
By bcofshawn

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-we both wear black- ©bcofme More


79 0 0
By bcofshawn


Do you ever just question your existence sometimes? Like you wonder why you were even put on this earth, cause trust me I do. Apparently 'We're all on the Earth for a reason.' but I've still not found my reason after 17 years. I guess there's time but I just want to know why I'm here and maybe I'll think differently then.


I turned my head to the left and checked the time on my alarm clock; it read 5am. I had to wake up by 7:00 so I could be at school for 9-ish and honestly I couldn't be bothered to go back to bed, it wasn't like I slept anyway. I'd been up since 1am, just lying on my bed staring at the ceiling. If I could I would be in the music room playing the piano but we have this rule about playing the piano so early in the morning. Let's just say, the person that may or not be me, woke up the neighbours at 5 in the morning one time. I was banned from playing the piano for a month after that.

I crept, well tried to, out of my double bed and towards my desk. I'd slept in just my joggers due to the hot summer weather that night so I took the 'Vans' t-shirt of my desk-chair and pulled it over my scruffy bed-head. I then advanced towards my bedroom door and turned the knob before entering the long white corridor. Everyone's bedrooms were along this corridor: Lennox and Harlee (the twins), Sage (the smart but undeniable sassy one of us), Jordan (the trouble maker) and last but not least; me. At the end of the corridor were are parents, well foster parents. Honestly they're the best thing that could've happened to me after my parents left me. I was 3yrs old, they were 21 and 22, they said they couldn't handle me at such a young age: I was young too. I try not to think about them to often but ever so often they creep back into my thoughts and I hate it.


I continue along the familiar white corridor and jog down the steps at the end of the hall, in the direction of the kitchen for an early breakfast. I turn the kitchen light on and head towards the cereal cupboard. I pick up some random healthy-bran that my moms' make us eat and fetch some blueberries from the fridge to top it with. I pour the contents into a ceramic bowl with a silver spoon and sit down at the breakfast bar. I sit in the room full of silence thinking, just thinking. I like to be around my family, the noise and chaos is just normal for me and I like it. However I like it when I can just be on my own, where I can think and let my mind wander, like now. It's nice to be alone sometimes.

Suddenly I hear a gentle knock on the kitchen door asking for entrance and I reply with a, "Come in!".

A head poked around the corner, dressed in navy and red checked pajamas. It was Sage. Sage often comes down early in the morning like me but not as often. She was in a car accident when she was ten and she's now fifteen but she still has nightmares; which is why she comes down here so early.

"Thought it was you in here." Sage whispered.

"Well you guessed right. What are you doing down here anyway? Nightmares again?"

"Yeah. It's been 5yrs and I still can't manage to get over it..." And I see a single tear drop down here cheek.

I hop of my seat at the breakfast bar and walk towards her before embracing her in a hug. I then step away and tilt her head to look up at me.

"You know I'm not very good at this sentimental crap but just know I'm not gonna leave you okay?" I whisper softly as I place a piece of her wavy mahogany hair behind her ear. She laughs and I see a small smile appear on her tear-stained face.

"Okay big brother!" She replied and I smiled, I like it when she calls me that.

"Come on, I want to play you something."

"Oh no, no, no!" She says, pulling against me, trying to escape my grasp.

"Oh yes, yes, yes!" I reply, pulling her in my direction.

"Excuse me for not wanting to get in trouble! Remember the last time you played the piano at 5:00 in the morning? Huh?" I told you she was sassy.

"No, I don't quite remember that actually..." I return innocently with puppy dog eyes.

" Oh no you don't! You do not use those puppy dog eyes on me mister!" She whisper-yells. She just can't resist it when I do the puppy dog eyes, the last time she fell for them she got in big trouble, she was grounded for a month. In my defence she didn't have to fall for them plus I got grounded for a month to, so yeah...

"Come on, please Sagey!"

"Don't call me Sagey!"

"I'll make you a deal," I respond, on evil smirk replaced my smile. "You come with me and I promise to never call you Sagey in front of your friends, okay?"

"Okay." She replies, with a not-so-smile on her face.



We continue walking, well more like me dragging Sage, until we reach the music room on the other side of the house. I silently open the door and let Sage and myself slip in before shutting the door behind me. I tip-toe over to the piano and sit on the matching stool. I lift open the top and stretch out my fingers dramatically.

"Okay, Mozart, whenever your ready!" Sage says, sarcasm dripping form her lips.

"Fine!" I say, sticking my tongue out like a five year old.

I begin playing a piece I wrote myself and it feels good. I just love the way the piano sounds, it's simply, what I call: beautiful. As I continue through the original piece it starts to sound better, the notes flow more smoothly and I feel my hands just take over. My 'Safe Haven'.

When I'm finished I hear a quiet applause coming over from the drum stool, where Sage is sitting.

"Well, well, Mozart. I'm actually quite impressed." She says smiling at me.

"Well I do try."

"I know you do. I hear you enough to know that!"

"In my defence−" I begin.

"Don't give me that 'In my defence' crap mister!" She begins her rant.
" I have to put up with you 24/7, at home and at school! All I ever hear is you playing music okay? And although your amazing and like a music prodigy, I don't need to hear you all the time!"

"Are you finished?" I reply, a smirk growing on my face.

"Yes I am thank you very much." She says, sweeping a piece of hair out of her face and I just laugh.

"What?" She asks.

"You were just supposed to be telling me all the bad things about me but instead ended up complimenting me. Like a gazillion times."

"Whatever." She says. I then grab her and pull her into a hug before planting a kiss on the top of her head.

"You should go back to bed for a few hours. You look really tired. I mean are those bags under your eyes−" I say inspecting her face prior to her swatting my hand away.

"I'm joking lil' sis, now go get some sleep." I say as she ruffles my (nearly-white) hair before exiting the room, leaving me in silence.


I spend another half an hour in the music room, letting time pass as I listen to the faint sound of rain on the windows. I lead myself to the window and sit on the large ledge. I leave one leg on the floor and the other pulled up to my face, while leaning my chin on my knee. I stare out of the fogged up window and try to clear my head. I do this a lot now, just sit on my own and think. These early morning wake ups allow me to spend a little me time on my own.

But silence never lasts long in this hectic household as I soon begin to hear the loud thumps of everyone coming downstairs for breakfast. I check the time on my new Apple Watch I got for my birthday, it read 7am, time to get going. I easily slide off the ledge and head back towards the kitchen. I find my moms' (Callie and Melissa) in the kitchen with the twins, a sleepy Sage and a jaded Jordan. They all say their 'Hello's and give their 'Good morning's' while busily milling about the kitchen. I give Callie and Melissa a quick kiss on the cheek before heading upstairs saying I'm just going to have a shower.

I jog back up the stairs and along the corridor to my the bathroom. Okay it's not my bathroom, more like a shared bathroom but luckily we have a boys' and girls' bathroom because trust me if we only had one we would never get to school!

I enter the boys' bathroom and lock the door behind me. I place my navy towel on the side and turn the shower on to warm. I undress myself and step inside, allowing myself to be engulfed by the heat of the water. Then I start humming the melody of 'Stay' by Rihanna as I wash my hair and body. I take my time though as Jordan is the slowest eater in the world, sorry, the whole entire freaking universe! Yes he is that slow! But soon I hear a knocking on the door.

"Hurry up Kai!" Jordan yells.

"Patience please!"

"I hate you so much right now!" He replies.

"No you don't." I respond, coming out of the bathroom with my towel wrapped around my waist, pajamas in hand.

"Oh yes I do." Jordan calls as he enters the bathroom behind me and I just laugh, a smirk slowly appearing on my face.


I look through my wardrobe to find something acceptable to wear this morning for school. I easily sweep out a pair of my many skinny-jeans in black, a white t-shirt with the words 'I only wear black' on the front and a plain black shirt to go over it. (As you can probably tell, I like the colour black.)

After I'm done getting dressed I check my bag-pack is full of all the necessities and grab my MacBook off my desk top before stuffing it into my bag. I scan the room once more ahead of leaving for school. When I'm done I exit my bedroom and return to the kitchen, where we all meet before going to school.

15 minutes later and everyone is ready to go but our mums' say they have something to say first.

"We have a surprise for you guys!" Callie says, excitement in her voice. The thing is though, that the things she tends to get excited about, are the things we couldn't care less about! So I can't wait to hear what the exciting news is!

"We have a new foster kid moving in with us!" Callie finishes.

"His name is Skylar and he's 17. He should be moving in tonight and will be sleeping in your room Kai, just for a bit while we sort his room out, okay?" Melissa returns.

"Okay." I say, though there's nothing much else I can actually say but my answer wouldn't be okay.


I'd had enough of the great news and decided that school would be enough to ruin my day. Don't get me wrong I like having family but it's been the way it is for so long, it would be weird for someone to just come in between us and be like I'm your family now, if you get what I mean. It doesn't matter to be honest, I don't have a choice anyway, so I might as well get on with it.


So, my first story and first chapter, I can't believe I'm actually doing this, letting people in on my work and my ideas is so cool and I can't wait for this story to continue so
make sure to VOTE, COMMENT
and FOLLOW but mostly enjoy!


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