Fire and Ice

By BrookenSage

2K 26 5

What if you were taken from your life solely because no one cared? What if it was your teacher who took you... More

Fire and Ice
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 3

193 2 0
By BrookenSage

Hey guys, sorry but my computer will not upload the pictures!!! I’m really mad about it!!! So, I don’t know what to do about that. On the lighter side of things, today is my birthday! Boo YA! FINALLY!! I’m happy and excited enough to upload for you all ;) Anywhoooooo comment, vote, read :b

XXXxxxXXXxxx Sage

                Pain. White hot pain. That’s all I can feel, all I can think about, and it’s just getting worse by the minute. It’s like I’m burning, freezing, and getting beaten up all at the same time. Mr. C must have continued on with me even after I passed out. And Jordan and the gorillas did nothing to stop it. They watched that disgusting excuse for a human being hurt a defenseless girl and didn’t do a thing to stop it. That makes them just as bad.

                I’m not going to even try to imagine what Mr. C did to me, because I’ll never be able to guess. Only his sick, twisted mind could tell me what happened while I was asleep. Or maybe his audience, but that doesn’t matter now. All that matters is the pain, and how can stop it. Then I remember how loose my restraints are. I slowly open my eyes to look around for anyone who could catch me in my escape attempt. To my surprise, rather than Mr. C, it was actually Jordan who was guarding me, and he was asleep. He looks so cute when he’s asleep, I couldn’t help but think. Well, cute or not, I’m going to have to get out of here without him noticing.

                Slowly, and quietly as I could I worked the restraints until they were loose enough for me to slip my hands out. I slowly sat up, and got to work on my foot holds.

“Don’t even think about it.” Said a very unfamiliar voice.

                I turned and looked at Jordan, disbelief written all over my features. And there he was. In the exact same position as before, but his eyes were open. And he was smirking. Of course; he had caught me trying to escape right in front of him.

“Why?” I asked sadly

He looked completely clueless, so I went on.

“Why did you just stand there and watch him hurt me? Why didn’t you help me?” I said, blinking back tears; I just felt so betrayed. I would’ve helped him in a heartbeat.

“It’s… complicated.” He said hesitantly.

“No it isn’t” I said angrily “you could have helped me, but instead you chose to sit around and let him slice and dice me. I would’ve helped you! No matter the consequence. Do they have your family in custody?”

“... No”

“Any loved ones to hurt?”


“Then what’s so complicated” I said, even madder than before; this guy had nothing for them to take or hurt besides himself, and he didn’t help.

“It doesn’t even matter” he said, glaring at me.

“Are you telling me that the reason for you standing by while I was tortured doesn’t matter?” I asked in quiet rage.

“Fine, you want to know?” I nodded “They’ll kill me if I don’t let him do his thing. Happy? Do you understand now?” he said with his own rage.

“Yes. I understand. I’m a stranger. Why risk your life to save me? It’s not like I’d help you.” I said with a sad smile, and sarcasm to cover up how hurt I was feeling. I should expect that, and I did. It still hurt to hear it though.

“No, Aden it’s not like that…” he said quickly

“Oh really. Enlighten me, please” I said sarcastically


“Exactly.” I said with finality.

                And that’s when Mr. C walked in.

“Let’s get started, shall we?” he grinned maliciously.

                Oh… crap…

-4 hours later-

“Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh!!” my screams of pain echoed through the lab, my eyes closed.

                The sick Mr. C had decided a good way to try and make me immune to fire was to inject a drug of he called ‘liquid heat’ straight into my heart, and oh god, did it ever hurt. You know what it feels like to burn your hand fairly badly, correct? Well times that by 1000, and put it in your heart rather than hand and you’ve got an idea of how it felt. A burning tear slid down my face; the higher my core temperature was, the hotter my fluids are. You can imagine how hot those tears are, and how badly they’re burning me.

                I had let myself go awhile ago, and let my screams and tears fall; I couldn’t stand the pain and not have a sort of release, otherwise I would explode. I waited though till Jordan had left, which took an hour. It was hard to keep these in because Mr. C had decided to start the day off by burning the soles of my feet. I had been able to hold in my screams of agony that were building inside me because I couldn’t feel them at first, and when I could it was just a memory like feeling, yet still extremely painfu. When I was little I used to walk around on the pavement with no shoes on in the summer, which caused me to fry all those nerves, but once he got the burns deep enough, I could feel them again.

“I’ll be right back, Aden. I must take a break. Jordan will be in in a moment to watch you.” He said dismissively

                I just sat there panting and tried to catch my breath. He smirked and left. Moments later when Jordan walked in, I just ignored his despicable and beautiful face. I would never talk to him again. No matter how much he begged, or pleaded. Not that he would, of course…

“Hello, Aden.” He said slowly, carefully.

                I just went right on ignoring him. I heard him sigh and I smirked to myself. It he wants to talk to me he can go jump right off a cliff. I mean, he’s hold me hostage so I can be tortured, and he wants to make small talk? As if I would actually fall for that. I should hate his guts. I gave a little sigh myself knowing I could never hate him. This knowledge just made me really mad. I glared at the ceiling.

“He shouldn’t be here again until tomorrow. You should sleep.” He said gently.

                I let a small scoff escape my lips. What so now he’s Mr. Caring? Whatever. If he wants to play dress up, he can do it alone, and though I hate to admit it, Jordan is right. If the days keep repeating like this, I would need my rest to keep up my strength. With this in mind I slowly let myself slip into my first natural state of unconsciousness since I’ve been in this… place.  While I slept I dreamt of brown eyes, sweet lips, and strong arms around me, keeping me safe from all.

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