Time of Our Lives

By TrinityHostile

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Kariann and Dakota are your two most average girls in the world. They live in the USA in a small town with fa... More

Chapter 1: The Boy in the Bush
Chapter 2: Locked in the Closet with Harry Styles
Chapter 3: Pizza and Horror
Chapter 4: Overwhelming Emotions
Chapter 5: Quit Playing Games With My Heart
Chapter 6: Two Weeks Later
Chapter 7: To Be Treated Like a Gem
Chapter 8: A Boy's Ego
Chapter 9: Dark Blue Peonies
Chapter 11: Just Give Me a Reason
Chapter 12: Yesterday's Actions, Today's News
Chapter 13: Bad to Worse
Chapter 14: Free Day
Chapter 15: In Their Own Words
Chapter 16: Happy Birthday Mommy and Daddy Direction!
Chapter 17: Friday Night
Chapter 18: Mixed Feelings
Chapter 19: Harry's Confession
Chapter 20: Cold as Snow
Chapter 21: A Day of Emotions
Chapter 22: Welcome to the Tropics!
Chapter 23: The Only One
Chapter 24: When It All Comes Down to This
Chapter 25: Tender Emotions
Chapter 27: Key To My Heart
Chapter 27: Surf's Up
Chapter 28: Graduation
First Ending: Three Years Later
Second Ending: Reunions
Third Ending: In The End
Epilogue: The New Generation

Chapter 10: Pure Minds

141 3 0
By TrinityHostile

*Dakota’s POV*

I wasn’t sure what to expect when the boys came back from their morning interview. Maybe for them to go straight back to bed and sleep, since they didn’t need to be up until before their signing at five. I was pretty close to the mark, since they all came tumbling in one by one, leading the way upstairs after saying a little hello to Kariann and me.

The bus was clean, thankfully. The longest portion of the clean was upstairs, trying to separate the clothes to what clothes were whose. Kariann was in the shower, desperately needing to shower after messing with cleaning products all day. I was fresh and clean, still flushed from my hot shower. I was sitting on the couch reading one of Rachelle Mead’s stories on my phone. The cushion of the couch bent some as Liam took a seat next to me.

I looked up, seeing how he was angled toward me with his hand hidden behind his back, obviously hiding something. I pulled the headphones out of my ears. “Hi?” I asked, wondering what he wanted.

A small smile was apparent on Liam’s lips. I didn’t know what it was, but he always seemed to muster the most beautiful smiles compared to the other guys. “I know what Kariann told you this morning upset you a little, so…” he brought his hidden arm into view.

Half a dozen of white lilies were being held in his hand. My eyes widened in shock, not sure what to say. “Liam… I…” I started.

“It’s more out of an apology than anything.” He explained as I took the flowers into my hands. “I knew you would have a hard time accepting the best solution for the issues management has been having. I shouldn’t have even told you two. It’s because of me that you’re troubled.”

Oh, my God. Just… what was I supposed to say? I was at a loss of words. I stared at the flowers. I felt the situation was ironic he got lilies, seeming how I was reading the Golden Lily by Rachelle Mead not five minutes ago. That wasn’t important anyhow, but still. “Why lilies?” I asked, curious.

“Kariann said that you liked white flowers. White meant that it was pure to you. I had to Google it, but I saw that lilies were supposed to mean purity too, so my best thought was white lilies for you.”

I looked up at him. His brown eyes were shining, something I haven’t seen before. I smiled. “That’s really thoughtful of you… thank you. Oh, and it’s not your fault about what happened. It’s just…” I sighed, resting the sweet, smelling flowers under my nose to hide my mouth. “I got frustrated with myself.”

I didn’t know what it was. With Liam here, I couldn’t seem to stop talking. “Ever since my mom and dad got divorced, everything changed. I expected that, but still, it was so hard. It didn’t help when she quickly started to date another man. That was fine, I mean, isn’t it normal for a parent to date another person when they’ve been single for a while? But in her case… it wasn’t two weeks after the official divorce happened and she remarried. I even told her that I didn’t want it. She didn’t listen. She never even cared. I…”

I felt the grip on the flowers tighten as I took a breath. “I guess my dad didn’t help much either. It slowly dawned on me that my mother wasn’t the mom I came to know. I questioned my dad, and he didn’t hold back on telling me everything. I can never forget what she’s done to him, to me, our family. Over and over again I was reminded. She remarried to a man that I couldn’t bring myself to like. He changed my mom, my life.

“They fought all the time, Liam. Over stupid stuff. Sometimes he was violent, though not toward my mother, but he would throw stuff. It was so hard. I had to leave, and I couldn’t leave until I was thirteen. Even when I told my mother I was going to move in with my dad, she absolutely refused. She and Dad never got along after they separated. It was just chaos. She threatened to call the cops. She never did though, and I finally was able to live with my dad.

“From there, the visitation slowed down. When I lived with my mom, I’d call my dad every day and talk to him for hours on end and I would go see him as often as I could. With my mom, it was the total opposite. I barely called and talked to her. The visitation went from every other weekend to three weeks to a month and a half before I could bring myself to visit her. I don’t know why. I hate her so much for what she’s become, yet I can’t just call it off. She’s still my mother. I can’t let her go…”

I lost my voice then, my throat became dry and I broke out in sobs. Liam was there quite quickly to pull me into a hug. No words were spoken. Perhaps he was speechless, yet I knew that wasn’t it. No words needed to be said. I just needed ears. Liam said he would be there if I needed them. He was. I cried even harder. He held me tightly, rubbing my back lightly as I cried into his shoulder, still holding the lilies he gave me.

I was glad he was here to hold me. The setting felt similar to that of when Harry held Kariann when she cried. Now it was me. For the longest time, Liam stayed and let me cry it out with his cheek resting on top of my head. I don’t know how long it was, but I believed exhaustion took over at one point, because I was sure both of us fell asleep in the position we were in on the couch.

And nobody bothered us as we slept.

*Kariann’s POV*

Every word Dakota said was heard through my ears. I sat there in the bathroom, not wanting to bother them and let the towel wrapped around my head slowly dry my hair. I was sad, yet relieved for Dakota. At least there was someone there now to offer something I may never be able to for my best friend.

*Louis’s POV*

The guys were asleep, exhausted from last night’s concert. Except for Liam, he was awake and down in the living area talking to Dakota. I was sitting at the steps, hidden from view, hearing every word and sob that was let out by Dakota. I stared at my hands, clenching them tightly, bringing them up to bury my face into them. She was my best friend, yet when I sit afar and hear her cry, it made me want to hit something. Maybe that mother of hers.

Okay, that was rude, but still. What was I supposed to do, let her cry, obvious to her fears of her mother? Even if her mother’s true colors were exposed to Dakota and the girl didn’t want anything to do with her, she was still her mother. Any daughter would want her parents to feel proud about their daughter. I understood now why she wouldn’t want to reveal her name to the world. The thoughts of her mother’s judgment laid in the back of her mind.

What could I do? Just… what?

I had one idea in mind, but it was risky.

It didn’t matter. My mind was made up, and Louis Tomlinson didn’t back down from his decisions. I would show her. But I needed help, because Kariann needed to be involved too.

Zayn. He would help. I knew he would.

-Later On-

The concert was over, but not just yet. I sat on one of the steps, staring out into the crowd as I leaned down to talk to Zayn. We have already planned it out. I told him not to tell the guys nor the girls. I did have to explain to some detail why I was doing it. He just smiled, not saying anything except for something along the lines of, “Louis the Tomo Tomlinson, always full of surprises.”

I looked off the stage and backstage where both Dakota and Kariann were standing, watching Niall dancing around. Liam and Harry both jumped up, ready to break out in something random. This wasn’t unusual. I loved the end of concerts, it was the best moments we had with the crowds.

The drummer and guitar broke up into beat. Zayn and I put down our mics and stood up, clapping with the boys to get the fans excited. “One! Two! Three! Four! Go!” Niall counted down.

We did our signal moved, consisted of stepping left and right and waving our arms back and forth. I loved it. So did the crowd. We went on for about thirty seconds until Harry stopped the chain. Zayn and I high-fived for no reason, which got me smiling. “Ready?” I asked, leaning into his ear.

He nodded, looking to his right to see Kariann and Dakota. He hit my arm before running off toward them. I was quick to catch up. The crowd screamed as we disappeared from their view. We both stopped directly in front of them. “What?” Kariann asked.

I was in front of Dakota. She looked tired, but otherwise happier. She stared up at me, curious. I grabbed her arms, forcing them up. “What-?”

I threw her over my shoulder. She screamed in the process. Zayn was right behind me as I turned around and ran out on the stage. Two boys carrying girls on their shoulders. Dakota was smacking my back at first, yelling for me to put her down, but I didn’t. The guys looked shocked when Zayn and I brought the two girls to the center of the stage.

“You guys wanted to know who the mysterious girls are!” Zayn yelled.

“Here they are!” I screamed.

Our voices were lost in the crowds screams. We didn’t have our mics, so they couldn’t hear us. Dakota was clutching my shirt on my back.

I slowly bent down to where Dakota’s feet touched the ground. She didn’t turn to look at the crowd. Her hands clutched the upper part of my forearms. I bent my head down, talking into her ear. “I know you’re scared, but we’re here for you. It’s up to you what you want to do.”

I pulled away and she looked up at me, eyes wide and scared. Her hands only seemed to clutch onto me tighter, as if she might lose me if she’d let go. I looked over, seeing Kariann stand in front of Zayn, Harry quick to her side, ready to pull her off stage if needed be. I saw Liam and Niall off to the side. Niall wasn’t sure what to say. Liam… he looked mad. I knew I wouldn’t hear the end of it later. Kariann looked over, watching Dakota.

It was all up to her now. I offered her a smile. She took a deep breath, swallowing some. She turned her head, moving her feet as if she was going to turn around. The grip on my arms loosened as she let go. She managed to turn around in front of me. I rested both on my hands on her shoulders, giving her a squeeze.

I smiled at the crowd. It was scary how silent a whole stadium full of usually screaming fans could be. I noticed then Kariann has turned too. How would the crowd react? I bent down to talk into Dakota’s ear, telling her something.

*Dakota’s POV*

“Smile.” Louis advised, feeling his breath against my ear.

The lights were bright and blinding. I could see bodies and glow sticks in the crowd, but it was hard to make out faces. My heart was racing, my nerves were about to burst. I looked over, making eye contact with Kariann.

Smile. The thought came to me. But for what? To please the crowd? I looked out, hearing some whispers, yet otherwise quiet. I had to try. I brought my lips up to a smile. Kariann and I had the same thought, to bring a hand up and wave.

I wasn’t sure what to expect, but I surely wasn’t expecting to crowd to go crazy. Screams were let, and I saw flashes from cameras. Louis’s hands on my shoulders kept me from getting too frightened. I could practically hear my mother screaming in my ear later. Louis’s arms stretched around me to pull me to his chest. “Good job. You’re a strong girl.”

I turned my head to smile at him. “Thank you, but…”

He turned his head to hear me better. I finished anyways, “I hate you so much right now.”

He laughed. I felt someone grab my arm. I looked over, seeing Liam. “Thank you, Minneapolis!” Niall yelled toward the crowd. “We’ll leave you here with a sneak peak of the girls.”

He waved, looking over at our direction to urge us off stage. Liam put an arm over my shoulder to lead me away from the stage. Harry was leading Kariann off quickly. All the boys came off the stage. Once they gave up their mics to the backstage staff, we were quickly lead to their backstage lounge. I can feel the anger rising out of some of the boys as Kariann and I took a seat next to each other.

“What… in the hell were you thinking?” Liam practically yelled at Louis and Zayn just as Niall shut the door behind him.

Liam rubbed his face before taking out his phone. Harry spoke up. “Seriously, you two. Don’t you know what kind of trouble we’ll get in with management because of this?”

I felt Niall take a seat next to me. His voice quieted down as Harry and Liam drilled at Zayn and Louis, who quietly listened to them. “Are you two okay? Even if it was slightly stupid, I understand what they did. Either way, I know how nerve wracking it is going on stage for the first time.”

I looked at my hands. They were slightly shaking. Standing in front of a crowd like that really was something I’d never thought in my life I would have to experience. Niall grabbed my hand and Kariann’s. “You two are brave girls. I knew we were friends for a reason.”

His smile was enough to calm myself down. Niall really had a way of making someone feel better. He let go of our shaky and sweaty hands to lean back against the couch. I looked at Kariann, she stared back. “I think I should call my dad.” I said, “I’m pretty sure pictures of us are all over Twitter.”

“No joke.” Niall said, looking through his phone. “There are pictures of you in every angle.”

I reached into my pocket, getting out my phone. I needed to get away from the yelling if I was to have a decent conversation with my dad. I would warn him so he didn’t freak out. “Want me to come with?” Kariann asked.

I thought for a moment before nodding. “Yeah. I really don’t want to be alone now.”

We both got up, making out way quickly out the door to find the nearest restroom. I stood by the sink and Kariann locked the door behind her. It’s been a few days since I called my dad, so I was slightly nervous to talk to him.


“Dad? Hey, um, something happened tonight I think I need to talk to you about.” I started, putting the phone on speaker.

“Yeah? What happened?”

I started to explain, Kariann coming in every once in a while to talk. Dad was silent for the most of it, but he wasn’t surprised. “Well, I guess it was to happen sooner or later. Too bad it was sooner.”

“Sorry…” I started.

“Oh, honey, it’s okay. I don’t know why you’re apologizing to me. You should be more worried about yourself.”

I nodded to myself, agreeing. We talked some more, he warned me about the fame. Not to let it get to my head. The thought of him beginning to worry made me smile. Kariann took over the phone to talk to him. “Cecil, if anything, try not to believe everything the media says. You should know how the paparazzi is.”

“I’ll be sure to call if anything is wrong.” I said, “And call me if you want to know anything.”

“I’ll keep that in mind. Well, since that’s out of the way… what’s been going on? How are my girls?”

We talked for the longest time in the bathroom. Probably for an hour. I felt reassured now after talking to him. Dad hoped us the best before we hung up. Kariann and I made our way back to the lounging area where the boys were. Once we walked in, we saw how eerily quiet it was, except for Niall crunching on chips. He seemed like the only one who wasn’t affected by this. Liam seemed to be distressed. Harry was rubbing his face with his hands. Louis sat silently with Zayn, both looking between each other.

“So…” Kariann started, “Should we leave? We gotta be in Kanas City by tomorrow.”

Liam nodded, “Yeah. Let’s get going.”

They quietly and slowly grabbed their stuff. Kariann and I followed them out, watching their backs as they walked. “This has got to be the most awkward thing I’ve ever seen.” I whispered to Kariann.

“Gee, Dakota, I wonder why.” Kariann said, rolling her eyes.

There was nothing left to say. We made it back to the bus quite late. It was midnight and we were behind schedule. They had to be in a studio by seven in the morning. The boys trudged themselves to bed. The concert and yelling exhausted them. Liam stayed behind though, taking a seat on my bed. I looked at Kariann before taking a seat beside her on her own bed. “Hey… I was about to lay down.” She pouted.

“Hey.” I said, holding up my hands. “That man over there is angry. I don’t want to set him off.”

“I’m not angry!” Liam said, voice tight.

I leaned back against the couch, crossing my arms as I stared at the boy. His tone was saying otherwise. Liam sighed, rubbing his head. “Okay, maybe a little. But not at you, more at Louis and Zayn. I know how hard it is for you two. I didn’t want you to be jumped into everything like this.”

“Liam…” Kariann started.

“Liam.” I said, getting up to go to her bed. I sat next to Liam, putting an arm around his shoulder. “We’re okay. If anything, Louis helped. He told me something on stage that made me realize how stupid I was for worrying. Worse comes to worse, my dad will be dragging my ass back home and we’ll never see each other again. We got each other’s backs. Okay?”

“But what about your mother?” Liam asked, looking at me.

My smile disappeared as I just sighed. I shrugged. “I don’t know. There’s not much she can do anyways. I should be fine, she’s not into celebrity news anyways. Dad also said if she asked, he’d take care of it.”

“I don’t know… I still don’t like it…” Liam doubted.

With my other arm, I wrapped it around Liam. “Stop. Worrying. So. Much.” I said, rocking him back and forth with each word. “We’ll be fine.”

Liam looked down at me. After what felt like a moment, Liam looked away to stare down at the floor in front of him. “Fine. I’ll take your word for it then.”

“Yay!” I said in glee, giving him a squeeze for a hug. “Now go to bed. I think you have to go to a studio in the morning.”

I dropped her arms and Liam looked up to look at Kariann. “Alright.” He said, standing up. “Good night.”

“Night!” We said as he disappeared upstairs.

“Dakota…” Kariann started as she watched me grab my covers and pillow. I paused, looking back at her.

She stood up, next to get her blanket. I had my cover in hand as I stood next to her so she could whisper to me. “I seriously hope you realize just how much he likes you.”

“Huh?” I asked, throwing down my cover on my bed.

“Did you not see the way he was looking at you?” She asked, staring at me in disbelief. “Either the boy is in love or crushing really bad. If anything about this publicity stuff, he seemed more worried about you than me. You’d be blind not to see how bad he likes you.”

Actually, I knew. It was so obvious, but I couldn’t help it. I brought a hand to touch my elbow. “Actually…”


“I know. I’ve known for a while.”

“What do you mean?” She asked.

I shrugged. “If I had to guess right, it might have started from whenever met. I ignored it though, because I figured it was just something small. I figured he would get over it.”

I looked over, seeing the flowers he’s gotten me earlier. “Oh man… you don’t feel the same way do you?”

I looked at her, shaking my head. It made me feel bad, but even I couldn’t believe it either. “Funny, isn’t it?” I asked. “Before we ever met, he was my favorite, but now… I can only see him as a brother and a friend.”

“Oh man…” Kariann said.

“Let’s not worry about it now.” I said, grabbing my cover and jumping in. “If there is ever a day where he confesses, I’ll just have to be the one to bear the bad news.”

“Do it soon then.” Kariann said, getting in her bed. “Better to break his heart now than lead him on.”

“Hey!” I whined. “It’s not like I made him like me in the first place.”

She was right now, but it would be hard. Maybe I should confront him tomorrow. I hated to be the one to do it though. I closed my eyes to sleep. I wouldn’t worry about it now. I knew I would have to tell him soon though. God, this reminded me of my last relationship with my first boyfriend. I had to break it off with him because after five months of dating, I found out he was in love with me, yet I couldn’t bring myself to feel the same way. I figured why lead him on when I knew I would never feel the same? I broke it off.

Well, it wasn’t like Liam and I were dating or anything, so it won’t be as awkward. I won’t stop talking to him, maybe I’ll back off a little though. He would be hurt a little. Maybe not. I wasn’t sure how Liam would take it. He was a big boy though, so he could handle himself. It wasn’t like we’ve known each other long enough to absolutely crush him. He’ll be okay.


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