My Drug

By jalisaaaaks

65.2K 996 194

Dylan O Brien, the famous bad boy at your school, takes interest in you. When you realize what things he take... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 (THE END)

Chapter 13

2K 31 4
By jalisaaaaks

Never did I think Tyler Posey, the lonely kid in class, the winner of the spelling bees 2 years in a row, the one who gets A's in all his classes, would be the guy I'd end up with or the guy that is now turning into a sexy beast right before my eyes. I laugh out loud at my own thoughts of calling him "sexy". He wasn't before, he was just cute and innocent. The type of guy who waits till marriage for sex. But right now, he's not even close to marriage and is already ready to get into my pants. I was awoken from my thoughts when Tyler got up and went to the bathroom. I heard him grab something metal and then spray something. He was spraying air freshener to cover up me and Dylan's weed smell. I sat on the other side of Tyler's bean bag as Dylan  and Clara sat on the other, on their phones. It was awkward just sitting there making occasional glances at Dylan as he made glances at me. After a while, Dylan shifted uncomfortably and scooted towards me, "Y/N, we can't continue to ignore each other. We have to tell Tyler sooner or later. Just hiding this and continuing this will eat us from the inside out." Dylan finished and scooted back in his spot, grabbing his controller. "Hurry up Tyler!" Dylan yelled to Tyler who was in the bathroom. "I'm pissing dude hold on!" Tyler shouted back. Dylan wasn't wrong, it was eating me. The whole sneaking behind Tyler's back thing wasn't feeling as good as it used to. Maybe it was in the heat of the moment that I thought it felt good to be sneaky. I can't do this anymore. "Dylan we can't do this anymore." I said kinda loud since I wasn't close to him. "I agree." He answered. "Agree to what?" Scott said, scaring me from his sudden entrance. "Uh..." I glanced at Dylan with wide eyes as a signal to help me out, "we were agreeing about... Homework!" I said too loud. I mentally face palmed myself. "Homework? What about it?" Tyler asked, crossing his arms and taking a step closer to me. "Uh that we should do it this weekend... Right now so we don't have to worry about it... This weekend." I said and realized Tyler was close to my face. So close, I can feel his breath on my face and he looked down at me since he as taller than me. "Mhm. Y/N can I talk to you?" He asked and yanked my hand with him as he stomped to an empty hall closet and flicked on the light, shutting the door behind us and locking it. "Whats with you and Dylan? I know you were doing him behind my back but what were you guys talking about before I came in?" Tyler said and rubbed his jaw in frustration. "We agreed to not do anything behind your back again." I responded and looked down, feeling too guilty from what I did with Dylan behind Tyler's back. "You're lying to me." Tyler's voice cracked as he sighed. "No I'm not." I almost shout. "Y/N yes you are!" Tyler's voice rose and he grabbed my jaw with his big hands. "Tell me now what you guys said." I was shocked that Tyler didn't believe me. "Thats it!" I yelled and tried making Tyler release his grip. "Why would you guys stop? Why? Why stop when you have free sex 24/7 with another dude? Huh?!" Tyler yelled and kissed me. I kissed back as best I could as Tyler still gripped my jaw. "What's wrong with you?" I asked, quietly. "I don't know I just have this sudden urge. Like I need to impress you and... And if I don't," he paused and looked down, voice cracking," I'll lose you." He sniffed and wiped away a tear off his cheek. I lifted his head up with my hand, making him make eye contact with me. "You don't need to impress me. I feel so bad for cheating on you. I won't do it again. You don't need to be rough and mean with me if I already loved you as you." I finished and looked into his brown eyes. His eyes weren't a simple brown. The light hit them just right, making them into a caramel brown. I leaned in and kissed his wet lips. I got closer to him and felt his arm muscles. He was so fit and nice looking and I never recognized him as that. Just like Dylan... Wait wait I can't think of him. I continued making out with Tyler and feeling his structure. "Y/N..." Tyler said lightly between us kissing. "Yea?" I answered, still in his trance. He was so... Beautiful. Everything about him was perfect. "Do you love me?" He asked. Of course I liked him, he was my best friend and boyfriend. "Of course!" I said and leaned in again. "No Y/N, like do you really love me? As a boyfriend and maybe a future husband? Or as a good father of your children? Do you love me?" He asked again. I never really thought of love as a future. I mean, love is more than I like you for a couple months. But I never thought he thought that deep. "Yes." I answered and he kissed me again. "I love you so much." He said.

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