The Ensconced (A Fred Weasley...

By Cinderole

81.8K 1.6K 354

Surely everyone has secrets. What if a person was kept a secret? No one knew of her, for safety purposes of c... More

Found At Last
To Little Hangleton
A Different Look On Things
Headaches and Horcruxes
A Good Start
A Hunch
Dating and Inns
London's Fog Makes Everything Look Grey
The Cave
Into the Lion's Den
Radio Head
Escaping a Maze
A Flare of Love
Beating the Beater
Shattered Glass

Hoggy-Warty Hogwarts

3.7K 81 12
By Cinderole

I woke two days later in the Hogwarts infirmary. I blinked a few times, adjusting to the light. Before me was a hospital room-looking place. There were three beds lined up on either side of the room, and green curtains that could be drawn to prevent others from looking at patients. I could see a fairly large bottle of some pain-relieving potion on the stand next to my bed. To my left was none other than Fred Weasley asleep in a folding chair. I chuckle slightly; his long limbs were sprawled awkwardly against the chair and his head tilted upwards. I could see a nurse in the Nurses’ Office so I quietly threw the covers off of me, and tip-toed to the office door. My clothing had been changed into a long white nightgown. Oh, I hope it was the nurse who changed me!

I knocked on the wooden door and saw the door had a plaque on it that said: Madam Poppy Pomfrey-Matron.  So that was the nurse’s name! A few seconds later an older lady came to the office door. She had soft chocolate eyes, like Fred, and graying brown hair. She smiled sweetly at me and said, “Ah, Miss Dumbledore! You’re up! How are you feeling? You really shouldn’t have begun to walk around yet before I made sure you’re completely healed.”

I smiled from the mother-like attitude she gave me.

“Madam Pomfrey, I feel one-hundred percent better, thank you for helping me.” I told her as we walked back to my bed. Fred was still asleep and I noticed there were a few boxes of empty Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans and Chocolate Frogs under his seat. I sat back down onto the edge of the bed, and glanced at Madam Pomfrey who was looking at Fred with a kind smile on her face.

“This boy has yet to leave your side, Miss Dumbledore. I never thought that this Weasley would ever be tamed.” She quietly said to me. Tamed? Like what, a wild beast?

“Ah, now sit up straight and let me examine you!” She proclaimed, pointing her wand at my body. I sat rigidly, and out of the corner of my eye saw Fred stir slightly. He had been here this whole time? How sweet! Fred looked so peaceful while he slept, like a tiny child. For once there wasn’t that annoying smirk on his face…

“Now deary, I want you to take this one last time before you leave.” Madam Pomfrey told me, holding in her hand a cup of some sort of thick liquid. I scrunched my face as I took it from her; the smell was absolutely revolting like rotten eggs and vomit or something. I guess the best way is just too quickly chug it. Looking at the off-green liquid and making a face, I tossed back my head and swallowed it. OH MY MERLIN how revolting that tasting! I gagged twice, before clearing my throat. I think it will stay down now…

“Miss Dumbledore, why don’t you wake Mr. Weasley?” Madam Pomfrey said, walking back into the Nurses’ Office. I nodded, and stood. I walked over to Fred’s sleeping body. He must’ve moved because now both arms were dangling onto the floor, and I think he was drooling. Giggling, I gently shook his shoulder.

“Fred, Fred! Wake up.” I said.

“Mmeh.” He muttered. He lazily swatted at me with his hand.

“Fred wake up!” I said a little louder this time.

Fred shifted in his tiny chair and mumbled, “Shut up, Ron.”

Huffing I loudly said, “I am not Ron, Fred!”

With this Fred’s eyebrows came together in confusion. One eye opened, then another. Realization graced his features and Fred flashed me a toothy smile that made my heart flutter. I smiled back at him. He leaped from the chair and stretched, groaning.

“Ah, blasted chair.” He muttered.

After cracking a few joints Fred looked at me, grinned and said, “Hungry?”

I eagerly nodded. I was starved! Fred took my hand and told me, “Then to the kitchens we go!” With that he dragged me out of the infirmary, and out into the hallway. Around me were hundreds of paintings that were chatting with each other, running around, swinging on swings, and other things. It was incredible! I looked up, and saw dozens of stairs, that would randomly change directions.

“Quickly! Before the stairwell changes!” Fred shouted, dragging me down a few flights of stairs. We arrived in front of a huge painting, that unlike the others had no people or moving objects in it. It was a painting of… fruit. Fred let go of my hand, and walked up to the painting. He reached his hand to the pear and tickled it. Where he had tickled it appeared a door knob. Smirking, Fred opened it and pulled me through the portrait door. We entered an enormous kitchen with hundreds of house-elves running around. There were brass plates and cups everywhere, and a large fireplace at the end of the room.

“Master Weasley!” One house-elf cried, throwing itself at Fred. I laughed as Fred caught the elf with ease and cried, “’Ello Dobby!” Fred put the house-elf on the ground and I finally got a good look at him. He was maybe three feet tall, like most house-elves, and had huge tennis-ball like green eyes. He had big, bat-like ears and a long, pointed nose. He was wearing an oversized tee-shirt with ‘Chudley Cannons’ written on it, and two big, mismatched socks. One was white with blue stripes, and the other was maroon with a tiny gold lion on the big toe.

“And hello there, friend of Master Weasley!” Dobby shouted, shaking my hand (and arm with that) vigorously. I chuckled, and grasped his tiny hand, shaking it back.

“Dobby, this is Isabelle Dumbledore.” Fred told him. Dobby’s eyes widened, making it look like his eye were going to bulge out of his head.

“We’re both a little hungry; think you could make us something?” Fred asked politely. Dobby excitedly shook his head yes and raced off into the kitchen. I laughed, and looked at Fred. His chocolate eyes were sparkling with happiness. My gaze shifted from his eyes to his lips. They were tinged pink, and he was slightly biting down on his lip, giving me a half-smile. If I could just kiss those lips… Wait, what? No, no, no I can’t do that! Bad Belle, bad girl…

“Master Weasley! Master Dumbledore!” Dobby yelled, bringing trays of food over to us. Other house-elves had to assist him with carrying so many plates of food; I’ve never seen anything like it!

“How I’ve missed Hogwarts food…” Fred whispered to me, grinning at the mountain of food approaching. Fred waved his wand and said, “Wingardium Leviosa.” The food began levitating.

“Thank you everyone!” Fred shouted as he opened the door to leave.

“Thank you!” I yelled, following Fred.

He led us (me, him, and the hovering food) up another flight of stairs, and outdoors. The whole while I was trying to take in all the sights of the stunning castle. I’ve never actually been inside Hogwarts; I only know what I’ve read about it. We walked onwards, until Fred finally stopped in front of a large lake. He placed the food gently down, and said, “Dig in.”

There were platters of chicken breasts, mashed potatoes, string beans, turkey legs, corn, caramelized apples, sweet potatoes, corn bread, spaghetti, and other foods I couldn’t even name. After filling my plate, I sat next to Fred besides the Black Lake.

“So Fred,” I managed to say in-between bites, “What happened to Grandpa and I? Nobody has mentioned it yet.”

Fred nearly choked on his food and sighed. With that, he proceeded to tell me all about the horcruxes, the ring/resurrection stone, the curse, and Grandpa’s… time left. I shed only one tear after learning Grandpa only has a year left, and Fred caressed my face gently.

We finished eating, and I collected myself.

“Well?” I said half-smiling at Fred.

He gave me a look of confusion.

“Well what?”

“Well,” I said drawing out the ‘l’, “Are you or are you not going to show me around Hogwarts?”

Fred gave me a huge grin, and began the tour of Hogwarts Castle.

So a little more pain in my life, nothing I can’t get used to. I barely use my powers as it is anyways. But Grandpa… it’ll just be Grandma and I after this. I rarely see her, so I’ll be on my own again. I shouldn’t get too used to Fred and George’s company then…



I'm sorry I've been so busy lately, between intense training, sweet sixteen planning, family things... erg!

HOWEVER Sunday I was in NYC (I live like, thirty minutes away from it lol) and went to the Harry Potter Exhibition... fantastic! I was inspired!

I also saw the movie :-) I cried... twice.

I know, I know, another chapter on the shorter side. Things will pick up again, I just needed to add the slight twist...

Anyways, I have some decisions to make regarding the story's plot... heheh.


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