Fragile Heart

By marble-and-blackstar

7.7K 534 211

Being stood up on a date is one thing. Being stood up at your own wedding is enough to break you. More


Repressed Memories

1.4K 107 19
By marble-and-blackstar

A/N: Hello there my lovelies! Thank you for your positive feedback on the first chapter. Two updates in two days. It must be the apocalypse omg. This story should be fun. I don't know what's gonna happen, it's like a mystery. Enjoy!

Chapter 1

It felt like my throat was closing up, and my breathing became heavy.

Those familiar brown eyes looked at me sadly, and an onslaught of emotions came rushing.

"Scott?" Alex asked worriedly as he put his hand on my shoulder.

Mitch's eyes looked up at Alex, and they only seemed to sadden more, before he looked back at me.

He opened his mouth to speak, but I didn't want to hear it. I couldn't hear it.

"No," I cut him off, "I...I can't..." I choked out before turning and heading back up the stairs, desperate to get away.

I barely made it down the hallway before I collapsed to my knees. I let out uneven breaths as I squeezed my eyes shut.

I exhaled slowly, before tuning into the conversation at the bottom of the stairs.

"I think you should go," Alex stated sternly, yet politely.

"Please, I just want to talk to him," Mitch pleaded.

"You've had three years to do that," Alex pointed out.


"Kirstie, why would—" Alex started.

"He's been staying with me for a couple weeks," Kirstie confessed.

Something switched in me, and I was overcome with anger. I got up and stormed back over to the top of the stairs.

I glared down at Kirstie, "He's been staying with you?" I echoed as I came down the stairs, "Whose side are you on? How could you do that to me?" I accused.

She narrowed her eyes at me, "There are no sides, Scott. Do you really think I just let him waltz into my place without reprimanding him? I wouldn't even let it be final until he came here and made amends," she explained.

Mitch looked down sheepishly as I averted my glare to him.

I scoffed, "So he's only apologizing so he has a place to stay. Great," I retorted.

"No, I'm here because I want to talk to you," Mitch stated meekly.

I shook my head, "No, that's not fair. I've moved on. I'm finally happy again. You can't just come in here and bring up these repressed memories. I'm getting married in two weeks, for real this time, and I don't need this. I just want to be happy, ok? And I can't do that if you're here. So do me a favor, and just...leave," I ranted harshly before turning and heading up the stairs again.

Minutes later, I was sitting on the bed with my knees pulled up to my chest.

Alex came in and sat next to me. I leaned into him, melting into his embrace. A sob forced its way out, followed by countless others.


It felt like I'd been awake for years, just tossing and turning repeatedly. Images of his face assaulted my mind, and I couldn't fall asleep.

I sighed in defeat before crawling out of bed, making sure not to wake up Alex. I moseyed over to the closet before reaching to the top shelf and grabbing a box.

I carried it silently out of the room and down the stairs to the dining room. I set it down, and just stared at it.

This was a bad idea, I knew that.

But I couldn't help myself.

I'd gone as far as I taping this box closed with caution tape, but it didn't stop me from dragging a blade through it and opening it up for the first time in 2 and a half years.

My heart raced as I opened the flaps of the box, and choked down a swallow.

Sitting in the corner of the box was a Patrick Star plush toy. Surely Mitch's Spongebob one was long gone. I pulled it out, and stared at it until my vision went double.

I released some tears before hugging the toy like a child. I let out a strangled cry before setting it on the table.

I looked back in the box, letting out a shaky breath. I reached in and grabbed the scrapbook we'd started when we were 15. It was full of random selfies, pictures of our dates, love notes to each other, and drawings of us that Mitch drew.

I turned to the page with my favorite drawing. It was a stunning portrait of me that he had painted.

For, My Everything

I couldn't fight the automatic smile. I scolded myself silently before closing the book and setting it down, before diving back into the box.

My hand wrapped around a simple, blue flashdrive, and in only seconds I was grabbing my laptop and plugging it in.

There were several audio files and few videos. I wanted to pretend like I hadn't memorized which one was which, but I knew right away.

I clicked on one of the audio clips and began to cry as Mitch's angelic voice floated through the house.


I flinched at the feeling of a hand against my back. I shot up quickly, gasping in the process.

"Hey, sorry. Didn't mean to scare you," Alex stated apologetically.

I winced, and let out a yawn as I stretched. I looked at the table, which was decorated with memorabilia.

"Hey...Sweetie," Alex started as he sat across from me, wearing a sympathetic look.

I huffed, knowing what he was gonna say. "I know. It wasn't a good idea," I murmured before rubbing my eyes tiredly.

Alex pressed his lips together, "He came by this morning. He wanted me to give this to you. I was contemplating just tossing it, but for just in case, I kept it," he explained before lifting the simple pink rose off of the table and handing it to me.

"Look at these corsages I got," Mitch stated excitedly as he reached into the paper bag, pulling out two plastic containers.

"Aren't corsages for girls?" I asked, awkwardly.

He grinned at me, "Fuck gender barriers. You can do whatever you want. We can do whatever we want," he explained as he opened one of the containers and slipped the pink, rose corsage onto my wrist. "Stunning," he noted.

I couldn't help but smile. It matched his pink tie.

I took the other container from him, "It'll look even better on you," I assured him before opening it and putting the corsage on him.

He smiled, "I like pink. Especially this shade of pink. It's beautiful," he noted as he rose his wrist so it was eye-level, staring at the pink rose.

"Beautiful like you," I commented before kissing his cheek. "Can this shade of pink be our color?" I asked, hopefully, as I looked down at my corsage.

He gasped, and his eyes lit up with excitement, "Yes!" He agreed.

I smiled, and he returned the smile.

"Come on boys. You don't wanna be late to your first homecoming dance!" Mom called up the stairs.

I smiled as I held out my arm, looking down at Mitch, "Shall we?"

He laughed before looping his arm through mine.

I felt tears brimming as I stared at the rose.

"Do you want me to talk to him for you? I don't want him bothering you. I want you to be happy," Alex murmured sympathetically.

I shook my head as I stood up. I walked over to the trash can, before dropping the rose in.

"I'll talk to him," I declared. I didn't want to, but he was persistent. He wouldn't stop until I gave in a spoke to him.

"Are you sure?" Alex questioned cautiously.

I nodded, "Yeah. It's been long enough. I just want an explanation, then he'll leave me alone, and I can be happy," I explained with a forced smile.

I just hoped that was true.


I felt nauseous as I stood outside of Kirstie's apartment. I sucked in a deep breath and rose my fist to knock, but I couldn't get it to connect with the door.

I lowered my hand again and contemplated just walking away and going home.

All I wanted was to be happy and marry someone who wouldn't break my heart and then abandon me.

I don't remember knocking on the door, but a chill ran down my spine with each rap.

It was only a few moments before the door openedand I locked eyes with the cause of the aching in my heart.    

A/N: I'm probably gonna do everything in my power to end every chapter at a very inconvenient spot for you guys :) Comment and let me know what you want to happen, and I just may put it into consideration. Stay fcute!

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