Following Traditions of the O...

By Ky_Free

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Sequel to Meant to Be Dusty, Trevor, and Onyx are off on their journey to become a huntsman or huntress. All... More

Starting a New Life
Initiation Day
Something That Came as a Surprise
Writing a Letter Home
Letters Received
Parents Meeting the Children
The Aftermath
The Hard Times
Happy Birthday Dusty
Anger, Recklessness, and Heartache
The Funeral
The White Fang
Are We Safe
The Beginning of Change
Graduation Day
The Curtain Closes on Another Day

Counter Attack

40 1 0
By Ky_Free

Dusty's P.O.V.

"Last night, the White Fang attacked several businesses. For the first time though, they left a message. 'This is what happens when you mess with us.' Currently, we don't know who this message is directed towards but we believe that this is only the start of a new series of attacks."

I dropped my scroll on my bed after I finished watching the news report. "Dust, you okay," Luna asked. I shook my head slowly as I was still in a state of shock. "What is it?" She walked over to me, sitting next to me.

"They left me a message after their attacks last night," I spoke as if I was in a daze.

"So, this is it. What are we going to do next?" I looked at my teammate.

"Counter attack. We need to find out where they made a new base of operations," I said with confidence. She nodded with a confident smile. Aulisor and Trevor then joined us by that point. They saw the looks on our faces.

"Everything okay," Aulisor asked.

"The White Fang made their move and left a message for me," I answered. They looked at each other and then back at the two of us.

"What's the plan then?"

"We need to figure out where their new base is and go from there. Even keep track of their movements, starting with last night's attacks, to see if we can establish a pattern," I said.

"Well, what are we waiting for," Trevor asked with a hint of excitement.


1 month later

We finally managed to gather enough information to make an estimated guess of where their base is now since I burnt down their last one. The four of us came to the same conclusion. They were in the shady side of Vale. Where else would be the ideal place for a base for a corrupt organization? "So, when are we going to make our move," Luna asked. It was Thursday. I thought for a moment.

"I think it'll be best to do it this weekend. Gives us a bit more time during the day to accomplish something," I said.

"Sounds good enough to me," Trevor added.

"It seems tactically efficient," Aulisor stated, trying to sound like he's the smart one. He was smart but sometimes he just wanted to show off a little bit. I lightly punched him in the arm. "What? I'm just saying that it is."

Luna rolled her eyes while I groaned. "Dude, they're basically telling you that you don't need to show off," my brother stated, clearing it up.

"Ah." Finally, he gets it. Took him long enough for it to click in his mind after Trevor explained it. I thought my brother was slow on catching onto things. I looked outside our window to see the night sky apparent.

"I think we should try to get some sleep guys. We have another full day of classes tomorrow." My teammates agreed with me. I grabbed my pajamas and walked into the bathroom to get changed. I let out a soft sigh. I looked at my reflection, just seeing mom. It's like I'm her. I shook my head and exited the bathroom. Once I threw my dirty clothing into the hamper, I climbed into bed and stared at the wall. I felt awake still. My mind was racing.

Someone turned out the light, letting the world of shadow consume everything. Just as I was starting to fall asleep, my mattress dipped. I turned over slightly to see who it was. He was giving me his soft smile as he climbed into bed with me. I snuggled up against him as he held me protectively as we fell asleep. Trevor didn't seem to mind anymore. However, Aulisor started sleeping with me when mom died; and no, not like that. With him protecting me and keeping me warm, I've slept better than I ever have in my entire life.



I put Forbidden Darkness in its sheath that was on my back. I then wrapped mom's ribbon around my hand and forearm, making sure that it was snug and won't fall off during a fight. I looked up to see how the rest of my team was doing in preparing themselves to attack the White Fang. Trevor was finishing lacing up his boots and then pulling on his dingy leather gloves. Aulisor placed Sliver of Death on his back after pulling on his navy denim vest, not having a shirt under it, showing off his muscular chest. Luna was zippering up her tight dark gray leather jacket, stopping at the middle of her chest just to show off and throwing her obsidian hair into a high ponytail. I had just finished braiding my hair when everyone else had finished getting themselves ready. "Everyone ready," I asked. They all gave a confident nod with smiles on their faces.

"Let's go kick some ass," Luna cheered. I rolled my eyes.

"You do realizing that we're trying not to start another war, right Luna?" She nodded, giving me a thumbs up. We all made sure that we had our scrolls on us before leaving our room. As we were walking down the hall so we could get to the airship pad, someone startled us.

"So, where are you four off to," his voice spoke up. We all froze then turning around to find Onyx leaning against the wall near his dorm room door, arms crossed over his chest.

"It's none of your concern brother," Trevor said. As usual, Onyx didn't believe him.

"Right," he said with slight exaggeration. "I know you're going to find the White Fang." Oh shit. How did he find out?

"H-how did you..." He raised his hand.

"Dust, I saw the news report Thursday afternoon. I'm not stupid. I remember quite well about hearing of a building on the shady side of Vale burning down, leaving several people severely burned and injured, even a few casualties." I sighed. Onyx was always pretty smart about finding out things and putting the puzzle together. "You're going to need more than just your team sis. Let us help you," he offered.

Team ORIN stepped out into the hall, all ready and equipped for a fight. "And us," someone said behind us. Team JPTR stood there in the middle of the hall, arms crossed with slight intimidating glares. I smacked my hand against my forehead. This was what I was exactly trying to avoid. I don't want my family getting involved in all of this. I don't need to lose anyone else. "Onyx is right cous. Your team alone can't do this without any injuries that would raise some questions." Who was going to argue with Richie? Anyone who does always ends up losing.

I sighed followed by a groan. "Fine, but you're all listening to me. Understand?" They all nodded, some doing a little happy dance. Sometimes I wonder who is the child here amongst my family. Together, all twelve of us walked through the hall and down to the hover pad. We boarded the airship that was sitting there, telling the pilot to drop us off in the city. He didn't question. He probably assumed that we were going to do some shopping or go somewhere to eat. However, that wasn't the case. We were going after the White Fang.

Once we were dropped off, we started walking towards their new base of operations. Everyone kept an eye out just in case we got a surprise attack before reaching the rundown building. Just as we stepped into the shady part of the city, we heard a noise, like someone was trying to get our attention. I looked to my right to see some faunus hiding in the shadows of an alleyway. They were beckoning us over with the wave of their hands. "Be on guard. We don't know if this is a trap," I said. They all understood and walked behind me.

Once we concealed ourselves in the shadows with the faunus who called us over, we waited patiently for one of them to say something. "Are you the Flaming Shadow," a fox faunus asked me directly. How did they know my nickname? I gave a firm nod. "Thank god. We were afraid as we saw you and your friends walking by, thinking you were members of the White Fang." Okay, only three of us are faunus. Why would the rest of them be affiliated with the White Fang since they're human. The faunus have never trusted humans for many years.

"Why are you all hiding in an alleyway," Onyx asked politely. A faunus stepped forward from the far back of the small group.

"We're on the run," the monkey faunus replied. "From the White Fang." We were stunned.

"We heard of what you did last month. You've really shaken everyone up, even caused some of us to rethink our ways," a reptilian faunus spoke up. I scared the White Fang? Well, that's no surprise since they decided to mess with the wrong faunus girl. But hearing from one of them specifically that some of the members of the White Fang started to question themselves was indeed a shock.

"How? I killed people for crying out loud. How did that change the way some of you thought," I question suspiciously. The small group looked to each other. The monkey faunus spoke up for them again.

"You have a power that no one has ever come across in decades, probably even a century Flaming Shadow. You didn't mean to kill those faunus, we know that. You wouldn't hurt one of your own no matter what crimes they may have committed. You've really stirred our leader and the higher up followers. One of my friends told me what happened. You were only defending the one you loved, your mother." Wow, okay then.

"You used your power, your semblance in the name of good. That's admirable. No one has ever stood up against Goar and frightened him," a rabbit faunus said. My friends and family all looked at me with questionable looks. I looked back at them.

"What? I had to do something. I wasn't about to let mom get dissed," I said in my own defense to my comrades. Onyx and Trevor understood. They would've done the same thing to the best of their ability.

"We want to join you Flaming Shadow," a feline faunus said, stepping forward. It was almost déjà vu. I swear that she looked almost exactly as Trevor. Trevor watched her carefully, trying to figure her out. She made eye contact with my brother. "And I see that they raised you well." What?

"Raised me? They? Are you referring to my parents," Trev question, slightly growling. He didn't trust this woman and neither did I. She gave a slight nod. "Who are you?" Anger was beginning to fill my brother's soft blue eyes. I placed a hand on his shoulder, trying to calm him down. However, that didn't really work.

"You wouldn't remember me Trevor. You were only a toddler at the time," she answered. Our blood went cold. Yeah, my brothers and I knew that we weren't all related by blood, but we all just assumed that Trev was adopted. His hands turned into fists as his jaw clenched itself tightly.

"You didn't answer the question," he growled which was followed by a hiss. We never heard him hiss like he did just now, then again he hardly hissed when we were growing up. He wanted to go at her. I wasn't about to let that happen. I don't need to have my brother have blood on his hands like I do. "Who. Are. You?"

She let out a soft sigh. "I'm your mother Trevor," she replied. The twelve of us just froze, not knowing how to take that in. "I gave you up so you could live a better life. Blake was my only and best friend as a child. I didn't know who else to turn to let alone trust to care for you. I asked her specifically not to tell you anything about me when you got older."

"Liar," he shouted. Aulisor had to hold him back since he was the strongest out of all of us. "Let me go Aulisor!"

"No. Don't waste your energy here bro. Save it for the rest of the members of the White Fang," he said in a calm voice. Trevor then began to relax, realizing that he was right.

We all looked at the woman claiming to be Trevor's biological mother. "Are you telling us the truth," Onyx asked.

She nodded. "Trevor Blaze Xiao Long, the name you were given upon my request. Your real name is Trevor Blaze Nightingale. You're the son of Adam Taurus," she said. Trevor and I froze. We just looked at each other. The woman looked at us, trying to figure out why we were reacting the way we were. "I know your father was a bad man. I was relieved when you showed no resemblance to the monster."

"Well that sounds familiar," I piped in. The group of faunus standing before us looked at us in confusion. "So, I guess we are related." The woman grew wide eyed once she heard the words slipped passed my lips. My brother and I looked at her, sharing the same expression.

"You see, Adam Taurus is my father too," I added. "Maybe it's not just my destiny but yours as well brother." Everyone that accompanied us all agreed. We shared the same DNA of one person and none of us knew.

"So, why do you want to join us," Justine asked.

"We want to make the first steps to freedom," the fox faunus answered. The twelve of us looked at each other, debating whether or not to allow them to accompany us. I sighed and nodded in agreement. Together, the seventeen of us made our way to the building where the White Fang housed themselves. Our newly added companions had weapons of their own. Daniel, the monkey faunus, had a battle ax that was also a rifle. Sutton, the fox faunus, had a crossbow that was also a hammer. Frisk, the reptilian faunus, had collapsible staff that was also a long sword. Layla, the rabbit faunus, had a katana that held up to three vials of dust with different attributes. Then Ebony, the feline faunus who claimed to be Trevor's mother, had a weapon similar to mom's that also turned into a gun and was able to use the sheath as another blade but she called it Embers Veil instead. Maybe she and mom did that on purpose to have a similar weapon.

It didn't take us long to reach the building. We all drew our weapons, readying ourselves for an attack. Once we were all ready, we charged into the building, surprising everyone inside. Then Goar appeared on the walkway of the upper level. He shuddered with fear when he saw that I was back. "Stop her!" Faunus charged at us, only to be shot backwards by us. To our surprise, more members joined us. They were done with this nonsense. When Goar saw that happening, he took his weapon in hand and jumped down from the upper level, landing directly in front of me. "You're not going to beat me this time Dusty," he growled between his clenched teeth. I just smirked at him.

He asked for it. I let my semblance come to life, reviving the fear in the man's eyes. This was just between Goar and me. I wasn't going to let anyone else take him out. He has to pay for everything he's done. Our swords clashed, creating a horrible ringing sound from the colliding metal. My black flames traveled up Forbidden Darkness, melting the blade of Goar's sword. "H-how are you doing this," he cried out in fear.

"With the power that I've been given. A power that I'm using to do good. I'm going to destroy you and make this world a better place," I said, my voice slightly echoing after each word I said. Soon his weapon became nothing. He was defenseless. Then I made my final strike, coming down at an angle with Forbidden Darkness as a scythe. Blood spewed from his body. When the White Fang realized that their leader was dead, they stopped fighting. I calmed my semblance and slightly stumbled. I overdid it again. Aulisor came to my side, holding me up. Once I regained some of my strength, I looked out at the sea of faunus. "Members of the White Fang. You no longer have to live a life of violence and corruption. You can live a life of peace. I promise you that I will do everything possible to bring our world to a new era. I promise to bring peace and equality. Faunus and humans, coexisting with each other," I declared. To my surprise, they all cheered. Maybe they had grown tired of this life of crime. Maybe they were ready to start a new life.

I walked over to my friends, my family with Aulisor at my side. However, there was one person missing from our original group. "Where's Ebony," I asked everyone. They too then realized that she wasn't standing with us. I started looking for her, only to find her leaning against one of the containers that were on the floor. Blood had pooled underneath her. I bowed my head, knowing that she didn't make it through the fight. "Say hi to mom for me Ebony," I whispered. I walked over to her, closing her eyes for her to forever rest in peace.

Faunus came over and took her body away. They were going to take care of her burial since she was a comrade of theirs. I agreed and walked back to my friends. Trevor didn't show any emotion when he saw her body being carried away. He felt no connection to her. So her passing didn't phase him. He just saw her as another faunus that fought for her freedom from this corruption. The four remaining faunus that had joined us outside remained behind with their brethren. Now it was just the twelve of us once again. The sun was setting when we walked back outside. In the distance, I saw them. All of them. "You've done it Dusty," mom said with tears falling from her beautiful amber eyes.

"We knew that you could do it," my other mom said.

"You've all come so far after all the pain you've had to live through. You've made all of us proud," Aunt Pyrrha spoke as she wiped away her tears.

"Well done my son and my nieces and nephews," Uncle Jaune said with pride.

"I've never been so proud of my grandchildren," said Summer Rose.

I began to cry when I heard all of them say that. Then Ebony appeared next to mom. "Take care of him Flaming Shadow," was all she said.

I nodded as they all slowly disappeared. We had done it. I felt a hand rest on my shoulder. I turned to see Trevor's smiling face. "Well sis, looks like we've had a hard day's work," he said. I laughed and agreed. We all did so much today and I couldn't have been more proud to have every one of them fighting by my side.

That's when Aulisor took me in his arms, kissing me softly. I wrapped my arms around his neck as I deepened it. Once we broke the kiss, he swung me around and carried me on his back. Everyone laughed.

Today we liberated the faunus from what was once known as the White Fang. That was something to be proud of. We've made the first step of changing Remnant.

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