Traveling Souls

By Laprias

1.3K 120 86

Everyone over the age of fifteen has an identical scar running down the center of their chest. This is the ag... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

Chapter 22

8 1 0
By Laprias

Killian and I turn our heads toward the doorway, seeing Dustin and Talon standing there.

My eyes find Talon's, and I turn away, embarrassment shooting through the roof.

Though, I turn back and wave to the two, giving them a smile, grateful for the distraction on what Killian was probably going to ask the burning question that Quinn, Dustin, and Killian had in their minds.

What had happened?

That was a question I'd prefer not to answer, but as Killian and Dustin's eyes focused on me, I felt the gnawing pressure to just tell them.


Dustin raises an eyebrow, walking over to sit on the loveseat opposite to me and Killian. Talon soon follows, keeping his head down.

I squirm in my seat, my hands finding my shirt to reassure myself that this is real.

"Am I allowed to be out here as well?" Quinn asked nervously, stepping out into the living room. Automatically, she turns towards Talon, and he moves over to give her a seat.

I move my eyes to the wall, staying quiet. An awkward silence soon falls, the only sound was of the low thump of the outside music.

Killian coughs, sending all eyes towards her. "Alright. This is really boring so, Lu," she turned her head towards me, and I felt everyone's eyes follow from her to me. "What happened? Talon won't speak. He's been really quiet ever since Sunday."

"Wait a minute, what day is it?" I asked her, panic threading through me.

"Um, well, Monday, but now it's Tuesday, according to the clock." she said.

I stay quiet for a moment. "The date is, what?"

"The 27th, Lucy." Quinn answers this time, her voice concerned for my questions.

I nod numbly. Tomorrow. I turn 18. Tomorrow. It's surreal, I've been on this journey since June. Yet no indication that I've found him or her yet.

"So, uh, I don't really know what happened. At the club." I lied, turning away my eyes.

Killian nods, as if she believes me. "That can happen, for your first hangover."

"I can tell you." Talon says, standing up. He doesn't meet my eyes, but I fear of what he'll say. "She was just a normal drunk person. Emotional, squeaky voice, flirty."

I look at him, clutching my shirt. I feel sick, and I suck in a deep breath. Had I ruined my relationship with Talon? Again? I touch at my throat, wondering how high-pitched my voice was. "Talon? Can I talk to you?"

He looks at me, shrugging. "Sure, Lucy."

Another sick feeling.

He follows me into the kitchen, and I speak in a low voice. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, please don't hate me. Maybe we aren't meant to be friends or anything, because I keep messing up. I'm sure you'd rather catch up with Quinn instead."

He raised an eyebrow at this, leaning back on the counter boredly, like he's heard the same apology from me before. Which he has. "Luce," He sighs, sitting on the countertop, crossing his legs. "First of all. You were drunk. Second of all, you weren't wrong. I do want to catch up with Quinn,"

A third sick feeling.

"Third, I wouldn't trade this friendship for anything else. You hear me?" he says lowly, leaning forwards to create his point.

I nod, resisting the urge to pull away and create more space. "I understand." I say softly, nodding.

"So stop acting like everything's your fault, please."

A fourth sick feeling. Ding ding ding, that's the winner. That's where he was wrong. Everything has happened because of Lily.

I grab at my mouth, turning on my heel to find the nearest trashcan. I lurch for it just in time to throw up bile.

I feel my hair get pulled back, choking and gasping to calm the burning sensation in my throat.

"Lu, please. What's wrong?" Killian asked, once my choking subsided to small heaving.

"I..I think it's my fault." Quinn admitted. "Talon, I know you said not to tell her that she wasn't ready, but,"

Talon turned to look at her, frowning. "In the room. Now." he snapped, grabbing her arm to drive her to the room.

She helplessly followed, mouthing the words 'I'm sorry, Lucy' before he shut the door.

I stared at the spot where she was, sitting back on my heels. "I'm sorry. I'm acting like a baby." I said quietly. "You guys were in a panic and I'm here getting sick from anything to do with my mother."

"No. It's the house. It's put everyone on edge. We need to get back on the road, leave this place go. Let bygones be bygones, right?" she cracked a worried smile.

I nodded half-heartedly. "Yeah,"

She grabbed me by the shoulders and shook me for a few moments. "Listen, Lu. Really listen to me."

I stared at her, determination in her gray eyes.

"Listen. I get it. We're all not proud of things. I still blame myself for Griffin's death. Do I let it get me down though? No. Look at Quinn. She's cheerful as can be, and her parents died around four weeks ago. Look at Tal and Dusty. Really look at them. All three of them. They grieved, and they moved on. Sure, it's still hard for them, but they keep going. Don't you think Halton and Jessica would want them to go on happily? Think about Brinley. Go on for her. Go on for your father, Lucy."

Tears pricked at my eyes and I bowed my head, body shaking in sobs. I nodded, sniffing. "I know. It's just so hard!" I put my hands to my eyes to stop anything that might be leaking out.

"Lucy, please. We're all here for one another. We were here for you. You have to be there for us now." Killian gets up with those words, and walks away without looking back.


After that talk with Killian, I got up and left the room. They didn't notice, not that I wanted them to anyways. I needed time to think about everything that's happened so far.

I sat on the bed in one of the guest rooms, at least I was hoping it was a guest room. Shutting my eyes, trying to relax the best that I can, I tried to rationalize what's happened.

Yet all I could think about was how everyone was so strong. So used to pain in their lives that makes me hollow. That was what made everyone themselves, though, I realized.

Killian found me because of her sneaking out with Griffin, because of Brianna and Diana. Talon and Dustin found us because of Lily, with the intent on hunting us down to drag us to the Soul Reapers. They became our friends, best friends, instead. Quinn found us because of Talon, and Dustin, who were adopted by Halton and Jessica. I found Killian because I stormed out of the house that one day in July.

I shuddered to think about what might have happened if I hadn't stormed out. If I hadn't pursued my mother in letting me leave. Would all this happen if I never tried to leave? I have no clue.

All I know that pasts can't define you. They can shape your future and cause you to have new experiences. The past isn't you, and it can't be, since you learn from the past.

With this reassuring thought in my head, I fell back on the bed and let out a sigh. I'll need to apologize. Stand up, I make my way to the door and open it, seeing Quinn standing there. "Oh, hi."

She stared at me as if I appeared out of thin air, before waving awkwardly. "Hey! I just wanted to apologize for telling you that this was my parents house. I mean I thought that you would be okay because I never knew that you would be the person's daughter to kill my parents, but that's fine. I don't hold any feelings towards you because it's not your fault that your mom's a crazy person, right?"

I raised an eyebrow at her rambling, wincing at her mention of Lily being my mom. I know it was true and all, but I prefer to act like she wasn't my birth mother. I wish she wasn't. "Quinn, breath, please. I don't need someone to be giving you CPR, alright?"

She nodded, sucking in a breath. "Sorry, I hate apologizing because I get really nervous and," she paused mid-sentence to suck in another breath, nodding.

"You ramble?"

She nodded, her face red from lack of oxygen or her embarrassment.

We stared at each other for a few moments, a few too many. "Well, I better go out into the living room."

"Oh! That's why I came to get you, really. Then I decided to apologize. Talon is so mean, you know?" she whined slightly, grabbing my hand to tug me out into the room.

I thought back to our hotel room meeting, how he almost gave me a bruise. Now he treats me like a best friend. Maybe better. I shake my head to shoo that stray thought out of my head. "Not really. He's really nice to me. Now, anyways."

She stops right before the living room, giving me a sly smile. "Just between you and me, he's really taken a liking to you. You've broken his outer shell, you and Killian have. However, mostly you." Once giving me a moment to sink that in, she breaks into the living room and waves. "Lucy's back out!" she cheers.

I step out behind her, looking out the window. Still no sun. I wonder what time is it. "So, I have to apologize myself for being selfish."

"Also impatient." Killian pipes in, grinning ear to ear.

"Also rude to me," Talon quips, leaning on the couch.

"Also being a secluded hermit who doesn't trust us." Dustin finished, and they all look at him. "What? Too far?"

I glare at Dustin, rubbing my arms. "Alright. Let me rephrase. I'm going to apologize for being impatient, rude to Talon at first, trying to be the hero all the time and burdening all my sorrows on my own. As well as multiple other things." I say, taking a breath.

"I"m sorry." I say, staring at Killian then moved to Dustin, and then Talon, giving all of them smile. "I'm sorry about everything. I must be a wreck to be friends with, huh?"

"Not gonna lie, you are." Killian jokes, giving me a thumbs up.

I roll my eyes. "So, uh, can we get going now? I promise that if anything's wrong I'll talk to you guys about it. Or try to." I admit. It's going to be hard. I'll try this time.

"Did you just ask if we can go yet? Are you going back on your apology already?" Talon teased.

"No. I just want to make sure the RV is still intact since Julian's probably rampaging in there since I'm out past curfew." I mock, rolling my eyes.

"True, true. Can we wait till morning though?"

I turn around, surprised to hear that Quinn knows how bad Julian is. "Yeah." I already know why she needs time. She needs time to say goodbye to her old house. It must be hard to leave this place.

In the morning, we leave for somewhere. In the morning, I turn 18. In the morning, I might be too old to find my soulmate then. In the morning, I still have my friends. In the morning, we deal with whatever comes our way. Together.

A/N: Well, I really got a Fairy Tail vibe from this chapter. Oops. I hope you like this chapter. How do you feel about Killian's speech? Quinn and Talon's relationship? 

Chapter 23 should be up real soon. I need to start writing chapter 26. Agh. I have the design but I've been really lazy. Need to get that motto in my mind. Hands on Keyboard. Butt in Chair. 

I'll do it next week. This week is Pokemon prompt week. 

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