A Year Agreement (PUBLISHED!)

Da OutOfMyLimit17

25.3M 722K 168K

Jenna Howard is not your regular 19 year old. She's been by herself since she was just 5 years old. After bei... Altro

Authors Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4...
Chapter 5...
Chapter 6...
Chapter 7...
Chapter 8...
Chapter 9...
Chapter 10...
Chapter 11...
Chapter 12...
Chapter 13...
Chapter 14...
Chapter 15...
Chapter 16...
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24...
Chapter 25...
Chapter 26...
Chapter 27..
Chapter 28...
Chapter 30...
Chapter 31...
Chapter 32...
Chapter 33...
Chapter 34...
Chapter 35...
Chapter 36...
Chapter 37...
Chapter 38...
Chapter 39...
Chapter 40...
Bonus Chapter 1...
Bonus Chapter 2...
Bonus Chapter 3...
Release Day!!

Chapter 29...

572K 18.4K 9.2K
Da OutOfMyLimit17

**WARNING! ALL THE EVENTS, PLACES, NAMES ARE NOT REAL! I have never been to Barbados and I DO NOT know what it looks like, what food places there are, what is situated where. So DO NOT comment how wrong I am or that certain things aren't possible!!!!!

*Not Edited!!

Song on the side Kiss Me Again by We Are The In Crowd <3

I wanted to have a picture above of both characters but can't find one and to lazy to make one :)

Dedicated to @healer12 for the amazing new cover of this story! You guys sent me some great ones and I couldn't choose! But I finally decided on this one so I hope you all love it like I do :)

The first 2 hours of the plane ride were boring. Liam had taken out his laptop and was doing work while I stared out the window. When we were about to take off I got kind of scared, looking out the window didn't help. I could see the ground moving underneath of us as we gained speed. I didn't freak out too bad I just grabbed Liam's hand in a tight grip which turn my knuckles white, as the plane lifted up from the ground. Liam didn't seem to mind my hold on his hand and I didn't loosen it until the pilot said we could walk around. Even then Liam had to pull his hand away to grab his laptop.

Now 3 hours into our 6 hour flight and I was about halfway done with my new book and bored. I put my book down in my lap turning to look out the window. We were currently over some state but from how high we were I could only see land and a little freeway. The excitement of going to Barbados was over now as the long ride was barely even half over yet.

Sighing I rolled my head in Liam's direction. A little while ago he moved over to one of the twirling chairs that had a pull out desk to do some work. Bored of being quiet and sitting alone I unbuckled my seatbelt cautiously walking towards Liam. It felt weird walking when something was moving, like walking on the bus. Plopping down beside him I looked at him. He looked really cute when he was concentrating. His eyes narrowed a little and his eyebrows were creased.

"Liam I'm bored." I whined like a 5 year old.

"We've only been on here for a little while." He said glancing up at me for a second before looking back at his laptop.

"We've been on here for 3 hours." I deadpanned.

"Really? Oh I'm sorry I was just got caught up in my work." He clicked a few things before shutting his laptop and turning to face me. "Are you excited to be going to Barbados?"

"You didn't pick Barbados on a whim didn't you?" I brought my feet up on the couch tucking them beneath me.

"No I remembered you said you always wanted to visit there." He shrugged.

"And?" I waited for him to continue. There was something else he wasn't saying.

"And, I have a little bit of work to do there so I figured why not bring you along." He admitted.

"I should be mad that I am the second choice here but I'm going to Barbados so I can't complain." I grinned at him.

"What would you like to do once we get there? I have a meeting a few hours after we land."

"I want to go to the beach, get some great food, explore some places." I said dreamily.

"I'll make sure that you do all that you want to do." He smiled at me making my heart flutter. "So what should we do for the rest of our flight?"

"Do you have any cards or something? Who knew it would be so boring on a private airplane." I glanced around the cabin.

"I think there's a deck of cards somewhere here." I got more comfortable on the couch as Liam got up and moved around. "Okay here is one."

As Liam sat down he took off his loosened tied and rolled up the sleeves of his dress shirt. While he took the cards out of the box I watched the muscles in his forearms flex. Even his forearms are sexy.

"Want to play a card game?" Nodding I bit my bottom lip as he dealt the cards.


"You are cheating!"

"Am not! I am playing by the rules."

"Stand up. I bet you are hiding cards under your cute little ass." Rolling my eyes I made a show of standing up and twirling around.

"See no cards!" I tried to hold back my grin at Liam's darkened expression. We have been playing all kinds of card games for the past hour, everything from 21 to Go Fish. And almost every game I have beaten Liam. Right now we are playing Old Maid but using a Jack as the old maid card. Liam thought I was cheating as I was winning once more. He wasn't the most graceful loser.

"You can't stand losing to a girl can you?" I smirked over at him, holding my cards in front of me. I only had 2 more left while Liam had at least 7.

"You're still cheating." He mumbled. Shaking my head I finished off the rest of my cards. "I need a drink." Liam stood up and headed for the bar.

"Man you suck at card games." I got up after him needing some water.

"I don't suck, it sucks, you suck." He muttered. Laughing I leaned my hip against the bar beside Liam.

"Don't worry there is a few other games that I haven't beaten you at yet." I said smugly. A second later I found myself caged against the bar with Liam's arms surrounding me. I barely had to tilt my head up to look at him. His face was less then an inch away. Dark blue eyes stared down at me, and his light pink lips were spread in a smirk.

"I think it is time for me to win at something." He whispered at me. Feeling his hard body pressing against mine was making me lose my concentration.

"I uh I." My hands were itching at my side wanting to run up Liam's muscular arms and shoulders into his hair. I still remember how soft it felt under my hands when we took our engagement photos, and how his lips felt against mine. Everything inside of me wanting to capture his mouth and have him kiss me senseless.

"Can I win at something?" He asked leaning his head even closer to mine. I felt his lips barely brushing against mine.

"Yes." I breathed out. I was breathless and we haven't even kissed yet. He stared at me for another second waiting for me to go back on my word. Not wasting another second he closed the distance between our mouth.

His soft lips pressed against mine softly, almost hesitantly. Something inside of me broke and I found myself pressing harder against Liam. He took the hint turning the kiss more aggressive. As cliche as it sounds I felt the kiss all the way down to my toes. My hands finally got what they wanted as they weaved themselves into Liam's brown locks.

The edge of the bar dug into my back but I ignored it pressing against Liam. Once again time seemed to slow as our lips intertwined with one another. He felt so right against me. It felt like everything I had ever wanted in my life was here right now. Liam made me feel whole instead of a mess of pieces.

We both pulled away panting for breath. Liam rested his forehead against mine closing his eyes. I kept my eyes open studying his face. This close I could make out every little groove on his face. Unconsciously my hands move down from his hair until they were cradling his jaw. I felt a slight bit of stubble under my fingers and couldn't help but think Liam would look good with a beard. With the pads of my thumbs I softly rubbed his jawline, slowly moving to his cheeks then his chin.

It was like my mind was on automatic as my hands moved on their own accord across Liam's face. I wanted to mesmerize everything about his face and body. I wanted to feel every groove and scar under my fingers. Bringing my hands up I gently massaged his temples. I was so focused on looking at his face I didn't see he had opened his eyes until he spoke.

"That feels good." He softly said, his voice almost a whisper. My eyes shot back down to his finding them practically glowing.

"Yeah?" I whispered back.

"I want to kiss you again." His eyes moved down to my lips, which unconsciously made me lick them. With a soft groan from Liam he claimed my lips once more. A small voice in the back of my mind was telling me I shouldn't be doing this but I pushed it away. At the moment I didn't care, hell I didn't care about anything right now. Everything seemed right when I was kissing Liam and I did not want that feeling to go away. Not now or in a year.

"Your lips are so soft." Liam said the moment we broke apart. I smiled closing my eyes and breathing his scent in.

"My legs feel like jello." I said clenching onto his shoulders. Liam chuckled before his arms let go of the bar and grabbed my waist. With no effort what's so ever he hoisted me up by my waist as my legs automatically wrapped around his waist. I squeaked in surprise as Liam's hands moved from my waist to cup my butt. He smirked at me turning and walking back to the couch. Of course in that moment the plane moved a little making me squeal and tighten my legs around him and my arms around his neck.

"It's okay princess." I felt him tighten his grip on me as well as he lowered himself on the couch. I sat on his lap still wrapped around him like a koala bear. "I can get use to riding in a plane if it's like this." Liam said above me. Letting my grip go I slapped his shoulder.

"Are you going to let me go now?" I wondered as my hands left his shoulders and sat in my lap. I raised an eyebrow at him as he just smirked at me.

"I don't think so. I like this position." He wiggled his eyebrows at me, his blue eyes twinkling. I scoffed smacking his chest. At the feel of his hard chest I wanted to let my hands roam but refrained from doing so. It's Liam's fault for being so hot that I can't keep my hands to myself.

"Well that wasted an hour. Now only a few more to go."


2 more hours later the pilot finally got on the intercom and announced we would be landing in just a few short minutes. Both Liam and I got back in our seats and put our seat belts on. Taking the gum he offered I stared at the window seeing nothing but blue sea. I had almost forgotten we were on a plane while Liam and I kept each other busy.

After Liam and I kissed we decided to play one more card game before calling it quits. We ended up playing War which lasted almost an entire hour, seeing that the game wasn't going to end for a while we decided on a tie. Now knowing that we were about to land my excitement was starting to come back.

Gripping Liam's hand once more as we landed I smiled over at him. I was finally somewhere other then New York. Barbados has always been on my wish list to visits and I was finally going to do so. All my thoughts about Liam and I kissing were pushed to the back of my mind as the wheels of the plane touched down.

After the kiss I got off Liam's lap and tried to pretend what happened wasn't a big deal. The main word there is 'tried'. While Liam acted like nothing had happened I was internally squealing and jumping up and down. I don't know what it means for Liam and I but at the moment I did not even care.

Once we had landed I followed after Liam excitement bubbling up inside of me. Exiting the plane I came to a stop my feet touching the pavement. I glanced around already not believing how pretty it was here. Of course being at the airport runway I couldn't see much and knew the beach was a little bit aways from here.

With a small touch on my back I turned to see Liam standing next to me waiting patiently for me to move towards a car that just pulled up. Nodding silently to him I walked towards the car with him following me. Smiling in thanks to the driver that opened the door for me, I slid into the back seat.

"We have a little bit of a drive to get to our hotel." Liam said as he buckled himself in. I didn't say anything as I turned to the window wanting to see everything that we passed by.

As we drove towards our hotel the trees grew less thick and more people could be seen walking along side the road. It couldn't have been more then 10 minutes later that we came to the middle part of a town. Cute little stores lined the streets, with tourists walking along the sidewalk. People riding bicycles, skateboards or roller-skates dodged walkers. To my right, on Liam's side, I could see the ocean through the palm trees.

Cracking my window I breathed in the salty fresh air. Although it was nearing 6 o'clock at night the sun was still pretty high in the sky, signaling it wouldn't be sunset for a few more hours. I practically stuck my head out the window as we passed more stores and big hotels.

A few minutes later the car started to slow down and turn into a huge hotel. As we pulled up I could see there were cabanas off to the side and probably more in the back. Knowing the beach was right behind it, I immediately jumped out of the car just as the driver put it in park. Behind me I could hear Liam chuckling at my reactions but I didn't care. I knew I wouldn't be able to do a lot today before the sun disappeared but that wouldn't stop me from me excited.

"Welcome sir!" A young man said almost nervously as he came up to Liam. "We will grab your luggage and have them sent to your room immediately."

"Thank you." Was all Liam said before tugging on my arm and leading me away from the car. The air was warm but a little cold making me glad I packed a small sweater at the last second. It would be cold tonight.

"Where are you going Liam? The hotel is that way." I asked as he lead us away from the main lobby of the hotel.

"I know we aren't staying there."

"But don't you have to check in? You can't do that to a hotel."

"Jenna I own the hotel it is fine." He said. I walked beside him with my mouth open. I don't know why I didn't know he owned it, I actually should have expected it. "Babe flies will fly in your mouth if you keep it open like that." I quickly snapped it shut. Not saying A word I continued with Liam as we walked to the back of the hotel building towards a set of big cabanas that lined the ocean. They still looked like part of the hotel but closer to the water and bigger then the rooms probably in the building.

"We are staying in one of those." I said more of a statement then a question. The closer we got the more potent the smell of the ocean became. Not even looking at the 'room' we were staying in I looked out at the ocean. In just a few feet was white sand that looked so soft. Quite a few people were out laying around or playing in the water but not as much as I thought there would be. The water was crystal blue and glowed from the sun hitting it.

We came to a door which Liam opened softly shoving me in and blocking my view. I was even more impressed when I stepped into the room. It was huge! Way bigger then it looked on the outside. In front of me was a big living room that was furnished with expensive looking couches and chairs, along with a tv. To my left was a kitchenette that was the same size as my old apartments. And then to my right was a hallway that I bet lead to the bedroom(s). Wow. This place is incredible.

"This can't be a place at a hotel." I said randomly. "It is the size of my old apartment back in New York. I bet this costs more then an actual home." I muttered the last part.

"I usually don't stay in this part but I thought you would like too." Glancing over at Liam I saw him standing at the entrance with his hands in his pant pockets. He was watching me closely waiting for my reaction. Smiling I made my way towards him and wrapped my arms around his waist, pushing my face into his chest.

"I love it! Thank you." I squeezed him tightly. I felt one arm wrap around my waist and the other came up to hold the back of my neck. It had to be the best hug I have ever received. It made me feel safe and loved, like Liam didn't want me to go.

"Glad you like it." I felt something like a soft kiss on top of my head but as soon as I felt it Liam retracted his arms. "I sadly have a meeting to go to in about 20 minutes." He said glancing down at his watch.

"Oh yeah." I tried not to sound disappointed. I wish Liam could just stay here with me but I knew he had work to do. He is after taking over a huge company and I can't expect him to drop all his responsibilities just for me.

"How about I take you out tonight? Like on a real date. No press, no one who knows who we are, nothing but us." Liam said looking at me.

"Are you asking me out Mr. Stanford?" I asked my voice teasing.

"I am. A first real date." A small smile graced his lips. Lips that not even 3 hours ago I kissed.

"I accept."

"Good. Meet me at The Tides inside the hotel, it is on the first floor, at 7. If I'm not there before you tell the front desk who you are." He said the corner of his mouth tilting into a smirk. I opened my mouth to say something but a knock on the door interrupted me. Liam opened it revealing two men carrying our luggage.

"Your luggage sir." With a nod Liam stepped aside and let them place them in the entry. Glancing down at my suitcase I tried to remember what I packed and if any of it was good enough for a date tonight with Liam.

"Let's put these in our room then I have to leave." Grabbing mine after slapping Liam's hand away I followed him down the hall. Straight down the hall was the bedroom that Liam went into. I bit my bottom lip glancing in the other doors only to find the place had only one bedroom.

"Jenna come put your bag in here." Liam's voice called out.

"There's not another room?"

"No you are sharing with me." He said. I gulped at the idea of sleeping in the same bed as Liam. After a deep breath I walked into the room only to pause seeing Liam's bare back facing me. The muscles in his back flexed as he reached for a shirt. I sucked my bottom lip into my mouth at the sight wanting to run my hands down it. You will soon enough. A voice said in my head. Wait soon enough?! Unfortunately the sight of Liam's back disappeared as he slipped on a new dress shirt.

Before I could get caught gawking at him I went and set my suitcase by the closet trying to get my bearings. On a romantic island alone with Liam I had to make sure I had a level head.

"Okay I have to get going. But meet me there at 7 okay? This meeting shouldn't be long." Liam said making me turn around.

"I'll be there. I'll be the person dressed terribly."

"You can never look terrible." He walked towards me and came to a stop just inches away from me. Leaning down he laid a soft kiss to my lips. "I'll see you there." He said pulling away a second later. Sending me a wide smile he turned and left the bedroom. A second later I heard the door close.

I brought a hand to my lips and let a big grin spread across my face. All the feelings I had been holding in from the plane burst free. Squealing I jumped around the room doing a little dance. Liam finally kissed me! I didn't even have to make him do it. Settling down a little I touched my lips again. What was Liam doing to me?


After my little squealing fest I hurried and jumped in the shower. I didn't want to look like a hobo on this date with Liam. A real date, our real first date. I don't know what this means for us but I am liking the idea that we may be more then just a business deal. Making sure I was all clean and shaved I left the bathroom to find an outfit.

Going through my suitcase I noticed I didn't bring anything fancy at all. When packing I hadn't thought about it. Leafing through more clothes a piece of clothing caught my eye. Pulling it out I slowly nodded. It was a cute summer dress that was flowy. It was a white dress with pink/purple birds on it. It had thin white straps and a brown thin belt around the waist. It would have to do.

Once I had the dress on I went to do my hair. Not wanting to look like I was trying too hard I quickly blew dry my blonde hair and left it in its slightly wavy state. With a little bit of mascara to make my green eyes pop and a small amount of foundation I looked in the mirror. Swiping on some pale pink lipstick I smiled at myself. I looked good actually.

Seeing as I only packed one pair of tall black heels I put them on hoping they matched. Glancing at my phone and seeing it was 6:45pm I quickly grabbed my bag, my ring and left the room. Not really knowing where I was going I followed the signs that were on the walls leading to the lobby.

When I finally made it to the lobby I noticed I was actually over dressed. Families moved around me wearing bathing suits, or just casual jean shorts and tank tops. I even saw a few men wearing those ugly bright flower button up shirts. Typical dad look. Making my way to the restaurant I was meeting Liam at I looked around the hotel. It was gorgeous inside. It had a friendly, family feel about it even though it looked expensive.

"Uh hi." I said coming up to the front desk of the restaurant. A girl about my age or maybe a few years older looked up at me wearing a friendly smile.

"Hello. Are you here to eat?" She asked reaching for one menu.

"I'm actually here to meet someone. I'm Jenna Howard." I remembered Liam saying to tell them my name.

"Oh! Mr. Stanford said you would be here. Follow me we have a table set up for you already." The girl said immediately after hearing my name. Following after her I saw the place was pretty packed. I thought it would be a very expensive place to eat and that you had to wear fancy clothing but it was the opposite. People were dressed in all different kinds of attire, and little kids were talking loud. Smiling at a little girl who was staring at me.

"Here you are Ms. Howard." The girl said coming to a stop in front of a booth that was kind of in the back.

"Thank you." I said gratefully.

"Mr. Stanford should be here shortly." With a smile she left. The booth was sitting in front of a large window that over looked the ocean. The sun was starting to go down and I noticed our table would have great view of it.

A waiter brought of a glass of water for me before leaving. Not wanting to look like a loser I took out my phone and texted Sophia, Candy, and Lennon. Even though I didn't get a reply from any of them for a few minutes I went through my facebook.

10 minutes had passed and I was still sitting in the booth by myself. The only person to reply to me was Sophia but she could only text me for a minute because she was at work. Putting my phone on the table I looked out the window. Any minute the sun would set making the restaurant a pretty color.

After another 20 minutes had passed I started to get worried. It had been over half an hour since I was suppose to met Liam here. Shouldn't he be here by now? I wondered. I twirled my phone in my hands pondering if I should text him. His meeting could just be longer then he thought. Deciding I should I sent Liam a quick text.

To: Liam

Hey. Um I'm at the restaurant. Your meeting probably went long I'm just getting a little worried. Let me know when you are coming.

I hit sent biting my bottom lip. Setting it back on the table I looked out the window that was now dark. The sun had set a little bit away and it was beautiful. It was a gorgeous pink and orange color.

"Hello Miss would you like to order something?" The waiter came over to ask for the 2nd time.

"Oh no I'm okay. He should be here in just a moment." I sent him a smile as he left. My stomach was growling since I hadn't eaten since this morning. But I didn't want to eat without Liam. He should be here any moment.

I watched as many people came and went from the restaurant. People came, got their meals and left as I sat in the same seat. It had been now over an hour since our meeting time. I kept checking my phone to make sure I didn't miss a call or text from Liam. The waiter had been over at my table 4 times and I was starting to think he was feeling bad for me

The look he sent me after the last time he asked if I wanted to order was like he had seen this before. The sinking feeling of Liam standing me up was getting worse. He probably did this all the time with girls. Got them here then left them waiting for him like a chump. The idea that he is off making out or having sex with another popped up in my head multiple times. Deciding on waiting another few minutes for him I drank my 3rd glass of water.

I felt like an idiot still sitting here waiting for Liam. He said he would be here at 7 and it was not 8:15. His meeting is probably late. I kept telling myself but I was starting to not believe it anymore. Sitting there I felt all the waiter/waitresses pity eyes I sunk lower in the booth. I had gotten dressed up for nothing. Here I thought Liam would actually come and we could have a date. The stupid hope that he would admit he liked me and that our deal was off was shattered. I was probably just a thing to keep him busy when he didn't have a girl.

My heart sunk as even more time passed. My love for him was the only reason I was staying. I wanted to believe he would show up any minute and apologize that his meeting went long, but I knew I was holding onto a thin line of hope. Feelings tears burning my eyes I swallowed the lump in my throat. Knowing he wasn't coming anymore I grabbed my phone and bag before sliding out of the booth.

Grabbing a few dollars from my bag I set them on the table and made my way out of the restaurant. I kept my head down as the same hostess shot me a sad smile. I don't know which one is worst the looks of pity or the look that I am just another girl that fell for this.

I was angry and hurt as I walked back towards the room. I had actually thought he would show. Stupid Jenna. I was stupid for even thinking that. Bringing my hands up I brushed away the tears that were starting to leak out. Coming to our room I stared at the door. I didn't have a key. I didn't think about looking for one before I left. I thought since I was coming back with Liam I could get back in.

Dropping my bag with my phone in it at the door I turned and headed for the beach. Once I hit sand I slipped off my heels and held them walking bare foot in the sand. Images of Liam pressing some random girl against a wall kissing her came to my mind. One after another they appeared almost mocking me for believing that Liam could maybe like me.

Coming to the waters edge I stared out at the dark ocean that was lit by the moon. Tears flowed freely down my cheeks, ruining my makeup. Not even the slight coldness of the ocean hitting my toes registered in my head. All the words I have been called- worthless, will always been alone, not loved- echoed in my mind. Just another piece of my heart broken.

With shoes in hand I walked down the waterline. Sand squished between my toes and I breathed in deeply. The tears were stopping and drying on my cheeks. The fresh air made me feel a little better.

"Hello." A random voice said by me making me jump. "Sorry! I thought you heard me." A guys voice said. Turning I saw a guy around Liam's age standing a few feet away from me his hands out. I put a hand to my chest to stop my heart form racing.

"That's okay." I said but my voice sounded weird.

"Are you okay?" He took a few steps closer but not much to get in my personal space.

"I'm fine." The moon hit his face and show he had a pretty face. It was still too dark to make out his features but I could tell he was shirtless and had a nice body.

"You don't sound like it. Why is a girl like you alone out here?"

"Long story." I said softly.

"Guy trouble huh." He commented. He came to a stop beside me.

"That obvious?" I looked at him.

"Even in the dark I can see you are gorgeous so it's a given you have a boyfriend."

"Or something like that." I mumbled.

"What did he do?" The guy asked as we slowly walked.

"He uh. He stood me up." I answered looking down at my feet.

"Wow stupid guy." He commented. I looked up at him. "He must not know what he has." I stared at him almost waiting for him to hit on me. He must of see the look on my face for he smiled. "Don't worry I won't come onto you. I don't swing that way." He winked at me.

"Ohhh." Noticing we had gone a long way I turned and the guy followed me.

"I'm Devon by the way." He introduced himself.

"I'm Jenna."

"If I can say, your boyfriend shouldn't have stood you up." Devon said.

"I would like to think he didn't mean to but I don't know." I kicked the sand with my feet.

"You really like him." He commented.

"How can you tell." I muttered sarcastically.

"You wouldn't be out here by yourself if you didn't. If you didn't like him you would have gotten drunk and done something stupid but no you are here."

"You've done that I take it."

"Plenty of times. Being gay isn't the easiest but I've found my perfect guy." I saw him smile.

"Is he not here?" I asked looking around spotting a group of people ahead.

"He's over there." He gestured to the group. "I saw you walking alone and thought I'd keep you company."

"Well thank you Devon." I said smiling softly.

"If I may ask. Does the guy know you like him?"

"No he doesn't."

"Why haven't you told him?" Devon asked.

"Because I know what he'll say. He won't feel the same." I said sadly. Liam could never like me.

"How do you know? Sometimes you have to go for it even if you get your heart broken in the process. If you don't tell him and he does feel the same you will forget it forever."

"For a stranger I just met you are pretty smart." I said laughing softly.

"I've got experience." He smiled at me. "You have to decide if he is worth fighting over. Even though he stood up do you still like him enough to forgive him and tell him your feelings?"

"I-" I started but the sound my name being yelled stopped me. Looking away from Devon I saw a tall figure stalking towards me.

"Jenna!" The voiced yelled again and I recognized it. Liam. He came to a stop in front of us a second later. His blue eyes seemed to glow in the dark as he looked from me to Devon. "Who the hell is this?" He asked his voice low, almost dangerous.

"Liam." I breathed out staring at him. He came after you. The voice said.

"Who the hell are you? Why are you with my fiancé!" Liam boomed taking a step closer to Devon.

"I'm making sure your 'fiance' is okay." Devon said plainly. Seeing Liam's eyes flashed I jerked out of my trance.

"Liam stop!" I said taking a step towards him.

"She is mine. Don't you go near her." He threatened coming closer to Devon. Devon shot me a look silently asking if this was the guy. I gave him a slight nod before looking back at Liam.

"If she is yours then why did you stand her up hm?" Devon had to go and say. I mentally smacked my forehead. I shot Devon a look to say stop. I've never seen Liam this angry or scary before.

"I did not stand her up. Now step away from my girl!" His blue eyes narrowed.

"Liam stop. Devon you better go." I said stepped between them, putting a hand on Liam's chest to stop him. I didn't want him to hit Devon.

"Will you be okay alone?" Devon asked glancing at me before going back to Liam.

"Yeah I'll be fine. Thank you for the advice Devon. I hope I see you again." Sending him a smile.

"He likes you." Was all Devon said before sending me a smile and heading back to his group.

"What are you doing out here, especially with another man!?" Liam said the moment Devon was out of ear shot.

"I was not with another man. Devon was just talking to me Liam."

"He was looking at you like he wanted to take your clothes off!" He growled down at me.

"At least that's someone." I said before thinking.

"What is that suppose to mean!? I am the only person that can take your clothes off Jenna."

"It means you left me Liam!" I finally blew up. "I sat in that restaurant like a chump for almost 2 hours waiting for you! You didn't answer my texts either!" I yelled.

"I had to sit there while all the waiters kept asking me if I wanted to order, and giving me pity looks! You said you would be there at 7 Liam and you weren't. You made me feel so stupid sitting there waiting for you." I pushed passed him heading towards the room.

"Jenna." Liam said grabbing my arm and pulling me back.

"No Liam! I thought tonight would be different! I thought that since we kissed we could finally be something. I though that maybe you liked me too. I am so fucking stupid for liking you!" I couldn't stop myself from punching his chest. I was crying once more.

"Everything you do makes me like you more. And kissing me didn't help! I bet you don't even care what I feel because you have tons of girls hanging off your arm. I bet you were off sleeping with one while I waited for you. Well you know what Liam!" I looked at him beyond angry and hurt. "I'm done! I can't be apart of this deal anymore! I can't lie to your wonderful family, I can't keep liking you in secret while you go off sleeping with other women." I shook my head. "I'm just done." I said softly. Pulling my arm from Liam's grip I turned and started walking way.

"Jenna you can't do this!" Liam yelled. I heard his breath and the next thing I knew I was being whirled around and slammed against a hard chest. "You can't say those kinds of things and just walk away. You can't walk away from me! You are mine." With that he slammed his lips hard against mine. I sunk against him kissing him back just as hard. I put all of my emotions into it and gripped onto Liam's forearms and he cupped my face.

His tongue slipped past my lips and battled against mine. The kiss was hard and aggressive. My body was pressed against his but I pressed even more wanting to be as close to him as possible. I bit his bottom lip and grinned internally at the low groan he made. Liam's hands left my face and went into my hair tugging on it to bring my mouth somehow closer. We broke apart a minute later gasping for air.

"Jenna I like you. No I don't like you, I Love You." Liam breathed out staring down at me.

"You love me?" I questioned my lips tingling and feeling tender.

"Yes you idiotic women. I love you." My heart wanted to burst at the seems. Liam Stanford loved me! Little old Jenna! I stared into his blue eyes almost not believing him. "You have to say something." He said as I kept staring at him. Without warning I stood up on my toes grabbing his head and kissing him. A soft breeze surrounded us making my shiver but I didn't care if I was cold. The heat from Liam's body was warming me up as I pressed against him. Pulling away I leaned my forehead against his.

"I love you to you dufus."


You guys should really hug me for this, I did this instead of my homework. But there you go they are finally confessed their love for one another!! I felt like I have teased and have made you wait long enough :) I actually liked writing this chapter even if it is 7,000 words long and took me the entire day.

The next coming chapters will be of them in Barbados and then coming home. The wedding isn't for a little while longer. My plans have changed for this book since I first started so it is going to end completely different then you may have thought in the beginning. I know this book is pretty cliche of the girl falling for the boy, and ending up together but in my opinion those are kind of the best books to read. It gives you a sense of hope that you will find that kind of love one day. <3

So I hope you guys liked this!

VOTE, COMMENT, AND EVERYONE WHO HAS READ 'SOMETHING INSIDE' GO ON YOUR INSTAGRAM RIGHT NOW AND TYPE IN THE USERNAME LITTLE.W0LFF (books and stuff). The wonderful @Shade1998 has made a 4 part vine/trailer for it on her instagram. They are AMAZING and the coolest/best thing that has ever been done for me! So go there and see them and follow her!!!!!!!!

Thank you guys so much for liking this book, and commenting! It means the world that you love it!! <3 <3 <3


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