After New Years {Wally x Arte...

By SydneyTheScribe

5.5K 81 42

The dynamic duo of Kid Flash and Artemis, who use to hate each other, have finally reached the point of falli... More



2.1K 25 20
By SydneyTheScribe

January First 2012 12:45AM

The whole team decided to sleep in the cave that night. Which Artemis found to be a good idea the later it got. Of course, all the effects of New Year's kisses began to play out. Rocket and Kaldur seemed to be playing on a team against M'Gann and Conner in charades. Robin and Zatanna were cuddling on the couch, laughing at the insane actions the others were making while playing the game.
Then here sat Wally and Artemis in the kitchen. In silence. Looking down at the ground and away from each other.
"Listen-" They seemed to both say at the same time.
"You first," The two said in unison again. Wally nodded his head to Artemis, signaling that she should go first.
The green archer took a deep breath before she spoke, and the speedster just popped a piece of orange candy from the dish that sat on the counter into his mouth.
"Wally... I really like you. I don't want to screw that up, and I don't know about you..."
"I don't want to screw it up either!" The Kid Flash interrupted. "That's why I kissed you! It's because I really like you too, Artemis." He reached his hand over to hers, gently resting it atop her fingers which were cold to the touch.
"Hey, you're freezing," He observed, placing both hands on her bare arms, sliding them up and down to create heat.
"What do you mean? I'm fine." Artemis objected, but she didn't stop what Wally was doing.
Wally lifted a skeptic eyebrow as if to say, "No, you're not." A smirk then came upon his face.
"Be back in a second," He speed off to wherever, Artemis sure didn't know, and came back in, in deed, a second with a blanket in his hands.
"Here you are, beautiful." He smiled as he wrapped her up in the fuzzy cloth item.
"Thank you," Artemis couldn't hold back her blushing cheeks as she looked deeply into Wally's blue eyes.
"Well you seem to be warming up, you can tell by how red your face is getting," Wally teased, laying a gentle kiss on her cheek, causing Artemis to blush even more.
"I can't help it Wall Man, you are just so darn cute." She remarked, giving the tip of his nose a tiny tap with a smirk.
"What is this?" Wally demonstrated the nose tap on Artemis this time with a laugh.
Artemis just shrugged, "I don't even know myself." She chuckled, wrapping the blanket tighter around her shoulders.
"Also... Wall Man?" Wally asked in amusement.
"I heard you give yourself a pep talk earlier... and you called yourself Wall Man, amongst other things..." Artemis gave a light chuckle again as Wally looked around in a bit of embarrassment, laughing nervously.
"Yeah, about that..."
"Wally! Artemis! Are you two going to come join us?" It seemed that in the time Wally and Artemis had been talking in the kitchen, Robin and Zatanna had made their own team in the charades game.
Wally looked at Artemis to see what she wanted to do.
"Sure, we'll join," Artemis gave a crooked smile as her and Wally headed over to where the rest of the team was. She couldn't help but smile when they both sat down and she felt Wally's arm around her.
"Did you guys want to make it four on four?" M'Gann asked, levitating to the middle of the room, already holding a card that tells her what to charade as.
"We call Superboy!" Rocket called out, sitting up from her spot, where she had laid on top of Aqualad.
"Connor is fairly good at this game." Kaldur had commented with a laugh.
"I guess that settles it! Connor and I will be over here with Kaldur and Rocket! Artemis, you and Wally can be with Robin and Zatanna." Miss Martian gave them all a smile as she floated her way to her team.
"We'll miss you over here, babe!" Wally called after M'Gann, which made Artemis face him with a glare. She gently smacked him upside his ginger hair.
"Hey! What's that for?" Wally rubbed his head a little, reclining back on the couch and propping his feet up on the coffee table.
"It's not like I hurt you, Kid Idiot." Artemis had a teasing tone to her words as she sat down in between Robin and Wally.
Robin leaned over to Artemis' ear.
"So you and KF, huh?" He smirked as Artemis turned to face him.
"None of your business, bat brat." She whispered right back into his ear not-so-subtly.
"Easy with the nicknames there, Artemis." Robin held up his hands in surrender, willing Artemis off in defense.
"What are we whispering about?" Wally leaned in with his signature smirk, that could light up the darkest of moments.
"Just the kiss you and Artemis shared earlier this evening." Robin said casually, leaning back from the other two, and more towards Zatanna.
"What?! No we were not!" Artemis got defensive as Wally just laughed, wrapping his arm fully around the beautiful blonde. He used his other arm to reach up and give her a noogie, messing up her ponytailed hair.
"Wally!" She tried to get up and stop him, but he was holding her down.
The speedster had finally released her, with a smug look on his face.
"Our relationship doesn't allow you to do that yet," Artemis told him, smoothing out her rogue hairs and retying her ponytail.
"How so?" Wally questioned, still looking quite smug with his previous actions.
"We are going to go through different stages of what we can and can't do." Artemis explained, relaxing back on the couch after finding her chill.
"Basically I haven't reached second base yet?"
"Sorry... yeah I get what you mean. But what will it take for me to get to the next 'stage' in the relationship?"
"Development," Artemis answered bluntly with a crooked smirk. "You are aloud to put your arm around me by the way..." So Wally did as he was told, and the team played charades until Aqualad, Rocket, Superboy, and Miss Martian won all thanks to the amazing charade skills of Connor Kent.
"I still think they cheated." Robin crossed his arms, acting out as a sore loser.
"We didn't use telepathy to our advantage, if that's what you mean." Kaldur affirmed, standing up from the couch to stretch his legs.
"Whatever... I'm going to bed." Robin declared, accepting a kiss on the cheek from Zatanna, and heading to his room.
"Well, it's 3Am... safe to say I am a bit tired," Wally laughed, stretching his arm out behind Artemis. "I'm heading off to bed, beautiful," he turned towards the green archer who was already drifting off onto Wally's chest.
"How about a goodnight kiss?" Wally suggested, making Artemis open one eye and smirk. She stood up off the couch, pecked Wally on the check, and headed the way towards the stairs that lead to her room. Before her foot hit the first step, she turned her head over her shoulder to look at the blue eyed boy that made her heart throb. "Goodnight, Wall Man." With that, she disappeared into the upstairs shadows.

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