The Blue Eyed Wolf.

By chickenwhisperer16

537K 19.9K 1K

Amber is the daughter of a bête, but she's different from other wolfs. Her older brother is next in line to b... More

Quick Author's Note.
Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21.
Chapter 22.
Chapter 23.
Chapter 24.
Chapter 25.
Chapter 26.
Chapter 27.
Chapter 28.
Chapter 29.
Chapter 30.
Chapter 31.
Chapter 32.
Chapter 33.
Chapter 34.
Chapter 35.
Chapter 36.
Chapter 37.
Chapter 38.
Chapter 39.
Chapter 40.
Chapter 41.
Chapter 42.
Chapter 43.
Chapter 44.
Chapter 45.
Chapter 46.
Chapter 47.
Chapter 48.
Chapter 49.
Chapter 50.
Chapter 51.
Chapter 52.
Author's note.
100k Guys!!

Chapter 14.

10.2K 447 26
By chickenwhisperer16

Again it's the same as every morning, woke by my mom to go to school.

It's just this time, I don't really care. I wake up with a smile on my face, ready to tackle anything this day has to throw at me.

I hope out of bed, quickly grab some clothes and make my way to the bathroom.

I take a quick shower, hop out and dry off before slipping on the clothes for today.

I then leave the bathroom and skip down the steps and into the kitchen.

Yes I skipped.

But who cares, I'm in a good mood and nothing's going to ruin it just yet.

I sit in a chair and see my mom walk up and place some food in front of me. I thank her and start eating.

Then in the middle of my meal, dad comes down the steps with John following closely behind.

They were deep in discussion. " I just don't see how that could happen." Says John.

" I don't either, but somehow someone got to them before we could." Says my dad.

" How many bodies were there again?" Says John.

" Five bodies, all rogues. It looked like they had put up a pretty good fight against whoever killed them, but they didn't seem to last long." Says my dad.

" What are you two talking about?" Asks my mom setting some food in
Front of them.

They nodded at her in thanks and started eating. " A wolf was making rounds this morning and came across five bloody, dead bodies. Rogues. " says my dad.

" The ones that were just spotted running into our territory yesterday?" I ask.

" The very same." Says my dad.

I nod. " What does this mean then?" I ask.

" It means our rogues problem is gone. Someone took care of the situation for us and we have no idea who, but I can say one thing. We're very grateful for their help." Says my dad. John nodded in agreement.

Yay!! Their happy about what he did!! I can't wait to tell Connor tonight!!

" Do I still have to have a body guard?" I ask. I'm really hoping he says I don't have to have one.

" No, not anymore, but for extra safety I want you and Tasha to keep a eye out for anything funny, the Alpha has also ordered more wolfs to patrol the borders to make sure nothing gets in or out." Says my dad.

I nod. Then as of hearing her name in the conversation, the door opens after a knock to reveal Tasha.

" Ready Amber?" She asks.

I nod. " Thanks again for breakfast mom. I'll see you guys later." I say.

" Stay safe Amber." They all three say in unison.

I laugh. " I will."

I then leave with Tasha. The second the door closes Tasha's arms wrap around me in a tight hug. " I missed you bestie." She says.

I laugh again and manage to pry he off of me. " You didn't see me for only one day, but I missed you to bestie. Now come on, we don't want to be late." I say.

She nods and we take off running to school, laughing and talking as we ran, but also keeping a careful eye out for anything funny.

Thankfully nothing went wrong.

When we get there I gasp realizing I left my backpack at home. " My backpack. Tasha I forgot it!!" I yell.

Tasha laughs and holds it up. " Nope. I knew you would leave it, so I grabbed it for you." Says Tasha.

I laugh in relief." Thank you Tasha, your a life saver." I say taking my backpack.

She just grins and we head into school.

Soon once school is over, Tasha and I start making our way to my house.

" Hey, Amber, Tasha!! Wait up!!" Called Kurt running up behind us.

" Yes Kurt." I say slowing up a little from the fast pace we had.

" You guys want to come to the pack house? Dads gone with the bête and third in the meeting room, just them three are there, so me, John and a couple friend are going to watch a movie in the living room. Would you guys care to join us?" He asks.

I look at Tasha. She smiles and nods. " Ok, count us in." I say. After I say that I could swear I heard a faint growl.

I'm guessing the others heard it as well. I look at the woods and spot Connor looking at me carefully from behind a tree. He was very well hidden, but he shouldn't be this close to the pack house.

I smile cause I know with Kurt asking me to come to the pack house that it made hi a bit jealous and to me that's kinda cute.

Then my eyes go wide at the same time Connors does. I then realized that if I heard him growl, then Kurt and Tasha did to.

Crap!! They heard him!! Crap crap

I need to distract the others away from the woods.

" Well come on guys. What are we waiting for? Let's go." I say steering them in the direction on the pack house.

" I could have sworn I heard a faint growl from behind you." Says Kurt.

" Nah, that's just my stomach. I'm hungry." I claim. Hey the truth can be used as a distraction to keep them away from my mate.

They seem to believe me cause they don't say another word about it on the way towards the pack house.

I take the smallest look behind me to see he's gone. I sigh in relief. He's now out of the danger of being discovered and caught.

Soon enough we make it to the pack house and walk in. Kurt and Tasha head towards the kitchen to get some pop corn while I got towards the living room.

I told them I would meet them there. Truth is though. I want to look out the windows to make sure Connors isn't in sight of being spotted from the pack house.

I look out the windows for a couple minutes till I come to the conclusion that he's not. I then go and sit down.

I then look as Tasha walks in with a huge bowl of pop corn and sits next to me. John and a few guys and girls from school were already in here.

Kurt comes and puts on the movie and we sit down to eat and watch.

He had out on Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.

It's such a great movie. My personal favorite out of all of them.

Tasha had me read the books and I can say truthfully, that I loved every minute of reading them.

Soon once the movie was done Tasha tells me she'll stay here and Kurt said they he'll walk her home when she's ready to go.

John and I have to hurry home to make dinner. Apparently John wants to help me again. He found out yesterday when he helped me that he loves cooking.

I smile at that. My wolf is happy as well. I finally get to spend some time with my brother doing something that is fun. Plus he's not so protective when we're cooking.

We said bye and started walking home. Half way there John looks at me.

" Race you the rest of the way?" Says John with a grin.

I let out a laugh. " Your on." I say.

With that the race was on, and we took off, laughing and smiling all the way.

Hi to all. I'm so happy this story is doing so great so fast. I'm not up to 1k views and this stories only been out a little over a month. Thank you to all who read, vote, and comment. It means a lot. :-) and as ways I will keep on writing.

Oh and Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire is truthfully my favorite Harry Potter book and movie. Lol I had to put that for the movie they watched. :-)

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