The Ensconced (A Fred Weasley...

By Cinderole

81.8K 1.6K 354

Surely everyone has secrets. What if a person was kept a secret? No one knew of her, for safety purposes of c... More

Found At Last
To Little Hangleton
A Different Look On Things
Hoggy-Warty Hogwarts
A Good Start
A Hunch
Dating and Inns
London's Fog Makes Everything Look Grey
The Cave
Into the Lion's Den
Radio Head
Escaping a Maze
A Flare of Love
Beating the Beater
Shattered Glass

Headaches and Horcruxes

3.5K 74 8
By Cinderole

A few weeks later I found myself back at the Burrow. Ginny, Ron, and their friends Hermione and Harry had left for Hogwarts. I wish I could’ve had the chance to attend Hogwarts. Fred gave me a tour of it and the school was better than I could have ever imagined. To be able to call Hogwarts your home? I think that’s special. Anyways, I found myself de-gnoming the garden with Fred and George. Mrs. Weasley had asked us to do that while she cleaned the inside of the house. In order to get rid of the gnomes, one must grab it and twirl it around until it’s dizzy, then throw it out of the yard. Somehow they always manage to come back though.

“S-So I just grab it?” I asked.                                                          

Fred, who was currently tossing one over the large hedge answered, “Yeah. Then swing it around till it’s dizzy and throw it out. Don’t worry; it doesn’t hurt them or anything.”

Many more gnomes had come out of their holes to see what the commotion was. Gnomes were well, ugly. They reminded me of a potato with arms, legs, and a stick.

So, where do I grab it? Not the head; maybe the arm, or leg?  I looked over at the twins to see them tossing a gnome back and forth to each other, laughing. I smiled, they were so cute.

I took a step towards one of the gnomes, and he noticed me and took a step back. Great. I began running towards him… or her. They ran away, laughing. I started chasing the little bugger all over the garden, and he/her just kept running away! Gah, it’s like the stupid gnome likes being chased! Stupid thing is pissing me off. I started running harder at the gnome, and I came close and closer to it. Finally with a dive, I caught it! I really caught it! I jumped from the ground and cheered. Hearing snickers from behind me, I turned to see George and Fred laugh at me. Trying to hold onto whatever pride I had left, and dusted myself off and went to spin it around to make the gnome dizzy, when the little thing bit me!


I dropped the little bugger, and looked at my finger. It broke skin, the stupid little thing.

As I nursed my finger, Fred came over (smirking of course) and said, “Love, why don’t you just go wait inside? Georgie and I will take care of the gnomes.”

Grumbling, I nodded and walked back inside.

“Mrs. Weasley?” I shouted, “Do you need me to help you with anything?”

I heard some shuffling, then “Actually deary, could you give me a hand in Fred and George’s room?”

I walked up the stairs, and into their room to see Mrs. Weasley standing in a mess of Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes products.

“I was trying to sort it out, and maybe make this room bearable but some of these blasted products keep going off on me…” She starts saying.

“Mrs. Weasley, I’ll take care of it. I know all of these products so I’ll put them back into their boxes and clean everything up a little.”

She looked at me and smiled. “Ah Belle, thank you. Fred needs to marry a girl like you, maybe you’d do him some good.”

At this I felt the blood rush to my cheeks and quickly sputtered, “N-No we’re just friends Mrs. Weasley, you must be mistaken...”

Mrs. Weasley chuckled and left the room. I tried to shake all ideas of Freed and I ever being together, and tried to get back to the task on hand. To clean the twin’s room. I began sorting the products together: edible products with each other, defense objects together, Wonderwitch products, Muggle pranks, etc.

After sorting them into boxes, I placed the same boxes into a corner of the room. The beds weren’t made (of course) so I fixed them. There was some sort of powder on the floor, kind of resembling gunpowder. I grabbed a broom from the hallways, and swept it all up. With a feather duster, I dusted the boys’ dresser and nightstand.

I feel like a maid.

The room looked presentable, so I turned to leave to room only to crash into a firm chest.

“’Ello love.” Fred softly said, a trace of laughter evident in his voice.

Trying not to meet his eyes, I muttered hello. I tried to walk out of the room, but he grabbed my shoulders. I felt a soft hand gently grab my chin and tilt my face towards his.

Oh no, oh no.

I felt my heartbeat beating faster, and my face heat up.

My blue eyes met his brown ones. His face began coming closer, and closer. I closed my eyes, preparing for what was going to come. His lips met mine.

With that sparks flew. My heart soared; kissing Fred was the most spectacular thing I had ever felt.

Suddenly, I felt an odd surge pulse through my body.

I broke the kiss, for another surge went through my body. I felt this odd sensation, a tingling through my entire being.

“Love?” Fred quietly said, questioning me.

Crap, I realized what was happening.

“Apparate me far away from here. Far away, where there’s no one around.” I quickly said, feeling my hands begin to shake.

“What’s going on?” Fred questioned again.

I felt lightheaded and knew I had little time.

“Just do it, I’ll explain later!” I sharply shouted. Fred obliged, and brought me to an empty valley.

Another surge and I shuddered, falling to the ground.

“Now leave.” I instructed, “Don’t come back for me for another hour or so. Understand?”

Fred shook his head no, and started to argue, “I’m not leaving you alone out here, are you mad?”

“Fred! Trust me, I need you to leave.” Another surge. “NOW!” I yelled.

Fred looked at me hesitantly.

“Go. Please.” I pleaded.

I heard the familiar crack, and collapsed on the ground. Fred was gone, and I couldn’t hurt anyone now. My body began to shake violently, and random blue light would shoot out of my fingertips involuntarily. I could feel my temperature slowly rising- rising, rising till I could’ve sworn I was burning to death. I’m assuming this will be more painful than my accidents in the past because of the curse.


Where the blue light was being emitted from, my skin was slowly splitting. Blood began seeming from the cuts in my fingers. I could feel the power inside of me building to its explosion point. My eyes rolled in the back of my head and I blacked out.


My head was pounding.

Gah, headache much?

I sat up slowly, the world around me spinning.

Blinking a few times, I saw I was no longer outdoors in the valley, but back at the Burrow. I was lying on Fred’s bed actually. I felt something touching my arm, and saw Fred asleep next to me.

His mouth was wide open, snoring slightly. He was squished against the wall and gave me majority of the room on the small twin-sized bed. I smiled at the boy before me, he was so cute.

I definitely had feelings for him. He’s the only person I’ve ever met that could make me feel the way I do. My heart flutters, my face warms, and he’s constantly making me smile.

I shouldn’t lead him on. Soon I’ll be going back to my lonesome island. I used to love being alone, being able to do what I want, never having others around to judge you.

Not anymore. These past weeks I feel like I really have a place, a meaning. I feel like I’m a Weasley. They’re my family. Mr. and Mrs. Weasley are the parents I’ve always wanted. George is the brother I’ve never had. Fred… Fred is the guy I’ve always dreamed of having.

I felt a blush begin to creep onto my face.

Fred. He’s never kissed me before. I’ve never kissed anybody before. I wonder why he did it… Does he have feelings for me as well? Maybe he just wanted to make me blush, and later make fun of me with George. It was probably just another prank.

Erg, anyways…

I looked at myself, analyzing the damage. My hands were bandaged, along with my chest (and how I prayed Mrs. Weasley bandaged me up!). My hands were black and blue- bruised. I found bruising all up my arms. My hands were especially tender. Besides my arms and torso, my lower extremities were fine. I couldn’t tell if any part of my face was damaged.

Glancing out the window I saw it was nighttime. Or early morning. A yawn escaped my mouth, and I decided just to lie back down next to Fred and sleep for a few more hours.


A few days later Grandpa appeared at the Burrow. His hand was still badly scarred, and it would be until he d-died.

“Belle, could I talk to you? And Fred as well.” He asked.

I nodded, and grabbed Fred’s hand. Grandpa led us outside, and into the orchard. By now it was fall and the one pink and purple flowers were turning brown, and falling onto the ground.

“I need you two to do something for me.” Grandpa suddenly said, turning around to face us.

“What is it, Grandpa?” I softly said. Grandpa doesn’t ask for help often and even after last time, I would do anything for him.

“I need you two to help me track down people and find out information on horcruxes.” Grandpa said, “I can’t stray too far from Hogwarts so I wouldn’t be able to do it myself.”

Horcrux hunting?

“I’m in.” I said immediately. I looked at Fred who nodded yes as well.

“Anything to stop You-Know-Who.” He said.

Grandpa nodded.

“Alright then, let me fill you in on the information I have already gathered…”


Tried to get this chapter up quickly!

I wanted to get the story moving. Soon will be more magic, action, and romance. ;) ;)




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