notice me

By mieschkaloveszayn_

663 76 1

She's caught up in a sick love game .His caught up in her sick games . She wants him but he doesn't know that... More

Who am i ?
Tries to make him jealous
Just awful
New beginnings
Everybody knows
Status .
Boyfriend .
Losses .
Meeting the family .
Moments .
Virgin .
Phonecalls .
Fights .
Truth .
Unresolved .
Bro Code .
Rewind .
Tonight .
Gentle .
Lunch .
Babe .
Choices .
Goodbye , Zayn
Sequel !!!


28 4 0
By mieschkaloveszayn_

Lacey's POV

"Please "I begged him as he walked closer towards me pointing his gun to my head.

"I'll do anything just please"I begged again.

"Anything?"he then said smirking and I nodded through my tears .

"Now get down on your knees"he said pulling down his zipper and shook my head because I wasn't going to give him a blow job.

"Do you want me to blast a big whole I. Your head ?"he asked me and I hesitated .

I shook my head .

"GET DOWN!"he raised his voice which startled me and then I shook my head because I wasn't going to betray Justin no matter what the circumstances were .

"Fine , the. You leave me no choice "he said and suddenly my hands became so sweaty and my eyes were red.

"P-please "I begged him and he laughed .i closed my eyes preparing myself for my death .

"Get away from we !"I suddenly heard someone scream and as I opened my eyes I saw Zayn and Rosie . Zayn grabbed he gun out of his hand an knocked him out .rhe rest of the guys ran away as they saw Zayn had the gun in his hand .

Rosie ran to me and I fell into her Arms.i was crying so hard hat I didn't have any time to breath.

"Lacey "she said and I just cried .

"Let's get you home"Zayn said and then they helped me to the car.

"Are you okay?"Rosie asked and I nodded as I messaged Justin .

Lacey : I'm going home so if you looking for me in at home ...

Justin:okay , love you xx

He messaged immediately back but I didn't say anything in return.

Then it hit me . What was Zayn doing here . I wasn't taking note at first but now I realized that Rosie is here with Zayn .i was really confused .

"Uhm..."Zayn said and I just stared out the window.

"So uhm Lacey ,how's Justin?"he said trying to start a conversation so I have a small laugh because honestly I wasn't a big fan of him .

"None of your business"I spat at him and then I saw Rosie give me a dead scary look .

"I mean uhm his great"I said giving him a fake smile .

After that it was silent and I was just trying to get that whole picture out of my mind .

They dropped me of infront of my door which was relaxing because now I know I'm at home,safe.

Rosie's POV

it was weird to see how Zayn was trying to make a conversation with Lacey .

"She's such a bitch"he said and then I gasped .

"You don't mean that"I said and he laughed.

"Actually I do..."he said and I could feel my blood boiling because no one says that about my best friend .

"Excuse me Mr fucking asshole !"I shouted and he gave me an ugly look .

"What did you call me ?"he said and I rolled my eyes .

"I called you a fucking asshole !"I shouted at him and then he turned and I saw his face was red.

"Excuse me miss slut of the year"he said and that's where I snapped .

"STOP THE CAR!"I shouted but he laughed like I was some crazy person.

"STOP THE FUCKING CAR NOW !"I shouted even louder and instantly the car was dead still.

I got out of the car ."stop being such a bitch"he said and I couldn't take his shit .

"Go to hell!"I shouted and slammed the door .

I ran so away as fast as I could and my vision became blur .the tears started to build up.

It just came out and I was so scared of someone seeing me .

Suddenly i felt someone grab my hand .i turn around and try to make out who it is but my blurry vision.

I then begin to see properly and it is Niall."Rosie , what's wrong ?"he asked me

"Nothing "I lied and then he looked at me .he cupped my face in his hand and stared at me with his big blue eyes .

"Rosie , you're lying to me "he said and I nodded my head.

"What's wrong ?"he then asked me again and I wiped my tears away .

"I fought with Zayn" said and he nodded and I was he was going to laugh but surprisingly he looked interested .

"What did he say ?"he asked me and I stared at him because I never knew that he would interests .

"He called me a slut ..."I said and then Niall took my hand .

"You are not okay? Listen to me Rosie ... You are beautiful and sweet and don't let Zayn tell you otherwise "he said

He looked into my eyes and all I felt was my heart racing .this was all weird as I stared at Niall .he was pretty gorgeous .

We stared at each other and suddenly he was leaning in wards .i began to panick.

His lips was only inches away and I closed my eyes.not seconds later I felt these soft lips against mine .the taste of mint surfers through my mouth.

His kisses were so delicates . He put his hand on my back , slowly lowering it downwards .

I put my hand around his neck .this was amazing for some reason.he just made me feel good and it was just amazing . Even though so many people saw but I just continued.

I pulled away and I just stares at him as he smirked .

"You don't know how long I wanted to do that"he said and my heart began to race.

"huh?"I asked him and he smirked .

"Urhm ,nothing "he said and I nodded suspiciously .

We then began to walk .he asked me all sorts of question and it was nice to get to know Niall.his really sweet and his really caring .Im not to shy to tell him what I feel and he doesn't refuse to help me because he understands.

"Rosie ,don't be so insecure about your body because honestly you're hot"he said and I laughed .

"Oh really"I said as I sat down on a song in the park we walked to

he sat down next to me."yip"he said and I began to laugh.

"What's you favorite type of flower ?"he then asked me and so many flowers wondered my mind .

"Roses ,I guess"I said and he smiled .

He just stared at me and it was quite weird .

"Stop staring !"I shrieked and ran of the the jungle bars.

"I'm coming to get you!"he shouted and ran after me .when I reached the jungle bars he wasn't that far away.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me closer towards him .

"Ay blue eyed monster"I said and he chuckled something.

"What?"I asked him out of curiosity but he said nothing

After that we just played around and he walked me home .this turned out to be a fun day .


For some reason I was asked to be in cafeteria and lunch .it was weird because we never sit in the cafeteria but I did for some reason .my friends all looked excited and eager to sit in the cafeteria and it was all weird .

It was crowed and noisy but then the noise stopped .i looked around wondering why everyone stopped talking but then I saw Niall walking towards me .what was he doing .

He held a bunch of roses in his hand but all the different colors .i smiled and this was so sweet .he got into the table and I just began to blush .

"Rosie Ross , will you please be my girlfriend "he asked me and I stared at him and then at everyone .i then saw Zayn staring at me and I then began to feel guilty .i didn't know what to do .

Everyone's eyes was locked in me impatiently waiting for an answer .i was hesitating a lot .

This was difficult .


What will she do ?

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Like please don't be ghost readers :)

That's just mean :)

Please excuse the mistakes :)

Thank you :)

Mieschka xx

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