C O A $ T A L

By CheJewels

252K 11.9K 5.7K

Dreyah Washington & Kirk Vallei. More

| U N O R T H O D O X |
| F A N T O M |
| B R O K E L A N D |
|W H E R E I T 'S A T|
|S U S P E C T|
|G E T P A I D|
|W A V E S|
| B A B Y L O N|
|S W E E T|
|H O T L I N E ● B L I N G|
•S W E E T E R M A N•
S A Y - I T
You Needed Me
Life After The Block


8.2K 413 299
By CheJewels

*Dreyah's date outfit above*


I brought in a big benefit last night at the club. Things went smoothly as planned , it was good. I made it home by 2am and woke up this morning at 11:45. It was 1:53 now after I'd showered and got dressed for the day.

Bishop was sitting in the kitchen at the counter texting away.

"Which girl are you texting today , Bishop?" I questioned grabbing a box of cereal and a bowl.

He chuckled. "Your aunt. She mad annoying , tell her to stop blowing me up."

I straight-faced him. "Oh , so you got jokes this early in the morning?"

"Nah , I'm playing. This is Kirk , he wants to talk to you by the way. Says call him." He muttered , distracted by a new text message he had received.

I nodded , forgetting the cereal box on the counter to go grab my phone.

I pressed Kirk's number on my recents list and waited for him to pick up.

"Hello?" He answered.

"Yea , Bishop said you needed to talk to me?"

"Oh , yea I need you to come to the meet up spot , I gotta count this money since the machine screwed up. What time can you be here?"

I remembered my date with Joey. "Anytime before 5."

He hesitated for a minute. "Aight , come through around 4:00 cause I'm gonna be busy."

"Ok , see you then."

He said his goodbye and hung up.

Well , I guess Netflix can keep me company until 4:00 right?


Joey texted me at around 3:30 to ask if I was still going. I responded with a 'duh' and he called me.

"Hello , Joey." I smiled.

"What's up ma? We still on for tonight right? I got something special planned." I could hear his smirk through the phone.

I smiled even harder. "Yea , I'll be here waiting. 6 o'clock right?"

"Yea , I'll see you then baby girl." He lulled sweetly.

"Ok , bye." I hung up and immediately squealed in excitement. This was so weird , I've been single all my life then one day this perfect guy comes about making me feel all happy on the inside. This must be what love feels like...

Ok , no I'm definitely not in love with Joey...that would be weird. But he is great.

That , he is.


I pushed my laziness to the side and was on my way to the meet up spot to see Kirk. As Bishop pulled up in front of the building he urged me to hurry up because he had somebody to see.

"Shut up , loser." I dismissed him , getting out of the car and walking in. Easily finding the room Kirk was in I entered sitting across from him at the table.

"What's up?" He grabbed the money immediately starting to count.

I watched him thumb effortlessly through the notes. "Nothing."

He nodded , separating his cut and handed me mine. "So , why you had to be here before 5? You got plans?"

I smiled. "Yea , I have a date actually." Standing , tucking my money back into the bag.

Kirk stared at me blankly for a second before nodding. "I ain't even gone ask this time." He mumbled , leaving the room.

I shrugged and followed him out. Outside he talked to Bishop through the window for a second and then walked off.

"I almost got enough for my car." I spoke excitedly as we began to back out of the parking spot.

"What kind of car you want anyway?" Bishop hurriedly pulled out of the lot. I guess he was late for whatever he needed to do.

"BMW M3 E30 , navy blue , peanut butter seats , and gold BBS wheels." Smirking I imagined myself driving through Harlem with my windows down , flexing.

Bishop smiled. "That's the square model huh? You really wanna be in Paid in Full so bad." He laughed. "I thought you wanted a Jeep?"

"Nah , this one is more me."

It was. I imagined being just like Ace , cruising through my old hood , gold spokes calling everyone to attention.

That one was definitely the one for me.


I hopped out of the shower at 5:05 , still having enough time to get my makeup and outfit together.

I pulled out a new black dress and some black heels. I hadn't picked accessories yet , but I figured hair was more important considering the little amount of time I had left.

Flat ironing my hair , I put it into an elegant looking bun I found out how to do on YouTube. It looked good with the rest of my outfit. As far as makeup I just did my eyebrows and threw on some mascara and lipstick.

I looked great in my own opinion...

Smiling at myself I pulled my phone out and took a couple selfies , posting the best one on Instagram. Tonight would be great!


"You look beautiful , Dreyah." Joey opened the car door for me and I slid in , smiling like there was no tomorrow.

He jogged back around to the other side , getting in and pulling off.

"So , where are we going?" I questioned noticing we were heading towards a completely different side of town.

He smirked. "You'll see."

So we drove for a while before getting to the restaurant. It was called Buddakan. It seemed to be Chinese judging by the paintings and designs I see through the window.

"This looks expensive , Joey." I mumbled apprehensively.

He got out and opened my door. "Nothing costs too much for you."

I giggled , getting out of the car. "What ever you say."

He placed a hand on the small of my back leading me inside. We were escorted to the table he reserved and there we sat looking over the menus.

"Joey , I don't know what most of this is..." I mumbled annoyed.

He laughed , taking my menu. "You like sesame chicken?"

"I love sesame chicken."

"Then we'll get that , and maybe some rice. You should try the scallops too."

After ordering we sat and talked , it took only ten minutes for our food to come out. And when it did , I completely demolished it! That chicken was so good I almost cried thug tears.

After paying the bill we went back out to the car.

"Where are we going now?" I smiled excitedly.

He smirked over at me. "I got some stuff planned. You just get ready , ma."

We drove for about 30 minutes , only stopping after pulling into the parking lot of this huge hotel that looked too tall for words.

A hotel?.....wow , um.

"So...why are we here?" I stared out the window.

"You'll see."

He opened my door for me , grabbing my hand after I stepped out and led me into the lobby. It was past luxurious. The carpet looked like it was somehow extremely expensive and really important , I was almost scared to walk too fast on it. The front desk shined so beautifully I was sure it was made of something like titanium , the chandeliers were golden with strings of diamonds hanging in perfect formation.

"Wait over there , baby." Joey motioned to the couches over by the staircase leading up to the upper floors. I blushed slightly from the pet name and went to sit over there.

He walked up to the counter , saying something to the woman behind it. She nodded typing something on the computer and handing him a room card , the gold on the tag glimmered and I rolled my eyes internally. Even the keys look expensive...

"Come on." Joey walked back over to me grabbing my hand and taking me to an elevator. We went up to the 40th floor. Did he get a suite? Why did he spend so much money? Wow...

Stepping out of the elevator I seen that there was only one room door up here , there were two others on each side of the hall but they said "staff only" so...

Joey scanned the card in the door and opened it for me letting me in first.

It was beautiful. There was a huge window lining the back wall of the loft , a large bed with completely white sheets and comforters , a fuzzy white rug at the foot of it. The floors were dark wood and they shined. There was a kitchen , complete with a microwave , stove , oven and sink.

"Joey how much was this?" I looked around still in awe of how pretty everything was.

He chuckled wrapping his arms around my waist. "Just enough to make you smile obviously."

I noticed that I was indeed smiling , I probably had been for awhile judging by the aching in my cheeks. "Oh , whatever. This is really beautiful , seriously Joey. Wow..."

"Beautiful? Not more beautiful than you though." He kisses from my cheek down my neck and I giggled playfully pushing him away.

I walked over to the bed taking my heels off , it was well over do because my feet were aching!

"You taking stuff off already?" Joey smirked walking over to me.

Blushing , I wrapped my arms around myself. "It's cold , Joey."

"Well , let me warm you up baby." He sat down and pulled me into his lap , picking up a remote. He pushed a button and the ceiling opened , a flat screen tv slowly coming down before the bed.

He pressed a button a bunch of times until Martin began playing on the TV. This was one of my favorite episodes.

Eventually , Joey's hands got curious and began rubbing circles on my thighs , seemingly moving higher as time passed.

I shifted in his lap trying to pull my dress down further over my thighs but, he grabbed my hands where they were still gripping the dress , dragging it up causing my thighs to be more exposed than they were before. He dropped his head , his soft lips making contact with my neck , he kissed his way up towards my ear.

I shifted again , but this time for different reasons. It was getting hot in here...

Joey pulled me off his lap and layed me on the bed. He climbed on top of me , hands rubbing my sides and down onto my butt.

I squirmed , I wasn't as sure as I had been only five minutes ago. Without the clouded judgement caused by Jovaughn's soft kisses , I began to realize I didn't want this. I wasn't really ready for all of this. Not all at once , it was too soon.

So , when he leaned down to bite my neck I made a noise , one like an injured puppy and moved up the bed. "Joey , I don't want to do this..." I spoke quietly looking down at my thighs , noticing how high my dress had been pulled up.

"What you mean?" He questioned , sitting up slowly.

"I'm a virgin." I whispered quietly.

He gave me a confused face. "What?"

"I'm a virgin , Joey!"

He sat for a moment just staring at me before giving me an unreadable look. "So , I'm not good enough to be your first?"

"Joey , that's not what I me-"

"What you mean then?" He raised his voice so much that I flinched. His eyes were so wild now , just looking into them made me nervous.

I looked down at my hands. "I'm just not ready."

"So what?" He scoffed.

Confused , I opened my mouth to ask him what he meant but he spoke before I could. "So , because you not ready I'm just supposed to sit and wait for you? After all the money I spent on your ass?"

"Wait , what? You think just because you spent some damn money you get to have sex with me?!" He had to be all the way out of his mind.

He laughed. "You bugging."

"No , you're bugging! You think I'm some gold digging hoe or something?"

Joey stopped laughing and pushed me down so fast and hard I thought we would break the bed. "I didn't spend all this money for you to get up here and be scared!" He spoke , aggressively grabbing my arms and pinning them to the bed. He started to kiss me again and I screamed and writhed. His hold on my wrists only tightened.

Joey stopped kissing me , gripping both of my wrists with one hand he started tugging at my dress. I started crying , tears rushing down my face as I thought frantically for something to say that would make him stop.

"Joey , please. Please , stop! Don't do this!" I begged as he yanked my legs open and placed himself between them.

"Don't do what?" He whispered , kissing my ear. I felt like I had to throw up and I wanted someone to save me. I wanted Kirk to walk in with his stupid perfect hair and his stupid perfect teeth and save me.

"Joey , stop!" I twisted hard , moving so much his grip on my arms loosened and I yanked them away. Then I tried my hardest to get him off of me but it just wouldn't work , and in the next ten seconds my hands were back where he held them and my cheek stung from where he slapped me.

Joey placed himself back between my thighs , ripping my underwear because of the force he used to pull them down. I cried hard , my vision blurred , head feeling light.

I glanced up at him watching him rip open a condom wrapper. As soon as I felt him forcefully push himself inside of me I screamed so loud and so hard I made my head hurt even worse. It was so painful , I was scared , I was tired , and just hurt. I had been through enough...

I fell silent as everything went dark and I fell away from the pain and once beautiful room.


"It took a whole damn year to repair my body
It's been about five years
Gon' take a long long year for me to trust somebody
Gon' take a long long year"

- Mary J. Blige

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