•Survival Of The Fittest• |Ow...

By DarellyLucero

65.1K 2.1K 243

•You better run in this wild jungle• Aella Grant will be tested on her knowledge of survival. Running from Ve... More



2.4K 68 3
By DarellyLucero

Disclaimer: All movies of Jurassic Park are not mine. In some parts if the dialogue looks the same with the movies, well it is. I only own the character of Aella. And some parts of her life. Try to enjoy this. With Love Darelly  

⇛ 16.0

Yanking the starter rope one final time, Paul finally got the engine to turn over, puttering along. Amanda was beside him, bailing water.

"My own kid was right in front of me and I didn't do a damn thing" Paul said quietly.

"You couldn't have made that jump" Amanda told him.

Paul shook his head "I should have tried. It should have been me on that beach back there, not Billy."

"How would you have helped Eric?" Amanda asked but Paul didn't answered "He needs you, Paul. He needs us."

"He could have died" Paul argued.

"But he didn't. And neither did you. And I'm glad about that" the blonde said gently.

At the bow, Alan and Aella were beside Eric, keeping watch, but also feeling the weight of Billy's death.

"Do you have any other kids?" Eric asked "Apart from Aella."

"No" Alan answered glancing at Aella "Although I've studied them in the wild" Eric looked over, not sure what that meant "I have a theory that there's two kinds of boys. Those who want to be astronomers and those who want to be astronauts."

Eric said "I want to be an astronaut."

"See, I was the opposite. I never understood why anyone would want to go into space. It's so dangerous. You do one thing wrong and you're dead" Alan started to say "The astronomer -- or the paleontologist -- get to study these amazing things from a place of complete safety. And truthfully, everything you really need to learn, you can learn it from the ground."

"But then you never get to go in space" Eric argued.

"Exactly" Aella said nodding "The difference between imagining how things might be and seeing how they really are. To be able to touch them. That's what Billy wanted to do."

The barge started to round a bend. On the bow, the Grants and Eric were the first to saw something remarkable. Eric gasped, unprepared.

"I can blame the people who made this island. But I can't blame the people who want to see it. To study it" Alan finished.

The setting sun illuminated an incredible valley filled with dinosaurs. They saw a couple of branchiosaurs, Aella smiled looking at the dinosaurs "How's a boy supposed to resist this?"


The night came quickly; a full moon passed behind clouds, thunder quietly rumbled and lighting flickered in the distance. Paul was still at the wheel. As the barge began to round another bend a familiar high pitched sound pierced the darkness. Muffled but unmistakable it was the ringing of the sat-phone.

All exchanged looks of sheer panic, expecting the Spinosaurus to leap out at any moment. Alan scanned the river banks "Keep quiet" he told everyone.

Paul cut the motor and time seemed to stop as the five stood posed for action. The barge finished rounding the curve, and the ringing grew louder. Their eyes widened at some horrifying sight, the edge was full with dinosaur crap. An idea came to them, with Eric and Aella still in the boat, Amanda, Paul, and Alan jumped into the river and rushed to the bank.

The three companions sprinted towards the source of the ringing "Find it before it stops ringing" Alan told them.

And bracing themselves and hocking their breath, they plunged their arms into their respective dung-heaps. After a few moments of the disgusting search...

"I've got something" Paul suddenly said "I think I've got something."

All turned to Paul. Clearing away the clinging defecation, he held up a beeper. And still the phone ringed. Returning to their bleak task, they shoveled the excrement with their arms.

Finally Amanda called "I've got it" she exclaimed "I've got it."

Grant snatched the ringing sat-phone from Amanda's hands, pressed a button, and put it to his ear.

"You too can own a time share in beautiful Guadalajara. Enjoy a meal in one of our four star restaurants, explore our coral reefs, or just walk on the beach..." The Kirby's heard the recorded voice and let out a collective, heavy sigh. Grant shut off the phone.

In all the excitement, none of them noticed a fierce horned carnotaur right behind them, the giant creature roared, ready to eat them. But as it got close, it smelled them. Even a dinosaur wouldn't eat something that is covered in shit. After a beat, the Carnotaur turned and walked away, back into the jungle.

"Can't help but be a little offended" Paul muttered quietly.

Back on the boat "Whatever you do, don't call the U.S. Embassy" Paul said "They won't do a God Damn thing."

"Well, we don't exactly have a Costa Rican phone book here, so it will have to be somebody we know in the states. Someone we can absolutely count on to send help" Alan told them.

Paul turned at Amanda "Stan"

Amanda made a grimace "I wouldn't trust Stan with a snowball in a blizzard" Paul glared at her. Now Eric and Aella noticed something odd in the river.

"What's that?" Eric asked out loud.

The others looked down in the murky water. Just below the surface, a shimmering wave of silver passed beneath the boat. Then a single fish jumped from the water, and another, and another.

"Bonitas" Aella muttered.

Eric looked at her "Something must've scared them."

Another roll of thunder sounded, this time much closer "Get the motor going" Alan said.

Paul moved the motor and pulled the start cord. The engine sputtered but wouldn't come to life. And now the phone beeped, the battery was getting even weaker. Alan Grant made a quick decision and dialed.

"Who are you calling?" Amanda asked but Alan ignored the question.

"Pick up" he muttered "Pick up" his eyes widened "Charlie? Charlie. Get your mother. Right away. Charlie? Are you there?" The sat-phone beeped again, this time much louder. Amanda and Eric watched Alan, realizing their fate may hang on this single call. Aella on the other hand was started to think it was going to end up bad, her father was talking to Charlie, Ellie's little kid, the kid couldn't even understand what was happening. Paul struggled without success to start the motor. Then, unseen by the group, a gigantic fin rise from the water just fifty yards from the barge. It was heading right to them and closing fast.

"Charlie. It's the dinosaur man. Go get mommy, okay?" Alan started to said desperately, suddenly Alan realized he had been cut off. He was about to redial when the barge was rammed, sending everyone tumbling. The older Grant managed to stay on top of the wheelhouse, but he loosed grip on the phone, which fell on deck. The spinosaurus rise from the water, towering over the barge. As lightning flashed and thunder cracked, the dinosaur let out an ear-splitting roar.

It lunged at Aella with gaping jaws. She leaped out of the way just in time as the dinosaur ripped off the entire wheelhouse. She followed Eric inside the cage. Dropping the dead phone, Alan scrambled towards the front of the boat and joined Paul, Amanda, Aella and Eric, who had taken refuge in the dinosaur cage.

The fearsome beast now lifted the stern of the boat clear out of the water. The cage scrapped across the deck and slammed into the gunwale, toppling off the barge and into the water, the Grant's and the Kirby's were still inside.

The cage started sink. The closest to the door, Paul managed to get out. The other four weren't as lucky. The cage rotated as it descended and landed on the river bottom with the door side down, trapping them inside. In the cold murky depths, they pulled frantically on the bars. Debris and equipment floated around them.

Paul surfaced out of the breath and disoriented. The Spinosaurus pushed past the boat. If anyone was going to save his family, it had to be him. And so he dove. Pushing with all his might, he managed to tip the heavy structure; just enough so Amanda, Eric and the Grants could get out. Paul himself wasn't so lucky. The Spinosaurus grabbed the cage and Paul, throwing both straight up out of the water. Paul flew twenty feet away, further from the shore.

Amanda and Eric shouted "PAUL" "DAD."

The Spinosaurus was going after the heroic Mr. Kirby, who dove, swimming underwater. He was trying to lead it away from his family.

"Up" Aella and Alan shouted "Up." They pointed to a heavy crane assembly, designed for lifting cages off the large boats. Now well accustomed to fleeing on command, Amanda sent Eric up first, climbing the scaffolding like a jungle gym.

All the while, they were trying to spot Paul. Alan was the last to climb, reaching the first section as Spinosaurus returned from the water, slamming into the base of the crane. The whole assembly shuddered, threatening to rip into the water.

"Where's Dad?" Eric asked desperately.

"Just hold on" his mother told him.

About to shed her bag to climb higher, Aella found one last hope. It was the resonation chamber model. A beat before she decided: It may not be the best choice, but it's the only choice. She blew through it, the same eeriest pitch she had heard from the raptors before. She kept it up, repeating over and over. Her father looked at her startled and confused of why she was doing that, then he understood when he saw the Spinosaurus stopped for a beat, confused how the sound could be coming from a non-raptor. But then it kept smashing it. The mounting bolts started to strain; soon the whole crane would tip, but not before a matching cry was heard in the jungle. Aella stopped not certain she heard it, but there it was again making her to continue blowing.

The crane was close to tipping when a single raptor appeared from the darkness, chirp-barking at the Spinosaur, who simply batted away. But then more raptors came. And even more. Soon there were dozens gathering, circling. Aella stopped signaling. All four survivors watched with horrified fascination, knowing their fate was perilous no matter which side won.

Looking at his adversaries, the Spinosaurus roared. And suddenly the raptors attacked. The Spinosaurus easily handled the first few, but like ants they just kept coming. They climbed up his back, slicing, into him with their razor-sharp claws.

In that moment Aella gave them the signal for them to leave "Jump. Swim for the far shore" she shouted at the Kirby's and her father. All four dropped from the crane arm into the water.

Meanwhile, the fight continued. The Spinosaurus rallied, shaking off many of the raptors, but they just kept coming. Their hooked claws dig in, scraping the meat to the bone. The Spinosaurus put up a brave fight to the end, but finally it collapsed, dead. The raptors continued to shred it to ribbons. Then one of the raptors looked over to see the survivors swimming away. Its eyes fell on the little brunette that had steal the eggs, she looked at the raptor back in fear, but the raptor went back to its meal.

Alan Grant was trying to move them along still headed downstream. But Eric wouldn't budge another foot "We have to keep looking for Dad. We have to."

Amanda nodded "I know. I know" she told him "I want to look for him too."

"Then we should..." Amanda kneeled down, facing him. She was just as upset as he was, but motherhood carried the burden of remaining calm.

"Let me tell you a few things about you Dad, okay?" Amanda said "He's very clever, very brave, and he loves you ever very much."

"He loves you too" Eric replied.

"Okay. He loves us very much. And I know that right now more than anything, your Dad would want to know that we're safe. Okay?" she asked him. Eric nodded "We're going to get out of this, and everything's going to be all right, I promise."

"Listen to your mother" Out of the darkness stepped Paul Kirby. Amanda was knocked over with surprise. Eric ran to him, nearly tackling him "Good thing I've been swimming, huh?" Amanda hugged him and Eric so tightly they couldn't breathe.


Chapter sixteen everybody. Hope you like it.

Like always I would love to know your thoughts about the chapter or book<3

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