Charmed: The Next Generation...

Por Charmed2013

16.8K 197 74

Melinda, Chris, and Wyatt are the children of one of the legendary Charmed Ones, Piper. The three are destine... Mais

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four - Skelly
Chapter Five- Disappearing Mermaids
Chapter Six - Lead or No Lead?
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine

Charmed: The Next Generation

5.8K 49 24
Por Charmed2013

This story is based off of the series Charmed that ran on the WB as well as TNT. No copyright infringement was intended. I own nothing of that of the original Charmed series.
This story is about the new generation of Halliwell witches. Specifically, Piper's children. Or more specifically, Melinda. Her power is telekinesis. (If you have watched the Charmed series on TV, then you would know that originally Piper's middle child Chris had the power of telekinesis, however, I have changed that.) For most of the story, Melinda's POV will be the only POV told.

All Rights Reserved 2011.

Hope you like this story. Comment, vote, & fan if you like my work. (:


Chapter One

Melinda continuously kicked the punching bag, gaining momentum. She took turns kicking with her feet while punching it as well.

            “Good!” her brother screamed in her ear. Melinda backed up from the punching bag, catching her breath.

            “You know, I’m right here. You really don’t need to shout like that,” she pointed out, grabbing the water bottle by the bag and taking a long swig.

            “But it’s more fun that way,” he said.

            “Yeah, more fun for you, Chris,” Melinda mumbled.

            “You’re the one who asked me to train you, remember? It’s not like I volunteered or anything,” Chris shot back.

            Melinda sighed. “Okay, fine, but I wouldn’t have asked you if I knew you were going to be screaming in my ear every chance you get.”

            “Hey, I have to find something entertaining to do while watching you train your ass off,” Chris replied.

            Melinda rolled her eyes.

            “Why do you train so hard?” Chris asked.

            “I like it,” Melinda answered simply. “It’s fun to train and see what I can make my body do. I like to push myself and this helps sharpen all of my skills.”

            “I just don’t get it. You would rather work out then watch TV,” Chris shook his head.

Melinda laughed. “I think we’re done for today.”

            “What? We’ve only been doing this for two hours.”

            “Correction: I’ve been doing this for two hours. You were messing around on your phone when you weren’t yelling in my ear. Besides, why would you want to help me train when you can ‘watch TV?’ ” Melinda stated sarcastically, putting all the training equipment away. “This is actually quite draining to do for two hours straight without any breaks, so I think I’m done.”

            Chris scoffed. “Whatever, lil’ sis. I’m gonna go see what Mom is cooking for dinner,” he bounced up the steps towards the kitchen.

            “More like go eat whatever she’s already made,” Melinda said to herself. She finished hanging the swords on the wall and putting the knives back in place when she suddenly felt a strange presence in the room with her. She pulled down one of the swords and turned around.

            “I was wondering when you would notice I was here,” a demon said to her, as he threw an energy ball towards her. He had long hair and was covered in filth. His obviously way too big brown rags hung loosely on his bony body. The look in his eyes and the smirk on his face told Melinda everything she needed to know about him. “I’ve been watching you train, and let me just say, it was quite impressive.”

            Melinda quickly levitated out of the way, letting the energy ball hit the stone wall behind her. Using her telekinesis, she sent the demon flying backwards to the other side of the basement.

            The demon quickly got up. “You’re stronger than I realized. Unfortunately for you, not strong enough to defeat me.” He sent three rounds of energy ball towards her. With her impeccably fast reflexes, Melinda cart wheeled out of the way of all three.

            “Knowing a little gymnastics won’t save your life, my dear,” the demon told her as he sent another energy ball flying towards her.

            “I know a lot more than a little gymnastics,” Melinda retorted as she used her power to deflect the energy ball back towards the demon. He shimmered out of the way right before the energy ball could vanquish him.

            Time to call in the reinforcements, Melinda thought. “Chris! Wyatt!”  

            “No!” the demon screamed as he sent five energy balls blasting to Melinda. She dodged three and deflected one, but the last energy ball hit her and sent her flying back into the wall, making her hit her head. She fell to the ground and lifted her hand up to the back of her head. She was bleeding intensely. She could feel the demon’s advance on her.

            “Wyatt! Chris!” she yelled once more, a tad bit weaker.

            “I think your brothers are busy at the moment, Ms. Halliwell. Looks like you’re on your own. You might as well give up now.”

            Melinda groaned in pain as her head throbbed. She desperately tried to think of a spell to vanquish the stupid demon, but she was in too much pain to think of anything. It was then that she spotted the sword on the floor she had dropped when she’d levitated to get out of the way of an oncoming energy ball.

            She looked back up at the demon who was walking towards her at a rather leisurely pace. He seemed very confident of himself; too confident. Being overconfident, in their world, could get a person killed.

            “Halliwells never give up,” Melinda waved her arm and made the sword go straight through the demon’s chest. The demon yelped out in pain, but was reduced to a pile of ashes a moment later.

            Melinda called out to her brothers once more, but neither came. As a last ditch effort, she called for her cousins, but her voice was so hoarse and quiet, she could barely hear herself. She touched her hand to her head again, looking at the pool of blood on the floor. She leaned her head on the cold cement of the basement floor. Slowly, she closed her eyes and her world went black.


Some of you may be confused about this, if you have not watched Charmed. Melinda and her two brothers (Wyatt & Chris) are witches, who each have their own power or more than one. Wyatt & Chris are part whitelighter b/c at the time they were conceived their father was a whitelighter. (Although he is now a "mortal," because he basically retired from being a whitelighter.)

The reason Chris & Wyatt would be able to hear Melinda when she called out like that is because they have these special senses that make them able to hear her or anyone in their family. They can also heal any wounds that are caused by demons.

Also, whitelighters have "charges." Charges are future witches or whitelighters that present whitelighters are assigned to protect. (This will come into play in the next chapter). 

Three of her cousins are part whitelighter b/c their mother, Paige, (Melinda's aunt) is also part whitelighter. The other three of her cousins are part cupid and part witch b/c their mother, Phoebe, (Melinda's other aunt) married a cupid.

Demons are basically just really bad creatures that use their powers for evil. An energy ball is basically what it sounds like and it can be potentially fatal to the victim.

Well, I think that's about it, but if you are confused about anything, then just ask and I'll see if I can clarify it for you. (:

Don't forget to comment, vote, & fan!

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