The Quarterback, Outcast and...

By thebookchatter

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Chloe Martin, Jace Jones and Caleb Constantine are on completely different ends of the High School hierarchy... More

Read This First
Chapter One - Hell Awaits, I Mean School.
Chapter Two - Are You Ready For Torture?
Chapter Three - Ice Cream Bribes Are the Worst
Chapter Four - We Can't Keep Meeting Like This
Chapter Five - The Problem with Teenage Hormones
Chapter Six - Weird is Another Word for Strange
Chapter Seven - Bad Excuse for a Gory B-Movie
Chapter Eight - Just Pack Up Your Life and Go
Chapter Nine - Caution: Fragile - Part One
Chapter Nine - Caution: Fragile - Part Two
Chapter Ten - Living With the Jones'
Chapter Eleven - Earthquakes and Dates
Chapter Twelve - Team Spirit Is A Must
Chapter Thirteen - One Drink Too Far
Chapter Fourteen - The Fault In Our Drinking Habits
Chapter Fifteen - Riddle Me This
Chapter Sixteen - Something Wicked This Way Comes
Chapter Seventeen - Playing Dress-Up - Part One
Chapter Seventeen - Playing Dress Up - Part Two
Chapter Seventeen - Playing Dress Up - Part Three
Chapter Eighteen - Trick or Treat - Part One
Chapter Eighteen - Trick or Treat - Part Two
Chapter Eighteen - Trick or Treat - Part Three
Chapter Nineteen - Forgive and Forget?
Chapter Twenty - A Date With the Outcast
Chapter Twenty-One - Fancy That Dress
Chapter Twenty-Two - Gobble Gobble, I'm in Trouble - Part One
Chapter Twenty-Two - Gobble Gobble, I'm in Trouble - Part Two
Chapter Twenty-Three - Jingle Bell Hell
Chapter Twenty-Four - The Most Wonderful Time of the Year
Chapter Twenty-Five - Jingle Bells, Wedding Bells - Part One
Chapter Twenty-Five - Jingle Bells, Wedding Bells - Part Two
Chapter Twenty-Six - Answers for Christmas
Chapter Twenty-Seven - Fireworks
Chapter Twenty-Eight - A New Year


7K 215 42
By thebookchatter

*6 months later*

The warmth of the June breeze blew across my face as I sat and soaked up the sun on what had become "my" bench in the dog park. Summer vacation had started yesterday and I was determined to spend my last summer before senior year in full relax mode. Senior year. Just in twelve months from now I would be done with going to that hellhole for the rest of my life. It also meant that college awaited and I still didn't know where I wanted to apply. Several factors, or should I say people, played into my decision-making, but nothing was decided yet.

Zeus' gleeful yapping brought me out of my haze and I saw him barrel past me and towards the entrance. My eyes followed him and saw him almost collide with Jack the Beagle. I felt like yapping as well as Jack's owner waved at me from across the lawn. My body felt like pudding, like it would melt right here on this bench. It both tensed and relaxed at the same time, heart beating faster as he came closer. This was what being in love felt like; so weird yet so welcoming.

"Hey you," Caleb said, coming to a stop in front of me.

I think I nearly yapped when Caleb reached out and grabbed my hand, yanking me to my feet and engulfing me in that mouthwatering scent of his.

"Well hello to you too," I breathed, giggling as the rush of hormones took over. He grinned at me and I forgot the world around us.

"I missed you, Chloe."

"You saw me last night, you fool."

"I know, but that was nearly 36 hours ago." Bless him he was counting the hours.

"You're too cute for your own good."

"You like me that way."

"Correction; I love you that way."

"Mmhm, my apologies Miss."

"Just kiss me already."

"Aye aye."

His lips on mine were like fireworks at New Year. Explosive and utterly spectacular. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pressed myself as close to him as I could possibly come. His hands rested on my hips and I could feel them beneath the fabric of my skirt.

I don't know for how long we stood there, wrapped in each other's arms, but I didn't really care. My resentment towards PDA had been put on the shelf after Caleb and I had officially started dating that first week of January. He would kiss me hello at school and I would find myself totally out of breath, cheeks flushed and heart galloping away. The cheek part might mainly be due to the cold weather, but I knew it was also because of him.

A lot of other things had changed after New Year.

Jace and I agreed to start things over and I think no one was more surprised than me of how he'd changed over the past six months. Not only did he barely drink anymore, but he had really stepped up academically, earning himself a football scholarship to Ohio State. He was leaving in two months for pre season practice and I honestly found it difficult to imagine him not being around the house every day. We had grown close over the months, the right kind of close. He was good at playing the older brother part, despite it being his first try. What was even better was him and Caleb had squashed whatever bad blood there had been between them. We were all starting over.

The only ones not starting over were Carrie and Taylor. Boy, those two had become Everhill High's number one couple. They were spending every waking moment together before he had to go off to college, but to Carrie's surprise he had opted for NC State, meaning he would come home almost every weekend. Love conquers. And they had looked so in love at Prom a few weeks ago.

Jace had, of course, won the title of Prom King and, sadly, Stacy Keegan had also gotten herself a crown, but Jace had flat out refused to dance with her, sending her into a frenzy that'd scared most of us there. No, instead Jace had found me and Caleb in the crowd and asked if he could share the dance with me of all people. And so we did, swaying together on the dimly lit dance floor, no longer arrogant jerk and girl sort of crushing on him, but brother and sister, friends. It couldn't have been more perfect.

Speaking of brother and sister; Clarissa had improved and was allowed to go back home by the end of February. Despite her condition she was a joy to be around. She didn't let her illness take charge of her life. She'd always be smiling when I was around and it didn't take much to make her laugh. She was a fighter. I had told Caleb that one night and the look on his face spoke volumes. He loved her so much. It was evident to all.

"Hey, where'd you go?" Caleb's voice brought me back to the present day. We were still wrapped in each other's arms, but he was looking at me funnily. Zeus was yapping in the background, but all I could focus on right now was the fullness of Caleb's lips and how much I wanted them back on mine.

"Just reminiscing."

"I'd rather think of the future." His smile sent shockwaves through my system. I could stare at it all day, not caring how creepy that would be. Because his smiles were meant for me, so I was allowed.

"Okay. "

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