Dahhhling Angel (Mariah Carey...

By AmethystHazelEyes

11.8K 572 98

A girl with big dreams and mystery in her name. One thing she doesn't normally say about herself is that she... More

1: Diamond
2: Mariah
3: The Crib
4: A Day of My Life
5: Meeting Dembabies
6: Up Out My Face
7: Bliss
8: The UNKNOWN person
9: Back In The Crib
10: 'Make You Broke'
11: Night Encounter
12: I'll Be There
13: Another Long Day
14: Insane
15: True or False
16: No more Mr UNKNOWN
17: Please Understand
18: The Deal For Vegas
19: The Nightmares of Every Night
20: News
New story
21: History - The Lesson of Doom
22: Work & Exhaustion
23: I Cant Wait to H.A.T.E.U.
24: Coping as a Family
25: Warning Sign
26: Come To Life
27: Thank You Lord
28: Give Me Another Chance
29: "How Are You?"
30: She doesn't need to know
31: Lyrics & Lullabies
32: It's Nothing
33: Imperfect
34: A Sudden Outburst
35: I Need to Know
36: Mariah's Anniversary (Part 1)
37: Mariah's Anniversary (Part 2)
38: "I Came To Have A Party!"
39: I'm Fine
40: Las Vegas Baby!
41: "I'm not used to all this"
42: Bizarre
44: Gone So Quick
45: This is Real (Part 1)
46: This is Real (Part 2)
47: Get Back?
48: Staying With The One And Only
49: I Always Worried
50: "You Have Nightmares Too?"
51: Red Flash
Author's Note
Sequel is out!
I reached 3K!

43: F***ed Up

575 11 1
By AmethystHazelEyes

(There's a picture of Mariah & Nick in the media from 2012 or 2013. I really have a bad habit of writing too much so the day may be split into parts if necessary. Enjoy as always p.s. I still can't thank you guys enough for 1.2K & over 100 votes plus all the good feedback! Anyways bye! Elise X)

*Saturday 25th June 2015, 6am*

I woke up to the sun nearly blinding my eyes through the small gaps of the curtains. Just as I checked the time at the alarm clock, I remembered today was the first night of my residency. Nick had went after we...well you know but anyways! I can't let that happen again.

Note to self: call the divorce lawyer ASAP.

I put on my robe and went downstairs to make myself breakfast. I left the twins to sleep for a little while more. It was going to be a long day today so they needed it. I prepared myself some toast with butter and started boiling the kettle. After I finished eating, I decided to get the phone call out of the way. I couldn't afford to waste time today.

I got my phone out and dialled my divorce lawyer, Lauren's number. She's one of the best celebrity divorce lawyers in the world and I really just want this to be over. The ringtone stopped.

"Good Morning Mariah, how can I help you?" Lauren asked.
"Morning to you too Lauren. But...um...there's been a bit of a problem I've had to do with Nick." I said nervously.
"Oh...what happened?"

I gulped. I took a deep breath and just said it.

"Well...I know I shouldn't of but when he came around to drop off the kids we kinda had sex-"

"What?!" Lauren's voice rose in shock, "Did you want to?"
"Not initially no." I looked down at myself, "You see I haven't been aroused like that since James months ago and when I found out he didn't love me, I broke apart. I c-can't believe myself. Why would I do this?!" I burst out crying.
"Mariah, please don't panic. The most important question I should ask now is: Did Nick use protection?"
"Yes. Yes he did. I made sure he did." I answered.
"Thank god for that. Has he been trying to make a move on you for some time or just last night?"

I thought carefully before answering the question.

I guess he's been doing it since we separated.

Too damn right. Look what you got yourself into.

Can you leave me alone?

Sorry sis but you can't just get away with this s***. I was trying to protect you and did you listen? Nooo! And you wonder why I like to ruin your life better than help you!

Fine I'm sorry. I must've been pretty f***ed up to give in.

You were alright. Now, I'll give you one bit of advice and you better listen this time!

Okay, I will. Go on.

Never see that man again. Never speak to him, never call him, never even read about him in the papers. You need to let go.

What if the kids wanna see him?

I'm sure they can sort that out I'm not your freakin' guidance counsellor. Now you better answer that question Mariah. I'm still gonna punish you later though.

Okay...I guess I deserve it this time. See you later.

"Um Lauren, are you still there?" I asked.
"Yep. Still waiting for that answer. Has Nick been like this for a while now? Because I know how needy that boy gets." Lauren repeated.
"Yeah...he's been trying to get back with me ever since the night I found out he was cheating." I admitted.
"Can I ask...what did you do after you found out?"

Not this day again.



I was switching through the TV channels. It was late at night and there was nothing on to watch. Nick was out after midnight and he had been for 3 weeks now. Something was a bit fishy about this but I let him since I didn't want to be an annoying or possessive type of wife.

Then, a headline came on Channel 5 News. My eyes widened.

"Nick Cannon dumps Mariah Carey for a Victoria Secret model"

I couldn't keep my eyes off the TV screen. Was it true? Or were they asking for more views?

"Nick Cannon has reportedly been cheating on his wife, superstar Mariah Carey, for a model he met 3 months ago. The mysterious couple have been seen all over LA kissing and embracing. Cannon, 33, has been married to Carey, turning 44 in a week, for almost 6 years and have renewed their vows every single year. It's also been reported that Carey has no idea that Cannon has been sleeping with another woman while she was working. Now the real question is: Are Nick and Mariah over or will Nick convince Mariah it was a bad mistake?-" the news reporter announced.

I turned the TV off and threw the remote on the floor. I was heartbroken. Just that second, Nick came in and saw me crying. He reached to comfort me but I swatted his hand away. He scratched the back of his neck nervously.

"Hey baby what's wrong?" He asked.
"What the f*** do you think?" I snapped.
"I don't know, please Mariah tell me."
"Well, why don't you watch this and explain this to me?" I suggested, chucking the remote to him.

He switched on the TV and his jaw dropped to the floor.

"W-what?! Mariah that's not true." Nick lied.
"Stop it Nick, just stop lying! If you weren't f***ing some other chick behind my back then what have you been doing? Even your friends have been calling for you and I have to say you're not here." I asked, raising an eyebrow at him.

"That's what I thought. Get out!"
"I said get the f*** out of my house!"
"No way this is our house!"
"Actually technically it's mine because I was the one who bought it and I'm the one who pays the bills so if you're gon' f*** with other women and not commit to your actual family, then pack your bags and just leave if I'm seriously not good enough for you!"

And with that I stormed off upstairs and locked myself in the bathroom. I couldn't face anyone. The kids were in bed but they probably heard us fighting.

I heard footsteps follow me.

"Mariah! Mariah please open the door!" He begged.
"No f*** you, you little b****! Why don't you go back to your new girlfriend?"
"I don't have a girlfriend, I only have a wife and that's you!"
"Oh yeah, well done Nick! More like a useless, old wife you pretend to love and have a silly crush on huh?"

"Mariah, I have! I've been in love with you for many years, why would I cheat on you?"
"It's pretty damn obvious why you would Nick, just f***ing leave me alone!"
"Please Mariah, please come out! I don't want anything to happen to you! And why would I?"
"Because I'm old and fat and ugly that's why! And the only thing that's happening is a divorce!"
"What?! Baby you're not any of those things, you're the most beautiful and most amazing person I've ever met! And 44 isn't old at all."

"It is compared to your age! And don't lie to me Nick, you know how I'm way too fat for you!"
"Mariah, can you not put yourself down like this? If anything, you have some sexy curves and they suit you. I don't want a divorce and I don't think you do either. Please just come out and I'll explain everything."
"No. I'm staying in here. You're just gonna tell me a whole pot of lies and you think you're seriously gonna convince me. If you really want to keep us together, then just don't talk to me and leave me to think."

There was silence behind the door at last. I let everything out of my system. I was done.

*End of Flashback*

"Oh...well I think if you really want to, we should proceed with this then. I'll do the best I can and we'll meet somewhere to talk when you're available. I need to go, see you later." Lauren promised.
"Okay, thank you Lauren bye." I put the phone down.

Well at least something will be getting dealt with finally.

I heard footsteps come down the stairs. It was Roc and Roe.

"Good Morning Mommy." Monroe said.
"Good Morning princess." I answered.
"Morning Mommy." Moroccan greeted me.
"Morning rockstar. Did you both sleep well?" I asked them.
"Uh-huh. Mommy?" Roe replied.
"Yes Roe?"
"Roc and I heard really weird noises from your room last night when Daddy was dropping us off. What was that?" She asked.

Oh no.

Please just kill me now.


Not literally idiot!

"Um..." I paused to think.

What was I supposed to say to my four year old children? That yes, me and their father f***ed last night?

"Well...you'll know when you're older okay? What do you want for breakfast?"

"'Coco Pops'!" They both yelled.

"Okay. Two bowls of 'Coco Pops' here they come." I nodded, getting two bowls, the milk, cereal and spoons out.

I prepared their food and they ate while I made a call to Leonardo.

"Hey, when are you gonna pick me up?" I asked.

"Well, the people at 'Caesar's Palace' want you there to do a final dress rehearsal at 10 and then you get a break on when we're halfway through the rehearsal and then you have to welcome everyone in at 6pm sharp." Leo explained.

"Oh okay, it's 6:30 now. Why don't you come to pick us up at 8 and then we can sort the kids out before I have to get ready for the rehearsal?" I suggested.

"Yeah, I think that would work. Good idea. See you at 8." Leo said.
"Bye." I hung up, "Well now that's sorted." I mumbled to myself.

I went back to check on Roc and Roe. Both had finished their breakfasts. I gave them a bath and got some clothes put for them. I told them to get dressed while I had a shower and started to get ready myself. I couldn't stop thinking about what happened last night.

And the demon is gonna punish me for sure. I'm not talking a whoop on the ass or being locked up in a room - I'm talking being mentally tortured and being reminded of the many nightmares I've had, horrible things that happened and hallucinating like crazy. It's horrible.

She has been my worst enemy but also my best friend for a long, long time. You can say it's like one of those love hate friendships with us. I mean, she's the other half of my soul, she's still a part of me. A part of me was replaced with her and the lost human half of me will never be seen again unless Tommy decides to not keep it locked up forever.

"Mommy!" I snapped out of my thoughts.

I ran to the twins' bedroom.

"Who called?" I questioned.

"Me. I don't know where my glasses are." Roe answered.
"They might be downstairs in the kitchen, I'll go check." I said.

I went downstairs and found them on the table. I made sure they were clean and then returned them to Monroe.

"Thanks Mommy."
"No problem sweetheart. Are you okay Roc?" I turned to her brother.
"Yeah I'm fine Mommy." He nodded.
"Good. We're leaving in an hour so make sure you've got everything you need." I told them.

They nodded and I left them to finish getting ready. My phone buzzed with a new text. I checked it and it was from Nick.

"Hey baby wanna meet me at mine next week - Your baby Nick"

Oh my god.

Okay Mariah...

Just say no and forget about everything that happened.

Yeah focus on your show and prove those haters wrong sis! I can't afford to be embarrassed by you again.

Er...Thanks...I'm taking that as you being motivating.

Of course I am Mariah. Good luck!

Okaaaay, something's wrong with you.

Oh there isn't...you know what's gonna happen later...see you after the show!


I typed out a reply saying,

"No Im not ur baby anymore - M x"

After that the twins raced downstairs. The time read 7:50 on my phone.

"Are you two ready then?" I asked.
"Yeah." They nodded.
"Perfect. We're a bit early so why don't you go play for 10 minutes?" I suggested to them.
"Why can't you play with us Mommy?" Roc asked.

He raised an eyebrow at me.

"Um...it depends what you wanna play." I shrugged.
"I know! How about we play parents and me and Roc are the mommy and daddy and you're our kid again?" Roe suggested, looking up at me.

They love to pretend I'm their child, it's so cute.

"Yeah." Roc agreed.

I turned to Monroe making puppy eyes at me.

I think someone definitely takes after moi...

"Fine!" I gave in.

I started giggling. We spent the whole ten minutes playing parents and it was a lot of fun being the child.

"Mariah you are a very naughty girl!" Roe tutted to me as I ran away from them.
"Come back here young lady!" Roc bellowed as they chased me around the house.
"You can't catch me!" I chanted, prancing to the kitchen.

A car horn then sounded so I grabbed their hands and we quickly rushed outside for our ride. We got in the car breathless. Leo was laughing his head off.

"What were you guys doing?" He asked with a massive grin.
"We were playing parents again!" Roe answered him.
"Yeah and Mommy was a very bad kid." Roc added.
"Oh were you Mariah?" Leo smirked.
"Oh stop it!" I smirked back at him.
"Watch her you two, she's the cheekiest girl you'll ever meet." He warned Roc and Roe, who both laughed along with him.
"My god, Leo you're embarrassing me." I sighed, resting my head in my hand.

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