Bullying and Suicide Essay

By katattack98

2.8K 4 0


Bullying and Suicide Essay

2.8K 4 0
By katattack98

Communication in a growing world of technology is becoming very different. As people scarcely talk over the phone, texting and social networking takes over. This barrier of not talking person-to-person creates a wall between people. Bullies find a way to hurt people easier because of the easy way to type in something and send it. In a way they are breaking through the walls that people surround themselves with. The definition of a bully is different for everyone because everyone has gone through different experiences. Google defines a bully as “A person who uses strength or power to harm or intimidate those who are weaker.” Bullying is something that is a huge problem in every society and continues to destroy people self-esteem, power, and most tragically; their lives.

Bullying impacts everyone in many different serious ways. People who have gone through bullying tend to be self-conscious because of the negative comments they have received. All of the words that the target has been called, in a sense, eats away at your confidence and everything that they liked about themselves until they hate everything about them. This self-hate may be the reason the victim will become anorexic, bulimic, suicidal, and/or start hurting themselves. The worst thing is that people hide the emotional problems that stem from the bullying. Often a person who many people look up to has been a victim of bullying and is hiding the effects of it. Many people have intense anxiety and being nervous to go into public, and these problems are hard to overcome and sometimes continue into adulthood.

Bullying does not just affect the victim. It affects all of the relationships the victim has with other people.  People who have been bullied often will isolate themselves which makes it even harder to realize what they are going through. Tension builds in friendships, family, and dating relationships because of the trauma of bullying. The tension will often lead to fighting or confusion, which makes it hard to interact with the victim. All of this plays a role in the cycle of bullying. In a bullying situation if there isn’t someone to defend the victim then it is likely the bullying will continue. After a few incidences of bullying, the victim’s self-esteem will be lowered and make them and easier target. This feeds on the bullying because the bully is trying to make themself have more power by making your power lower. This is why bullies will pick on people who already have self-esteem problems or are going through hard times with friends or family. It is easier for them to make someone ‘below’ them even lower than them then it is for them to make someone equal to them, lower than them.

Almost every person has been affected by bullying and the effects are never positive. Bullying destroys people’s inner-strength and positive attitude leading to many negative impacts in their life. After bullying incidences it often tears friendships and relationships apart making it harder for the bullying to stop. There is a constant cycle of this bullying until someone stands up for the victim and the bullying is completely stopped. Stand up for someone who has going through bullying and stop the negative effects that alter people’s lives.

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