Run (A Harry Styles fanfic)

By boybandsaremylife12

870K 15.5K 1.7K

Five boys, one gang. Many against them. Harry Styles, Zayn Malik, Niall Horan, Louis Tomlinson and Liam Payne... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51

Chapter 12

21K 412 60
By boybandsaremylife12

I was so happy that it was Friday. Throughout the whole week I hadn't spoken to Harry, it still bothered me that he hadn't even tried to talk to me though.

But tonight I was going to Daisy's gathering and he was quite obviously going to be there. I wasn't too bothered by it though as I knew Layla would be there too. I guess you could say her and Zayn were an item now, I hardly saw her because she was spending all her time with him which did annoy me.

When I arrived at school Layla was sat on the wall outside waiting for me. As soon as she seen me she hopped off the wall and smiled walking towards me. Felt like ages since I'd last seen her. I gave her a small smile.

"I can't wait for Daisy's tonight Liv!" She said getting excited. "It will be so good" 

"Yeah so you can leave me and just sit with Zayn all night". 

I don't know why I said that to her, it just kind of slipped but I felt instantly guilty when she looked at me rather upset.

Layla wasn't the type to take shit off people and I knew she wouldn't take it off me. She moved her brown wavy hair out of her face and glared at me.

"Well, I'm sorry that I enjoy spending time with someone that I really like. We're not all socially awkward like you". 

There it was. The bite back, I sighed.

"Sorry Layl, I'm just not in the best of moods" I said to her looking at the floor. I felt her put her arm round me and bring me close.

"I can tell!" She said, she then laughed so I knew we were okay.

When I got to Daisy's,  I noticed that her house was quite big. She had a very long driveway which led up to her big white door. 

I walked up it and rang the doorbell. To my surprise Louis answered. He was also very good looking, he had brown hair that swept across his forehead and like Niall he had gorgeous blue eyes. I smiled at him.

"Hi Olivia!" He said in a cheerful voice. "Come in!" He moved to the side to let me in and I smiled at him gratefully. 

"They're all in this room" he said pointing to the first door on the left. I took in a deep breath and made my way towards the door and there everyone was. Except Harry.

I felt relieved but quite gutted at the same time. 

"Hi!" I said to everyone with a fake smile. 

"Do you want a drink Liv? We have vodka, cider or water?" Daisy said to me. I decided I might as well enjoy myself.

"Vodka please" I said to Daisy. 

I know I look like a big drinker but I'm not, just sometimes I like to enjoy myself. I sat down in between Liam and Niall. 

Liam nodded and me and Niall said "Hello!" in his beautiful Irish accent.

Liam didn't really speak much. He was one of them silent but dangerous types. He was still very good looking. All the boys were and I just didn't understand how I had never seen them before.

I looked at Liam, he had very short brown hair and big brown eyes and he was tanned. He had very good dress sense too.

"Here you go!" I heard Daisy voice say as she handed me my drink. 

I was grateful that she had put coke in with it also. I took a sip and it was unbelievably strong. I pulled a face and saw Niall laugh at me. I looked over at Layla and she was sat talking to Zayn, he had his arm around her and she had her eyes locked on his when he was speaking to her.

 I knew she'd fall fast for him and I was right. I just hoped she wouldn't get hurt.

The doorbell rang and I knew who it was going to be.

"Hi Daise" he said. He the proceeded to say "This is Izzy" 

My heart dropped and I saw Layla and Zayn look over at me. That's when Harry walked in with his arm round the girl from the centre, they both already stunk of alcohol. 

Harry winked at me and walked over to corner of the room where there was a spot on the floor for him and Izzy. I thought at first he was doing it to deliberately annoy me but now I knew he didn't care about me or my feelings any longer. 

As time went on I was sat talking to Niall, whilst on my fourth cup of vodka. I was unbelievably drunk and was ranting on to Niall about how school is a pile of rubbish. He kept nodding and laughing.

"Yeah, I wouldn't know. I don't see any other walls in that place except the centre ones" he said in his Irish accent which made my heart melt.

I realised that I really needed the toilet and tried to get up, but I stumbled and Niall grabbed hold of me to steady me. At the same moment Harry launched forward but realised Niall had got me and sat back down. 

I headed out of the living area and into the hallway. In my state I probably wouldn't make it to the bathroom in time and I think Harry noticed that to because when I turned round, he was there.

"What do you want?" I slurred at him whilst trying to keep my balance. 

He caught my arms and steadied me. He looked right into my eyes and I couldn't help but look right back. His face was so perfect, how his curls fell gently on to his forehead and how his eyes were the most beautiful shade of green, they shone like emeralds. Then his lips, they looked so soft. I knew he was the most perfect boy I had seen and this was starting to scare me.

"Just wanted to know if you were okay" He said in a husky low tone, still looking at me. He released his grip on my arms, but I still wished that he had kept me there and brought me closer. 

"I just need to find the toilet" I mumbled. He locked his fingers in to mine and whispered "I'll show you". 

He led me through the hallway and up the stairs making sure I wasn't going to fall. He pointed me to the door of the bathroom and stood outside waiting for me.

After I was done I walked out and saw him leaning on the side of the wall. He looked so beautiful.

"Thanks" I said to him, whilst holding on to door frame, trying to steady myself.

He yet again grabbed hold of me but this time he was right up close to me, our eyes locked on each other again and I couldn't force myself to look away. He moved my hair out my face and then grabbed both my wrists and pulled me into him. I looked at him and I could smell the drink on his breath. I closed my eyes and bit my lip and then opened them again. 

"Why did you have sex with that Lola girl?" I said to him.

His eyes then moved away from mine to the floor.

"I was upset and angry with what I did to you" He said, moving his eyes back up to look at me. 

"I couldn't believe I'd let you get hurt the first time we'd met. I felt like I couldn't protect you" 

"You don't need to protect me, Harry" I replied to him. Trying to pull away. But he moved his hands to my waist.

"Yes I do. I always protect the people I care about". 

He put his hand on to my cheek, his eyes till locked on mine. My heart was pounding hard against my chest. He then moved his hand down to my chin, he cupped it and then pulled my face towards his. Our lips touched. 

His lips were so soft. I felt my stomach flip and I closed my eyes and brought my hand up to his hair. I moved my hand through his curls until he pulled himself away from me. He rested his forehead on mine and his curls tickled my face. 

"I've got to go" He whispered to me, he was so close his breath tickled my face. 

He then slid his hands from my waist and walked down the stairs. 

I watched him as he walked away and when he was gone I slid down the wall and sat on the floor with my knees to my chest and I began to cry.

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