Fate/Stay Night: Great War(Th...

By BlackThief12

197 1 0


Arc 1, Episode 0
Episode 1(Mercenary route)
Episode 1(Thief Route)
Episode 3(Mercenary route)

Episode 2(Mercenary route)

49 0 0
By BlackThief12

Disclaimer: Simple, I own nothing but the OC, now GET. THE. HELL. OUT. OF. HERE!*Falcon punch the lawyer*
[Fuyuki City Airport- Shinto district]

Akuseru and Boudicca, or Rider as he prefer for now, had just walk out of the airport, wearing in its casual clothes... well, not really.

While Rider is in her astral form, despite not needing it due to some strange connection to her master, Akuseru is wearing his trademarks clothes, which consist of a black pant and red shirt, underneath the white jacket and a gun holster on his hip, carrying nothing.

As they walk to find a place to stay, they notices a black limo on the street with a butler waiting for someone.

"Ah, you have arrive, Lady Edelfielt."  Said the butler as Akuseru blink and look at two girl standing behind him, making him sight in frustration.

"Oh, what the hell."  Akuseru said as the blonde girl in blue dress walk past him, followed by a young girl in black hair and is wearing... a maid dress.

Rider take a double back and look at a very young maid girl in a odd stare.

"Just, don't ask about it."  Akuseru said with his hand on his face as he shook his head.

This couldn't end well.

There's goes operations "Ice Rage".
[Opening: Oath Sigh(Akuseru version 1)]

The camera show the surface of the seas as its moving up, then as it pan up, it show a bridge that it cross under it, then as it show to the sky, it show a title.

Fate/Great War

Keybi walk and look around the city as Assassin  following her.

Akuseru's command seal appear on his hand.

Kurikaesu sekai
Nando te wo nobashitara

Akuseru got up from his seat in café and went to exit the building with Boudicca following him.

Lorelei sat in her office.

Hakanai namida wa
Kokoro tokasu no?

Leo and Saber is sitting in a couch, playing chess.

Miyu, dressing in a maid dress, is serving tea to Luvia and Rider with Berserker in the corner.

Ayako was doing some archery with Archer competing with her.

Another Saber took off Ayaka Sajyou's glasses, who was reaching for her glasses.

Mebae dashita omoi ga
Mune ni hibiita nara

Waver Velvet was smoking while Reines is drinking coffee, with Rider laughing and Lancer sighting.

Keybi and Assassin cooking a meal while Shunko is playing video game with Zenka and two other Assassin.

Saber is standing on the rooftop.

Kimi no tonari de
Zutto kawarazu mamoru darou

Akuseru is standing in a field, he look at his hand and the field change into large tower overlooking the floating city.

Ochita kibou wo hirotte
Asu ni tsunaide yukeba

Gunner is standing on the rooftop with a albino hair woman next to him.

Boudicca is laying with her sword holding her, in front of a girl in red dress.

Boudicca is standing with her sword raise in the air, she open her eyes as she lowered her sword to her chest.

Karamatta ibitsuna
Negai datte hodokeru

Akuseru dash with his sword out while a female Lancer jump toward him and clash him with her spear.

Female Rider spin  around and thrust her chain dagger in her front.

Hikari wo kazashite
Tamerai wo keshita

Agetakatta no wa mirai de

Bazzet run while extending her arm, which was grabbed by Lancer, carrying her in bridal style.

Naiteru yoru daita mama

Gunner is holding the albino woman while yelling at the top of his lung.

Sakura is holding her arm on the wall while the other arm is holding her chest in pain.

Zenka unsheathe his katana, making a shockwave.

Shunko was standing in the building, with his arm fold.

Nageki wo sakende

Boudica slash her sword at black cloaked assassin, then block a sneak attack from another black cloaked assassin and finally spin attack to catch three black cloaked assassin.

Akuseru swinging his bokken while Boudica look at him.

A child stand in a river with a man sitting next to her.

A Minotaur appear in the forest.

Fumiireta ashi wo
Tooku no risou ga

Sotto iyashite yuku

Gunner was sitting on the chair while the albino girl lean to his shoulder.

Shunko look at the moon.

Akuseru chant while making a hand sign with one arm.  Then, when he finished, a white flash and it show a large blue lighting hitting at the ground in the city.

Tashikana kizuna wo

Tsuyoku nigiri susumou


Waver, Reine, Lancer and Rider walk into the hallway.

Ayaka Sajyou sat on the couch while Saber is leaning on the wall.

Leo and Saber is standing on the rooftop.

Four man, a albino hair woman and the two children are sitting on their chair while drinking coffee along with their respective servant.

Then both Akuseru and Boudica open their eyes and look at the view of the city.

Kegare kitta
Kiseki wo se ni
[Shinto District, Café]

Akuseru and Boudica are on the chair, talking to each other.

"So, what is the plan?" Boudica ask her master as he sight.  His original plan was to find and defeat the servant one by one together in order to win the Grail War, sure Boudica can defeat the Servant on her own but with Akuseru, who has history with fighting a true ancestor and live to tell the tale, they could be able to defeat them faster.

Until the Edelfielt came in.

Honestly, Akuseru can handle the True Ancestor, being playful at Lorelei, probably fighting a Heroic Spirit and beating the living crap out of the Einzburn family.

But fighting her?  He can't beat her no matter what.

Seriously, that girl had a lot of trick up to her sleeve that can give him a serious injury, not only that, but she also has those thing to beat him.

Akuseru has always wondered about where did she get those thing, however, as he was pondering more about her, a simple though made his mind.

"Who is she?" that was the question that has been wondered since that question made up.

There's was no file regarding about the Edefielt having two daughter, ever since then, he has made a close watch over her for two month.

Akuseru snap back to reality as Boudica wave her hand on his face.

"S-sorry Rider, something has come up me, what did you say again?" Akuseru said as the former Queen of Iceni sigh in frustration.  "I say what is your plan?"  Boudica ask him again as Akuseru scratch at the back of his head.

"We could patrol the city for now." at this, Boudica nodded in satisfaction; "Here's your order Burugosu-san." they hear a female voice as two coffee and a cheesecake were place on the table.

The two look at the waitress, she has short black hair and dark brown eye, tan skin and she look like the type of person that would run like a professional with her flexibility.

To Akira(Akuseru's inner self) she is kawai with not just her look and personality, but what she's wearing.  As you can see, they're in not just any café, but a maid café.

In short, all the waiter are girl wearing a maid dress.

And Akuseru was wondering if there are butler café so he can be one.

"Thank Makidera, I didn't expect you to have a job, if you like, I can take to a restaurant."  Akuseru said as he wink at the waitress, who blushed a little from his statement and look away with her eye. "Thank for the offer, but I have important thing to do after my shift end." she then bow to him and look at Boudica; "Can I get your name miss?" she ask Boudica who sip a coffee and look at her.

"My name is Boudica, but most people preferred me as Rider." the former Queen answer the waitress' question as she blink from her statement; "Boudica?  Did your family name you after the Queen of Iceni?" she ask Boudica, who nodded in response, blushing in embarrassed.

"It is awkward that I was name after the Queen, but I don't have a problem from it."

"Oh, well it was nice knowing you, I had to get back to work." the waitress said as she went back to her job; Akuseru look at Boudica as she look at him back and sighted; "Look, no one suspect that I'm actually is one, they would just think it was a coincidence." Akuseru face palm at her response.

"Yeah, but you can't just say your real name at every people."  Akuseru said as the former Queen scoff at his response; "Come on Akuseru, its not like if this Saegusa girl is a master of a servant, she isn't even a magus you know."  Boudica said as she took a piece of cheesecake her master recommended him.

"Hey, this taste good."
Kaede went outside after her shift end, and as she look around to make sure no one is around, she went into the alley where no one would see her.

"My, I has to admit, being a maid is fun when you get embarrassing from it master." Kaede hear a female voice as person appear her, making her sigh.

"Geez Lancer, don't just make fun out of me, we have some thing do to."  Kaede said as Lancer lean to the wall, crossing her arm under her magnificent chest.

Lancer wore a purple sleeve shirt underneath her black leather jacket and a short tight skirt and a tight sock and a black boot.  Her long purple hair reaching to her waist and crimson eye with her beauty would made people wondering why someone like her would dress like a biker gang.

"Ah come on, I was having fun seeing you as a maid." Lancer pouted as she put her hand on her waist, but then her face turn serious; "All the joke aside, did you get the name of the Servant?"  Lancer ask her master, who nodded.

Lancer smirk.

"Good, let go back home and tell the other."

[Somewhere else]

A man enter his office after the recent meeting.  Black short hair and brown eye, wearing his black pant with business suit with a grey vest underneath it.

His name is Kimura Satoh, the Minister of Defenses and the older brother of the CEO of the TITAN corporation, and right now he decided to take a rest shortly after his recent meeting.

When he close his eye to take a rest, however, he see a city being burn, he hear people screaming, he saw people dying and he can feel the heat burning around the city.

He see hell.

He see a nightmare.

But worse of all, it was a dream he see everyday.

He always see it after the incident ten years ago... a incident that claim the life of his parent.

Ten year ago, his parent went to Fuyuki City for a important meeting at night.  However, the a fire burst through all the city and his parent died at the fire.

He hold the company for some year until his little brother is old enough to inherited the companies,  ever since then he work as the Ministry of Defense.

However, whenever he slept, he always have the same dream.

In his dream, he see some strange people called "Magus" summoned some sort of a Spiritual being,  then there's this "Holy Grail", a cup that grant any wish to any pair who is the last remaining.  At first, he though he was dreaming to some sort of war and was probably just something not real, but lately his little brother start seeing the same dream too.

They weren't the only one.

Their friend also started to have the same dream as them.  They wondering if it has something to do with the incident in Fuyuki, until they discover that they have something in common to each other.

They lost someone precious to them in the fire.

But now this time, this is different than before.

When Kimura open his eyes, he saw darkness.  He look around to see if there's anyone around the area, but there's nobody the--

"Hello!  Is there anybody there?" Kimura hear a familiar voices, he look around again and this time, he see someone familiar.

"Sasaki? Is that you?"  Kimura said as he saw a twenty four year old man look at him, a short black hair and eye, he recognize him from his black vest.

"Ni-san? How did you get here?" Sasaki ask Kimura, who shrug in respond; "I don't know honestly, all I remember is coming back into the office from the meeting and taking a nap."

"Hmm, you're not the only one here too Kimura."  Both of them hear a familiar voice, they turn toward the source to see two familiar man.

The first person, who is thirty year old man, had a short brown hair and blue eyes, he is wearing what seem to be a SWAT uniform, but instead of the SWAT, the letter on his chest spelled TITAN.  The second person, who is at the same age as Sasaki, had a blue hair and black eye, he wear a white sheriff shirt with a black trenchcoat underneath it.

"Yuki? Saito? You guys are here too?" Kimura ask them, who nodded in response. "It seem so." Saito say; "What the hell is going on here?" Yuki ask as he look around the darkness.

Suddenly, a light appear from theirs' position, catching their attention.  When the light died down, a figure stepped out of it, a woman with snow-white hair, doll-like face that can be describe as "too beautiful and to well crafted", a red pupil likened to rubies, pale skin and wore a beautiful white dress with seven ring decorations on it.

She slowly turn toward them and and give them a smile.

"Hello there you four."  The men blinked at her greeting; Kimura look at her up and own before greeting to her as well. "Hello to you too."

"To you as well Kimura." the four blink at her response. "You know my name?"  Kimura ask her, who nodded; "Yes, I know you and your brother Sasaki, along with your friend Yuki and Saito." she reply to them.

"Who are you?"  Sasaki ask her. "Justeaze Lizrich von Einzburn." Justeaze smile as she introduce herself. "Justeaze Lizrich Von Einzburn?" Sasaki repeated her name; "That'd sound Germany to me."
Justeaze giggle at his response. "That because I am Germany." she say to Sasaki, who look at her for a second before shrugged.  "All that aside." Saito say, catching everyone's attention and Saito ask "Why are we here?" at this, Justeaze frowned.

"I need your help."
[Fuyuki City, Shinto District]

Akuseru jump from building to building, patrolling the city in the dark.  This time, he wear a black shirt underneath the white long coat, a gun holster on his hip that store a revolver gun on his left hip, and a longsword wrapped in bandage is hung into his back.

"For a Magus, you seem to have a speed of a Lancer." Boudica communicate Akuseru through his mind. "You'll be surprise to what I have been through for five year Rider." He though back to his Servant as he keep jump between building.

"Have you always been in many battle before?" Boudica ask as Akuseru stop in one building. "Yeah, I been through as many battle as yo--" he was cut off as his instinct kick in and roll over, dodging a chain dagger that would've hit him unsuspected.

Akuseru got up and look at the source to see two female on the rooftop.  The one who attack him wear a purple blindfold with a long purple hair that reach almost to her feet and wear a black dress.  The other one has a blue short hair and a scar on her face; she wear what seem to be a pirates clothes and wield two gun pointing at him.

"For a human, you react very quickly to dodge it." then Akuseru's eye widen before he dodge sideways, avoiding the bullet that passed him and took cover, his gun on his left hand.
[Docking bay, Fuyuki City]

"Master! Are you okay!?" Boudica ask her master in concern, worrying that he might be in danger.

"Yeah, got ambushed by two servant, I may need help here." Akuseru reply as she hear some gun shot and metal hitting on metal. "Master! I'm--"

"My, my, why would a Servant be here all alone." Boudica turn toward the voice and saw a woman, probably the same age as her, with purple long hair and crimson red eye; she is wearing a purple body suit that snug at all the right places, even her magnificent chest too.

But Boudica keep her guard up, as she notice that she wield a red spear in her hand.

"You're a Lancer!" Boundica yelled at Lancer, who chuckle in response. "My, you have a good eye too; yes, I am a Lancer, but called me Scatha, Rider." Lancer then smirk; "Or should I call you Boudica?"


Now Boudica pull out her sword and buckler. "How did you know my name!?"  the Queen of Iceni ask Lancer, who reveal herself as the legendary Witch of Dun Scaith. "Aw, you are so cute went you're in surprise." Scatha then giggle before she look at Boudica.  "But haven't you forgotten?  You were talking with my master before."  at this, Boudica is confuse.

"But I don't remember talking to your--" and that when it hit her.

"Can I get your name miss?"

"My name is Boudica, but most people preferred me as Rider."

"Damn it, I should've know!" Boudica though as she grip her sword harder; but then she realize something about what she said earlier.

"Wait, why did you reveal your name Scatha?" Boudica ask the Witch of Dun Scaith as the witch smirk. "Now come on, shouldn't we just introduce ourselves, like girl talk and all?" Scatha say to Boudica, who ready herself to engage; Scatha sigh saddly.

"How sad, I just want to talk with you, but it seem you don't want to talk."  she then spin her spear and took a stance; "So I guess I had to fight you, ready yourself."

Boudica took a stance, this is bad, her master is in danger and she has been attacked by Lancer; she has no choice but to defeat her or force her to retreat.

"Master, hold on, I'll get you as soon as I handle this."

"Okay so let me get this straight.  So you're one of the creators of this Holy Grail, that involve a war between 7 people summoning 7 warrior..."


"This Grail thing is capable to grant any wish, just as travel back in time, reviving a person and see the future..."


"But in the last four war, none of the participants has manage to win the war save for one man called Kiritsugu Emiya, who discover the true nature of the Corrupted Holy Grail and ordered his Servant to destroy it..."


"The purpose to you create this... grail thing... is so you can reach what you people called Akasha?


"But now only one family want to reach Akasha thing, while the other two want gain the grail for their selfish reason and YOUR family stupidly tries summon a Evil God as their Servant; but that not only fail, but it also allow the Evil God to corrupted the Grail so that any wishes to be granted, it will end with the destruction of the world; and a man want to use the Grail for his own purposes."


"And now you came here, wishing to recruit us to be the master of this war so that we can destroy the grail and kill that man?"


"No offense lady, but your family are asshole..." Yuki deadpanned after finally recalled everything she said.

In his mind though...

'What the hell is wrong with her family!? They only lost twice! Maybe if they had patience, who know maybe they would win the third war, but noooo, they are assholes and stupid arrogant family; now see what happened to this grail thing because of them!'

"And this war is fucking bullshit, but if what you say about those dream we have is true, then it show us what happened in the fourth war." Saito say to Justeaze, who nodded in response.

Then what the report he read ten year ago in Fuyuki is true.

'Because of that war, hundreds of people died! Including our families, friend and our love ones.'Saito though as he ball his hand into fist.

Justeaze, who is hearing the comments from them, let out a sad sigh.  What they say is true, even she is surprised seeing that it was her family who ruined the Grail.  It was ironic, seeing that it was her that suggested to create the Grail in the first place, and it was her descendant who destroy it.

"Yes, its true; as much as I hate to admitted, my family have fallen..." Justeaze muttered bitterly.

"And now you want us to clean the mess your family and some Magus make." Kimura continue to recall what she has say. "Yes, you guy has access to many resources to find this man and destroy the grail before it can be completed."  she point out.

"Why should we help you?"  Sasaki ask her. "You create the Grail War to have everyone fight each other like a battle royal, making innocent people get involved in this, everyone lost their love one in the war and when it got out of control, you ask us to fix it." Sasaki said as his eye turn cold and look at Justeaze. "Why should we help you?"

Justeaze turn to look the other and they have the same though; her expression may look stoic, but there's a hint of pleading and sadness in her eyes.  She sigh as she stare at Sasaki before looking down with a bitter face.

"I know I don't deserve your help.  I created the Holy Grail, have everyone lost their love one, and then I came here uninvited just to ask you to ask me." Justeaze remarked dryly. "I won't even be surprise that yo--"

"Cut the crap and tell us what we had to do."

Justeaze blink before look at Sasaki in surprise.


"We're not helping because you ask, but we're not gonna let innocent people suffer the same thing as us, so we are gonna help you." Sasaki said. "But there's a chance that you won't survive; are you sure you want to do this?"  Justeaze ask them as Saito chuckle in response.

"As a police of Fuyuki City Police Department, it is my duty to keep the people safe, so I'll help; the same with Kimura." Saito said as Kimura nodded.  "Hey, if they agree, then I'll agree, no questions ask; beside, it sound fun fighting against a Magus; let's see if they're good than those terrorist and those tyrants I been hire to killed." Yuki said as he chuckled at her reaction.

Slowly, a beautiful smile spread across her face and her eye expressed joy. "Thank you." she stated sincerely.

"What do we had to do?"
[London, England]

The young homunculi woke up by the sound of alarm. 

As he tried to turn off the alarms, he felt something stinging on his left hand; he look at it and confused spread on his faces.

"Tsuki-chan don't remember having a tattoo.  Where did Tsuki get it?"
[Ending theme: MEMORIA(Akuseru's version)

A longsword land into the ground, then a zwëihandler land into the ground along with a broadsword; then a gun landed ahead of them and on the ruble sat a helmet in it.

Shizuka ni utsuri yuku

Tooi kioku no naka

Omoide ni yorisoinagara

Kimi o omoeru nara

Then a person put on his boot, then he put on his gauntlets, then he put on his longcoat, later he sheath his sword, then he put his gun on his holster and finally he look up at the screen, revealing to be Akuseru, who smirked.

A view show Akuseru is sitting on a school desk as a child, looking at the students; then another view show Akuseru sitting next with a little girl on lunch.

Itsumo minareteru
Madobe ni utsutta

Sono hitomi wa
Ashita o muite ita

Then another view show Akuseru, still a child, is chasing the little girl along with a boy; then another view show Akuseru, bruised and unconscious, being lifted by a man wearing a hooded cloak in a city on fire.

Sakaraenu sadame to
Shitte mo

Kowakunai, kokoro kara
Shinjite iru

Another show a 13 year old Akuseru training himself with a wooden sword with the man in hood sitting on a rock; another view show a 14 year old Akuseru holding a broken sword on his hand.

Shizuka ni utsuri yuku
Tooi kioku no naka

Kimi to sugoshita akashi wa
Tashika ni koko ni aru

Then the final view show a park full of crater with a two corpses on the ground on a field of discarded weapons, and on the hill show a 15 year old Akuseru, with his shirt ripped, showing his upper right torso, fighting with a woman who is in rage at him.

Afuredasu kimochi o
Oshiete kureta kara

Kono sekai ga naku natte mo
Watashi wa soko ni iru
A/N: Episode two is over, next episode will be in another route this time.

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