My strange findings.

By pqpqpqpqpq

629 5 2

What happened here I never knew should I leave or stay. More


629 5 2
By pqpqpqpqpq

Well I was only nine years old when my parents marriage of nearly 16 years ended in a harsh divorced.

"Its not your fault everyone kept saying maybe they just need some time apart". Look what happened in this time alone desperate. Where to go to and more importantly who should I go to. I mean was I really ever a good child the answer truly NO REALLY NO. Once stealing my mothers car I crashed it less then a block away. But my sister was worst with all that drinking, cursing my parents out and getting pregnant at the young age of 14 how could anyone live with that. Stress is the reason there is no love where did it go. It was all like a magic trick it pretty much vanished into thin air, was I going to let it slip by me I guess that answer was YES I VERY MUCH WAS!

So when do I leave the answer is tonight because I know that my mom could do so much better without me. Especially with that new man of hers."Oh isn't Todd the nicest guy ever he loves me more then your father did".Maybe because she does not know what happens behind closed doors he smokes and gets high off of anything he finds but my mom never sees it. That's perfectly fine with me as long as he never ask me to buy him any sort of drug.

Anyways tonight at 1:00 sharp I am out of this home for good for ever. It was just 6:00 I really can't believe I would be leaving in just seven short hours. 'Well I better pack' I thought to myself. And I did I packed everything from the 168.00 dollars I was saving all the way down to my tooth brush( can't go anywhere without my tooth brush ). Tick-tick-tick goes the clock on the wall. Time goes so slow when your planning your escape from prison. So I wait and wait and wait some more. THEN it was time to go to bed and my good for nothin mother tucked me in with her no better boyfriend standing in the background.

"Goodnight honey", she horsily spoke from the smell of her breath I knew she had been drinking. So I sucked it up and nearly screamed "GOODNIGHT MOTHER". "Wat has gotten into you" she questioned. "Oh nothing just nothing forget it" " we'll ok night baby". " Night u selfish bitch of an excuse for a mother" I whisper under my breath. "What did u say" " oh nothing". She looked at me suspiciously before steadily turning to leave. " Ok love you becky". "Bitch" and she definitely didn't hear me that time. I didn't sleep the whole night I got up at around 12:05 and put on my sluttier clothes figuring I could get a ride from any guy I was to possibly ever meet.

The outfit consist of a Minnie skirt, a belly shirt, some 8 inch pumps to give me some height, and top it all off a ton of makeup to make me look and feel like 17. Also accessories u can never have enough.

My bag was fully packed and I was ready to go when I saw my precious stuffed moose doll. The moose had one eye, stuffing coming out of stitches, and he has been washed with bleach some many times he's almost as white as snow. I know most kids would just throw it away but it was special to me my it was my baby brothers and i certainly did love little Jeff. But then he died after receiving electrical stockage from a wall socket. Quickly I grabbed it and stuck it into my bag making sure no stuffing got stuck in the zipper.

I struggled but I finally got out of the house it would be easier from here I thought. It wasn't I was not even there for one hour and I had all these bruises from falling in the pumps. "THERE TO HIGH" I screamed to the clouds and in the end I just took them off which did not help because I stepped on a broken praise of glass. I was forced to jump back to the house and get some aid I pulled it out which is like falling on a cactus and having to slowly and painfully take all 100 out. I cleaned it up and put some gauze on it so I ditched the pumps ended up wearing flats.

Then I snuck back out of the house again only to find some lowlife took my luggage my mistake. '' WHAT THE HELL SOME BASER TOOK MY DAMN CLOTHES THERE BE THIEVES OUT IN THESE PART WHAT KIND OF BITCH CAN EVEN FIT INTO MY GOSH DAMN CLOTHES GOSH'' I yelled at the top of my lungs so everybody here could hear me I wanted to make sure. " Luckily I kept my money on me I'm not stupid enough to keep it in my bag."

I got a ride with this seemly nice lady she even gave me some nice age appropriate looking clothing. Some people in the world are so nice all u have to do is watch out for the crazy people who will hurt, rape you and such. I found the nicest person ever she allowed me to stay with her in her three bedroom home. She didn't have children or much family around these parts bet she really appreciated the company. I slept swell knowing I was out of the hands of my terrifying birth mother.

"So what is her name mam" I quietly asked. "Martha Stirs and what be your name?"She questioned. " Becky umm .....Becky Wither''. Martha asked me a couple of other questions then said "Your going back to your home I hope u know that." "NO please do not let me wither away in that nasty no loving home why should I go back." " Because people there love you."

" Hell to the no they don't my mother is a drop dead drunk and divorced my father and is dating a crackhead that would rather die then not get his mystery drug. My sister she's a little of both and has a child that is very hungry I bet she's dead under a dumpster somewhere I haven't seen her in a year. And the only person I ever really love died my younger brother Jeffery. Do you really want me to go back to that house now." Quietness all that's heard is the soothing drip of a loose pipe. " Well TELL ME." " WELL NO BUT U CAN'T STAY HERE U HOOLIGAN."

"What......what happened to u Martha u were so nice when I first met u I thought I guess I was wrong" And with those words penetrating my heart I left with the little bit of clothes she had given me. So off I went again I fixes myself up all nice outside all ready to get some nice mister to carry me somewhere (anywhere really).

After about five hours this man picked me up all he said was hi and that his

name was billy or bobby something like that. Anyways he cared me to a gas station where we stopped.

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