... More

Here's To Never Growing Up

The Meeting

268 17 2
By VampireDiariesGirl

I woke up to Justin's arms around me. I turned over and found him still asleep. I decided to wake him up so I traced his jaw with my pointer finger.

Hmm nothing

So I gave him a quick peck on the lips and he smiled with his eyes still shut.

"Morning" He said tightening his grip on me

"Morning" I said giggling

"How did you sleep?" He asked while opening his eyes

"Really good actually"I stated sitting up

"No"He said reaching for me and bring me back down to lay beside him

"Much better" He said mumbled in to my neck probably still tired

"Hey I didn't get a chance to ask last night, but when you gave me the tea I saw you put a note in your pocket.what was it?" I asked curiously while playing with his hair

"Here" He said giving the note to me. I was about to grab it when he pulled it back

"We should promise to always be honest with each other no matter what it is"He said sitting up 

I peck him on the lips and said "I agree"

"So if I give you this note you have to tell me about your nightmares that you have been having for a couple days now" He said placing the note in my hand. I instantly gave the note back

"I can't Justin" I said looking down at my hands

"Why not Rose"He asked looking hurt

"No no Justin it's not that I don't want to tell you it's just that it scares me to the point were if I told you I would start crying"I said reminiscing on the dream feeling my eyes begin to water

"Shhh shh Rose, you don't have to tell me"He said bring me into him,crushing me into him.I just laid my head on his chest and started to cry. I needed to let it all out, crying about my sister,about the non-stop nightmares, about everything.

 I finally stopped crying when I looked up at Justin and asked "Do you think was all my fault?

"What are you talking about"He asked confused

"My sisters death"I clarified

"No, no it wasn't remember she said it wasn't anyone's fault...."He began

"But don't you see, it was I'm the one Katelin got angry with; which started the fight that got my sister killed.."I stated, but was cut off

"Well if we are taking blame for her death then it was my fault I couldn't protect her and I technologically was the reason Katelin was here"Justin said

"but..." I began, but he held up a finger silencing me

"It was also my choice to be in a relationship with you and not her"He finished

"But Justin it all leads back to me, if I hadn't of show up here then everyone would have been fine and alive"I said

"Enough read this"He said placing the note in my hands

"But the deal" I said handing the paper back

"Babe you don't have to tell me.Just read it, it has to do with you anyways"He said

"Thank you" I said taking the note from him.I unfolded it and it read


Bonnie and I will be at her house looking for more information on the witch.After she wakes from drinking the tea come to Bonnie's house so we can tell her

I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion then asked "What does this mean"

"We are gonna have to go to Bonnie's to find out more information won't we?" He said with smirk

"Hmm maybe in an hour"i said cuddling closer to him

"But I...."He began, but I cut him off by kissing him

"I want a little more sleep"I said

"Ok Rose whatever you want"He said

"Thank you for being so understanding with all this, it means a lot"I said pecking his lips again

He just gave me a sweet smile and we both fell asleep .


"Are you gonna tell me what the letter was about"I asked Justin as we were heading to Bonnie's house

"Nope"He said turning on to Bonnie's street

"Why not"I asked

"Look we are here, now you can ask Bonnie herself"Justin said as he parked the car

I groaned and was about to get out of the car when Justin told me to hold on so he could open the door for me

We walked up to her front door and knocked on her door waiting for her to answer it.

"Finally"Bree said answering the door

"Sorry that tea really knocked her out"Justin said entering the house. I was about to enter, but couldn't since i wasn't invited in

"You coming Rose"Justin asked

" Nope I'm gonna stand out here all day"I said

"What are you talking about? Come on"Justin said

"She can't dummy, she hasn't been invited in"Bree said hitting him upside the head

"Come in Rosalie"I heard Bonnie yell.I crossed over the threshold in to the house and went looking for Bonnie and found her in what looked like to be a living room.

We all sat in Bonnie's living room that had grimoires all over the place.

"What did you guys want to talk about"I asked

"Rose we think we found a way to bring your sister back to life"Bree stated

"How"I asked

"We have been doing research and to sum it all up their is a witch who knows how to bring people  back to life"Bonnie stated

"Then why aren't we with her right now"I said jumping out of my seat.If they already knew this why aren't we with her now trying to get my sister back;we shouldn't be wasting any time.

"Woah woah let them finish"Justin said pulling me to him and i ended up sitting on his lap.I sighed and nodded my head for her to continue

"All we know is that she is capable of bring people back to life, but we don't know her location"Bonnie finished

"How are we gonna find her for all we could know it could just be a myth"I stated

"That's why we are doing research"Bree said

"Bu......"I began,but was cut off by my cell phone ringing.I looked at the caller ID and it was Stefan.

"I have to take this,I'll be right back"I told them while answering my phone

Stefan's Point Of View

I was laying on my bed mopping.  It was all my fault I kept thinking if I hadn't of let her come with us she would be alive right now.

 I am doing better today than I was yesterday. I am still mopping around, but I am not crying and throwing things.

I talked to Justin yesterday and it sounds like Rosalie is taking it the worst, but who could blame her; she came all that way to see her sister and reconnect only to have Elena die

I picked up my phone and dialed Rosalie's number. I wanted to see how she was coping with Elena's death

"Hey Stefan what's up"she asked sounding strangely happy

"Just want to see how you are holding up"I said

"Better than yesterday I would still be crying my eyes out if Bonnie and Bree didn't tell me this amazing news"She said which got me a bit curious

"What did they say"I asked

"Come over to Bonnie's house and she will explain"She said

"Ok I'll be there in 5"I said

"Ok see you in a few"She said and hung up

Rosalie's Point Of View

After my conversation with Stefan I quickly hung up my phone and called Damon.I was calling him so he could be here and so Bree and Bonnie wouldn't have to repeat the story to him

"Damon"I asked when I heard noise on the other end of the phone

"The one and only"He said

"Where are you"I asked

"At the grill" He stated

"Drinking"I said, but mostly to myself

"Obviously"He shot back

"Whatever mister grumpy pants. Meet me at Bonnie's house"i said

Damon's point of view

I was at the grill like usually drinking.I was enjoying my drink when I got a phone call.

I checked the caller ID and saw Rosalie's name on the screen I picked up the phone to be greeted by her yelling my name "Damon"

"The one and only"I said taking a sip of my alcohol

"Where are you"She questioned me

"At the grill"I said rolling my eyes

"Drinking"She stated

"Obviously"I said taking another sip

"Whatever mister grumpy me at Bonnie's house"she demanded

"Grumpy pants? really what are you five"I shot back

"Yes, yes I am now just meet me at Bonnie's house"She demanded again

"Why"I asked dully

"Just come over to Bonnie's house so Bonnie and Bree can explain"She said sounding frustrated

"Just tell me why d..."I began, but was cut off

"Ugh cause we might have found a way to bring my sister back. ok now get you a** over here"she yelled

"Wait what how"I asked.

If there was a way to bring Elena back I would do whatever it was no questions asked

"Uhh"She groaned then hung up on me.

I shoved my phone in my pocket and paid for my drink and left, heading for Bonnie's house

Rosalie's point of view

I saw Stefan pull up and I started to walk towards him "Why can't your brother listen/do what other people say"I asked when he got out of his car and crossed my arms over my chest

"You invited him to come"He asked looking at me questionably

"I don't like to hear things repeatedly"I said. He nodded and we both turned when we saw Damon's car pull up.

I felt hands go around my waist and I turned to see Justin;I sighed and leaned in to him

"Stefan ,Justin"He greeted them and turned to look at me and said "grouchy"

"Who is the five year old now"I said smirking

"Touché"He said glaring at me

"Are we gonna stand out here all day or find out what this meeting is about"Damon shot back

"Let's go" Justin said grabbing my hand leading us to the front door. I turned around about to shut the door when I saw Damon stuck on the outside.I started laughing at him and turned to see Stefan smiling at him.

"Very funny now get witchy to invite me in"Damon said rolling his eyes

"I don't know, Stefan what do you think"I asked Stefan

"I think that leaving him out there would be kind of funny"Stefan said

"I agree"I said smirking at Damon

" Witchy let me in already"Damon yelled to Bonnie

"uhh Fine you can come in Damon"Bonnie said from behind us

"Finally"He said entering the house smirking at Stefan and I

We walked back into the living room where Bonnie,Bree and Justin were looking through the grimoires.

As I was walking by Justin to sit down he pulled me so I was sitting next to him.I laughed and noticed Bree glaring at Damon.

Apparently Bree overheard Damon say that he loved Elena and she has hated him ever since.She said she didn't care that he loved Elena all she cared about was that he was just leading her on, using her.

"AHH" Damon yelled clutching his head in pain while falling to the ground.I looked over at Bree smirking at Damon while inflicting pain on him.I walked over to her and stood in front of her and clapped my hands in her face breaking her concentration

"What the....."She began

"Be civil"I said walking back over to Justin.I knew she wouldn't listen if I told her to I had to threaten her.

"Oh and Bree if you do it again I will take away your powers for a whole month.Think about it a whole month as a normal human"I said looking at her as  i sat next to Justin

A look of fear flash in her eyes and then she said "You wouldn't"

"Try me"I said glaring while laying my head Justin's shoulder with Justin's arm around my waist bring me closer to him.

"Fine"She groaned crossing her arms over her chest

"If Rosalie hasn't told you yet there might be a way to bring Elena back to life"Bonnie said

"How"Stefan asked eagerly

"Well the legend states.."Bree explained. I drowned her out because I've heard the story before.I saw a grimoire untouched by my feet and decided to look through it

It talked about spells to make things grow back to life.I flipped the pages and saw they had a spell to bring animals back to life and I was getting excited bringing a human back to life had to be in here somewhere.When I flipped to the last page all my excitement and hopes were crushed.

I looked over at the book to make sure  there wasn't a page missing;and there wasn't. I was about to close the book when I noticed the last page looked weird.

"Hey Stefan could you grab me a knife or something sharp"I asked

"Sure"He said looking at strangely before he went to look for the knife

"Why do you need a knife"Bree asked me.

"Thank you" i said to Stefan when he handed me a knife

"Hello"Bree said trying to get my attention

"Just watch"I said using the knife to separate the pages that were sticking together

"How could  i have not noticed that before;I have looked through that book a million times"Bonnie said shocked

"What does it say"Damon asked

"Oh my god"I gasped as I saw the words Resurrection of a Human

"I will read it"Justin said taking the book from me.

"Resurrection of a human. This spell was created when the great witch Anastasia helped a woman who died giving birth to her child.Anastasia brought the woman back to life, reuniting the family.Anastasia then gets something to remember the family by instead of taking money.She has resurrected many and always collects something from each family she helped. Only Anastasia has the power to resurrect people and if any witch were to attempt this they would end up dead because of how much power you have to use. Anastasia is still alive because of an immortality spell that lets her have her powers and live forever."Justin finished

"It's funny because in Greek the name Anastasia means resurrection"I said

"How do you know that"Bree asked

"I had a feeling that her name meant something more, so I looked it up"I said showing her my phone

"Oh"She said

"We have to find her"Damon stated

"I say we go on a road trip"Justin announced

"Shouldn't we do so more research"I asked

"Well there is some witches from my mom side that are still alive so we should go see them to see if they have any information on Anastasia"Bonnie said

"Yea and we could go see my mom and grandmother to see if they know anything about her"Bree said

"I get to drive if we are going on this little road trip"Damon said

"Stefan what do you think"I asked him feeling conflicted

"It's worth a shot"He said.I nodded my head giving them a fake smile. The truth was, yea I wanted my sister back, but I didn't want any lives to be taken in the process of it.

"Can I talked to you in private for a second"Justin asked me

"Sure"I said. He grabbed my hand and led me outside

"What's wrong I thought you wanted Elena back"Justin asked me

"I do it's just.."I hesitated

"Just what Rose"He asked me;I just shook my head

"Come on you can tell me"He said and I just stood there staring at the ground

"They are going through all this trouble trying to bring her back. Everyone is on board with this, but you"Justin said getting frustrated

"We promised to be honest with each other remember that. So why can't you tell me what your problem is"He yelled and I flinched back.His outburst scared me mostly, because he has never yelled at me before.

"I'm sorry" He said grabbing me by the waist bring us closer until his forehead was resting against mine

"I'm sorry"He repeated and I nodded.He leaned back away from me and lifted my chin until I was looking at him

"It's just, I saw you crying your eyes out yesterday and it literally killed me to see you that way, because I'm so used to the strong girl who held all her emotions in"He said

"I don't want anyone else to die"I confessed

"What"He questioned

"I said I don't want anyone else to die"I said louder

"No one is gonna die"He said

"You don't know that"I stated

"True, but how about this I will do everything in my power to make sure everyone comes back alive"He promised

I nodded my head and stood on my tiptoes and pecked his lips.He grabbed me by the waist and crashed his lips to mine as I wrapped my arms around his neck bring him closer.We broke apart in need of air, but his hands were still on my waist and mine around his neck with out foreheads rest on each other

"I love you"I said to him

"I love you too Rose"He replied

"Lets get back in there and see what the plan is"I said

"That's my girl"He said causing me to laugh as we headed inside

"The love birds are finally back"Bree joked as we entered the room and I stuck my tongue out at her

"Ok so let's go over this road trip"Stefan said


Author's Note

Hey Lovelies

Sorry for taking over a month to update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tried to make this chapter long to make up for me not publishing in over a month *crosses fingers* I hope it is really long :D

This chapter is dedicated to the lovely@DevynArnold

The song on the side is If You Could See Me Now by The Script.It has nothing to do with this chapter I just love it and am addicted to it

I'll try to update real soon


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