
By Wonderwall123

5M 87.1K 12.9K


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50

Chapter 50

61.5K 3.9K 1.1K
By Wonderwall123

"Helena, that feels so good." Harry groaned in pleasure, rolling his head back whilst I applied more pressure to my actions. "Oh... yes..."

I was on the couch as he sat on the carpet of the suite room, his body positioned between my legs as I massaged his shoulders. I'd been doing it for quite a while now and we were late for Harry's party. But he was partially ready for it. He'd been dressed in the brand new tuxedo I'd picked out for him and his hair had been made neat... to a fair degree. Some strong curls kept springing out no matter how hard he tried to push them back.

But he had been out playing football and all sorts of male dominated sports with his peers the night before we arrived in Millburn and this morning, he kept complaining that his body was strained and fatigued. He insisted that he couldn't go to the party until he was relaxed again.

"A little over to the left." He instructed. I wouldn't take it if it was someone else telling me what to do and I certainly wouldn't massage just anyone. Harry was the only person - besides my parents - whom I didn't mind giving into. It was because he had never taken advantage of me in any way.

My fingers glided along the curve of his neck, pressing as he exhaled low moans. "Alright." He said in between groans before halting them. He grabbed hold of my hands and shifted them away. He climbed onto the couch and exchanged our positions.

Harry began to press his fingers on my shoulders, his thumb moving around in slow circles. "Harry, I don't need a massage." I told him but was disrupted by the intense pleasure of his movements abruptly filling my senses. "T-That feels good, though."

The massage was cut short when Harry pressed a kiss to my bare shoulder. His fingertips slid along the curve of my neck as more kisses were planted on the other side, leaving a lingering trail there.

Harry's kisses were my weakness because they never failed to electrify me. The only thing that ran through my mind at that moment was how perfect we were together.

Sure, we've had our ups and downs just like every other relationship but amidst all of that we were still as in love as we were five years ago. We proved wrong my parents' assumption of our relationship merely being  'puppy love' or 'infatuation' because the truth was, no one knew us better than the way we knew each other.

Our likes, dislikes... even little things like how Harry prefers to have his tea in mugs because of a nightmare he had of normal teacups - I was the only one who knew about it. And the inside jokes that we shared were indecipherable by anyone else.

"Harry, we're late." I reminded quietly, my eyes squeezed closed as I blithely took in what he was doing to me.

"I guess you're right." He pulled back, the absence of his lips on my skin leaving me slightly disappointed. He lifted himself off the couch and straightened up. "We'll continue this when we get back." He winked, tightening the top of his tie.

"I'm nervous." I admitted. I stood up and straightened out the frills of my dress.

"Everything's going to be fine. I'm going to be by your side the whole time." He assured, tapping me underneath the chin before pulling me in for a hug. His comforting warmth was all the assurance I needed.

We arrived in Millburn just last night and the thought of meeting Daniel, Polly and their son after so many years had gotten me anxious. I didn't even go to Daniel and Polly's wedding three years ago. I'd been avoiding them for the longest time now but Harry had been nagging me the past few weeks, forcing me to come with him.

He had ever been this zealous or dedicated to get me to go anywhere. It was almost as if he had a secret reason behind it. And it was his graduation party so I conformed. Getting The Bachelor of Arts degree wasn't an easy thing and it definitely needed to be celebrated.

I understood that everything that happened between Daniel, Polly and I was in the past and I was absolutely over it but the whole situation had made quite an impact on my life so feeling a tad bit agitated should be acceptable... right?


"Let's watch The Planet of the Apes when we get back to our hotel." Harry suggested as we approached the doorstep of the mansion. Daniel shared it with his mother but it was really his grandfather who took care of the bills.

I nudged at his shoulder with my head as a chuckle escaped, his attempt at a distraction amusing me. I took Harry's much larger index in my hand, firmly encasing it whilst the rest of his fingers remained loose. I often did that whenever I was nervous or in need of guardianship and he was well aware of it.

The door flung open shortly after Harry rang the bell. "There he is!" Jonah and Mary exclaimed in harmony as they stood in the doorway with proud grins.

I'd only met Mary a few weeks ago but I hadn't seen Jonah in almost two years. He'd always been occupied with work and the many ladies he'd been having flings with. Harry was always the one who flew out to meet up with him.

Like Mary, I must admit that Jonah aged well. With his prominent jawline and grey hair chiseled into a wee quiff, he was still quite dashing for a man nearing sixty. I didn't have to question where Harry got his good looks from. He was a perfect hybrid of two beautiful people.

"Helena, you get more gorgeous everytime I see you. How do you do that?" Jonah praised as we ended our hug.

"It's like magic, isn't it?" Harry added, proudly swinging his arm around me before kissing me on the forehead.

 "You two are the reason I want a time machine." Mary remarked, beaming at us.

"Your house is beautiful." I smiled. "It's great to finally be here."

"Oh, I have to show you around. Come on in."

We carried ourselves into the humble abode as casual as possible, careful not to look flustered. But inside, my butterflies were beginning to act up. I stayed close to Harry, his arm getting more constricted by my grip with every step we took.

We were hit with fragrant waves of an aroma which I perceived as a subtle blend of vanilla and peppermint tea, with a hint of freshly baked cookies - things that shouldn't smell good together, but surprisingly did. The interior of the house was just lovely. The furnitures were designed to look like antiques and the marble flooring below reflected an extravagant image of the luminant glass chandeliers hanging above.

My wandering eyes ceased their actions and focused on one person pacing towards us. Polly flashed an uneasy grin at me as she grasped onto the hand of a little boy along the way.

"Helena. Harry." She murmured as she stood before us. Her thin lips were still contorted into a weak smile. Her squeaky voice was still recognisable, it hadn't changed one bit. But her appearance surely did. Her frizzy crimson hair had turned golden and straight. It came down till her chin and the ends curved towards it.

She still had that cute face shape which resembled that of a doll's but her nose looked out of place. It was longer and sharper. I was brought back to the time in high school when we had a discussion about plastic surgery. We were both against it. Well, she was against it because she believed that she didn't have a single flaw.

"Polly! Wow... hey..." Small, incomplete words tumbled out. It was such a surprise to see her so different from the photos Harry showed me.

"You've gotten prettier, Helena. I'm jealous." She complimented. "Oh congratulations, Harry!"

"Thanks, Polly." Harry replied before bending down, meeting the little light haired boy cowering behind Polly's leg at eye level. I instantly recognised him as Timmy. I'd seen numerous pictures of him but he was a lot more adorable in real life. He was pudgy and plump, the pink tint in his cheeks rendering him a look alike of Tweedledee and Tweedledum from Alice in Wonderland.

"Timmo, this is Helena. No need to be shy." Harry told him, playfully poking at his chubby cheek. "Remember what I told you about her?"

"The lady who snores in her sleep?" Timmy questioned in a small voice.

Harry's face contorted in amusement, his dimples coming into sight. His cheeky personality hadn't worn off one bit and he was mature far below his 23 years. But unfortunately, it was one of the reasons I was head over heels for him.

"Hey, you must be Timmy." I greeted with a warm smile. "Yes, I'm Helena and we're going to have a great time talking about your uncle." I lifted my brow at Harry as he stood up again.

"There's the bright lad!" He was then pulled into a crowd where people I wasn't familiar with continually congratulated him. Polly had disappeared into it as well, taking pride in the fact that he was her brother in law. It was a big deal for the family because neither Daniel nor Polly had completed college, let alone university. In fact, they dropped out.

"Hey, are you Harry's girlfriend?" A tall, slender guy lightly tapped on my shoulder. "I'm his childhood friend and-"

"Hey, Arthur." Harry interrupted, hanging his arm around his shoulder and forecefully pulling him away from me. I couldn't believe what just happened. Was Harry ashamed of me? It was almost as if he didn't want anyone to talk to me. I also realised that he hadn't introduced me to anyone. I didn't believe Harry would do this to me. Or maybe I was just being paranoid.

Slightly hurt and confused, I turned away from the crowd and made my way over to the fruits table. I chewed my lower lip stressfully before popping a strawberry in my mouth.

"Hey." I was greeted with a rather recognisable voice. I turned to see Daniel smiling at me.

"Oh... hi, Daniel." I shakily responded. "How've you been?"

Daniel wasn't as skinny as he used to be anymore. He'd gained a fair amount of weight and grown a light beard. He was dressed in office wear and looked like he'd just come back from work.

"Alright, I guess. How's life been for you?"

"Its been great." I answered. "I think." I looked over his shoulder and my attention was diverted to Harry. A blonde girl was greeting him with a tight hug. 

"It's amazing to see you again, Helena." Daniel remarked, rubbing the nape of his neck.

"Who's that?" I asked abruptly, unintentionally ignoring what Daniel had just told me. The blonde girl was laughing with Harry now. She was pretty, her blue eyes bright and her smile almost Barbie-like.

Daniel turned his head to get a glimpse of her. "Oh. That's Josey."


"Harry's first love." He lifted his brows and chuckled. "Started dating her when he was fourteen. Lasted three years."

I suddenly felt the green monster inside me rage. Jealousy became protuberant. My fingers fidgeted in distress. Not to come off as clingy, but Harry was my property. He was mine and I didn't like anyone being all sloppy around him. Especially not a girl he had dated for three years. I remember Harry telling me about her but I didn't know they were still friends.

"You must be proud of your brother." I reckoned, my brows subconsciously narrowing as I watched Harry and Josey converse.

"Sure." Daniel shrugged. "He's a good kid."

"Quite the graduation party, huh?" I pursed my lips and folded my arms.

"Graduation party? I thought this was-"

"Do you want anything to drink, Helena?" Polly quickly intervened. I caught her glaring at Daniel for a moment before she turned to me.

"Uh, no thanks."

"So... I haven't heard from Lindsey in a long time. I was wondering if you were still in contact with her." Polly queried.

"Yeah, we still hang out." I answered. I tried hard not to stare at her new nose but it was right in my face so I couldn't help it. I hoped she didn't notice.

"Oh I've been meaning to ask, what happened to Josh?" I kept looking over her shoulder to keep an eye on Harry.

Daniel let out a laugh. "This may shock you, but we've just learned that he's gay."

"He's been living with a guy named Paul for years now." Polly added.

"Josh? Really?" I exclaimed. "This is a surprise."


"I have to run." Daniel palmed his forehead. "I need to hand the pendrive over to my boss."

Daniel, Polly and I had been having a conversation for a while now and Harry had disappeared. He'd just left me alone. What was wrong with him? And it didn't take me long to notice Josey's absence as well. I was flustered, confused and frustrated. I wanted to go back to the hotel.

"Really, Daniel? Now?" Polly rolled her eyes, crossing her arms.

"Polly, please don't start." Daniel heaved a stressful sigh.

"Forget about me. Today's a special day for your brother." She fussed. "Doesn't that mean anything to you?"

"I'm not lying." Daniel countered.

"Just go." She shrugged and let out a profound sigh. "Just know that I know."

Polly's eyes watered up and she rushed into the kitchen. I took a glance at Daniel before following his wife. Her face was buried in her hands as cries escaped. She sat herself down at the counter and I placed a hand on her shoulder in an attempt to comfort her.

"Hey, I don't mean to pry but... what just happened?"

"He hasn't stopped." She sniffed, removing her hands from her weary face. "He's still seeing her."

"Oh." I figured it out. Daniel had been seeing other women.

I couldn't help but think that I'd be in Polly's position if I didn't stop dating Daniel. He still had that cruel, malicious habit of cheating. I just hoped Harry wouldn't turn out to be like him. My paranoia was making my head pound thunderously. Today was probably the worst day I've had in a long time.

Suddenly, the kitchen door flew open and Josey was standing at the entrance. "Hi, I'm sorry for interrupting but you're Helena, right?"

"Yes. Why?" I kept my head up, not letting even a small smile slip.

"Everyone's having lunch and you kind of need to be there. Harry's been looking for you." 

"I don't think he is." I speculated.

"Go, Helena." Polly interjected, wiping her tears with a table cloth.

I had no time to respond as Josey boldly grabbed hold of my hand and tugged me outside. "What do you think you're doing?" I spat as I stood my ground.

"Helena, this is important."

"What do you mean-"

"There you are." Harry grasped my arm. "Thanks, Josey. I've got this."

"Let go of me!" I sputtered as I tried to wriggle my arm out of his grip.

"Helena, where have you been?" He asked as he dragged me towards the dining room.

"Where have I been? Where have you been! You left me alone!"

"I've been making arrangements."


I was pulled into the dining room and I felt several eyes on me. The loud chatterings ceased. My face went slack and my eyes dilated in shock when I saw my parents sitting at the table with massive grins. What were they doing here? How-? What the hell was going on?

I noticed even more familiar faces in the room. Harry's friend Bradley was there, so were Niall and Zayn. The length of the table had been occupied with delicacies of all sorts but no one had indulged in any dish yet. Everyone ignored the feast and instead, enthusiastically gazed at us.

Harry nervously cleared his throat, tightening his grip on my hand as he glanced over at my parents. "Mr and Mrs Lilan, as you may already know, Helena means everything to me..." He paused for a quick moment. "And I ask for your permission to make her a permanent part of my life."

I froze. My mouth was agape, my body unmoving as my mind struggled to process Harry's words. This was totally unexpected. We hadn't even discussed anything related to this.

"We give you our full blessings." My father responded as he stood up with my mother.

Harry turned to me and I noticed that his hands were chilly as well. "This isn't a graduation party, is it?" I asked in a whisper, feeling like an idiot.

"Not really." He whispered back, a smirk appearing. I felt my mind buzz and my pulse quicken as Harry let go of my hands and knelt down to the floor. He dug into his pocket before pulling out a small, square box and holding it up. 

The shock began to melt away and everything returned slowly. This was reality, I told myself.

"Helena Lilan... will you marry me?" He proposed ever so simply. I knew he was vigorously struggling to remain serious. 

I didn't even have to think twice, the answer was right on the tip of my tongue. "Um... yes?" I chuckled.

Blustering cheers and clapping could be heard in the backdrop but my focus was on the guy infront of me. After sliding on the ring in circular motion around my finger, Harry quickly got up and crashed his lips against mine, carrying me as he stood to his full height.

Overwhelming happiness bolted into my system without warning and I found joyous tears escaping my eyes. It was a feeling that will forever remain in my memory.


i know, corny right sorry i was out of ideas :(

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