My Drug

By jalisaaaaks

65.2K 996 194

Dylan O Brien, the famous bad boy at your school, takes interest in you. When you realize what things he take... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 (THE END)

Chapter 12

2.2K 41 8
By jalisaaaaks

You can listen to the morning by the weeknd during this it's really calming;
I laid in bed until I heard my dad's bedroom door slam shut. I slowly got up and I grabbed my phone, charger and jacket. I slipped on my jacket and vans. I tip toed down the hall and made it to the kitchen. I grabbed a few energy bars and a couple water bottles and shoved them into my floral, small backpack. I pulled out my phone and texted Tyler that I'm on my way to him;
Y: On my way to you
T: Ok. Y/N if you get into any danger please just go back to your house if you're not close enough to me. I love you
Y: I love you too
T: Please be safe.
Y: I'll try.
T: :)
Y: Tyler shut up now
T: Lol ok bye
Y: bye!
I clicked off my phone and grabbed the front door knob and slowly turned it. I slipped out and closed the door quickly but quietly. I huffed knowing I was now alone and free. I walked down the apartment stairs and out the main entrance. I was immediately blasted with a cold wind and loud cars. I walked out and closed the door behind me. I'm free at last. I walked down the sidewalk to go to the closest bus stop. "Hey Hun. Any extra dollars on ya?" An old man asked as I walked past him. He was obviously homeless and seemed nice. He smiled at me as I walked back to him. "Here. Have a nice night," I smiled and handed him a 20 dollar bill. "God bless you child." He said and held my hand in between his two cold ones and shook them. "No problem sir." I said as he released me and smiled. I continued walking and finally reached the bench to the bus stop. I sat and took out my phone to pass time. I checked the time, 10:30pm, only 30 minutes till the bus would be here. I went to text Tyler;
Y: I'm at the bus stop.
T: good. Text me when you're on the bus
Y: ok bye. Can't wait to see you
T: me either be safe please
Y: ok
I clicked off my phone and put it in my backpack. I grabbed an energy bar and munched on it. "Y/N?" I heard behind me. I recognized that voice. "Clara?" I said excited and turned around to see my best friend. "Oh my gosh!" I almost scream and get up to hug her. "What are you doing here?" We both say at the same time. "You first." She says to me and laughs. "Well mom lost custody of me because she started drinking again and now dad and Janie have me forever. It sucks so now I'm running away to tyler." I finished. "That's awful. I was here to visit my grandma and now I'm on my way back to my house. Are you taking the bus?" She asks. "Yea. Is the grandma you were visiting the one with like 10 cats in her house or the one with a great peanut butter cookie recipe?" I ask her. "Cookie grandma." Clara answers laughing. The bus rolls in by the stop and me and Clara get on and sit next to each other. "So how's Janie? Seems horrible but I want details." Clara says. "Well she's a health freak. Ew. And she said I wasn't raised right. Like she was she's married to her brother in law." I say and roll my eyes at the very thought of my step mom/ aunt. "That sucks. At least you get to be with Ty Pos though." Clara says and shrugs. "True true. But I'm still into the whole Dylan thing. It's like being with him behind Tyler's back is dangerous in a really sexy way." I say. "I didn't know about that." Clara says. "Yea. It's like he's my drug. I can't get him out of my mind. He is just like a drug, I use him and he uses me. We can't keep our hands off each other. Even though we try." I finish off thinking about the night in the car with him... Wonderful . "Y/N, you should try to stay away from Dylan he isn't good for you." Clara says but I ignore her. I shrug and lean my head on Clara's shoulder, falling asleep slowly.
"Last stop ladies!" I wake up to the bus driver booming his loud voice. "Uh... Ok." I say rubbing my eyes. We were in a town I recognized. My home. I ran off the bus and onto the sidewalk, Clara following. "I'm back I'm so happy!" I yell and twirl around. "Let's go to Tyler's house!" I yell and grab Clara's hand, dragging her with me as I ran down my street. I finally arrived at Tyler's front door and I  ran up to it and knocked. I excitedly waited for Tyler to answer. I then realized I had my phone in my back pack. I pulled it out and it showed the time, 1am. I texted Tyler;
Y: I'm outside!
T: I'm coming down
I clicked off my phone and put it in my pocket and heard the front door locks move. I couldn't wait to hug him again. The door opened and I didn't even wait to jump into his arms. "Woah." He said... Except it wasn't Tyler. "Dylan?" I said as I slid off him. "Yea. I came to answer the door I'm staying the night at Tyler's. Me and him are friends again." He said. "Where's Tyler?" I said. "Upstair-" before Dylan could finish I ran past him and rushed upstairs. I saw a blue light shining out of a room down the hall and ran to it. I stood at the door way and saw Tyler eating chips and playing GTA5. "Hey Dylan hurry up before I kill you again at this one on one match." He said, thinking I was Dylan. I ran to him and jumped in his lap and hugged him. "Y/N!" He said and dropped his controller to hug me. "Dylan was on my phone I didn't know if you texted me or not." He explained. "It's ok. I missed you so much." I said squeezing my eyes shut. "I missed you too baby." He said and rubbed my back. I released from the hug and kissed him. "I didn't think I would be able to do this." I said and continued to kiss him. "Oh I've done more of that with you Y/N." Dylan said and sat down in his bean bag next to Tyler and I. "Dylan..." I said through gritted teeth. "Ha." He laughed. "Dylan lay off dick." Clara said and sat on the other side of Tyler and I. I got off Tyler and sat next to Clara. "So I'm guessing your dad's house sucked?" Tyler asked. "Yea. She's a major health freak and a weirdo.'' I said and grabbed some chips. "Hey Y/N can we talk for a minute... Privately?" Dylan asked me. I leaned over to Tyler to whisper in his ear, "I won't do anything I'll be back." I got up and followed Dylan to the bathroom. He shut the door behind us and sat on the toilet lid. "What?" I said and jumped on top of the sink counters . "Do you still want weed?" He asked and pulled out two blunts and a lighter.
Listen to high for this by the weeknd
"...yea." I said and grabbed the blunt and lighter from him, lighting mine and handing the lighter back. Truth was, I missed weed. I needed it. I sucked it up and then blew out the smoke, feeling relief almost immediately. "I really missed you." I said, letting out all my feelings, "I like the idea of us sneaking around and doing it." He nodded and blew out his smoke. "It's sexy and dangerous. You're my drug." He said, saying exactly what I was thinking. "Mhm. Exactly. Like right now, would be great. It's so exciting that we could be caught any moment." I said and finished up my joint. He finished his up too. "We could. Lock the door." He said and I did as I was told. He lifted me on top of the sink counters again and started making out with me. He took off my jacket and my shirt. I took off his, feeling his abs as we made out in rhythm. "You're so hot." He said as we panted. I unbuckled his pants and pulled them down. He took off mine too and we were now both in our under clothes. He slid his underwear down and eventually we were both naked and did exactly what we did in the car. He kissed my neck and I let out a small moan. "Shh..." He said and covered up my mouth with his hand. Which made this much more exciting. I heard a knock on the bathroom door and me and Dylan continued doing what we are doing but quieter. "Y/N?" I heard Tyler say. I felt bad for him but this felt so much better. "Uh when you guys are done smoking, because I can smell it, come out."
Yes listen to twenty eight again ;) But this time wait for the chorus
Me and Dylan finished up and fixed ourselves up. I exited and Dylan did shortly after. I sat back where I was last time. After a while went by, Tyler put his hand in my inner thigh and rubbed his thumb up and down near my... Yea. He lowered himself down to my ear and and whispered,"I know what you did with Dylan. I'm gonna give you more baby girl." His voice was husky and deeper. I'm surprised he wasn't mad but he sounded hungry for me. He rubbed his hand right on my area and I knew he was serious. I sighed a bit to cover up my moan. I bit my lip and he stopped, leaving me wanting more. "Shh..." He whispered to me and went back to playing his game. Tyler really did change... For the better.

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