A Cup of Restraint

By CraigoryCoppola

319 7 9

The story of Jon Dain a recently released by appeal convicted murderer. He had been an outcast before and six... More

My Release
My Home

The Letter

16 2 0
By CraigoryCoppola

I had planned on staying in town for only a few more weeks max, however on my current income this had became impossible. I had only realized this because I needed to know when I could leave, Matt had asked me in a letter. His contact had began to come in less and less. At first his notes had been of fair length and came nearly every other week. Weeks had now turned into months, but I had now received two letters in a week. The first was a regular letter, however the second was full of short, scrawled out sentences that were almost unreadable. The lettering was different sized mostly small and almost unreadable, that is until end of the page. In big letters he had scrawled “When You Be Here?” This was when I realized that he had cracked. In desperation to give him an answer I had calculated my salary for the next few months with my expenses taken out. If I don’t receive a raise it will take six months for me to be able to go off the grid and into hiding.

This would not be quickly enough though. The threats had not went away, they were actually becoming more violent. Even though I had Og to talk to, I couldn’t really could I? He had no prejudice against me, I couldn't give him one or accidentally reveal the truth. I dont think anyone had knew the truth, but I still don’t know for sure about Matt. Perhaps while he’s been underground he found out and thats what made him crack. I have no way to tell if it is or not, and I doubt any more letters would be coming in.

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