Ahkmenrah: The Fourth King of...

By HackedByAWriter

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He was prepared to say his last prayer. But the blow never came. Instead his saw the Nubian fall to the groun... More

Chapter 1: Race
Chapter 2: Wrath of the Pharaoh
Chapter 3: Banquet
Chapter 4: The Tablet
Chapter 5: Fair "Maiden"
Chapter 6: The Heirs
Chapter 7: Three Ways To Kill A King
Chapter 8: Cobra
Chapter 9: The Knife
Chapter 10: Poison
Chapter 11: Sea Storm
Chapter 12: Big Brother
Chapter 13: Self Defense
Chapter 14: Crocodile Tears
Chapter 15: Resurrection
Chapter 16: Long Live the King
Chapter 17: Dreams of Serpents and Victory
Chapter 18: The Storm Has come
Chapter 19: Being Reckless
Chapter 20: Fear Silence and Secrecy
Chapter 21: The Crown of the Nile
Chapter 22: The First Flash of Lightning
Chapter 23: Dark Horse
Chapter 24: Ramses the Great
Chapter 25: Wild
Chapter 26: Learning of Sargon
Chapter 27: Keeping the Peace
Chapter 28: The Messenger
Chapter 29: The First Blow
Chapter 30: Man, Woman and Child
Chapter 32: Nightmares
Chapter 33: Threads of Mortals
Chapter 34: This War
Chapter 35: Martyrs
Chapter 36: Have Faith
Chapter 37: The Most Spectacular Fashion
Chapter 38: Fight Song
Chapter 39: Blood Gold and Lions
Chapter 40: Conquered
Chapter 41: Defiance
Chapter 42: New Hope
Chapter 43: Phase One
Chapter 44: Vengeance
Chapter 45: Most Dangerous Job
Chapter 46: Thirst and Hunger
Chapter 47: A Promise
Chapter 48: Return of the White Lioness
Chapter 49: Thirteen
Chapter 50: Hathor and Sekhmet
Chapter 51: Fame and Glory
Chapter 52: Pain
Chapter 53: Life and Death
Chapter 54: The In Between
Chapter 55: Death March
Chapter 56: Lies
Chapter 57: Tears
Chapter 58: Rogues of the Nile
CHapter 59: Embody
Chapter 60: Heated Moments
Chapter 61: Food is Power
Chapter 62: Love and Hurt
Chapter 63: Raging Hearts, Nervous Smiles and Sentimental Slop
Chapter 64: Shattered Rain
Chapter 65: Strangeness and Honor
Chapter 66: Old is Gold
Chapter 67: Flesh and Bone
Chapter 68: Heartless
Chapter 69: Scars to her Beauty
Chapter 70: Love's Labours
Chapter 71: And This
Chapter 72: A Race
Chapter 73: Guardian
Chapter 74: Knives in Hearts
Chapter 75: The Plummet
Chapter 76: Method and Madness
Chapter 77: War Against Love
Chapter 78: Monster
Chapter 79: Blind Fools and Thieves
Chapter 80: To Kill A King
Chapter 81: A Clash of Swords
Chapter 82: The Truth of Kings
Chapter 83: The Plunge
Chapter 84: Of Whores and Mothers
Chapter 85: Fire and Water
Chapter 86: The Winged Soul
Chapter 87: The Smile
Chapter 88: The Throne
Chapter 89: Threads of Silence
Chapter 90: Racing the Sun
Chapter 91: Queen
Chapter 92: Exile
Chapter 93: Gifts
Chapter 94:
Chapter 95: Just Like Old Times
Chapter 96: Queen Slayer
Chapter 97: An Ambrosia of Ashes
Epilogue 1/3 - The Stories of Our Lives
Epilogue 2/3 - Who Would Want to Live Forever?
Epilogue 3/3 - King of Kings

Chapter 31: Remembering

466 23 13
By HackedByAWriter

Hi! So I felt bothered to make a trailer for this book so I did! Please watch it! I put a lot of effort into it.

Thank you all for 10k.


It was as if all of Egypt had agreed to destroy the Sumerian Army after the deaths of these three people. All of whom the Pharaoh and his family held dear. There was Ptah the man who had found Merenkahre's body. Nailah, whom Ahkmenrah later learnt was Kain's bride to be. And finally Ramses...he couldn't describe how much his little cousin's death pained him. He hadn't felt like this since his father's death.

Now whenever a new animal from a far off land was brought in to trade, Ahkmenrah would remember Ramses. For Ramses had loved all creatures. He would quietly excuse himself from the room and leave it to officials to discuss goods and trade. Ahkmenrah refused to even go to the stables for many days. Even Ramses baby lion cub Kovu realised something was amiss.

All three deaths were a tragedy, but in the hearts of all people Ramses death was the most tragic. Ptah had lived a honest life of a farmer, he had seen his grandchildren be born. Even Nailah had seen many things, she had loved, she had lived. But Ramses, he hadn't been out of the city walls. Ahkmenrah recalled how excited Ramses was to even go to the edge of the city. How tragically his life had been cut short. He had everything ahead of him. A whole life. Now he was gone. Never to live, laugh, cry or ask about the birth of children ever again.

Now he was sitting with his brother in silence. Sullenly Ahkmenrah asked:


"I do not know Ahk. But this means war..."

"What do you mean?"

Kahmunrah looked at his little brother with a puzzled expression. "Haven't you heard?" he asked.

"Heard what?"

"It was all Sargon's doing. There was letter next to bodies. It had many insults. Ahk if we don't act now Sumer will destroy us."

Ahkmenrah was suddenly filled with a strong loud vengeance, he looked at his brother, who shared the same expression as him, he seemed to be itching for the next words that escaped Ahkmenrah's lips. "We will destroy Sumer before they destroy us"


She forlornly out of the window. A single tear slipped down her cheek. Then another and another. It seemed almost as if two rivers had formed on the lovely contours of face, for the tears were ceaseless. She had never thought that Ramses should have died and so early.

Ramses being the little boy he was absolutely adored Ismara. Ramses saw past the cold, bitchy exterior that Ismara held. He saw a girl, that could be as warm and as fun as anyone. With Ramses Ismara felt the things she had missed out on in her miserable childhood, love, fun and happiness. Now that he was gone, Ismara was sure she would never feel the same again. Then as if to make the situation worse, the smallest slightest protrusion occurred to her belly. But it was enough to know that she was with child.

She dreaded telling Khufu or even Kahmunrah about it.

At least Kahmunrah would understand...hopefully.

Then she wiped the tears from her eyes. She had to tell Khufu, then when Kahmunrah would come she will tell him too.

Better now than never.


Khufu allowed his 'daughter' to come in.

"What is it my dear?" he said in a voice that was poisonous in its own sweetness.

She had defiant look in her almost silver eyes. But then it changed to sadness. She barely managed to whisper what seemed to trouble her.

At first Khufu was shocked. How could they be so reckless? He should force her to terminate the child. But then he realised something. Maybe this could work to his advantage. Maybe this whole situation can work to his advantage. But he would have to carry out his plan after the war. Other wise he would destroy Egypt, then the Tablet would be useless.

Ismara saw this in Khufu's eyes. She knew now that she could keep the child. But it would be to the advantage of an enemy.


Shepseheret comforted her sister in law Hetephres. Well at least she tried to. It's rather hard to comfort a mother once she had lost her child.

Hetephres cried and cried. It was almost as if she had the whole Nile River flowing from her eyes.

Shepseheret couldn't do anything but listen. Advice was useless. But listening wasn't. Sometimes people just need someone to be there rather than to dictate their feelings. Shepseheret understood. She too had motherly feelings for Ramses. Not one soul in Egypt had a a bad word to say against him. She had even seen Ramses transform Khufu into a new person, someone who was younger and less sullen. Khufu was like any jolly old uncle when he was with Ramses. Oh the power of purity that a child possesses.


Kain felt as if life was useless. But he knew this was just a phase. He can't lose the power to live not now. Not when Awan and Egypt needed him.

He remembered Nailah's smile.

He remembered how she would laugh.

But mostly how she had learnt to trust him. The first time they met they had connection. He didn't want to hurt her. He respected her. She had slowly learnt to trust him. She had also learnt to love him.

But she had missed Egypt. He had set her free then. If you love somebody, let them go, for if they return, they were always yours. If they don't, they never were.

Sure enough she had come back to Awan a free woman. She had come with her family to thank him for returning her. By then his young features had become timeless, ageless golden, he looked even stronger than before. And she looked lovelier and happier than ever. Her dark eyes glittered with a new life. After a lengthy discussion with her father, they had agreed to get married.

But that day never came. And now he was immobilised.

Then a soft memory came to him. Soft in its atmosphere but strong in its message.

That was when he knew he won't give up on life. He had a dream once. A cause to fight for. He wasn't going to give up now. Even if his source of inspiration was dead, his cause wasn't.

One day he will free all the slaves.


That night Kahmunrah told Ahkmenrah that he had to go somewhere, to drown his sorrows. Ahkmenrah didn't question him. He was planning to drown out his sorrows as well through his vice. Alcohol. They strongest they had. He'd prefer that his brother wasn't there to see him dead drunk. 

When Kahmunrah was gone Ahkmenrah took a bottle of alcohol from a large stash that he hid rather cleverly in his chest of clothes.

He brought the bottle to his lips and took a large swig. But before he sunk into oblivion he wondered How the hell did I manage to knock that sword out of Sabra's hand?

He remembered a strange sensation. A sensation he would only get when he thought of the Tablet. Did the Tablet give him powers?


Kahmunrah walked out of the room and made his way to Ismara's private chambers. As he walked he looked at paintings on the walls depicting his and his family's life. From Pharaoh Sneferu all the way to the coronation of Ahkmenrah everything was recorded. When he saw Ahkmenrah painted upon the throne in the full regalia of a king, a pang of sadness swept through him.

The throne was supposed to be his. What had he done wrong?

He thought about all that Khufu told him about Ahkmenrah. But know he thought that those bad things were all lies. Besides Ahkmenrah was far too sweet and innocent.

He knocked softly on Ismara's door. There was no answer. He knocked again. Still no answer.  He pressed his ear to the door. He heard quiet sobbing.

He felt his heart beat in a torturous wrenching motion. What was happening to make he cry? Carefully he opened the door, to his beloved crying her eyes out with her face buried deep in the pillows.

He put a hand on her quivering shoulder and she turned to him. Her grey eyes, now red and puffy. It was as if his presence had made everything worse. The tears came down more freely. Kahmunrah brought her to his arms and held her there until she calmed down a little. He stroked her hair as he did so.

From the position of her head on his chest, she could hear his heart beating fast. Was he worried about her?

"Ismara what happened? Who hurt you? I swear to the gods I'll kill that little bastard..."

She shook her head.

"Then why are you crying? Did I do something? Ismara say something."

Her voice was hoarse and ragged. Saying the next few words was harder than she had expected "I'm with child"

I giant beautiful grin broke out on Kahmunrah's face. He hadn't felt this happy in ages.

"That's the best news all week. I don't understand your sadness at all. Not one bit."

"You're not angry?" she asked almost puzzled. But really this puzzlement was a guise in order to hide her real sadness. Her sadness was that this child will hurt the Royal Family. Khufu pretty much confirmed it.

"No not at all. Why would I be? Ismara we are going to have a child. A child. Don't you understand? It's our legacy."

"But how are we going to hide it?"

Suddenly the real world blotted out and he saw a baby boy. With light green eyes and a beautiful smile and dark colouring. He felt power but mostly he fell complete. Like something missing had come back.

"Not 'it', 'him'" he said for he was sure he just saw the future.

"How do you know its a boy?"

He shrugged his shoulders. But he knew. Because the sensation of feeling power had coursed through him. The Tablet had given him powers. But didn't that mean he was the rightful heir?


How was it?

Hope you guys enjoyed it!

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