Summer Doesn't Last Forever

By celia_faye

102K 1.5K 636

Kristen is a beautiful teenager who is going to live with her Aunt in Los Angeles. That is a big step for her... More

Chapter 1~ Whole New World
Chapter 2~ Life of the Party
Chapter 4 ~ Nightmares

Summer Doesn't Last Forever

82.1K 907 349
By celia_faye

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Summer Doesn't Last Forever~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Mom, do we have to go and stay with Aunt Rose?" I ask while trudging through the living room and collapsing onto the couch.

"Yes, did you get your bags in the car?" she ask while packing last minute things.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," I say while blowing my natural bleach blond hair out of my eyes. It is naturally wavy, and it is annoying.

"Stop acting like this!" she complains while pulling the clothes out of the dryer. Her blue eyes scan the room, they are identical to mine.

I keep quite and sit on the couch in silence. Summer has just started, my last summer of being a junior. Next year I will finally be a senior, but for now, I have to go and stay with my Aunt who lives in L.A. while my mom and I get back on our feet after she got fired from her job. She was only 14 when she had me, and my dad left when I was still in my mom's stomach. I mean who could blame him? He was 17 and my mom was 14. She was a freshman in high school, and he was a senior. It was totally frowned upon. He dropped out of school and left. No one, not even his parents, ever heard from him again. At least that's what I heard.

I don't want to leave all of my friends in New York just so I can help my poor mommy get back on her feet, but then again, she is my source of money and life. I don't want to leave my friends and my boyfriend for summer, but he worked out a long distance relationship thing. Thanks to web-cams, we should be seeing each other every day over FaceTime until I get back for next school year.

"My sister will be very happy to see you!" she cheers, sounding like a girly teenager going to a sleepover.

"I have to leave all of my friends, and James!" I pout unhappily as I pick at my nails. Nasty habit.

"You can text and call them daily!" she says, "And James is a good kid! If he loves you, he will wait for you. This is a new start for us, Kristen!" she chimes, "We will see if we like L.A.... and if we do, maybe we will move there!" she says while packing a last bag.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!" I scramble, "There is no way we are moving there for real!" I whine.

"Stop your complaining!" she says to me from the bathroom, toothbrush in mouth.

I roll my eyes and walk out to the car, but I don't forget to shout out, "Hurry your butt up!" before slamming the door.

I walk out to the car and go to open the door when suddenly I feel hands wrap around my waist, "Kristen," I hear James whisper, sending chills down my spine.

"You came," I smile at him.

"How could I not come and say goodbye to my girl?" he chuckles while spinning me around to face him.

I plant a soft kiss on his lips, before he pushes into me and starts trying to forcefully stick his tongue down my throat. His hand that was formally on my back slides down to my butt.

"To fast," I says through breaths. I put my hand on his chest to keep space between us

"I am sorry," he says while putting his forehead to mine, "You are just to damn beautiful," he smiles while kissing me again. He smelt of marijuana and alcohol, like always. It was a light stench, but I could handle it. I've never tried pot, and I am not planning on it, but I love James. My mom is around guys who smoke and drink every day, considering she is a stripper on some nights and a hooker on others. I guess I just get sick of the stench, and I don't want to have myself smelling like that. I'm my only escape.

"What about me?" I hear a familiar voice question.

"Lizzie!" I smile as I spin around to hug my best friend. "You came!" I happily say as I squeeze her tight. Lizzie has dark brown eyes and dirty blond hair. And the dirty in her hair color fits her perfectly (if you know what I mean). Her skunk bag boyfriend always beats her if she doesn't have sex with him, he is a certified a-hole. She won't leave him because she says that she loves him too much and she is afraid of what both of them would do without each other.

"How could I not come?" she smiles back as I noticed a scratch on her face.

"What happened Lizz?" I asked while reaching out to touch her face.

She pulled away as tears come into her eyes, but she quickly puts a smile back on her face and chokes down her sorrows, "Walker got a little mad when I ditched his version of 'fun' to come and say goodbye to you."

I notice the bruises every single day, but if I mentioned that she should break up with him, she would storm off and tell me that I shouldn't tell her what to do with her love life. "I'm glad you came," I smile while swallowing my mouth full of cuss words directed to Walker.

"I am going to miss you so much," she says with tears in her eyes.

"You have to call me everyday!" I sniffle as I pull her into a hug.

"Time to go!" my mother interrupts as she jogs over to the car with another bag. Probably all the things she was using to get ready with this morning.

"Bye Lizz! I love you so much and I will see you soon!" I smile as I gave Lizz my last hug.

I hug James and kiss him before hopping into the car and saying, "I love you all!" and waving goodbye to my friends, my summer, my life.


"Cheer up kiddo!" my mom nudges me as we walk through the airport.

"I don't know why you are so enthusiastic about this," I mutter while readjusting my sunglasses as we wait in line for the bag check station.

"Cause!" she cheers again while we scoot forward in the line.

"I L-O-V-E my home town!" she says while giggling. She needs to mature up a little.

"Yeah! I bet getting drunk and pregnant was the best time of your life," I say under my breath.

She gives me her classic death glare before putting our bags onto the low counter. I put my head-phones in my ears to drown out the sound of her flirting with the airport workers.

"Her fee is $50 an hour," I mumble to myself as I adjusted the volume on my headphones.

I look up to see the baggage men staring at me with blank faces. Apparently, I'm not very good at mumbling. Suddenly, the cute one bursts out laughing. I turn to my mom to see that she was giving me a 'Class A' death stare. I am in huge trouble, but it was worth it! I do an imaginary fist pump before we continue on our trek to get onto the plane.

"What was that?" my mom finally speaks as we wait for our plane.

"A joke, that was supposed to be for only my ears to hear, but I had headphones in and I spoke to loud," I chuckle.

"Oh how funny," she says sarcastically.

"It was for me!" I laugh.

"You are grounded," she says suddenly, interrupting my laugh attack.

"WHAT?" I blurt out.

"No T.V., no computer, and no other fun stuff for two weeks unless I say otherwise. You only get your phone and you can only use your laptop to Skype or whatever," she explains her evil plan.

"That is unfair!" I argue.

"I was actually hoping you would do something bad so that I could ground you," she begins while laughing.

"Again, WHAT?" I blurt.

"I didn't want you to be cooped up in your room while there is a whole city to explore and new people to meet!" she giggles. She is way to cheery for grounding someone.

All of a sudden the lady comes on over the intercom, "Flight 1 49 H now boarding," she spoke.


Lucky for me, they didn't have any spots for my mom and I to sit next to each other. Unluckily for me, I had to sit next to a hippie dude who was obviously trippin' on some drug, and I had to sit next to an elderly woman who was sick. The elderly woman was constantly sneezing and coughing on me, so I got up to go to the bathroom a lot for some peaceful time alone.

"We have got to watch out for these aliens, bro," says the hippie, "They are totally space trippin' and inventing watermelons!" he blabbers while using way to many hand motions and getting uncomfortably close to my face.

I put my headphones in my ears and crank up my music to drown out the sound of his voice and the coughing and hacking from the old woman.

*BING* "We are now landing, please turn off all electronics," *BING*

"Finally!" I say a little too loudly. Everyone turns to stare at me. Thanks again, headphones, for making it hard to hear myself.

I turn off my phone and went back to listening to 'Mr. Hippies' drugged out ramble.

"And that's why bananas can't fly!" he finishes. I am glad I had my headphones in so that I didn't have to hear that hour long babble.

We start to descend and the turbulence begins. Everyone is being shaken in their seats while the hippie is screaming, "IT IS MY TIME!" over and over again with tears in his eyes. What the actual F?

I finally felt the gigantic jolt from the wheels of the airplane hitting the ground, "Yes!" I cheer more silently to myself.

We came to a stop and everyone starts to get off of the plane and onto the sweet Californian soil. Er, scratch that, sweet Californian pavement.

"Hey girlie," my mom smiles as we met up at the baggage claim.

"Hey," I reply sourly.

"How was your flight?" she asks while being her ditsy self.

"Horrible, I sat next to a drugged out hippie and an old woman who really needs to learn how to cover her mouth!" I spit as I eye my bag coming around.

"Well," she begins while twirling over to her bag and lifting it off of the conveyor belt with difficulty, "I sat next to a hot guy who gave me his number," she says as she holds out her wrist with a number scribbled on it.

"Did he set up an appointment?" I ask bitterly.

"Funny," she says sarcastically while pulling her wrist away.

I walk over to my bag and pull it off of the conveyor belt with ease, two more bags and we will be on our way!

"There is my other bag!" says my mom as she jogs over to the other side of the baggage claim.

Just as she says that, I see mine. I walk over and grab it before walking out onto the streets with my mom.

"Welcome to Los Angeles!" she cheers as she holds her hand out for a taxi.

The smell of salt water floods through my nose as I take in my first sights of Los Angeles. There are hipsters walking around everywhere, palm trees every direction I look, people sitting on the streets playing music for tips, bright lights, tall buildings that seemed to touch the sky while grabbing the stars, and pavement. Pavement was everywhere. But hey, pavement, tall buildings, and lights are everywhere in New York too, so I can't complain about 'unfamiliar surroundings'.

"Well," my mother begins as she struggled to get a cab, "What do you think?" she asks.

"I want sleep, food, and sleep. Oh! Did I forget to mention sleep?" I say wryly as I flop my arms around like they were noodles. I am so tired even the ground looks comfy, maybe I crawl in that cardboard box and befriend that homeless guy...

Sorry, my mind wanders a little when I am tired, and hungry, and tired.

"Stop being a sour pussy," my mom complains.

"Mom," I begin, "I am pretty sure it is pronounced 'Sour Puss', but that's just me," I roll my eyes.

"Really?" my mom ponders, "Probably something I picked up at work," she giggles.

"I swear you act like a 13 year old girl when you are really a 31 year old woman," I complain while sitting on a bench and rubbing my temples. I swear she gives me a headache sometimes.

"Need help?" I hear a deep voice say from behind us. I turn around to see a very hot guy standing there with a suitcase. He looks like he is in his late twenties, maybe early thirties... I have no idea.

I swear I saw my mom drool a little before nodding her head and letting out a nervous giggle.

"Name's Ethan. Ethan Bolen," said the man as he shook my mom's hand.

"Sarah. Sarah Martin," giggled my mom as she takes his hand.

"Nice to meet you, Miss," he says before he turns around and waves for a taxi. He whistles for about two seconds before a taxi pulls up.

"There you go ladies," he says with a friendly smile.

"Thanks," I grumble. Sorry, I am not in the best mood right now.

"Welcome," he says with a smile that was obviously directed towards my mom.

I go to lift my bags in the trunk, but he picks them up for me and sets them in the back along with my mom's bags.

"Thanks again," I say, trying to be nicer than last time.

"You're welcome, again," he chuckles while helping me into the car.

He shuts the door and chats outside with my mom for a second. I can tell that she really likes him already, and I am pretty sure he is interested in her too. Soon, they both get each other's cellphone numbers and say good-bye, finally.

"Omigosh," says my mom with a love-struck gaze, "He is perfect, my actual DREAM GUY," she squeals.

"You say that about every guy who smiles at you," I say as my eyelids push down with more pressure, feeling like 15 pound weights each.

"AND," she begins, but I cut her off.

"You got his number. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I sorta got that!" I complain while leaning against the window and staring out at Los Angeles.

"Buzz kill," she says, "Finally something good happens in my life and you just smite down my happiness with your D.B. attitude," she huffs while sitting back in her chair.

I was about to say something but the taxi driver cuts me off, "I know you guys would love to stay and chat, but I have a long night ahead of me, and I would like to get it over with already," the taxi driver says sourly. "Can you please tell me where you want to go already?" he complains.


My mom tells him the address and he drives off to Aunt Rose's little house close to Manhattan beach. I will be living a few steps away from sand this summer, that is the only exciting part for me.

~Author's Note~

Hey guys! This is just a story that I am playing around with for fun. I know a lot of you think Kristen is a total bitch to everyone. I am trying to make you guys think of her that way. Her mother is so immature because of having her young. Her mom never taught her the correct discipline because she was a child raising a child. Kristen needs to learn a lot of manners, and I am hoping that the people she meets with teach her some. *wink, wink* *hint, hint*

I had the idea in my head, and now it is on the internet for everyone to see. Do you guys like it so far? I do c:

Please vote, comment, and fan me! Thanks tons guys!

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