I Won't Give Up

Від NinaPoohXO

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Heavily based on the album: Trilogy || XO Fan Fiction. || Spiritual Romance. The story follows The Weeknd who... Більше

Chapter One: I Got A Thing For You
Chapter Two: Undercover Lovers
Chapter Three: Guess Who's Coming To Dinner
Chapter Four: When I'm Faded I Forget...
Chapter Five: Caught In The Middle
Chapter Six: Familiar Encounters
Chapter Seven: The Best Birthday
Chapter Eight: A Bump In The Belly
Chapter Nine: A Son of Abel
Chapter Ten: The Nightmare
Chapter Eleven: Jealousy Is A Weak Emotion
Chapter Twelve: The Drug Withdrawal
Chapter Thirteen: The Proposal
Chapter Fourteen: A Fateful Ending?
Chapter Fifteen: Til Death Do Us Part...
Chapter Sixteen: Marriage Is Harder Than Dating
Chapter Seventeen: Dream Night
Chapter Eighteen: Defenseless
Chapter Nineteen: A Haunting Past
Chapter Twenty: Lustful Eyes, Loving Heart
Chapter Twenty One: The Ménage à Trois
Chapter Twenty Two: The Old Stompin' Grounds
Chapter Twenty Three: Shocking Past
Chapter Twenty Four: The Test
Chapter Twenty Five: The Results
Chapter Twenty Seven: The Video Tape
Chapter Twenty Eight: The Argument
Chapter Twenty Nine: Bad Discoveries
Chapter Thirty: Merry Christmas
Chapter Thirty One: A New Year
Chapter Thirty Two: Nightmare Come True
Chapter Thirty Three: Shocking Confession
Chapter Thirty Four: Faith is The Substance of Things Hoped For...
Chapter Thirty Five: Destruction Has Arrived
Chapter Thirty Six: Death Upon Us All
Chapter Thirty Seven: Meet The Gang
Chapter Thirty Eight: You're Frozen
Chapter Thirty Nine: New Beginnings
Chapter Fourty: Baby Talk
Chapter Fourty One: That Fateful Night
Chapter Fourty Two: The Decision
Chapter Fourty Three: Beautiful Baby Abella
Chapter Fourty Four: The Heartache, The Temptation
Chapter Fourty Five: Attack of the Exes
Chapter Fourty Six: My Past Joy
Chapter Fourty Seven: I Won't Give Up

Chapter Twenty Six: Jealous Hearts

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Від NinaPoohXO


I hate this; I feel so bad right now. Seeing Abel hurt like this is something that hurts my heart. I rubbed his back because I kept crying too.

Abel walked away from me though

"where are you going??"

"to feel better" he said walking up to the bedroom

I knew he was going to get drugs. That hurt me even more, damn why does this always happen? I wish Abel would just come and talk to me when he feels bad, not resort to getting high, it's destroying him.

I was crying holding my stomach as he walked downstairs sniffing on his finger. He just snorted coke off of his hand. He also had a blunt in his hand.

"baby, why don't you talk to me?" I said crying

"we can't talk about this Nicki, its already done, what more can we fucking do??" his eyes were red

I began crying more, he was right, I just hated when he ran to drugs as a cover.

One Week Later

AJ's back home with us but we've been walking around like the end of the world is near. It's not healthy for AJ and it's not healthy for the baby in my stomach. I had to stop this. I'm a child of God, if anything, I know that he'll make this better, seriously, where is my shield of faith?

I can tell Abel's been binging on drugs more so than ever. I've been finding him laid out on the bathroom floor in the middle of the night from drinking lean at 2am. I've been finding him strung out on coke in the bedroom in the morning when I get back from taking AJ to school. He's been throwing pills back like their skittles. I can tell he's depressed.

I walked in on him while he was strung out on cocaine one morning. His eyes were wide as fuck and he was looking around all alert with this serious ass look on his face.

"baby, we have to talk about this"

"what?? What's there to talk about girl" damn when he's high on coke he talks fast

"no daddie, this isn't healthy, AJ's been worrying about you. He wonders why your eyes are always red or you're always full of energy, I can't tell our five year old that daddy is high just go play, that's something that'll stick with him"

"I'm sorry baby, I'm down right now"

"we can talk about this baby, we can't keep going around depressed it'll hurt AJ and this baby forming in my stomach. God will help us"

"don't tell me about this 'God will help us' shit Nicki" he snapped

I jumped in reaction "what??"

"if he really was helping why the fuck would the baby in your stomach be another niggas? Why isn't he helping me feel better now? Where the fuck was he when you did all that fucking praying? Was he fucking sleep?" he's talking out of anger now

"my prayers weren't in vain Abel, he's allowing you to breathe right now right? he allowed us to have a son for five years and not once has he been sick or have to be in the hospital, those are blessings, all the drugs you've been doing lately you're still eating, you're still healthy, you're still breathing. Those are blessings. God says my word will never return void but accomplish what it's been sent out for. Just because you aren't this baby's biological father doesn't mean you aren't the baby's father period. What did I tell you even before we knew the test results?? You're this baby's father regardless."

"it hurts under the circumstances though"

"yeah it does Abel but we can't spend the rest of our lives mourning when we have to brush our shoulders off and raise our son and take care of this baby"

"it's gonna hurt seeing that baby everyday and know it's not mine"

"yeah but it'll be a joy when it calls you daddy and smiles in your face, it'll be okay"

He didn't say anything he was looking around like he was thinking

Later On That Night

I was only three months into my pregnancy and my stomach was growing.

"mommy why you're stomach getting big?" AJ asked me off guard

"um" I said surprised "come here"

I held my hands out for him while I was on the bed. Abel was sleeping his high off. AJ walked over to me and sat on the bed

"well, remember how you said you always wanted a brother or sister?"


"they'll be here in six months"

"ugh mommy why did you eat them??"

"lol huh?"

"their in your stomach, you ate them"

"lol no baby, I took one of those pills I told you about"

"so the pill is growing?"

"yes into your brother or sister"

"what color did you twake?"

"ummm it was dark, I don't know if it was blue or pink"

"well I cant wait to fwind out"

That's my strategy of explaining where babies come from to my kids, my mother did it to me and my brothers and sisters, that's how I learned lol. You order a collection of baby pills, blue and pink ones. If you take a blue one you'll grow a baby boy if you take a pink one you'll grow a baby girl. It's easier than explaining sex lol.

"they'll be here in six months lol"

"so Novwember?"

"yup lol, smart cookie"

"lol, I hope they don't come on Thanksgiving, thwey'll ruin the food lol"

"well we can celebrate the Canadian Thanksgiving in October, I mean you are half Canadian lol"

"eww, in October, that's weird mommy, no"

"shhh don't tell daddy, I thought it was pretty weird too"

"lol okay, why is daddy always sleeping early at night now?"

"he's just under a little bit of stress now, he needs rest, he'll be okay"

"is he sick?'

"no, just feeling a little stressed out"

"about what?"

"just a lot, you'll understand when you get married"

"I don't wanna get married"

"and why not, I'm offended lol"

"because, you fwemales are weird, it would be annoying"

"well you aren't into guys are you?"

"no!!!!!! mommy!!!"

"hey theirs only one of two, girls and boys"

"well I definitely hate boys, I just don't wanna get married because it seems hard"

"well you're only five, lol no need to rush it lets wait about 20 years and see if you feel that way"

"at 25 I'll fweel that way lol"

"we'll see lol" I said kissing his head knowing he would feel different about girls.

Two Weeks Later

I was in the kitchen one morning. Abel was in the kitchen going through his phone and AJ was in school. I got a phone call.


"hello Mrs. Tesfaye this is Doctor Tesher from the University of Chicago, how are you today?"

My stomach filled with tons of knots, oh great what else??

"I'm doing fine and you?"

"well I'm much happier to inform you that we've had a lab error with your amniocentesis test"

"what does that mean??" I said getting cheer in your voice

I heard her giggle "well, apparently there was a misdiagnosis in the dna analysis, we retested the amniotic fluid and your husbands blood, yes we have confirmed the baby is his"

"praise God thank you Jesus!!!!" I said getting all emotional again

"I'm really sorry about the mix-up Mrs. Tesfaye; I know it must have been awful"

"it's fine thank you so much!!! Thank you"

"you're so welcome, congratulations to you and your husband as well and lab errors are common, sometimes laboratories can make mistakes so that's why as soon as I heard the re-diagnostics I dialed your number"

"thank you so much!!"

"baby what's up?" Abel said

"shhh" I said smiling

"you're welcome, have a nice day"

"you do the same" I hung up

"what's going on?? I know you better tell me now"

"well congratulations on your second baby Abel, I think you owe God and myself an apology..."

I looked back at him his face had lit up with a smile and his eyes teared up...


Are you kidding me? I can't believe it; I can't even explain how happy this has made me. I couldn't control my emotions now. My eyes watered and I couldn't stop smiling.

"are you trying to tell me...?"

"yeah, the lab result was a miscalculation!! Lol it's ours"

I couldn't control my happiness anymore. I got up and hugged the fuck out of her, picking her up. I'm happy as fuck. This just made me alive again. I felt like singing, dancing what ever. I didn't care, I'm happy about it.

"our second baby lol, if it's a girl what do you want it named?" Nicki asked me

"um, I'm not good at girl names lol"

"lol we'll think of something, if it's a boy what would you name it?"


"Adam Tesfaye, that's soooooo cuuute!!! Wait, you aren't just saying this because Adam was Abel's father in the Genesis right?"

"lol nope, the name just clicks with us so why not?"

"it's a beautiful name, if it's a boy then Adam it is, if it's a girl, well, we'll come up with something lol"

The Next Month – June of 2018


I confidently went to the doctors for my checkups now. It was my husband's baby inside me so I didn't worry about anything. Since my pregnancy started in February, I knew it had to be that night of Abel's birthday. Damn, we have to watch out for that birthday sex, it leads to babies.

Abel still had intentions on getting back at Diggy for what he did. I had to beg and plead him not to so we can focus on my pregnancy. I would just freak if he went and killed Diggy and something happened to Abel, the baby forming inside me would too. I'm just glad this baby's gonna be a Tesfaye with Ethiopian blood lol.

I was at home one night. Abel hit the studio with his friends, he's recording some new songs for an upcoming album, they took AJ with them so he could get the feel of the music world. He'll grow up with a voice like Abel's lol I can feel it. Either way he could do what he wants, but I know music is in his blood, music is in my WHOLE entire family's blood, I know it's in mines and Abel's, AJ has to pick up an interest.

Now that I'm alone, I'm contemplating name. I guess the first letters of our kids names are A's and N's, it's a thing we got goin' on. I'm still thinking...

I gave up and began cooking; it'll come to me sometime. I let the food stand on the stove cooking as I pick up a magazine.

Nickiah Jonas is pregnant by The Weeknd again!! Wonder what this one will be, boy or girl. Page 23 for full story.

The media world still knows me as Nicki J or Nickiah Jonas. They caught pictures of my baby bump and everything. Damn, being a celebrity is hard as hell.

I smiled and tears came to my eyes as I read "pregnant by The Weeknd" over and over again, so happy it wasn't Diggy's name up there. It's been seven years of us being together and out of it, we got married, Abel moved to Chicago, we have a beautiful, healthy five year old baby boy and now I'm pregnant again. It made me cry. In spite of all the bull shit, we've learned to never give up.

I began crying tears of joy as I reminisced on being pregnant with AJ while Abel was on his first official tour ever, The Fall Tour, to promote his first ever commercial album, Trilogy. I remember touring with him, being pregnant with our first child. God these years went by quick.

I snapped out of my reminiscing and began cooking again. I was cooking smothered chicken and white rice with steamed veggies. As Italian as I was, I knew how to cook the food of the heritage, however, my mother was black, she's the one I mainly learned from, so I definitely am a soul food chef. My daddy taught me different Italian dishes as well, but my mother cooked the meals a lot so I picked up recipes from her more so.

Two Months Later – August of 2018

We're in the car on the way to the hospital. It's time to see what the sex of the baby is. AJ was in the backseat, he's added a new favorite to his Cars addiction, it's Spiderman. So he's making his Lightning McQueen car crash into his Spiderman toy.

As toddlers, my mother always would call my brothers "papa" in a sweet, cute voice. My sisters and I nickname was "mama". She was very sweet. I kind of inherited that trait because I insist on calling AJ my little "papa".


He looked up from playing with his toys "yes?"

"do you want a little brother or sister?"

"it doesn't really matter mommy, jwust someone to play wif" his baby teeth caused him to say "with" with an "f" on the end.

"if it's a girl, you know you're big brother, you have to protect her"

"I know mommy, I got it covered lol"

"what if it's a boy?" Abel asked

"I'll pwotect him until he grows old enough to learn how to fight lol" he said

"there you go lol" Abel said in satisfaction

I rolled my eyes and laughed.

When we got there we were all in the room. They had my six – month poking pregnant belly exposed as I lay back while the doctor moved the ultra sound detector across my stomach with the gel warming against my skin.

This was the same doctor that told me and Abel that AJ was a boy five years ago. She was happy to meet him and saw how much he looked like Abel. This is the first ultra sound I brought him to throughout my pregnancy.

"I remember when you were in this position lol" she said to AJ referring to my stomach

"I remember too, it was only a few years ago" he said smiling

"what's your name sweetheart?"

"Abel Berihun Tesfaye Jr." he said smiling "but you can call me AJ, everyone does"

"damn AJ did you have to give out your full government?" Abel said

"shwe asked lol" he said

"that's so cute you look like your dad so I could expect that"

She was moving the ultra sound wand across my stomach viewing the baby. She turned the monitor towards us

"your baby's sleeping lol" she smiled

"awwwwh it looks amazing" I said smiling

"the baby's gonna be lazy lol" AJ said

I got tears in my eyes, I cried. It was so small and precious, I wondered what this baby was gonna be.

The doctor touched a button on the touch screen monitor and a big, loud, thumping sound began coming from the computer. The thumping sounded like it was splashing a huge amount of water.

"that's the baby's heartbeat" the doctor smiled

"wow its heart swounds louder thwan mine" AJ said

"why does it sound like its underwater?"

"well your baby's surrounded by your amniotic fluids now, that's why" the doctor said to me

"I'm really excited to know what it is lol"

"what would you like it to be big brother?" the doctor asked AJ

"uhhh, it doesn't mwatter to me, I'm just tired of being home bord lol"

The doctor laughed, I loved my baby he's so adorable.

She pressed down on my belly again, double checking before she fed us answers.

"I don't see anything poking out of the genital area, this looks like a vulva" she pressed harder "lol yes, it's a girl, congratulations"

"awwwwh Abel!! We're having a girl!!!"

"lol baby, I heard her"

"cool, I got a little sister lol"

"and u better protect her" Abel said

"duh lol"

"is she looking healthy, you don't see any deformities do you?"

"oh no, your baby looks just fine lol your blood work comes back fine, she's developing fine"

"thank you Jesus!!!" I'm getting all emotional and shit

When we left the doctors office we were walking down the hall to the elevator

"AJ are you happy you got a baby sister?" I asked

"lol yep, I'm gonna tease her lol"

"you'd better not"

"don't worry mommy, in a good way"

"AJ no lol and Abel it's your daughter, how do you feel?"

"happy, excited, and scared"

"why scared baby?"

"because I hope she doesn't EVER run into a nigga like me"

"lol and like you is?"

"drugs, sex, strip clubs, etc"

"I ran into a nigga like you, it worked out just fine for me lol"

"I'm just saying, she deserves above me"

"baby, you're amazing, you're one of the best fathers I've ever seen. Don't worry about what you do, she's still gonna be a daddy's girl. I bet she'll cling to you more than she will to me"

"lol yeah, I guess bae, but I'll destroy anyone who tries to harm her"

"I'm right bae, and believe me I know super dad lmfaoo, don't need to tell me twice" I said laughing

Thursday, November 22


, 2018

We all went over my moms' house for Thanksgiving. She likes cooking up big meals. Abel's mother, brother and sister were out here as well. My aunties, uncles, cousins, and of coarse brothers and sisters were all gathered in the huge house. Abel and I came a little earlier to help my mom with her cooking. Well I helped her out at least. Abel mingled with the guys and my baby tagged along with them as they spoke on the outdoor patio and played cards. Abel's mother was in the kitchen with us. Lilly, Rai and Riri helped alongside us.

By the way Rai had her baby back in August. He looks just like my brother, Jeremy. His name is Josiah Nehemiah Jonas. They named his middle name after my mother's name, Nelmiah. Her name is the feminine version of the guy in the bible's name. As you can see, we are pretty biblical, Josiah is even Jeremy's middle name, he just chose it for his baby. Josiah and Nehemiah are both males in the bible. He's adorable as he slept in his car seat carousel in the kitchen as we cooked.


We're outside playing cards and talking. Nick wasn't into drinking, he drank lightly I could tell. Her brothers weren't as heavy as me but they could finish a whole glass of alcohol if they wanted to. Matt even tried alcohol out, he made a bad face like it was nasty though. My mother stays here majority of the time because her and Nicki's mom are just so close now, they speak on everything, bible buddies I guess shit I don't know.

"my mom stays here a lot, sure she ain't wore her welcome out?" I said slapping a card down

"you're mother is a real gentle spirited person, no trouble at all"

"lol I guess I can admit that" I said shuffling my hand of cards

Later On That Night


We were all in the huge dining room, all of my family gathered. The Jonas bunch is anything but little. My uncles, Jordan and Jaishaun (my fathers closest friends, Jai and Jordan are brothers) were here too. They're always down to smash some food lmfao..

At the table we all joined hands and my father lead us out into prayer before we ate; it was a huge tradition of the Jonas family. I knew Abel still wasn't used to it. Abel's mom even joined in naturally.

I looked over and Rai had little Josiah covered in a blanked over her shoulder in her left arm feeding him while she ate with her right hand, ahh I remember those days.

About 30 minutes into the dinner my stomach begins hurting. I stop eating to hold onto it, I'm nine months so I'm pretty poked.

"you okay baby?" Abel said to me.

"I'm fine baby, my stomach hurts a bit" we spoke whispering right next to each other

"you think its time?" he said rubbing my stomach in circular motions softly

"no, no it couldn't be today, the doctor said it's supposed to be due around the 25



"baby, it's the 22


what more do you want?"

"it's fine I don't think its time, besides, I don't wanna ruin dinner right now"

"I thought I was the one shy around your family lol"

"well, I'm shy naturally lol ouch" I said clutching onto my stomach again

"something wrong?" my mom noticed and said to me

"just a little pain that's all" I said

"you're nine months, the contracting comes more frequently"

"yeah that might be it"

"you want a heating pad honey?" she asked me

"no, I'm fine ma" I said rubbing my stomach

"maybe you should lay down baby, I'll come upstairs with you" Abel said "and don't worry, I won't touch her again lol" he said to my daddy, inside jokes lol

"that's your wife Abel, its up to you to take care of her, I expected you to follow her upstairs" my daddy said

"okay, that's a good idea baby, I'll lay down, calm my nerves for a bit" I said standing up

As soon as I stood up, my water broke. A clear thin liquid splashed onto the floor as if I peed. That's when my stomach began hurting in outrageous pain

"mommy, mommy you okay??"

"I'm fine AJ, mommy's fine" I said breathing hard rubbing my stomach

"oh shit, we gotta get chu to the hospital" Abel said

"you all are coming?" my mother said frantically standing up putting her coat on

"I am" Abel's mom said standing up

"we'll stay here, just go" uncle Jaishaun said "call us when she's finished"

My daddy, my mom, my son, Abel's mom, and Abel all came to the hospital with me. I was contracting every 3 minutes now. They were coming so fast, I was in so much pain. They rushed me to the OB / Gyne section of the hospital and began doping me up with epidurals and running fluids through my veins. I don't know what hurt worse, the shots in my spine or these fucking contractions. The things women go through for these nappy headed men on Earth I tell you lol...

They let me lay on the bed, I was contracting, the epidural helped the pain down there a bit but my cervix was fully dilated. The baby was coming because my water broke. She was now forcing her way down and her hair on her head burned my little cooch cooch so bad. I had tears in my eyes. I was pushing. The female doctor came in, she had on a green scrubs outfit, very small, very petite white blonde haired woman, she coached me through the pushing. I was in so much pain.

"breathe, okay now push!" she instructed

I did that and the pain was so intense, if the epidural eased pain this much, I would HATE to go fully natural without anesthetics.

It took about 5 minutes, but they finally pulled her out of me.


She's so fucking beautiful. Damn I love her so much already. She had black curly hair on her head; I knew she would have Nicki's hair. Her eyes were closed and she was crying. I fucking loved her, my heart turned to mush as she came into the world. When I was younger, living in Canada, my mother used to call me "belle ame". It means "beautiful soul" in French. She always said that to me, so I began calling her the name back. I knew a lot of the French language from living in Canada. I knew I had to make "belle ame" a part of my daughters name, she was just too fucking beautiful. I love her. I felt my eyes water, this shit was overwhelming.

Nicki's mother cried as she kissed Nicki's forehead. She was relaxing back, taking deep breathes and trying to calm down.

"thanks girl" I said to her

"for what baby?" she said breathing hard

"for havin' my babies" I said smiling

"lol I'll do it for you lol" she said breathing hard, smiling

When they cleaned her off they gave her to Nicki, she was holding her. She was bright skinned and her eyes were closed, she was calmer now. They had her in a pink blanket. Nicki and her mother cried again.

"she's sooo beautiful" her mother said

"she is" Nicki said

The baby opened her eyes and they were so cute. They looked like Nicki and her mother's eyes, sharp and fierce. The whites were so white, the brown was so gorgeous, she was beautiful.

"you see your daddy? You wanna meet him?" Nicki said smiling at me

I smiled in return before taking my baby, I was proud to say she was my baby, especially after all the shit we went through these past few months. I held her in my arms. She stared at me and I saw her little lips curve into a smile, she loved me, I knew this shit would be the best feeling in the world.

"hey beautiful, I love you" I said to her

She smiled, showing me her beautiful eyes. Damn I almost cried at that moment.

I called my friends and they came. Nicki's dad, my mom, and our son came in the room including my friends.

"damn Abel she so pretty" Lamar said to me

"lol thanks"

"thank the lawd she look like her mama lol"

"shut up nigga lol"

"nah I love my niece, that over anything" he said picking her up

"I love her!! She's so cute!!" AJ said

Lamar gave her back to me and AJ came over and rubbed her hair

"what you gonna say to her? She's only been here for like an hour lol"

"hi little sister lol" he said leaning down kissing her forehead

"awwwwh AJ you're such a good big brother" Nicki said from the hospital bed

"what's her name?" AJ asked me

"baby" I said getting Nicki's attention


"what's her first name?"


Everyone stopped and looked

"yo is that French?" Hyghly asked

"lol no, it sounds French but its not, I made it up to be unique"

"that's a hot name tho" he said

"lol just call her Nani, AJ"

"Nani so cute lol" he said rubbing her hair

"Abel she's so gorgeous, she has your nose and Nicki's eyes" my mother said to me

"I know right, I know she's mine I can tell by her features"

"of coarse it's yours who else's could she be? lol"

She just don't know what I been going through lol

"nobody's ma, lol" I said shaking my head

"she's a Tesfaye for sure, I can tell by the way she looks when she's sleeping"

I looked down smiling. "yeah, I can tell too"

When everyone left, I stayed with Nicki. AJ was too young to stay overnight so he went home with Nicki's mother. I would go get him in the morning so he can spend time here.

They took her to her own private, spacious room, it was equipped with a flat screen, internet access from the television, personal bathrooms, a full desk and cabinets for your things, a dresser for plants or cards, and a nice ass leather couch that folded down into a twin sized bed. I would definitely be hittin' that tonight lol

"baby" I said to Nicki, it was just me and her in the hospital room

"yeah daddie?" she said to me

"lets name her middle name Belle Ame"

"okay daddie, why?"

"because its French for beautiful soul"

"that's so gorgeous, we can definitely name her Na'Joyiah Belle Ame"

"she's beautiful, I love her" I said

"lol you're welcome"

The nurse came in holding a piece of paper, she handed it to us and a pen

"record your baby's name so I can document it correctly lol"

"Na'Joyiah Bellé Amé Tesfaye" Nicki said as she wrote it down and passed it back

"ooo unique, I like" this nurse was young and white "how do you pronounce it?"

"lol like "Nah-shoy-e-ah" and saying it altogether its Na'joyiah. The "J" sounds like a "Sh" or it could sound like a "G" lol depending on how you want to say it. The Belle could be pronounced either "bell-lay" or "bell" and the Ame is like saying "ah-may"

"wow, now is this a foreign name? it sounds French"

"lol it does but it's not, it's a uniquely made up name"

"its so beautiful, she's gorgeous as well, her name blends in with her middle name, it all sounds French"

"her middle name is French it means beautiful soul, my hubby came up with it, it's beautiful" she said smiling at me

"Na'Joyiah Belle Ame Tesfaye, that's gorgeous, better watch out their pops, guys are usually attracted to women with attractive names lol"

"I got this lol" I said, I will break any niggas neck when it came to her.

She laughed and walked out. They took Nani to the baby's nursery to get some rest and to let Nicki get some rest. It was now 11pm. My daughter born on America's thanksgiving and on a Thursday, I'm fucking honored. Lol this has got to be the best Thursday of my life. November 22


, her birthday.

"go to sleep baby, I love you" I said rubbing Nicki's hair back and kissing her

"I love you too Abel" she said half sleep

I kicked back in the recliner chair and watched some tv as she slept. Not long before I knew it, I was sleep too.

Two Weeks Later


AJ would stay close by Nani, he was so protective, he loved her so much. I was feeding her in the kitchen and Abel came in the loft. He had on a jacket as always. He took it off revealing this tattoo on his right inner forearm. It said "Abel Jr." in nice fancy cursive letters, I was shocked.

"wow, Abel, tattoos?"

"its just two"

"I see one"

"the other one is written across my heart" he said pulling his white xo shirt up enough to show "Na'Joyiah Bellé Amé" written across the left side of his chest in fancy cursive writing. I thought that was the sweetest thing I've ever saw.

"awwwh you got your babies names tattooed on you"

"yeah, of coarse, especially with Nani, now that she's mine, she'll always be mine, she's written across my heart, exactly where she belongs"

"daddy you put my name too" AJ said pointing to it

"yeah, lol"

"I thought we agreed, no tattoos spud lol" I said to him

"no tattoos for you in case the babies need blood, but for me, it's acceptable"

I rolled my eyes at him. I love him he's such a good daddy. Tattoos secretly turn me on, shhhh don't tell anyone.


I'm in my condo out here; I picked up the magazine reading Nickiah Jonas has a baby girl!!

My heart began racing, I was getting kind of mad and jealous. I turned to the page and read the article

Nickiah Jonas – Tesfaye, 28, gave birth to a beautiful baby girl on Thanksgiving, November 22


. Guess her little turkey roasting in the oven decided to pop lol. This is also her and her husband, Abel Tesfaye, 28, also known as the R&B sensation The Weeknd's second child. In recent interview Nicki reveals that they aren't stopping there, apparently Abel wants over ten kids. So this is number two in counting, we'll keep an eye out for any more baby bumps. We wish these two the best, they make an awesome couple. XO till ya overdose. Peace out.

I could tell this was a teen magazine. The way it was written. They don't even need to be saying xo til you overdose; they're putting that demonic shit in these kids' heads. She's having more kids by him? Nah, I hate him, I literally fucking hate him. I'm usually good at keeping things calm and positive, but I can't stand this nappy headed, drug addict, stupid, ugly ass, mother fucker! If I have anything to do with it, I'll make sure their little

"family" won't be the same anymore. I want Nicki back, I love her, I fucking love her. She was mine first, we even shared common belief on how we felt about people like The Weeknd. Now she's having babies by him?? That's not fair, I feel betrayed and hurt and got damn it I'm gonna get her back if it's the very last fucking thing I do on this earth.

Two Weeks Later – December of 2018


Abel's tattoos have finally healed, I've been having fun with those lately lol. They turn me on especially since they're tattoos of things that aren't demeaning or degrading like "fuck bitches, get money" nah, they're his babies' names, that's sweet.

I'm not for tattoos, the bible says our body is the temple of Christ we shouldn't mark it up with permanent ink. It's cool though, my daddy got a few tattoos of his own. One says Mercy with a "infinity" symbol curving into the "y" in Mercy, meaning "Mercy Forever" which was inspired by the whole chapter of Psalm 136 "O give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good: for his mercy endureth forever." The others are his kids' and my mothers' name. My uncle, Joe, has two, his are more symbols though. God forgives, but it's still not good. My mother felt the same way when my father came home with those tattoos, she thought they were hot, but she told him not to get anymore. History repeats itself.

Anyway, now here lately, AJ has been spar fighting with Abel and he's been wanting to learn to fight, especially since Nani is here. Abel's been saying he's a natural at it though. Today we took him to my brothers' fighting studio to get extra fighting practicing from them.

When we walked in their studio they were there sparring each other. The fact that one was a kick boxer and one a mixed martial artist made the fight more interesting. Jeremy was throwing professional punches and elbow strikes bare knuckled while CJ was throwing side kicks, palm strikes, and spinning back kicks at him. It was intense but nothing that I've ever seen before. They always sparred each other to keep their fighting styles fresh; they both were so good that the fight went to an equal draw, no one ever won.

"damn, they fighting for real or sparring?" Abel asked

"lol sparring, don't worry, this is nothing new" I said

They both blocked majority of each others strikes and when they did get hit, they may have showed a sign of the blow but quickly recovered to keep fighting. Jeremy punched and kicked CJ a few times to where he fell back. CJ also did those kicks and his techniques that flipped Jeremy's whole body over onto the mat. He's a 3rd degree black belt while Jeremy is a 12 time Golden Gloves champion. In their years they've really been skilled at what they do. The difference in their fighting styles is that boxers fight with their fists tightly closed while martial artists fight with their palms open.

So far as they were fighting they didn't even notice us being there. They were moving all around the room fighting and making those noises that sound like "hah!" when they hit each other.

From the fight, CJ's lip was busted and his cheek was cut and Jeremy's rib cage was bruised and his forehead had a cut on it. They were sweating bullets and breathing hard, I can tell this fight had been going on for about an hour, for that long they had few damages, damn they were good lol.

They shook each other's hands

"damn I'm tired" CJ said grabbing his water bottle

"me too, my side hurts and shit, those damn flips fuck me up CJ" Jeremy said

"your punches are fast as fuck too, you caught me in the lip lol" CJ said wiping blood from his lip onto his white towel

"um excuse me" I said to them

They both turned to look over at us. I was holding Nani's car seat carousel, she was sleeping. AJ watched them in amazement.

"wassup sis" Jeremy said

"hey bro lol, when's your next class?" they teach these classes on certain days

"uhh Tuesday"

"well your nephew wants to be a 1 on 1 student"

They both looked at AJ

"you sure? The exercise we'll have you do is pretty tedious, you sure you ready for that little man?" Jeremy asked him

"lol yup!! I can take it" he said

"lol okay lets start you off next Saturday"

"that's cool thanks uncle CJ and uncle Jeremy" he laughed

"you been going over your fighting with him Abel?" CJ asked

"hell yeah, you already know lol, but he's good already, he learns fast and he's rough, he just wants to learn multiple styles"

"the world's first kick boxer/martial artist/street fighter, whoa, nobody's gonna mess with you in high school lol, you might even end up getting paid for knowing so many skills" Jeremy said

"he just has to be careful because I can't risk my baby boy getting hurt" I said

"mommy, I can do this lol" he said "besides its for Nani"

"I know, but don't use it without defending yourself"

"I understand lol" he said smiling

Later On That Night


I'm going on a two week tour; it's a small one, just a few shows around the states and in Canada. Tomorrow I leave, I'm packing my things up, Nicki was looking pretty sad as she held onto Nani feeding her.

"baby you okay?" I asked

"yeah, I'm fine" she said unconvincingly

"you know I don't believe that" I said

"well you know I hate when you leave"

"I know baby, it's only 2 weeks, I'm gonna call you every day and night no worries, plus Skype me, you know how to hit me up girl" I said flashing her a charming smile

She smiled in return, she can't resist when I smile at her

"I know baby, it's not the same as holding you at night lol" she said

"ehhh, it's a small tour, I'll be home before you know it lol"

"well, lol I'll still miss you, and I love you daddie."

"I love you too baby girl"

"when Nani finishes eating I'll help you pack"

"cool, then you can help me out with more than that lol" I said winking at her

She smacked her lips "lol okay freak, whatever you say"

After she finished feeding Nani she burped her and put her back in her play pen to nap in. AJ was playing with her anyway. She came back into the bedroom and did what I told her to. She usually likes me to leave myself inside of her before I go somewhere, if you know what I mean lol.

Three Days Later – Wednesday

I've been on this tour for three days now. I'm in the hotel room on Skype with Nicki. The babies are sleep, it's about 11pm out here its 12 am here in Toronto. I like webcam sex lol, it's pretty hot. Late at night talking dirty and showing body parts, it's really hot to me. It's better than phone sex any day.

Three Days Pass By – Saturday


AJ is at fighting class while Nani stayed today with my mother. I went out with my girls. We went to the movies and out to eat, countless flirters scouted us out tonight. I happily told them all I'm taken.

I began walking into the building, Jeremy and CJ had AJ out with them for the night, I trusted them. As I'm about to get on the elevator, I feel someone get on behind me. I turn around to see this short, light skinned, curly headed guy. Diggy, oh fuck...

"Nicki, I'm sorry, I gotta talk to you"

"you stay away from me you sick mother fucker!! I should press charges you sick fuck!" I yelled

"I know, do that after I tell you this, I don't have anyone to talk to"

"don't fucking talk to me!!"

"Nicki, please" tears formed in his eyes

"I hate you!"

"I understand but this isn't about me!!" he said wiping his eyes

"what the fuck are you talking about??" I screamed back

"it's about Vanessa" he said weeping

"what? Your sister??"

"yeah, she was in a bad car accident, I remember how cool you guys were, she's in the hospital now, I feel like shit, I have no one to talk to because I'm fucking worried" he said wiping his eyes "hate me, kill me, spit on me, but please first help me"


I was 12 years old and I hung with Diggy a lot on the show, when Vanessa would be over she would always brush and braid my hair. We really were cool. Sometimes we would go shopping, she'd always ask me if I was into her little brother and I would kind of blush then. In some ways I was like her little sister. She would buy ice cream and we'd do each others nails while we talked about boys and watched scary movies. Well, until she went off to college of coarse. I guess you can say I had gotten close with all of his family.

End Flashback

I felt bad suddenly; I felt tears formed in my eyes. This wasn't even about Diggy right now, this was about Vanessa potentially being sick or crippled.

"what did your dad say??" I asked

"he told me to just pray but I feel bad, I feel like I can't pray now, that's why I wanna talk to you"

I looked down, I felt bad

"so what you're saying is, you want to pray with me?"

"if you don't mind...please" his tears were running

I let out a sigh "okay Diggy, but we're praying in the hallway"

"totally fine" he said drying his eyes

We were in the hallway in front of my loft door. I grabbed both of his hands to pray but people were walking in and out of their loft doors, walking past us talking in the hallway, or on the phone with someone. I opened my eyes and seen Diggy distracted by everything. I knew this wouldn't work. Damn, I had no choice...

I opened my loft door with the key.

"okay come in" I said reluctantly

"are you sure?" he said

"yeah, just to pray, that's it that's all, then you're out! Okay??"

"I got you, I understand" he said walking in

I took him to the dining room and grabbed my blessed oil and rubbed my hands down before taking his. I closed my eyes and began praying

"Father God I come here today asking you to forgive Diggy and I of our sins in words, deeds, and thoughts. We have wiped out sinful slates clean so we are now worthy of talking to you Lord. As you know Diggy's sister Vanessa is in the hospital from a car accident, Diggy says she isn't doing too good but God the doctors may not know, but I know what kind of God I serve, you're the same God that healed the blind, the deaf, the mute, I know you can heal someone from the fate of a car accident. I know Jesus was wounded for her transgressions, he was bruised for her iniquities, the chastisement for her peace was upon him and by his 39 stripes she is healed. I rebuke the work of the enemy and pull down all strong holds he may have up against her, he has no power, I come here today interceding for her right now. In Jesus' name, Amen."

"amen" he said opening his eyes "that was an amazing prayer, thank you girl"

"yeah, you're welcome, hope you feel better goodbye"

"wait, if you're comfortable, can we read the bible for a bit, I feel broken, like I said kill me after but help me first"

I rolled my fucking eyes, this wasn't in the deal

"are you kidding me??"

"no, I'm really not, please maybe just a psalm or something, something to make me feel better"

I shook my head "one psalm Diggy, that's it"

"thank you, thank you so much"

"its fine, you're lucky God is involved"


I pulled my bible out and opened to the book of Pslams while placing it on the table. We sat on the couch and began reading like we used to do when we were younger.

Psalms is a long book, its 150 chapters, we read up to 60 before getting sleepy, we were half as we read before we fell asleep.

The Next Morning

I woke up fast at 6 am. He was sleeping on the couch

"Diggy get up!! Leave!! You have to leave now!!"

"huh?" he said waking up "oh damn, sorry"

"get out!! Now!! No one can see you leaving my loft get out!!"

"I'm sorry Nicki, I'll leave and put my hoodie over my head and shades on my eyes"

"okay, make sure no one sees you leaving"

"I promise, thank you for everything" he said hugging onto my body

I cut the hug short, I wasn't here for all that shit "no problem, see you"

"I love you"

"thank you" what? Was he expecting one back?

He looked at me before leaving my loft. He walked to the elevator to the lobby and out the building door.


I looked over and a group of paps came up to me

"Diggy Simmons, why are you leaving Nickiah Jonas's loft? Walk of shame perhaps?" they said taking my picture

I had on my hoodie and sun glasses. "nah, just hanging out"

The media couldn't give two fucks about a restraining order, or anything illegal as a matter of a fact, they were attracted to the illegal shit in the world. Especially when celebrities were on drugs.

"but why are you leaving so early?"

"I fell asleep here" I knew it sounded bad, but hey I wasn't tryna sugar coat it for anybody

"oh things got rough huh?"

"no, lol I said we hung out, you can take it as whatever you want"

"you know you're disrespecting The Weeknd right?"

I couldn't give two fucks...

"I'm not, I was reading the bible with her, besides, he shouldn't be so sensitive" I knew that shit would be included in the magazine

"you feel he's too sensitive?"


"do you have something against him?"

"I'd rather not make this into a negative thing" I said

"okay, okay, gotcha but you said reading the bible or were you reading her bible?"

"lol no comment" I said laughing at what they said.

"well any news on new tracks?"

"I've been recording; I'll have something done by next week no worries"

"its been cool catchin' up with you Diggy"

I shook my head as I walked away with my hands in my hoodie pockets.

I knew this was only the beginning of a new episode. Vanessa isn't sick, she isn't in the hospital, I just wanted to get close to Nicki, I love being around her. Now that bitch will see, I'm not playing around, I love her, and he's done.

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