Time of Our Lives

By TrinityHostile

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Kariann and Dakota are your two most average girls in the world. They live in the USA in a small town with fa... More

Chapter 1: The Boy in the Bush
Chapter 2: Locked in the Closet with Harry Styles
Chapter 3: Pizza and Horror
Chapter 4: Overwhelming Emotions
Chapter 5: Quit Playing Games With My Heart
Chapter 6: Two Weeks Later
Chapter 7: To Be Treated Like a Gem
Chapter 8: A Boy's Ego
Chapter 9: Dark Blue Peonies
Chapter 10: Pure Minds
Chapter 12: Yesterday's Actions, Today's News
Chapter 13: Bad to Worse
Chapter 14: Free Day
Chapter 15: In Their Own Words
Chapter 16: Happy Birthday Mommy and Daddy Direction!
Chapter 17: Friday Night
Chapter 18: Mixed Feelings
Chapter 19: Harry's Confession
Chapter 20: Cold as Snow
Chapter 21: A Day of Emotions
Chapter 22: Welcome to the Tropics!
Chapter 23: The Only One
Chapter 24: When It All Comes Down to This
Chapter 25: Tender Emotions
Chapter 27: Key To My Heart
Chapter 27: Surf's Up
Chapter 28: Graduation
First Ending: Three Years Later
Second Ending: Reunions
Third Ending: In The End
Epilogue: The New Generation

Chapter 11: Just Give Me a Reason

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By TrinityHostile

*Harry’s POV*

We were in the studio, all of us, including the girls. We were all deadbeat tired. I wasn’t really sure why we were in a recording studio. We were probably going to do another cover for fundraising, but I wasn’t sure. We didn’t have to start recording until another hour, so I was sitting behind a set of drums messing around. Last night was hectic, for all of us really. I was worried for both of the girls, but they seemed to be taking it fine.

I kind of hated Louis and Zayn at the moment though. It wasn’t just because they pulled a stunt like that during a concert, but for the mere fact they were so willing to show the girls off to the world as quick as they did. If it was me, I’d do whatever I could to keep their identities a secret. Call me selfish if you want, but it would seriously be nice to know somebody whose name wasn’t revealed because of our popularity as One Direction.

Maybe it was the mere fact that it was them. Them, being normal. Them, being accepting. They didn’t see us as the boys from One Direction, but as individuals. It was so hard not to care for them and protect them. Liam with his mad crush on Dakota and my own with Kariann. It was so hopeless. I hated it. So much it just pissed me off.

I hit a cymbal too hard that it fell over on its stand. “Whoa, mate, chill a little with the sticks.” Niall said, bending over with his guitar to pick up the cymbal.

I let out a frustrated breath. “Niall, what would you do?” I asked, looking up at him. “What if a girl so normal suddenly came in your life in the least way you expected and you can’t help but love her? How would you handle yourself knowing you’re a part of this?” I rose my arms, emphasizing on my words.

Niall grabbed his chair, pulling it over near me. “Well, I assume by ‘this’, you mean the fame with One Direction. Harry, honestly, I don’t know. Since it hasn’t happen with me, the only thing I can say is go with the flow.” He lowered his voice some, leaning toward me. “Are you talking about Kariann?”

He nodded passed the window, on the other side showing Dakota and Kariann sitting and talking to Liam and Louis. Zayn wasn’t a few feet away, sleeping away on the couch with headphones on. I shrugged in response, hitting the bass petal a few times. “You are!” Niall smiled. “I knew it! What you said at the radio station was total bullshit then!”

“Actually,” I corrected. “At the time I was telling the truth, it wasn’t until later on that day I realized it was a lie.”

“Oh, my God!” Niall laughed. “I can’t get over this.”

“You’re making me regret ever asking.” I said, sighing and touch the top of my head where part of my hair was pulled back. I never had the chance to take a shower this morning and my hair was slightly greasy.

“Sorry, mate. But seriously, I’m happy for you. Kariann’s a nice girl and I know you two would be an awesome couple.”

“I doubt that will ever happen.” I said, twirling the stick in my hand. “She’s got a boyfriend and no matter how obvious I am to telling her my feelings, she just doesn’t catch on.”

“Seriously?” Niall asked. “Wow.”

I nodded, shrugging. “Well,” Niall continued, “I guess there isn’t much you can do now. I suppose the best you can do is just watch over her.”

“Yeah, I guess.” I said, in the mood for a sudden drum roll.

*Liam’s POV*

We still had a half hour before anyone was to show up and instruct us in what to do, so what we did for fun? It consisted of hanging out in the studio room and listening to Niall make up random songs with his guitar. I think after ten minutes, we all sort of got sick of it. “Okay, can we please do something that has to do with real music?” Kariann begged, “I’m sick of hearing Bob the Builder and Barney!”

I looked over, seeing the piano off to the side. “How about I play something on there?” I asked, nodding at the piano.

“What song?” Zayn asked, yawning.

“Oh! I got it!” Dakota said, holding up a finger as she goes through her phone. She ran over to me, holding a hand to my ear as she whispered a suggestion.

I knew the song, thankfully. “Okay.” I said, looking at her, “But I’ll only play if you sing with me.”

She made a face. “I suck at singing though.”

“Just do it!” Niall said, “I wanna hear!”

“Seriously!” Kariann agreed.

“Fine!” Dakota sighed and grabbed my arm to urge me out of the stool I was sitting on. I took a seat on the piano seat and made room for Dakota. I began the song.

Right from the start you were a thief. You stole my heart and I… your willing victim…” Dakota started, hitting right on the money.

I thought her singing was fine and she smiled as she sung. “Just give me a reason, just a little bits enough…

I’m sorry I don’t understand where all of this is coming from… I thought we were fine…” I sung.

Whenever the chorus came, we sung together. To be honest, I thought the two of us sounded good together. The song was fun to play and once we were done, we received a standing ovation from our friends. To exaggerate on our talent, the two of us stood, bowing. We looked at each other, smiling. Dakota broke our eye contact as she looked at Kariann, running toward her and tackling her onto one of the loungers.

I felt an arm go over my shoulder. It was Louis. “I can tell from the look on your face just how much you like her. You should seriously just come clean with her soon.” He whispered to my ear, offering me a bottled water.

I took it. “Thanks.” I stared at the back of her head. Wouldn’t it be too soon? “Maybe I will.” I added, giving my friend a smile.

He gave my shoulder a tight squeeze before doing a random scream and being quick to join the girls by tackling on top of them. “Ow! Louis!” Dakota yelled as Kariann laughed.

Niall was quick to join after that. I wasn’t sure what it was, but whatever they were doing was contagious. Zayn climbs to sit on top of Louis and even though Harry and I were last, we both jumped on top of the huge pile of people. It got so bad that we actually flipped the couch over and spread us out on the floor. Zayn was on halfway on top of me. Niall was on top of Kariann, the two of them laughing loudly. Harry was off to the side, grinning like an idiot, chuckles apparent. Louis had his arms and legs wrapped around Dakota, making sure she was pinned. All of our laughter were apparent in each individual.

We laughed until we were red in the face and couldn’t breathe anymore.

*Louis’s POV*

The recording went well actually. Apparently management wanted us to try out a demo of a new song that was written for us. We were chillaxing now, sitting around in a lounge in the building, waiting for our ride back to the tour bus. We were munching on some fruit. I was craving for a water so I decided to leave them and get myself one.

Only did I take note of two familiar voices around a small corner. My ears perked. The only people missing from our little group was Liam and Dakota… did that mean…?

I had to hear for myself. I was helping to support Liam in trying to win the girl over for the past week. It was me mostly that encouraged him into doing stuff for her. Even the flowers I had to force him to buy. I stayed behind one of those tall tree plans, making myself less obvious to the duo. The thoughts of the water bottle was gone as I listened intently.

The two of them were resting an arm against the wall, quite casual. I could see both of their faces from this angle. Dakota’s face was open, ready to listen. I wondered if she was even expecting Liam to confess to her. Her mouth wasn’t in a smile though, which wasn’t something I was expecting. She was usually full of smiles and generally happy. She was actually one of the few girls I’ve ever met that rarely made her emotions leak out for others to see. Toward everyone around her, she made herself happy.

Yet she didn’t seem excited now. I listened as Liam spoke to her. It was so like Liam to just come out and be honest about his feelings. Each word spoken, I saw his eyes light up with a sort of confidence and relief in saying what it was he was saying. Dakota’s though, it was the total opposite. She had her arms crossed awkwardly as she listened quietly, letting him talk.

After he was done. She was so quiet. So very quiet that the silence burnt my ears. I was dying for her to say something, anything. I felt so desperate for Liam, who just waited patiently for her answer. Dakota looked down at the ground, and over, everywhere but at Liam.

Shoot, I should’ve gone to find a better hiding spot. Her eyes landed right on me. She seemed slightly shocked to see me there, judging from her slightly widen eyes. She took in a deep breath, as if my appearance was the only thing that was able to give her enough strength to say what she had to say next. She looked directly at Liam, right in his eyes, and told him bluntly everything she wanted to say.

My heart went out to Liam. I wasn’t sure what I would do if I was in his position. To be rejected the way he was. I mean, he cared so much for her, and she cared for him to, just not in a way in which she craved for a relationship with him. She only saw him as a friend. Even worse for Liam, a brother.

Well shit, the poor guy was friend-zoned. “I…” Dakota finished, feeling awkward, “I’m sorry. You go ahead back to the others. I… need to be alone.”

She pushed herself off the wall, walking past Liam down the corridor. I knew I should’ve gone over to Liam and give him a hand. My feet didn’t take me in his direction. I went directly in Dakota’s direction, following her outside. I was confused. Why would she even reject him flat-out like that? What was holding her back? Why can’t she just give him a chance?

She wasn’t half a block down the street before I caught up to her and grabbed her by the arm, shocking her by turning her around. Her eyes barely showed a bit of acknowledgement as she laid them on me. The anger that was starting to well up in me suddenly disappeared. I could tell she was upset with herself. I guess I never took it into note that it was just hard for her to tell Liam how she felt as it was for him to receive the news.

“What?” She asked, voice cracking some.

She really was upset. I let out a breath, looking around, wondering if anyone has noticed us yet. I clenched my jaw, grasping her hand in my own and started down the street away from the recording studio and somewhere else, anywhere else really.

I knew Liam had the others to keep him company. Right now, Dakota needed me. Even if she was the one who rejected him, she still felt bad for it. I couldn’t just leave her alone. I had to help her out somehow.

At least take her mind off of everything.

*Kariann’s POV*

I saw Liam slowly round the corner where he and Dakota disappeared into before. The others took notice too and watched him as he sat down. “So?” Niall asked, curious.

Nothing. He was quiet. “Liam?” Zayn asked, trying to get his attention.

“You told her how you felt, right?” Harry asked.

“Guys.” I scolded. They silently waited for Liam’s commentary. It took a moment of complete silence of the group before he could even muster a movement.

He put his head in his hands. “Liam?” Zayn asked.

Please don’t tell me you’re crying!” Niall sighed, smacking the top of his head.

Liam brought his hands away from his face, looking over to give Niall a look of confusion. “Crying? What?” He asked, face completely tear-free and relaxed.

Niall’s eyes widened. “You’re not crying?”

“No… why would I?” He asked, confused.

I wasn’t sure what to think. “You were rejected, right?” Harry asked. “For some reason, between these two girls, I would hardly be surprised.”

I gaped at Harry before smacking him on the arm. “Ow!”

“What the hell?” I asked.

“Well… it’s true…” He pouted before turning back to Liam. “Seriously, are you okay, though?”

“I’m not surprised by the answer, though I did hope a little.” Liam said. He looked over at me, “I actually overheard you two last night. Though Louis encouraged me into it, I wanted a more through explanation. I’m fine though, mates, so stop freaking out about me going to cry.”

“Louis…” Zayn started. “Speaking of whom, where the hell is he?”

“And Dakota. Where’s she?” Niall added, looking around the lounge.

“She said she needed to be alone…” Liam said, “Perhaps he’s with her?”

“Really?” Harry asked, “Of all of us?”

All of their heads turned to me. I just shrugged. “I guess we’ll just have to wait until they come back.”

*Dakota’s POV*

So I wasn’t expecting to be sitting across from a booth with Louis, drinking a banana and strawberry milkshake at Steak & Shake. He was drinking his mint chocolate flavored one, staring out the window. A lady came over, putting down two orders of fries, something Louis ordered for the two of us. The middle-aged lady stared at Louis for a moment, as if he seemed familiar to her. It would be hard to recognize him, especially with his beanie and sunglasses on. He just gave her a smile for a thank you.

She left finally, leaving the two of us alone. Louis grabbed a couple of fries, throwing them in his mouth. I grabbed one of my own, putting it in my mouth. “So…” I started, feeling awkward.

Louis turned his head to look at me. “What?” He asked, accent thick as he slurp up some of his shake.

“Are you mad?” I asked, getting killed by his unusual silence.

He didn’t answer right away. He just rested his chin on his hand and looked out the window again. Right when I was convinced he was, he answered. “Well, not necessarily, but… I’m just curious as to why.”

“Why what?”

“Why not give him a chance? Liam’s a great guy, and he’d be a great boyfriend to you… so?” Louis took a fry and stuck it in his shake to dip it.

I started fussing with the straw in my half-gone milkshake. I shrugged, resting my arms on the table. “I don’t know. I would just hate to date somebody and lead them on into having them fall in love with me, especially when I know I won’t ever bring myself to feel the same way about them. There’s just too much heartache involved.”

Louis slurped down the rest of his milkshake placing it aside to eat the rest of his fries. I looked up, seeing him staring me down. “How would you know?” Louis asked. “You don’t know you’ve fallen for someone until after it happens. What makes you think you know you’ll never fall for him? What if you’re falling for him now and you don’t know it?”

It felt weird being interrogated by Louis about my views of love. I shrugged, taking a turn to stare out the window as I started to drink down my milkshake. I could only bring myself to shrug. I wasn’t so sure myself. I hated it though, not knowing. I looked at Louis again, “I honestly don’t know, Louis. I wish I did.”

He stared me down, as if he was trying to figure out the answer himself. He leaned back to rest against his booth. He sighed. “Whatever. It’s not my place to put my two sense in it anyways. Hey… are you going to eat that?” He pointed to my fries.

“Take ‘em.” I said, pushing them toward him.

I slurped on my milkshake, continuing to stare out the window still. Once we were both done, we went up front where Lou paid for our small meal. With our hands in our pockets, we walked out on the street, laughing as we talked to each other. I felt genuinely better by far, all because of Louis. He really was good about helping me out. I didn’t know what it was. Maybe it was because we connected really well.

Well, whatever. At least I was feeling less bad about hurting Liam.

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